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Why do people think this game sucks?

  • Greanis
    Crumpy wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Crumpy wrote: »
    MMO fans where expecting WoW in Tamriel.

    No they just wanted a decent mmo.

    Can you offer a reason it's bad that's a bit better then it's boring?

    No the boringness of it is my main criticism. And for me, a boring game is a *** one.

    Why is it boring exactly?

  • Sablemane
    Short answer - because the attitude of those players suck.
  • Vahrokh
    Greanis wrote: »
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    This whole argument is a dead and rotting horse, why are you so cruel to keep beating it?

    Anyway, if you can't see what's wrong at having the single MMO where level up content ends at 1/3 of the player advancement (50), then starts a recycled round (VR1-10) and ends in the worst top level zone ever created in any MMO (Craplorn) since ever, then no amount of arguments would be enough.

    What makes Craglorn so bad exactly?

    - Disconnected storyline. One day you just helped a king save his reign (and Tamriel), the next day you are just a noob in a completely different story and you are susceptible to die to Craglorn various outdoor spawns.
    - Exploitable and never fixed Hircine.
    - Exploitable and never fixed outdoor bosses.
    - Exploitable and only relatively recently addressed anomalies.
    - The above make it needlessy hard finding groups for quests and delves.
    - For months, finding a group on Craglorn has been a pain, when you'd find anyone bothering doing it, they'd usually be at a different quest step. Half party would find doors they could not enter or be invisible inside the instance to the others.
    - Bad, really bad "rewards" (I can't even write it without "") even for the difficult encounters like Shada's Tear last boss.
    - Trials entice people min max to do them fast (since you are classified by completion time). This created the "be DK or NB staff user or DIE" mentality.
    - Trials are vastly too short, so ESO can't sustain dedicated raiding guilds. Those I know have fallen apart because they'd complete trials within the first week past release and then had nothing else to do.
    - Mobs in general are quite bland. Upper Craglorn are better, but lower Craglorn are unimaginative at best. Outdoor bosses seemingly copy - pasted. Trials bosses are often just enlarged, boring copies of mundane outdoor mobs.
    - Save some exceptions, neither trials nor top 4 men Craglorn rewards are worth it. Even the Upper Craglorn timed quest gave me a bad green.
    - Game provides no alternate path to 4 man levelling up. You HAVE either to find a group (in the area where everybody only LFG Hircine / Bosses / Anomalies 24/7) or ... nothing.
    Edited by Vahrokh on September 19, 2014 11:22PM
  • tplink3r1
    by people you mean haters?
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • Crumpy
    Greanis wrote: »
    Crumpy wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Crumpy wrote: »
    MMO fans where expecting WoW in Tamriel.

    No they just wanted a decent mmo.

    Can you offer a reason it's bad that's a bit better then it's boring?

    No the boringness of it is my main criticism. And for me, a boring game is a *** one.

    Why is it boring exactly?

    The game is dull.
    Edited by Crumpy on September 19, 2014 11:42PM
    I lyke not this quill.
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Crumpy wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Crumpy wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Crumpy wrote: »
    MMO fans where expecting WoW in Tamriel.

    No they just wanted a decent mmo.

    Can you offer a reason it's bad that's a bit better then it's boring?

    No the boringness of it is my main criticism. And for me, a boring game is a *** one.

    Why is it boring exactly?

    The game is dull.

  • tonemd
    One word, BUGS.

    Trying to take Ash , game crashed 3 times so far in the last hour.
  • ExiledKhallisi
    Crumpy wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Crumpy wrote: »
    MMO fans where expecting WoW in Tamriel.

    No they just wanted a decent mmo.

    Can you offer a reason it's bad that's a bit better then it's boring?

    No the boringness of it is my main criticism. And for me, a boring game is a *** one.

    Then why are you here?
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • Greanis
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    This whole argument is a dead and rotting horse, why are you so cruel to keep beating it?

    Anyway, if you can't see what's wrong at having the single MMO where level up content ends at 1/3 of the player advancement (50), then starts a recycled round (VR1-10) and ends in the worst top level zone ever created in any MMO (Craplorn) since ever, then no amount of arguments would be enough.

    What makes Craglorn so bad exactly?

    - Disconnected storyline. One day you just helped a king save his reign (and Tamriel), the next day you are just a noob in a completely different story and you are susceptible to die to Craglorn various outdoor spawns.
    - Exploitable and never fixed Hircine.
    - Exploitable and never fixed outdoor bosses.
    - Exploitable and only relatively recently addressed anomalies.
    - The above make it needlessy hard finding groups for quests and delves.
    - For months, finding a group on Craglorn has been a pain, when you'd find anyone bothering doing it, they'd usually be at a different quest step. Half party would find doors they could not enter or be invisible inside the instance to the others.
    - Bad, really bad "rewards" (I can't even write it without "") even for the difficult encounters like Shada's Tear last boss.
    - Trials entice people min max to do them fast (since you are classified by completion time). This created the "be DK or NB staff user or DIE" mentality.
    - Trials are vastly too short, so ESO can't sustain dedicated raiding guilds. Those I know have fallen apart because they'd complete trials within the first week past release and then had nothing else to do.
    - Mobs in general are quite bland. Upper Craglorn are better, but lower Craglorn are unimaginative at best. Outdoor bosses seemingly copy - pasted. Trials bosses are often just enlarged, boring copies of mundane outdoor mobs.
    - Save some exceptions, neither trials nor top 4 men Craglorn rewards are worth it. Even the Upper Craglorn timed quest gave me a bad green.
    - Game provides no alternate path to 4 man levelling up. You HAVE either to find a group (in the area where everybody only LFG Hircine / Bosses / Anomalies 24/7) or ... nothing.

    Fair enough
    Edited by Greanis on September 20, 2014 12:19AM
  • Howl
    The world design is a linear treadmill rather than a virtual online world, which leaves a trail of redundant zones behind your character. It's compounded by the ability to teleport, removing travel completely.

    That's my biggest gripe with it. At VR12-14 you basically hang out in Belkarth and Cyrodiil and there are very limited things to do and absolutely no realm pride. Aldmeri Dominion? Well I seem to remember doing some quests for Queen Ayrenn several months ago but that was before the EP/DC stuff and I don't feel I have any connection to AD really.

    Also, the magicka/stamina and class/non-class skill system is a big, hot mess to be honest. They should tear it up from the ground and start again.

    The game engine itself and animations/sounds are the best in the genre though. It's slick as f**k.
    Edited by Howl on September 20, 2014 12:38AM
  • Sav72
    I am a Vamp/NB and not happy with changes, but to say game sucks?

    I have to strongly disagree.

    Even with all the NB abuse, I truly like the game, and hope and have faith that NB's get a scrap of meat to chew on.
    Savoifair, EP NB

    If you break something, you can glue it back together and fix it, but, it will always be broken...

  • NadiusMaximus
    Don't forget we run 100 mods In Skyrim to make it look better, and play better, more content.. Etc. Most people forget what a buggy mess Skyrim was at release.
  • Jaxsun
    This game has the potential to be really good IF they fix all the game breaking bugs/the fps and server lag issues in cyrodiil/offer a completely customize-able UI/balance the classes/ etc. etc.
  • Flynch
    It is a pretty good MMO. Problem is that there is nothing to make you stop levelling. There is nothing to make you laugh or smile. Nothing to allow you just to sod off for a few hours and have fun. Nothing to search for. Nothing to grind for. It's just nothing.

    Give us (royal us) something to gain from logging in, fighting monsters, making the best armour.

    Just give us fun - random craft results, procs on builds, weapons that aren't about +58 poison damage. No good.

    People are simple,. Give them fun stuff and you're golden. Give them random stuff that rarely makes sense and is mostly counter-inuitive, you will fail.

    I love ESO btw.
  • SweetRollBandit
    Aside from the ever persistent bugs that plague this game I mainly don't like the way it was released in sections. The graphics are great but the game itself feels very limited. You're pretty much forced to grind levels for money which you can't spend on much besides bank space and horses. Can't buy land, can't build/buy a house, can't buy slaves or have useful companions from story lines you've completed.

    Grouping and PVP are the only saving grace of ESO. Which you are also encouraged almost forcefully to do in order to get anywhere on your own.

    Instead of story lines evolving they just stop completely. After almost defeating Molag Bal you don't even get to know who survived or died. They're all stuck in the phase before you go to fight him. Then you just run off to fight in another faction where the things you do there have no real ties to the main story you started with your main character. Just grinding levels for the hell of it. Again and again. An endless loop of buying/leveling another horse, more bank space, more bag space.

    I can understand how it can get dull for some people.
  • Istyar
    ESO isn't 10% of what I was waiting for. It's not a bad game, but it's far from being one of the better MMO's today, and it's FAR - I mean, VERY FAR - from being a TES game.
    • I was expecting for a great history and great NPC's to deal with: I got Razum-Dar which is the ONLY NPC in the WHOLE game that has personality. Ayreen, and the other leaders are... I realy don't know a word in english to describe what they are. The only quest that were pleasant to do were the Mage's Guild quests... (even Almalexia looks like an robot, I was very sad when I finished her quests.)
    • I was looking forward a nice combat system, I got what we have today... I have problems even to change my weapons, and I don't wanna star talking about the game balance.
    • I was looking forward a great skill system like we had in Morrowind, with trully freedom to do whatever I want: I got "Destruction Staff and Restoration Staff..." So, where is the Illusion, Mysticism, Destruction and Alteration skill lines? Where are Blunt Weapon, Two-Handed, Marksman, Short-Blade... Where is it?
    • I was realy looking forward to a great campaing. I did my first campaing which was just awful and suddenly they threw me at my enemy territory with an HORRIBLE explaniton for it and I had to fight my original companions? WHO had this idea? Does this guy even know the HATE some people have for some races and alliances? What the hell were you thinking guys?

    Besides all of it, I've played ESO a lot, and somehow, i've enjoyed it a lot.

    I've tryed to find a place in my hearth to it, I swear. But it's not an "The Elder Scrolls" game, I just can't fell the feelling I had when I played TES III: Morrowind for the first time... I'm a very - very- patient person, and will wait more that I already had waited for something that changes my opinion about the game.

    That's my personal opinion, just to be clear. I don't wanna fight anyone here...

    Sorry my english, it's not my native language.

    Istyar ~ Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion - Savior of Nirn - Hero of Tamriel

    Istyar, the old sorcerer from Summerset Isles, Master of the Old Ways of the Psjiic Order and Grand Master of the Illusion and Mysticism Divison of Aldmeri Dominion Army.

    Check the UESP and learn more about TES universe:
  • seneferab16_ESO
    Howl wrote: »
    The world design is a linear treadmill rather than a virtual online world, which leaves a trail of redundant zones behind your character. It's compounded by the ability to teleport, removing travel completely.

    That's my biggest gripe with it. At VR12-14 you basically hang out in Belkarth and Cyrodiil and there are very limited things to do and absolutely no realm pride. Aldmeri Dominion? Well I seem to remember doing some quests for Queen Ayrenn several months ago but that was before the EP/DC stuff and I don't feel I have any connection to AD really.

    These two are my main problems. To be honest, I fail to see why we have these factions to begin with? It'd be so much better if the world was open in PvE so you could choose between three zones to level and you picked the faction you wanted to fight for the first time you join Cyrodiil.

    The battle with Molag Bal is awesome, but it is such an anti climax to go through all of that RAWR! just to be putting out fires and delivering peoples mail for the next 2/3rds of the games solo levelling content. I have only two friends who made it past VR2 because of this.

    PvP has faction pride, but that is because you are fighting with friends against enemies, not because I care about the people of my faction There's a big...nothing.. in my heart when I think of DC. I don't remember why I am fighting for them, and to be honest, I don't care. At all.

    I like the quests and lore in TES games, and this one is no exception. It makes me sad that the game has these wierd design choices that makes me feel this way. Like I don't care.

    Edit: I do like the game a lot, though. It's a broken mess of bugs sometimes but overall the good outweighs the bad. Cyrodiil is amazing and the best PvP I had in many years.

    Edited by seneferab16_ESO on September 20, 2014 1:41AM
    Aerin Treerunner, pre dinner snack
  • Probitas
    At least when I walked into the store in Skyrim the guy would buy my stuff. In this game the NPC is the only person setup to buy, at crap prices (Skryim could get better if you got better at haggling/social). I can't really sell to other players unless they happen to wander to a guild vendor, but I LOSE posting money either way, and if it never sells then I can't even make a small profit. It's not even as good as other MMO's. So on that point alone this game fails big time. No one will ever be able to tell me the system works, because without changing guilds like I change clothes you can't do anything with the economy that can balance you out, particularly since if you can't get into an established guild (capped at 500 right?) you can NEVER sell to them directly unless they deign to respond to zone messages.

    Players are totally at the mercy of established guilds, and if that's what Z wanted, mission successful. Game sucks though because of that.
  • Jaxsun
    Probitas wrote: »
    At least when I walked into the store in Skyrim the guy would buy my stuff. In this game the NPC is the only person setup to buy, at crap prices (Skryim could get better if you got better at haggling/social). I can't really sell to other players unless they happen to wander to a guild vendor, but I LOSE posting money either way, and if it never sells then I can't even make a small profit. It's not even as good as other MMO's. So on that point alone this game fails big time. No one will ever be able to tell me the system works, because without changing guilds like I change clothes you can't do anything with the economy that can balance you out, particularly since if you can't get into an established guild (capped at 500 right?) you can NEVER sell to them directly unless they deign to respond to zone messages.

    Players are totally at the mercy of established guilds, and if that's what Z wanted, mission successful. Game sucks though because of that.

    I want a vendor in each zone that allows me by from all guild stores in the games, regardless of faction/guild you are in. Otherwise known as Galactic Trade Networks/Bazaar Terminals/Auction Houses....this would completely solve the problem.

  • Probitas
    It needs to allow buy AND sell for it to be fully functional, otherwise it's crap.
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    No thank you. I have played plenty of MMO's with auction houses and this is the first time I can actually sell stuff. I like that.
  • RSram
    What I like:

    1) Graphics on my PC are awesome in 3 third person view (Zoomed all the way out)
    2) The interface is simple and easy to learn.
    3) Combat is usually fun, until I died.
    4) The Ad Hoc groups that form in the public dungeons.
    5) The other players; after all it is a MMO.
    6) Offering assistance to other players when they are in a pickle.
    7) Excellent sound effects and music.

    What irritates me (but not enough to make me cancel my subscription yet):

    1) Can't dodge some single target attacks even when I see them coming; mostly from world and dungeon bosses.

    2) Non-persistent swap bar (I believe this was done because the abilities are so out of balance.) I have to waste two slots on my swap bar because I do mostly solo PVE, and I love my pets.

    3) Graphics with the 1st person view really suck, close up textures are as bad as the vanilla Skyrim ones, no option to add hi-definition textures on PC.

    4) Can't buy crafting items from vendors; you must use the guild stores, or find them yourself.

    5) Can’t sell your junk to the guild store or vendors like you can in Skyrim.

    6) It is impossible to compare prices between guild stores unless you want to travel to each one.

    7) No auction house for solo players. I explained in a previous post of how an auction could work and not blow up the game’s economy.

    8) Can't craft jewelry, you have to buy them.

    9) Uses shards instead of achievement to get skill points, so in Cyrodiil, the bad guys just hangout around the shards when they are bore of castle sieging. Achievement points makes more sense; want more skill points then start killing those group dungeon bosses, or catch that rare fish, or craft a rare armor set, but make the player really earn the skill point.

    10) Treasure chests and crafting items should be phased to each player.

    11) Most loot is worthless for the amount of effort you spend in getting it; I'm referring to the world and dungeon bosses. It really sucked when I fought a Storm Atronach World boss for 20 minutes and then got a Mc Donald’s gift certificate as a reward?

    12) TOO many quest markers; I like to just have one active quest on my map, and hide the inactive ones so that I can’t see them. I can use the journal to manually activate the quest that I want. If there is a add on, or a way to do this let me know.

    13) A map that shows the entire world without discovering it first? I would like a map that expands as I look at landmarks - don’t baby feed me everything at once.

    14) Can't figure out how to get rid of the clues icons over hidden items, so if there is an option to do this, I would like to know; It’s not very challenging to find a clue if you have a big white arrow bouncing over it.

    15) The game baby feeds too much data to the point that you really don't need to read any of the conversations or books, just click, click, and click, and then follow the white rabbits (I mean arrows). It would be nice to have to read a clue once in a while to complete a task and not have an arrow show me the way.

    16) In my opinion, all quests should be SOLO only with the exception of world bosses and public dungeon bosses, and the areas between the quest objectives.

    17) Each character should have their OWN bank slots (unless they are married and have a joint account).

    18) Grouping is better, but until the phasing is working out, all of the group members should be phased with the group leader and the group leader makes all the decisions in the quest. I heard the developers are working one this.

    19) No VIOP, balloons, or bubbles to talk to the player next to you.

    20) World Bosses that don’t follow you to hell and back: they just turn around and go back home and regain ALL their health again. I would like to have an ability like that, just run away several meters and my health returns to 100%.

    21) World Bosses running by you (ignoring you) after they are done chasing another player. The bosses return to their starting position and wait for you to attack; just isn’t realistic logic. They should attack you if you are within range.

    22) Major quest invasions that have only 6 enemy and friendly NPC’s fighting each other forever. Some of the coolest battles I had in Skyrim where the alliance battles in the castles. There were at least like 20 or more NPC’s hacking it out.

    23) Worthless NPC’s. So I have a Master Warrior NPC as a follower, and I slicing my way through one Dreugh after another. After15 minute of hell, I look around, and the Master Warrior is still fighting the first mud crab! In Skyrim the NPC were really tough fighters that really didn’t even need you to win the battle (with the exception of quest requirements). I remember Lydia jumping on the back of a dragon and speared it though the head, killing it – I was like wow I didn’t see that coming.

    24) You can’t fail a quest because it not politically correct to have a game that would allow this. It would be nice that if the NPC dies, you fail the quest period, and you don’t pass GO and collect your $200. You character is shamed for the rest of its digital life. Imagine walking into a room and having a bystander say,”Hey aren’t you the guy pissed himself when trolls attack Devon and killed the mayor?”

    25) All quests require you to find the quest giver first before exploring some areas or starting quests: tends to stifle free exploration.

    26) You always have good visibility. You don’t need torches at night, or in dark dungeons. The rain never downpours and obscures you vision. The snow blizzards are a joke. Where are the sandstorms?

    27) What’s the deal with water? Why can’t my pets swim with me? Why can’t the enemy NPC’s chase me in the water? Why can’t I swim or fight under water? A lot of neat quests could be done underwater.

    28) Things that were fixed in one patch are now broken because of a later patch that was supposed to address an unrelated issue.

    29) The game doesn’t seem to handle large amounts of close AOE combat very well and skips skills and weapons animations to stay sync’d to the battle.

    30) Frame rate is always unpredictable. When it’s sunny, the game plays fine. When it’s raining the game has an arthritis attack.
    Edited by RSram on September 20, 2014 3:56AM
  • GreySix
    My main complaint is #8. Bought two games and two subscriptions with my wife, so we could play everything cooperatively.

    We cannot.

    We can play most things cooperatively, but we cannot play the following cooperatively:

    1. Main quest story-line
    2. Fighters Guild
    3. Mages Guild

    Were the developers to correct that, allowing grouping (while also allowing solo play), the game would be nearly perfect IMO.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Lazrael
    It doesn't suck as a whole. Parts of it suck, simply due to the weird (to put it mildly) ideas and design the devs had about the classes, skills, roles, and furthermore the synergies of those with weapon and armour types.

    The problems were obvious from the early stages, from Betas, yet pretty little changed, ESO went live, and 5 months after we are still struggling with the same issues, waiting for the miracle Update that will finally address the situation.

    Apart from irritating and disappointing, the whole mess is also unacceptable for a game / project of this calibre, budget and legacy behind it (The Elder Scrolls series).

    Otherwise, ESO has many wonderful elements and the foundations for a truly awesome game. The sooner ZoS addresses the real issues and stops being stubborn / slacking, the sooner its full potential will be unleashed.

    Well said.
    Artists and Theives...
  • Audigy
    TLDR: Skyrim fans where expecting Skyrim online, MMO fans where expecting WoW in Tamriel. Since it appealed to neither of those impending hate ensued.

    I dont like how you put everyone into the same box.

    I did play Skyrim but also the other ES titles and I think ESO is doing very well. Yes, housing is missing a real family tree system is and the obvious open pvp / guild system - but this is hopefully coming soon.

    I am also a MMO player and based on the recent MMO´s that I played ESO is the best. To dumb down the VR content was a mistake, to only work on raids and dungeon is an even bigger - that said I still have hopes that ZO realizes that and gets back on track.

    I would rank ESO in the term of MMO fun right behind Ultima and Vanilla WOW, probably on a tied spot with AOC. The issue is that AOC had massive issues and ESO does now as well with the current design choices so it could downrank in the next few months.

    The original release version however and this is what I judge is / was very good bar the solo game stuff that in my opinion hinders the game a lot. If you play an MMO then you don't want to have solo quests where you enter a dungeon and don't see anyone.

    I guess that's why I seldom do these quests but the main story line must be done so the choice isn't really there sometimes.
    Edited by Audigy on September 20, 2014 5:31AM
  • david271749
    It's broken.
  • Greanis
    It's broken.

    Can you offer a little more explanation then it's broken? Also thank you to everyone who's offering valid explanations for their side and are being civil about it. It's really refreshing to see conversation about this that doesn't come down to "LOLYOU'RESTUPID!"

  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    It's broken.

    Nah, works just fine.

    Very pretty on my 30" 2560x1600 display as well.
  • kewl
    For the most part it's a great game. But parts of it do suck. Some of what ZOS does also sucks. No game does everyting right, some come closer than others.
  • Crumpy
    Crumpy wrote: »
    Greanis wrote: »
    Crumpy wrote: »
    MMO fans where expecting WoW in Tamriel.

    No they just wanted a decent mmo.

    Can you offer a reason it's bad that's a bit better then it's boring?

    No the boringness of it is my main criticism. And for me, a boring game is a *** one.

    Then why are you here?

    Waiting for my 6 month sub that I FOOLISHLY bought (yes, my bad) to expire - can't happen fast enough. Until then I'll happily diss the game.
    I lyke not this quill.
This discussion has been closed.