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Why do people think this game sucks?

  • GreySix
    Ah, the Atari 2600!

    Remember pretending friendship with a kid who had one of those. I was insanely jealous of it at the time. It had a Star Wars game with freakin' AT-ATs


    Video gaming had arrived, in all its blockish glory.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • yuffira
    Soul Shriven
    The only problem I have with ESO is the sales and marketing team.
    For real, what the *** is this about having to pay extra (I mean buying the Emperial Edition) to actually get the entire game?!

    I have the Emperial Edition myself because my boyfriend gave it to me as a birthday present and I really wanted the Molag Bal statue, which I don't mind paying extra for.

    But having to pay extra to get to play every class in every alliance?? That's ridiculous! This is an essential part of the game and they force you to pay extra for it.

    I don't care about the horse, the scroll of Mara and the in game pets and all that stuff. Other MMO's have been making you pay for those things for years. And honestly, just by questing you can buy a horse with in game gold by the time you're lvl 20, which is the lvl at which you usually get a faster transport system in other MMO's.

    But having to pay extra just to play the class and alliance that you want is wrong.

    Besides that I'm loving the game and I fully agree with your analysis :)
  • GreySix
    Just check out these glorious graphics!

    Kids today, with their moving picture tablets, portable phones, en such ...
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Azzuria
    yuffira wrote: »
    The only problem I have with ESO is the sales and marketing team.
    For real, what the *** is this about having to pay extra (I mean buying the Emperial Edition) to actually get the entire game?!

    I have the Emperial Edition myself because my boyfriend gave it to me as a birthday present and I really wanted the Molag Bal statue, which I don't mind paying extra for.

    But having to pay extra to get to play every class in every alliance?? That's ridiculous! This is an essential part of the game and they force you to pay extra for it.

    I don't care about the horse, the scroll of Mara and the in game pets and all that stuff. Other MMO's have been making you pay for those things for years. And honestly, just by questing you can buy a horse with in game gold by the time you're lvl 20, which is the lvl at which you usually get a faster transport system in other MMO's.

    But having to pay extra just to play the class and alliance that you want is wrong.

    Besides that I'm loving the game and I fully agree with your analysis :)

    I don't think any race / any faction should be there by default. I paid for the Imperial Edition, too, because I wanted to play a Kajiit raised by Nords simply for the RP glory of it all. A snow-white cat dressed in full Nord armor, sipping a mug of mead, slightly laced with moonsugar ( she is Kajiit, after all ) feet propped up on a stool, calling every 'milk drinkers' in a silky Kajiiti voice laden with a thick Nord accent. Oh, soooo much fun!!

    The free horse ain't nothin to sneeze at, neither.
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • Grunim
    Greanis wrote: »
    So yeah pointless to argue with someone like you who got to level 5 then regurtitated crap he read on the forums.

    Why should I level past level 5? It's boring. If it was as good as you contend I'd be glued to it. I'm not.

    That's a terrible argument honestly. You're saying why try to fully experience something past achieving level 5 which honestly shouldn't take very long before you have access to PVP, Dungeons and well most everything because you hate it. Which is fair enough if you don't like the game. But then you go on to say if the game was good you'd be glued to it. Which doesn't make sense. People have different tastes in videogames. Perfect games are terrible to people who don't like those specific types of games or what is in the game, to say "If it were as fun as you say I'd love it too!" Is a downright fallacy.

    It's not a fallacy at all. I like RPG's. I like MMORPG's. This game fails at both. I don't care to go in to detail with you, but use your bloody head. If I thought it was good, I'd be glued to it. That's not a fallacy.

    I like RPGs. I like MMORPGs. This game blends both well IMHO. I think this game is good, I am glued to it.

    Have a nice day.

    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • wolfydog
    I kinda wish the game would have been more guild wars 2 in the way is that instead of PVP factions, maybe we just fight other players from other servers ( I know ESO has the megaserver so that wouldn't work exactly)

    I think PVE would have been more enjoyable if you could have more freedom. For example if there was no factions, I could level 3-16 in either glenumbra, audrion or stonefalls. This would make replaying alts a lot better too. Of course this would mess up a lot of other stuff like the main story line and quests where you kills guys from the other faction.

    As much as I love the game this where they kinda let the wheels come off and make some unpopular decisions. I do like the idea that I can explore the entire world on one character, but its lackluster as an EP player I have to do DF quests. I picked EP because I like EP. DF is my enemey and I dont want to quest there.

    It would have been cool if the veteran zones had all new quests. If I am EP going to Glenumbra quests should revolved around me taking the fight to them and such. I understand this is probably not possible, it would be a massive understaking to make 3 unique set of quests for each zone in the game.

    I know a lot of MMO players like PVP. Im not really one of them. I don't feel like PVP has to be put into every MMO even though that's the trend nowadays. I think Elder Scrolls may have been better served not having PVP giving players more freedom in the world overall cause I think that's more what people expect from ES. Maybe if ES had PVP just make it battleground style so it would have to effect the main world.
  • Two-Dogs
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.

    Just remember - some of those that can't find a way to have fun with a toy will *** and moan and cry. Loudly.

    Look at the polls relating to the game success/player enjoyment. While they're overwhelming in favour of those that are having fun the threads themselves are full of bitching, crying and moaning, from the blatant to the subtle.

    We're living in a age where toys have become incredibly complex, where designers can customise them in all manner of ways, in attempts to satisfy as many people as possible.

    Still, some folks will *** and moan as if someone out there is forcing them to play with their toys. They'll lament on how X could have been X+1 and why Y wasn't Z.

    Get over them - and hope they get over it.

    Edited by Two-Dogs on September 24, 2014 10:31PM
  • KingRebz
    Did skyrim get any complaints? did oblivion get any complaints? I am not flaming or disrespecting zenimax, the game itself or anybody im just saying.

    Dont get me wrong this game is as angry joe quoted average at best but it lacks what made the other elder scrolls games have that spark..but im waiting for the updates thatll make it so much better :)

    Also there are a couple of stans up in the forums. Which refers to the eminem fans who were ignorant when it came to criticism..I am not moaning or whatever im just saying theres a discussion thread I have which is contributed by loads of other users in the forum that have come up with a whole list of things to add to the game to make it im not the only person..I still play this game..
    Edited by KingRebz on September 24, 2014 10:47PM
    V14 Sorceror [Ebonheart]
  • Thatusernameistaken
    Azzuria wrote: »
    Azzuria wrote: »

    lol really?
    "son"? That's jsut sad. You have no idea how old I am. hell chances are good I'm older than you. But I don't know that, so I wouldn't call you "son" cuz I'm I don't use catch phrases and random insults on total strangers. Speaking of different strokes!

    You want some reasons? How bout TESO's idea of an auction house. It's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in a video game.
    Class /spec diversity? lol Right. End game consists of everyone wearing a robe and wielding a staff.
    Tanking: There's no threat in this game. No threat table at all. lol pathetic.
    Can't mail things to your self? WTF is that?
    I can go on but I don't care to.

    Pretty sure you're not older than me, but, hey, what ever. You're probably right and I didn't get an Atari ( before it was called a 2600 ) for Christmas when it was still THE thing to have.

    The 'son' was more of a dismissive thing than an actual age thing. And, judging by your wildly exaggerated reaction, it fits.
    You are trolling at this point.
    You make obnoxious remarks aimed at me, I respond. Now "it fits"? Obnoxious AND predictable.
    You are so self riotous it's incredible. Like a total stranger on a forum no less gives a flying crap how old you are or what you got for Christmas, to say nothing of it's relevancy here. Should we sing *** ba yah and reminisce about playing with He-Man and Transformers now? Gimme a break.
    You're the one making the "son" remark. It wasn't an invitation to tell your life story.

    You have made no excuse for how awful this game is. You just come back with witty one ups.
    Edited by Thatusernameistaken on September 24, 2014 11:26PM
  • Vahrokh
    Martinus72 wrote: »
    All that being said, I do enjoy progress and will welcome the day things operate more smoothly. But this game is in it's infancy, competing against games that have had years to get into their groove and figure out their problems.

    Give it a break. It has the potential to be amazing, if people would just stop their whining and crying and let it.

    This sums it all up really. Well spoken Sir.
    Will it stop whining tho? No it won't, in my 10 years of MMO experience I've learnt it's in human nature, especially if regarding fickle and spoilt MMO crowd.

    I am playing "online" games since 300 baud modems existed... I have played almost every non F2P / browser western MMO in existence.
    They all have one thing in common: they start with a bang, then have a more or less troublesome beginning, then past 6-10 months you know if they'll take off or fade away. Even the most famous of all, WoW, had half a year+ of noticeable issues.
    What it had, though, was:

    1) very little stability issues due to using simplified graphics. No memory leaks or weird artifacts or similar that I recall off. No skills lockups, stuck weapon swaps and so on.
    2) it came with a thick amount of content. That hugely helped pass the critical first months, because people had something to do. This is VERY important: people cry a lot less when they are just too busy to go to the forums and post walls of text like this one.
    3) its content was not fake. It was not "achievements" or what amounts to pure time sinks. It was active content.
    4) it showed a TOTALLY SOLID framework. Since day zero it had proper elemental damage (typically fire) specialized gear aimed at its first content (Molten Core and Onyxia). It had solid threat mechanics and much more. Only weaknesses were in classes that were massively changed from beta, expecially druids. They had all broken stats gear, but that's another story, they were < 7% of the playerbase so they were "irrelevant" (sigh, I was one of them).
    5) it sold to the appropriate audience. That is, former EQ fans but also more casual players and even to non hard core PvPers (the others had DaOC and similar). At day zero there was plenty of content for everyone.
    6) prompt, exceptional for that day, in game support to players with issues. I recall getting answered within 20 minutes, I could not believe it (comparing to the other contemporary MMOs).

    (Before you start crying: I brought in an example off a succesful MMO. It's useless to meter ESO with disaster MMOs that failed, it's like putting it on their level).

    ESO is in a better situation than many past failures, but it is really dancing on the tip of a blade:

    1) it has stability issues for a sensible amount of players. More or less most PvP players have experienced all sorts of abuse, from memory leaks to disconnects, to lag, doors that don't let them pass...
    It had the highest amount of main questline broken quests I have ever seen in any MMO. And I have played bad ones that closed down for how bad they were made.
    2) it came with barely the required amount of content to level up. Without map mods and a less than optimal knowledge about where to go find quests one needed to do 95% of the available content to keep levelling up as he changed maps. In WoW you could ignore entire quest lines, content was massive.
    3) it employs time sinks like in example achievements to artificially keep players busy (many MMOs do this these days). Sadly I loved GW2 achievements much more than ESO, in GW2 they were meaningful, not a lot along the lines of "kill 500 of XYZ".
    4) Since day zero I have talked with other "veteran" MMO players and most agree that ESO has something... shallow about its foundations. In example: fire >>>>> all, period. Vamps etc too are susceptible to it. Put frost resist gear for all those 3-4 places with chilling effects... oh wait, there's none.
    Stats easily getting to diminishing returns cap without any effort, "everyone has all to max" effect, no incentive going beyond blue gear if not personal feeling of achievement.
    5) It sold to everybody. Are you a TES player? ESO is for you! Are you a raid MMO player? We got trials and a group only zone! Are you a PvPer? We recycled some DAoC designers to give you the DAoC 2! Are you casual? You shall play how you want(tm)!
    Too bad ZoS did not have the resources or ability to deliver on all this stuff and ended up releasing a game plagued by a "too short blanket" effect:
    - TES players find ESO to be shallow, some (even today) said to them ESO is "but a bridge to the next TES game". And it's shallow, by far more shallow than Skyrim which was already a washed down TES game.
    - Raiders got given some tiny, short and far too easy instances. Worse, they were actually timed, exhasperating the short completion time. Every top raiding guild I have met in these months has disbanded or has deep recruiting issues because raiders just got bored farming the same 30 minutes long content every day for months. For atrocious rewards. Also, except for the last boss, trials are bland, and unimaginative. Whereas I recall most WoW bosses by name up to Naxxramass (and some of TBC as well), they were just... thicker. Sure there were the "two alternate abilities" ones but many had more complex mechanics. Also, the satisfaction at leading several groups each taking on an add or given a task is enormous compared to: "just ALL max DPS on AA first boss, he won't even cast his one unique ability once as he'll be dead by then".
    - PvPers totally got the shaft, in every possible way. Classes imbalances are just one of the issues. Many can't even *be* in the PvP area without crashing, lagging and whatever. PvPers got less and worse content than any other. No revamp (including their PvE delves), no new materials added, tiny XP per kill...
    - Casuals are happy pandas till they get to level 50. Then the first let down: they are meant to betray and play the opponent factions in a brazen show off content recycling. Cadwell "silver" / "gold" are sad excuses for a quest, their rewards hold up the "sad excuse" term too. And it's not over: casuals get to VR10 and then... they can't even level up! Only MMO that has no way for a solo / duo player (many play in 2 with their bf / gf) to max level!
    - Overall, while there's a quite imponent amount of *total* content, each player niche find themselves with too little to do. Many niches are not really interested into doing everything, it's easy to find raiders who won't PvP or casuals who won't do trials or PvPers who can't stand any kind of PvE. Other MMOs were focused on less kinds of players so they could do with less content made yet made the players feel like they had more focused content made for them.
    6) C-- title quality in game support. I have NEVER EVER got in game support when I asked for it. I get an email the next day and in most cases it won't help me at all but say "a future patch will fix that". In other games, if you completed a quest and got no loot or a "next step" trigger did not work, they advance you by hand. Not in ESO, you are meant to come back at VR3 to your level 26 questline because it got fixed 2 months later.

    So, does ESO suck? Not at all. But with all its issues and lack of content it 's ***that*** close to turn up into a failure if they don't act quickly and steer it away from the ravine.
    Edited by Vahrokh on September 25, 2014 12:27AM
  • Lionxoft
    Hop into Cyrodil right now and you'll be lagged out so badly. Sub fees + Box fee and we can't even get a stable environment. It's a shame.
  • DuelWieldingCheesyPoofs
  • Breg_Magol
    - Boring ... and it is stifling after 50. Boredom sets in for me when I have to fetch things, get led by the nose to fetch things (just follow the compass), not encouraged to use our own powers of deduction to solve scenarios .. however we get a bunch of mathematical type problems to solve in some quests ... I prefer story line mystery .. not mathematical ones. At least give equal representation of this.

    - Laggy ... some find it so and some claim it's not ... I was going to invest some time into getting some back ground data for this however I now realise that I can't be bothered.

    - Disconnected story line. I don't get the feeling I'm part of a Living World that evolves. I REALLY LIKE the feeling when I play in a LIVING WORLD.

    - Empty zones @ VR levels ... oh, and boring after the umpteenth time. I only really saw groups in Craglorn .. before that too died.

    I was a huge fan .. until I ran out of things to like about ESO, so I too will not be renewing my sub unless things change for the better.

    I and 2 of my sons played beta and launch. They've both gone back to GW2 (and Dark Souls 2) for a while now, including most of their guild ... while I've hung on in ESO.
    It may be that I'll be joining them soon .. where co-op play actually works well and the rewards for questing and boss fights make it all feel worthwhile.

    I'd rather put my $15 a month to paying for other perks elsewhere ... unless of course things change.

    P.S. - I'll resub when the Dark Brotherhood starts up and the justice system is in place; if the reviews are favourable.
    What I LOVE about ESO ...
    1. Fight mechanics .. best of any MMO if only it wasn't such a lag fest
    2. Art .. equal or better than anything out there (imo)
    3. Potential .. ESO has sooo much potential (also a personal perspective) .. but will it be realised and if so .. will it be timely?
    These are the main things that gave me reason to hang on .. but I fear that I'm losing my grip.
    Edited by Breg_Magol on November 17, 2014 7:56AM
  • Lord_Kreegan
    Greanis wrote: »
    Hello, I decided to make this thread after reading a couple of others recently decrying the ESO as the death of the series and a poor successor to what was Skyrim. The thing that really upset me was that no one could really provide a in depth analysis for either side yet viciously rallied against the opposing side with all sorts of jests and jeers. So today I've decided to type up my thoughts on the matter and provide an in depth analysis...
    Okay, where's the in-depth analysis?

    You provided extensive, long-winded, wordy opinions, and -- with all due respect -- not a shred of analysis.

    Stating that you believe everyone else's opinions are wrong because they are different than your opinions -- which is basically all you did -- is not analysis.
  • Leeric
    Its in a pretty crappy state right now, thats for sure.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    The most common complaints I see are the atrocious User Interface, long veteran leveling time (I disagree on that one at least), and too few things to do grouped while leveling.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • G0ku
    Worst thing about this game are design decisions which screw over the playerbase which supported the game since start.

    Examples coming to mind right now:

    - Skill Points for challenges in public dungeon got missed by players who did it really early, although tickets and stuff they never got these skillpoints until today

    - You have finished achievements for veteran dungeons before Update 5? Too bad, you now will need to do X amount of daily pledges more than a person who didn´t do a single achievement before update 5 - the vet dungeons are now easier than ever before which makes it even harder to accept

    -- etc. pp.

    Edited by G0ku on November 17, 2014 7:48AM
    - First AD EU Group to finish DSA VET -
    AD Altmer V16 Templar Alliance Rank 30 - EU - DSA Conqueror (pre-nerf) flawless vMSA
    AD Argonian V16 Dragonknight Alliance Rank 15
    AD Bosmer V16 Nightblade Alliance Rank 16
    AD Kahjiit V16 Sorcerer Alliance Rank 10
    AD Dunmer V16 Dragonknight Alliance Rank 9
    AD Altmer V16 Templar Alliance Rank 10 - flawless vMSA
    DC Altmer V16 Sorcerer Alliance Rank 9 - flawless vMSA
    AD Breton V16 Templar Alliance Rank 10
    AD Altmer V16 Sorceress Alliance Rank 21
    AD Kahjiit Warden
    AD Altmer Nightblade
  • jeevin
    Basic game functions still don't work properly after all this time and the games development seems to be a topsy, turvy roller coaster where things go from good to bad to worse.

    Needs way more development time.
  • stierlitz
    The game does not suck, it is young and challenging project (surely in terms of technology) and has it's problems which is totally OK. For me there are 3 bits missing to perfect experience:

    1. Music is not by Jeremy Soule.
    2. The poor loot does not make tough fights rewarding, rather anticlimax.
    3. Resolution of tech issues is slower.

    Otherwise I love the game and will stay.
  • Thudunblundur
    Having read the OP, none of the listed reasons in my case. My view can be simplified down to Concept and Design generally brilliant; Implementation generally awful.

    We all want them to STOP the new stuff and sort out some of the issues affecting the basics of the game - like actually having something happen within 10 secs when you press a key. It won't happen because someone has made the decision that the preplanned schedule of new material will happen no matter what state it or the game is in.
    I'll hang around to the end of my current sub in the hope they can turn it around, but Zenimax have lost my goodwill and my respect at present. I feel that the company is treating me like a piece of crap as a result of the lack of action on the issues that concern me (and many others also) - and communicating in corporationspeak which most of us know how to interpret for real meaning... Since I think the only way they will turn it round now is firing a number of managers and hiring some techies I don't expect it to happen. So I get my revenge by laughing about the game to my friends and expressing my honest opinion of Zenimax.
  • mutharex
    People are way too involved personally and emotionally with games nowadays.

    Also, lack of birth control and euthanasia
  • Razzak
    LFG that doesn't work.
  • Palidon
    Too much repeatable content after reaching level 50. No new adventure zones which allow solo play. Several skill lines remain broken after 7 months or things that were working just fine are broken or changed every update. PvP at times is completely unplayable. The game is a waste of time and money. I see no light on the horizon.
  • guybrushtb16_ESO
    Personally, I think it's not as much that everyone thinks it sucks, but most rational folks will probably form an oppinion like:

    "well, it's a generally nice game, although it definitely has issues in certain areas. I for one like it/do not like it for entirely subjective reasons, so I might keep playing it/not play it for now."

    This of course is not something that really burns under your fingernails, so most people who think like that probably keep silent about it. On the other hand, the ones who either hate it to the bones or think of it as mmo jesus are going to be a lot more vocal about it.
  • Cherryblossom
    I would firstly say I like the game, it has promise.

    and here's the but

    It's hard to tell if it will ever reach that promise,

    PVP is amazing, I really love it, When it works, which sadly is rarely.

    BUGS, it's been six months and there are still fundemental bugs, combat lag, skill lag, quests, skills broken... Whats more every patch update, they add a couple of new ones!

    Customer Service, do they have this???

    I really hope they get their act togeather, because more or less everyone I speak to in game will be leaving, in the past month I have left 2 guilds because the regulars quit.........
  • seanvwolf
    KingRebz wrote: »
    Did skyrim get any complaints? did oblivion get any complaints?

    Yes, they did get complaints.

    Skyrim was seen as a dumbing down of the TES series, which I agree with. Skyrim abandoned classes which was a recognized ES staple mechanic. Skyrim was so freaking buggy when it shipped that for many the game was unplayable until it was patched via net connection. Many felt that Skyrim's difficulty levels were a failure, as all it did was decrease your damage and increase enemy health (didn't add any strategic changes or battle compositions). Skyrim also was plagued by some key glitches that more than once only became apparent after 20 or more hours of play, and could only be fixed by starting a new game from scratch (resetting didn't work).

    Oblivion had massive problems with glitched quests and their UI was atrocious, even by the then standards of the day. There were huge problems with class balancing even as a single player console romp, which is baffling to me. And the intermittent game crashes in the loading screen were never resolved... ever.

    That being said, I loved both of those games as I love ESO. I think the main reason people didn't feel great about ESO, coming from the TES games, is that they couldn't exploit it as easily, and exploits are corrected (eventually). No, you can't be the only sneak-thief battle-mage assassin in Daedric Plate.
  • Maverick827
    I wouldn't say the game sucks. I'd recommend the game to any new player. 1 - 50 on each faction is fun. Running each dungeon a few times is fun. I would not recommend any player to return.

    Unfortunately, the game doesn't have the lasting power that some of its predecessors did. I can't see myself "settling down" with a guild in this game because there's no meaningful endgame to need one for. Once you hit the max level, you can easily craft the best gear in game. In most cases I have the gear already crafted and waiting for my characters.

    Whenever I got back into WoW (I took many breaks over the years), I would always look for a guild to raid with. I knew I was settling in for at least a year of challenging raid content. I knew there would always be a reason for me to log in, even if it was just to raid. Admittedly the game would devolve into "log in for raid night, afk in town at all other times," but that's better than "log in for nothing, afk in town all the time."

    The problem with ESO is that it doesn't engage the challenge-seeking PvE player. It also doesn't offer any content at all for the casual PvP player. It also doesn't do the altoholic any favors, either, because the classes don't play that differently, and you can unlock 75% of the skills on one character. RIFT had a similar problem. Every class could tank, heal, or DPS, and you could have multiple specs at the same time. I had a gear set and a spec for every role. Why bother rolling an alt?

    Bascislly, the only really great content the game offers is the story. And as SWTOR taught us, that is unsustainable.
  • Thudunblundur
    mutharex wrote: »
    People are way too involved personally and emotionally with games nowadays.

    Also, lack of birth control and euthanasia

    Hmm. I've been around a while, and know the similarities and differences with and between games and life. If I choose to exercise my linguistic talents in certain areas to highlight my opinions you should not assume the extent or nature of my emotional commitment too much if you are wise.

    However, I will grant that my hackles are up where defence of Zenimax over its implementation of this game directly or indirectly is concerned ;)

    And a passive/aggressive response such as yours just has to have its bluff called :)
    Edited by Thudunblundur on November 18, 2014 11:31PM
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    I like the game. Haters gonna hate.
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • shiva7663
    My primary complaint is that they consistently release patches without testing the final iteration on the PTS, which results in a flood of frankly embarrassing (from a professional QA standpoint) bugs.

    It makes me wonder if there is some soulless MBA with too much corporate power squealing "get the patch out, we'll fix the bugs later!"
    Edited by shiva7663 on November 19, 2014 12:52AM
This discussion has been closed.