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Why do people think this game sucks?

  • Vahrokh
    Greanis wrote: »
    Fair enough

    Add: upper Craglorn outdoor bosses can be exploited like the lower Craglorn ones (for the series: "we really did not learn anything from our errors") so in 5 (five) hours it's possible to go VR12 => VR14 and make 12k or so gold as a byproduct.

  • Thatusernameistaken
    Cuz it does.
    Stick and skirt or gtfo isn't good design. And don't tell me you can play how you want when anything else is bad compared.

    A NB with sneak skills that do diddly squat? wtf.

    1h and shield= tank and/or bad dps? I thought this was a Elder Scrolls game.

    Worst "auction house" or attempt at it I've ever seen in any game ever.

    I wasted $30 on this game 2 days ago. I literally can't bring my self to log on. I wonder " what for?" and can't think of a reason.

  • Zorrashi
    People think this game sucks for a variety of reasons. But most of this stems from the fact that they are bringing forth two vastly different audiences.

    The TES crowd, with their sub groups of lore junkies, minimal UI activists, hard-core soloers and anti-PvPers. Then there is the MMO crowd and their min-maxers, raiders and other such groups.

    Two vastly different groups with differentiating play styles and cultures. Those who expected to be catered to only one of the two met disappointment as the game marketed itself to appeal to a broader audience, making various compromises and sometimes unusual design decisions as they did so.

    Some were able to accept and even adapt. Others could not or would not. That simple. Just as simple as "I don't like it" or "I do like it". This game is far from perfect, but it is entertaining for those of us who are still subbed.
  • WraithAzraiel
    Short answer? Because they're spoiled by other games and spoiled in general. They think every new game should come out with all the creature comforts of every successful older game already built in. They also think games should be 100% finished and polished at launch.

    They don't realize they'd still be waiting for ESO to launch, were any of that the case.
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • Thatusernameistaken
    They also think games should be 100% finished and polished at launch.
    Ya? And why not?
    They get away with it because of people like you that are fine with release now-patch later.

    Edited by Thatusernameistaken on September 22, 2014 2:40AM
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    They also think games should be 100% finished and polished at launch.
    Ya? And why not?
    They get away with it because of people like you that are fine with release now-patch later.


    If MMO's released with 100% of the content they will ever have people would blow through it in a week then complain there is nothing to do. Then quit meaning no subs. No subs means no profit. No profit mean no games.
  • Thatusernameistaken
    They also think games should be 100% finished and polished at launch.
    Ya? And why not?
    They get away with it because of people like you that are fine with release now-patch later.


    If MMO's released with 100% of the content they will ever have people would blow through it in a week then complain there is nothing to do. Then quit meaning no subs. No subs means no profit. No profit mean no games.
    You can banish the idea out of your head that I said something stupid and you're cleverly explaining it to me.
    I was referring to releasing a game with flawed, broken,imbalanced game play etc etc, not content or lack there of.
    Epic face palm indeed.
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    They also think games should be 100% finished and polished at launch.
    Ya? And why not?
    They get away with it because of people like you that are fine with release now-patch later.


    If MMO's released with 100% of the content they will ever have people would blow through it in a week then complain there is nothing to do. Then quit meaning no subs. No subs means no profit. No profit mean no games.
    You can banish the idea out of your head that I said something stupid and you're cleverly explaining it to me.
    I was referring to releasing a game with flawed, broken,imbalanced game play etc etc, not content or lack there of.
    Epic face palm indeed.

    It's the same reason. People are flawed. People make games. Games are flawed. If we waited for products to be 100% bug free we would never get a game. But what is like to know Is how you expect balance of skill for 775,000 by using 50 in house testers. Balance can never be achieved because people of different skill levels are playing. Getting close is the best you can ever hope for and even then you need more data than what the can get before release.
    Edited by ers101284b14_ESO on September 22, 2014 3:49AM
  • Thatusernameistaken

    It's the same reason. People are flawed. People make games. Games are flawed. If we waited for products to be 100% bug free we would never get a game. But what is like to know Is how you expect balance of skill for 775,000 by using 50 in house testers. Balance can never be achieved because people of different skill levels are playing. Getting close is the best you can ever hope for and even then you need more data than what the can get before release.
    You think TESO was in a good place at launch? 6 MONTHS later, you think it's in a good place?
    Ya, useless to argue this with you.

  • Marthenil

    It's the same reason. People are flawed. People make games. Games are flawed. If we waited for products to be 100% bug free we would never get a game. But what is like to know Is how you expect balance of skill for 775,000 by using 50 in house testers. Balance can never be achieved because people of different skill levels are playing. Getting close is the best you can ever hope for and even then you need more data than what the can get before release.
    You think TESO was in a good place at launch? 6 MONTHS later, you think it's in a good place?
    Ya, useless to argue this with you.

    That's not what he's saying.
    "Getting close is the best you can ever hope for and even then you need more data than what the can get before release".
    They released with what they thought was the closest to a "good place".
    Edited by Marthenil on September 22, 2014 3:55AM
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    I think it was in the best place it was going to be at launch and that extended beta would have done nothing but prolong the same problems. I think 6 months later it is a lot better than it was at launch. Your one of those people who thinks a waitresses job isn't hard while never doing the job yourself. I don't claim that it's easy or perfect or that they have done everything amazingly but sometimes you just have to take things as they come. So yeah pointless to argue with someone like you who got to level 5 then regurtitated crap he read on the forums.
  • Phinix1
    People leave with the impression this game sucks due to 2 CRITICAL failures on ZOS's part:
    1. Every single patch they have broken something MAJOR and taken weeks to fix their fixes, or often even to ACKNOWLEDGE it (see below), leaving people with the impression they are trying to leverage the modding community following of TES to do their QA for them on the PTS (just going by what people have posted in reaction to it) without having to pay their own people for it (iow: corporate GREED), and even then, things that ARE reported get pushed into live anyway, as if the company feels they have cornered the market on MMO's or something and simply doesn't CARE.
    2. ZOS has THE WORST customer interaction PR in the history of human civilization, leaving people with the impression that they don't care, that their issues will NEVER be addressed, and that they are paying for something they have no guarantee will ever deliver a (relatively) bug free experience nor any recourse when it doesn't.

    ZOS could easily address both of these issues by ACTUALLY TESTING THEIR PATCHES, and by paying a PR team to interact with the community on the forums in a more organized and meaningful way.

    As it is, the devs and creative artists don't even USE these forums, and instead post on Reddit, when they bother to post at all.

    That said I still love the game. Truly. It is a huge leap forward in graphical immersion and dynamic combat in the MMO industry. Sadly, I think it is still a good 6 months from being fully playable, particularly from a PVP perspective.

    The lack of a reaction to the massive crashing in Cyrodiil post 1.4 will be the last straw for MANY subscribers, and I myself may choose to park my own sub to play some of the solo titles that are coming out at the end of September, to give ZOS time to salvage what is otherwise an awesome game with epic PVP potential.
    Edited by Phinix1 on September 22, 2014 5:03AM
  • WraithAzraiel
    They also think games should be 100% finished and polished at launch.
    Ya? And why not?
    They get away with it because of people like you that are fine with release now-patch later.

    Sorry, Junior. You might wanna invest in a helmet. Life is gonna suck for you.

    Nothing is ever perfect, that's a fact you should just accept and drive on.

    Just because I know what patience means and can understand that the job of a developer/programmer/game designer isn't all sunshine and rainbows and I accept the fact that sometimes things happen beyond human control, doesn't make me any less of a person than you, cupcake.

    I'll correct my statement.

    "They also think that MMO's should be 100% finished and polished at launch."

    Single player games? Sure, I can see that. But something that grows and evolves and practically takes on a life of it's own, such as an MMO? Not in this lifetime, pal.

    All that being said, I do enjoy progress and will welcome the day things operate more smoothly. But this game is in it's infancy, competing against games that have had years to get into their groove and figure out their problems.

    Give it a break. It has the potential to be amazing, if people would just stop their whining and crying and let it.
    Edited by WraithAzraiel on September 22, 2014 7:05AM
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • Mondo
    5. I wish I had a new Elder Scrolls game instead.
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • ozm8ey
    idk why either, I guess I'm just not seeing the big picture but with that said I didn't really like skyrim, i stopped playing it after 10 hours because it felt like a letdown, Oblivion was much better
  • Stratti
    It is interesting that everyone who has posted has an active subscription otherwise there is no other way to post

    Sure some may still be waiting for it to run out but that means that they are still invested in the game at least emotionally in order to take the time to post.

    Its a curious thing to observe. I for one love the game in all its facets however I am in an active guild that regularly groups for the content such as trials etc so may be the ones not enjoying it never established those relationships

  • Phinix1
    Stratti wrote: »
    It is interesting that everyone who has posted has an active subscription otherwise there is no other way to post

    Sure some may still be waiting for it to run out but that means that they are still invested in the game at least emotionally in order to take the time to post.

    Its a curious thing to observe. I for one love the game in all its facets however I am in an active guild that regularly groups for the content such as trials etc so may be the ones not enjoying it never established those relationships

    And I find it curious and mildly amusing to observe the social proliferation of reflex emulation of the Facebook social experimentation fad in just about every facet of society.

    People imagining themselves having these psychological or philosophical insights I think allows them to feel like they have achieved some high ground, elevated themselves above the background noise, and thus, achieved some magical immunity to the experimentation and abusive invasions of privacy that ARE going on in just about every aspect of the tech industry, including the gaming genre.

    I hang out on these forums for the same reason you do. To interact with people with similar interests. I am however one of those who's subscription is running out.

    At this point it would take a radical turnaround in ZOS's seeming refusal to invest in testing patches to keep me around.

    Beyond that, the balance situation (or lack thereof) is really a game breaker as well, and makes me honestly feel this game has very little future at least as far as PVP is concerned.
    Edited by Phinix1 on September 22, 2014 7:35AM
  • james_vestbergb16_ESO
    Because alot of people are incapable of forming their own opinions, so they watch reviews by people like angry joe and then copy paste his opinions. Unaware, it seems, that those reviews are far from unbiased, infact they couldn't be less coloured by those reviewers own taste in games and leisure.

    So unless you know that you share this persons taste, why take his advice?

  • Darthryan

    He figured it out in april. The game has a lot of flaws which he names. Bugs, abilities not working, lag and crashes in pvp, the striaght up class in balances, vr content where u play the other factions which make u not care anymore about the story or want to level an alt, and just the illusion that they don't seem to care about their customers or don't know how to.

    Things I do like: pvp is fun when it works, even as a nb I find it fun in killing other nbs.
    Maybe like 5 quests that I found funny or actually cared about.

    And I'm pretty sure the op is a zenimax employee or someone who hasnot read a single thing on this forum. Really? You gonna sit there and ask the same question over and over again? This game does have its moments but lacks so much that needs to be addressed for me to even want to tell my friends about it.
  • Martinus72
    They also think games should be 100% finished and polished at launch.
    Ya? And why not?
    They get away with it because of people like you that are fine with release now-patch later.
    All that being said, I do enjoy progress and will welcome the day things operate more smoothly. But this game is in it's infancy, competing against games that have had years to get into their groove and figure out their problems.

    Give it a break. It has the potential to be amazing, if people would just stop their whining and crying and let it.

    This sums it all up really. Well spoken Sir.
    Will it stop whining tho? No it won't, in my 10 years of MMO experience I've learnt it's in human nature, especially if regarding fickle and spoilt MMO crowd.
  • AreoHotah
    I totally support point 7. THE MECHANICS SUCK.

    Slow responsive skills, annoying as hell to switch weapons (never works when you need it) and the fact that when you fight against ranged mobs and try to take cover behind a rock they still hit you. Thats just pathetic coming from a 2014 Aaa title...
    Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.]
  • Spottswoode
    People think this game sucks because they approach it with the expectation that any significant problem has already been addressed or is well in the process of being addressed. Then reality sets in and they complain about the lack of progress as it came to them as quite a shock. Their expectation exceeded reality. End of story.
    Proud Player of The Elder Bank Screen Online.
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  • Cherryblossom
    BUGS and failure by ZOS to Communicate effectively.

    Game has good idea's they are just poorly executed.
  • Lionxoft
    The game is great! It's based in a fantastic universe and potential.

    The company that runs it is lackluster!

    **Maybe minus the art team and writers. They seem to rock pretty hard. :smiling_imp:

    Things that could fix it? Communication.Proper QA structure would fix a lot of problems.Better brainstorming in regards to abilities. Example: Gap closers should not be spammable. Shields should not be able to stack. Weapons other than staves should do decent dps.
  • Akgurd
    The game is great! The best PvP eve.... CRASHED
  • R1ckyDaMan
    I do not hate ESO, in fact I play it daily happily.

    My only problem is that combat is not like other TES games.

    The skill bar is why.

    As a melee character you should not rely on stamina "skills", stamina should increase the damage of base attacks and dictate how many heavy attacks you can put together.

    Spells should also be handled the TES way but with clear limits that caps what damage a spell can do inline with max damage a melee heavy attack can do.

    Just my opinion of course.

    Cyro would be a better place too imo, more real combat with mage support.
    Edited by R1ckyDaMan on September 22, 2014 12:23PM
  • Stranglehands
    All the people I know who've unsubbed seem to have just lost interest in playing, saying they'd rather play something else or go to the gym or something, and then unsubbed because they weren't playing enough for it to be worth the money. None of those were elder scrolls fans though.
    I can imagine PVP fans being heavily turned off because every time I try to go into Cyrodiil I get a double whammy of my good PvE build being neither use nor ornament in PvP, without a clear prospect of being able to fix it without heavily respeccing and starting new skills from scratch, and the stark difference in server performance - PvE dungeons work great, PvE overworld isn't too bad, but PvP is barely playable in comparion (I'm on the EU server). These two came together nicely on my stamina dps guy because I need to get in close quarters with the enemy to beat them and I just get screwed over by packet choke and the fact that what's on my screen isn't what's happening on the server (what's actually happening being me getting stunlocked to hell, etc). If I was a long range AoE spamming caster I wouldn't see these problems. Maybe I just need to l2p and should give it another go though
    Edited by Stranglehands on September 22, 2014 12:29PM
    .kcoR gnillaF si noitadnuoF esohw ETIYREP oT
  • Mountain_Dewed
    People always trying to figure other people out. If everyone stopped doing this, the whole world would be a happier place.
    I don't understand how people can like this.
    Why is he/she wearing that.
    How can you eat that.
    She is way too young for him.
    Don't tell me how to run my life.
    Don't tell me how to raise my kids.
  • Xeres14
    Well if I thought the game sucked I would have quit a while ago and not come back. I did quit but returned after a week.

    But the game is not fine as is. It needs work - especially the controls. I'm not even talking about how many slots are in the skill bars. I'm talking basic functionality like skill lockup and skills not firing when I press the button (sometimes multiple times). I've never opened as many tickets in a game than this one.
  • Stranglehands
    I think the word-of-mouth narrative that comes up whenever any mainstream gaming site posts an article about ESO has taken on a disgusting life of its own though. I am willing to bet that the people who keep saying "has this pos gone free to play yet" would never have subscribed anyway, but there they are stinking up every single article about the game with their comments. I wouldn't wish the amount of mindless hate this game gets on my worst enemy
    .kcoR gnillaF si noitadnuoF esohw ETIYREP oT
This discussion has been closed.