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Upcoming Werewolf Changes

  • desciviib14_ESO
    I'm glad to some changes coming for WW as I am one but have mostly not used the line because in PvE it's so short of a time that it feels like a waste of good hard earned Ult. and in PvP it's outright a handicap....go ahead and transform to WW in Cyrodil see what happens!

    My ideas are as follows:

    I'd like to see WW ability last ALOT longer, I wouldn't mind seeing a toggle as mentioned.

    Why not have a heavy bleed damage with regen. (like Duel Wield) to the Claws either as is or in a morph.

    The transform shouldn't be a stun, it's alright if I Ult. before going in but if you do so in battle, you can easily die in those few moments with a good opponent.

    Also on a side note; I'd like to see a toll to the humanoid body where the transformations cause stretch marks, tears and bruising on the body much like how Vamps have paled skin with heavy veining.

    Thanks for listening,
    There is nothing here of interest to any nations; as a matter of fact, there is nothing here but people.
  • ExiledKhallisi
    Werewolves weak vs poison.
    Werewolves getting poisonous attack.
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • ExiledKhallisi
    Werewolves will still suck and not be on par wit hvampires unless:

    -Passives work in human form without having to slot the ultimate.
    -If Ultimate costs as much as other Ultimates like ..Batswarm
    -Better passives that work full time.
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • Thejollygreenone
    Werewolves weak vs poison.
    Werewolves getting poisonous attack.

    Werewolves are getting disease attack, not poison. No werewolf attacks will deal poison damage :)
  • Thejollygreenone
    Werewolves will still suck and not be on par wit hvampires unless:

    -Passives work in human form without having to slot the ultimate.
    -If Ultimate costs as much as other Ultimates like ..Batswarm
    -Better passives that work full time.

    Yes, the ultimate cost is a problem. They said they're working on that. And I'd say it's debatable how many passives we need to work in human form. We already have the one that increases ult gen when getting attacked.

    I'd say the most ww needs for human passives beyond that is EITHER some stealth detection and run/sprint speed to reflect the whole dog thing.

    OR a relatively minor stamina passive, for example we could get the 20% max stamina increase in a weakened form. But that would be the conservative option, I'd prefer stealth detection and run speed :)

    However you're missing the one biggest thing about WW that will continue to prevent it from being anything close to good. The transformation stun time. If anyone has ever tried being a werewolf and used the ultimate, you'll know what I'm talking about.

    2-3 seconds of sitting there getting beat on, and if you attempt to move around or use any abilities, BAM your bugged and no ww form for you, but THERE GOES ALL YOUR ULTIMATE!!

    This stun time needs to be reflected in the ultimate, and there needs to be better compensation for its vulnerability, OR just make the transformation instant as is described in the abilities tooltip.

    Until this happens, WW form will continue being a disadvantage rather than an advantage. Most will die before even being able to transform, unless they had the forethought to do it before the fight started.
  • stewie_801
    Draxuul wrote: »
    stewie_801 wrote: »
    Draxuul wrote: »
    Only issue i have with these changes is the ability to deal damage with voice.
    Whether it`s a howling or a warcry or a shout or a scream, it simply doesn`t make any sense to be able to deal damage with one`s voice.

    It`s unrealistic and even in the name of balance , i will never support such idea.

    I can understand that a warcry could offer a small bonus to attack speed of nearby allies . Kind of like a boost to the morale of the troops making them more willing to fight and making them fight more fearlessly.

    But dealing damage to an ennemy by simply roaring or howling is ridiculous , it doesn`t matter if you`re a mudcrab or a werewolf or even a dragon. Dealing damage with your voice, no matter how small the damage is , means that you could use that howl to finish off a fleeing ennemy from a distance simply by screaming at it ? In what world does that make sense?


    Cut the quote down to show what part of it I am talking about. 185-200 db is considered the range in which sound can kill you. Just wanted to put this out there to help those feel it is realistic that sound can do damage/kill if it is loud enough. Sounds at around that around can cause your lungs to burst among several other possibilities.

    Now how realistic you feel that a werewolf can do this without causing damage to themselves is debatable, but we are playing a fantasy MMO. So I think we can stretch that part of the imagination a bit and assume the sound goes out in a directional or cone away from us werewolves.

    Here is a link that talks about sound and the range that can kill you. There are several other websites that also show up if you do a google search about sound killing you.

    Yeah i'm aware of what a sonic boom can do and stuff like that but there isn't a creature alive that can deal damage with voice. In a fantasy world , there is only one creature that can do that and is known to do that and it's a Banshee. Their scream is so loud and so high pitched that it can drop even the strongest creatures to their knees in agony and kill the weakest ones.

    Werewolves are scary and their roar is scary and i'm totally OK with giving them a fear ability associated with their roar but not damage . Werewolves are transformed humans , not a creature in itself, it's a human before it's a werewolf and even though they gain numerous bonuses such as strengh , speed etc... I'm not willing to accept that their howls or roars can achieve sonic boom potential.


    Doesn't have to be a sonic boom to kill you. There are ways to get to that db level without that, but whatever. Having a howl cause damage is fine by me. Works fine with the fantasy world imo. But if it doesn't for you then ok.

    Also around 150db is blowing out your eardrums, don't know from experience but pretty sure that would hurt. If you were to blow a warrior's/mage's eardrum out in battle, I'm guessing it would cause some pain/hindrance to their fighting ability. Thus I'm fine with it causing damage. Just trying to help you make it more believable since I know for some that is important. Me not so much.

    Also to whoever mentioned the provision revamp, they didn't ignore all feedback. They said "Hey guys, thank you so much for all your input and feedback! We're going to move forward with the Provisioning revamp, largely as it was initially described. This will take some time to implement, so be on the lookout for it to arrive on the PTS in the coming months."

    Largely as it was initially described seems to me like they took some ideas/feedback. Really until we see it on PTS we won't know what they took. But just because they don't take your feedback doesn't mean they ignore all feedback. My feedback was largely supportive of what they said with a only a few minor tweaks/questions about implementation. The questions I had asked were answered in Gina's second post on that thread.
    Edited by stewie_801 on September 13, 2014 10:08PM
    PC/NA Ebonheart Pact
    Invictus , Teut Spindle Your Brindle Officer
    Stewie the Destroyer Imperial Templar Former Emperor of Haderus
    Stewie's Big Ole Johnson Khajiit Nightblade
    Ser Arthur Dayne Dark Elf Dragonknight Former Emperor of Chillrend and Haderus
    Stewie's Bank Slot High Elf Sorcerer

  • stewie_801
    Found some interesting stuff about werewolves on The Imperial Libraries website.

    "When in beast form, the person's attributes (like strength, speed and endurance) are increased and his/her claws are deadly. The person also has total resistance to disease whether in human form or in beast form. In Iliac Bay, the Lycanthropes turn to beast form once per month, meaning they have to kill once per month. But in Solstheim, during the Bloodmoon, the transformation daily, perhaps due to the presence of Hircine himself."

    Think the disease resistance would be a great passive for us werewolves to have for both human and beast form.
    PC/NA Ebonheart Pact
    Invictus , Teut Spindle Your Brindle Officer
    Stewie the Destroyer Imperial Templar Former Emperor of Haderus
    Stewie's Big Ole Johnson Khajiit Nightblade
    Ser Arthur Dayne Dark Elf Dragonknight Former Emperor of Chillrend and Haderus
    Stewie's Bank Slot High Elf Sorcerer

  • desciviib14_ESO
    I forgot to mention also; I agree with the need for human passives such as increased run speed and stealth detection. A WW would most certainly be able to smell others around him/her. Also the human disease resistance makes alot of sense too but if we have to choose I'd find the stealth detection and run speed more useful. As far as the Roar...I just don't use fear skills really; the last thing I want in battle is for the enemies to run off and to open the battlefield to a larger area and to be out of range...that's just not useful to me personally. I think it would be totally within the lore and balance of gameplay for the Roar to cause some kind of damage and disorient. Of course it couldn't be overpowered but it fits with reality that pain and disorientation accompanies damage to the ear.

    Thanks for listening
    There is nothing here of interest to any nations; as a matter of fact, there is nothing here but people.
  • Thejollygreenone
    I forgot to mention also; I agree with the need for human passives such as increased run speed and stealth detection. A WW would most certainly be able to smell others around him/her. Also the human disease resistance makes alot of sense too but if we have to choose I'd find the stealth detection and run speed more useful. As far as the Roar...I just don't use fear skills really; the last thing I want in battle is for the enemies to run off and to open the battlefield to a larger area and to be out of range...that's just not useful to me personally. I think it would be totally within the lore and balance of gameplay for the Roar to cause some kind of damage and disorient. Of course it couldn't be overpowered but it fits with reality that pain and disorientation accompanies damage to the ear.

    Thanks for listening

    All I'd like to say here is that I think you undervalue how strong of a cc fear is. :)
    I'd like to point out how essential roar and its fear is to the playstyle (at least the current playstyle) of werewolf.
    Roar is a fear/disorient/off balance all rolled into one. The strength of it lies in its synergy with pounce, the gap closer, and indeed the synergy between the three initial effects themselves.

    Firstly, you have the disorient, which will break upon damage. A very weak cc meant to hold in place enemies who you don't wish to attack. However,

    When this is coupled with a fear the only cc that goes through blocking, it adds to the mechanics of the fear by having fears hard cc without having them run away if you don't choose to attack them for the duration and pick a different target.

    Then you have how fear plays in with pounce, making up the minimum distance required to use pounce, which will then stun off-balance enemies which is the third effect included in roar.

    Because of the way these abilities interact with eachother, roar could shape up to be the most potent cc combo in the game if WW could get over its current overwhelming and glaring weakness. However it is pretty balance right now with its 1 second cast time.

    My point is that roar has been designed in such a way to negate the fundamental issue some people have with fear, being that the enemies are now farther away from you.

    But you have pounce. It will keep in place enemies of your choice, and the one you choose to attack it will open up the distance to use pounce and set it up for yet another stun.

    How all this theoretical brainstorming actually translates into parts of the game like PvP with cc-immunity would have to be tested, but on paper roar strongly plays into your ability to use pounce to its full potential, and shouldn't be neglected, in my opinion.
  • Thejollygreenone
    On a side note, I feel like now that we're two weeks and eight pages into this thread, most of what can be said about what's missing from the original post to make werewolves alright has already been said in great detail.

    Because of this, I'd like to add in my thoughts to possible morphs that could accompany the new active abilities that were outlined in the original post:

    Hircine's Bounty: Since we have a straightforward instant heal here with a name like 'Hircine's Bounty', the only sensible route I can see is to add on varying buffs for each morph morph. For some reason getting healed and having it called a bounty from your deity only seems right that it isn't offensive towards your enemy, but rather empowering yourself. But hell, I'm no dev. With that in mind...
    I would say one morph could give an armor and/or spell resistance buff, which I'd like to see paired with a runspeed buff, upon activation, lasting no longer than 10 seconds, but no fewer than 5 I'd say. Above 10 seems too mandatory to use, and below 5 I'd say one couldn't get proper usage of the runspeed.
    This would be considered the morph that adds more durability, with the added flavor of runspeed which can be both offensive and defensive.

    I would like to say you could add an offensive buff to the other morph to rival the defensive buff given in the first, but then I feel it would be too mandatory to refresh and less a situational buff when you needed a heal.
    However, I don't see much more that fits with the idea behind the ability, so with that in mind if we were to see an offensive buff, maybe give something like % attack speed increase and % stamina regen increase for x seconds. However attack speed could probably be interchanged with weapon crit chance or weapon damage.

    Piercing Howl: This ability is a bit more tricky to ask for morphs, because the nature of the ability is more complex than is revealed. We don't know if it's melee or ranged, if it's melee is it 5m or 8m, is the knockdown consistent or does it require a synergy like offbalance like pounce, if it is consistent and not dependent on a synergy will the damage be lower to compensate, making it primarily a cc ability?
    With all these unanswered questions in mind, here's what I'd like to see out of the morphs.
    For consistency's sake, I'm going to assume this is going to be a happy medium melee range of 10m, matching the range of the most similar ability I could find, Stonefist from the DK earthen heart tree.

    So with that out of the way, personally I'd like to see at least one morph increase your offensive capability against the target. One thing that comes to mind is to reduce targets armor by, say, 40%. Call it Piercing Howl. Oh wait, that's the base name. :)

    For the other morph, we could get tricky and turn it into a pbaoe, call it Deafening Howl, and make it do some moderate aoe damage and disorient/set off balance those affected.
    On the flip side, you could keep the single target damage/knockdown but add in a friendly aoe buff, including the player, to increase for example movement speed and attack speed. Could be a high % buff over low duration of low % buff over somewhat higher duration. Maybe a happy medium could be found.

    Infectious Claws: I gotta say, I'm excited for this ability. I've been waiting for disease damage to be introduced via actual player abilities rather than enchantments and item sets and meatbag catapults for awhile, and here it is. Since I think the ability is brilliant as it is, I'll keep my ideas for the morphs fairly simple.
    My initial thoughts for this ability would be to attach a long-ish DoT on to one morph. The idea behind this is to prolong the amount of times disease damage is hitting the enemy without having to use the ability multiple times, the idea is to increase the chances to proc the healing debuff associated with disease damage.
    Maybe just to make it competitive with the next morph, since DoTs aren't often appealing in their own, add in a moderate slow to the mix, 20-40% would be great.

    The other morph could be as simple as increasing range/radius while increasing the direct damage by the amount one would get from the DoT in the first morph.
    Of course that value would be subject to change, but as simple of a morph as it is, there needs to be real appeal to using it for its damage rather than the utility of the healing debuff proc.

    So there you have it, if I were dev for a day these are the morphs I'd propose for, and my thoughts regarding the new werewolf active abilities.

    To anyone who took the time to read this monster of text, thanks for reading!
  • PoseidonEvil
    please fix the devour lol :p its so useless as a skill to stay in WW form atm...i thought the timer was supposed to be removed months ago and replaced by a "feed once per corpse" ordeal?,,
    In-game ID: alchelvly
    Phixeon Maghi -- Breton Healer
    Harrow the Souleater -- Breton Necro Healer
    Krogyle dro-Smoketh -- Orc Stamdk
  • Oronell

    All I'd like to say here is that I think you undervalue how strong of a cc fear is. :)
    I'd like to point out how essential roar and its fear is to the playstyle (at least the current playstyle) of werewolf.

    Maybe Piercing Howl can be single target cc. I'm not a fan of Roar because of the drawback of fear i.e. aggro.
  • Braddass
    It is clear some of you will not be happy til you are OP. You want passives that work in human form? You want humans to be outclassed at all times? You want everyone to be forced to become an abomination in order to compete? Really?
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    stewie_801 wrote: »
    Found some interesting stuff about werewolves on The Imperial Libraries website.

    "When in beast form, the person's attributes (like strength, speed and endurance) are increased and his/her claws are deadly. The person also has total resistance to disease whether in human form or in beast form. In Iliac Bay, the Lycanthropes turn to beast form once per month, meaning they have to kill once per month. But in Solstheim, during the Bloodmoon, the transformation daily, perhaps due to the presence of Hircine himself."

    Think the disease resistance would be a great passive for us werewolves to have for both human and beast form.

    Yes, I have been wondering about the disease resistance all along. Even on the Vampires is rubs me wrong as well. Vampires should get disease resistance. Redguards should get poison resistance. These things have been in the TES series since at least Morrowind and probably prior to it.

    On the flip side of this, I really wish Evil Hunter/Camo Hunter should do damage EVERY TIME with a chance for spike damage. These buffs should hurt anything with Daedric corruption, and that means Vampires and Werewolves, player or not.

    My opinion might be unwarranted, but I also do not like the Health regeneration reduction. If it were a daylight thing, maybe. However, you have to pay 2 skillpoints to get a meager bonus to stamina and magicka regeneration, but you get -75% to your health regen... which is absolutely terrible on races with innate positive health regen (Try Orc or Nord). For some reason, a Dunmer's fire resistance works a lot better to mollify this than an Orc or Nords health regen passives. I'd like to see this changed. I realize there is a tradeoff, and I also realize that Bat Swarm is a fantastic ultimate. I'm also bearing in mind that within a few months we will likely have equally potent Spellcrafted Ultimates that anyone can use. In short, I'm not really sure what should be done to fix this but there's something off about this health regeneration.

    Somewhat related to this, I really do believe that Werewolves deserve a better buff in human form to correlate with a crippling weakness to poison (that has never existed before in the TES series as far as I recall). A passive health &stamina regeneration bonus might be very well appropriate.
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    <And plenty more>
  • Enesse
    Braddass wrote: »
    It is clear some of you will not be happy til you are OP. You want passives that work in human form? You want humans to be outclassed at all times? You want everyone to be forced to become an abomination in order to compete? Really?

    Not at all, but the way werewolves are now, we're much much weaker than the average human with more cons than pros. Some people's ideas may be OP, but most of us have balance in our best interest.
    ~ Daggerfall Wolfpack ~
    We welcome you with open claws.
  • BloodStorm
    Near launch when my alt was werewolf you could get the set that reduces werewolf cost by 33% along with sorcerer passive for another 15% then spam 2 handed ability carve. My werewolf ult was up most of the time. If they reduce the cost more like has been said werewolf will be up 90% of your characters time. Pretty cool. At least it is nowhere near as good as vampires devouring swarm, So it wont be OP but definitely fun.
  • Kypho
    Ok since they removed my comment, ill write again.... Get WW up to Vampirism, NO LESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU IGNORANT ZOS.... dont remove this one just because you are vampire fan....
  • Kypho
    Near launch when my alt was werewolf you could get the set that reduces werewolf cost by 33% along with sorcerer passive for another 15% then spam 2 handed ability carve. My werewolf ult was up most of the time. If they reduce the cost more like has been said werewolf will be up 90% of your characters time. Pretty cool. At least it is nowhere near as good as vampires devouring swarm, So it wont be OP but definitely fun.

    Why should be not good as devouring swarm? It is normal now that vampires are OP? I dont think its acceptable. Its time to cure the vampire plague. 1 from 50 ppl in pvp are nonvamps, because its cheese, its OP its a big advantage. time for change.
  • Phantax
    Considering the Vamp class is permanent it would have been nice to see the Werewolf transformation have a greater time limit. I'm not asking for hours here, but another 20-25% longer would have been nice.
    It's not always possible to find anything to feed on ! ! !

    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Iduyenn
    I think we have to test this stuff on ptr and we should be persistent with our feedback. Ask the questions again and again in the weekly potcast-show etc.

    I still don`t know what the developers intend with "The Werewolf" in this Game.
    We have x sites full of good ideas, wishes, demands, but no feedback or pointers in the right direction.
    If the game developers think of werewolfs as a nice "extra" to have and "use" from time to time. This thread is obsolet, because we all wish to be more in the role and character of a werewolf (more time, more anything).
    If the changes proclaimed in the beginning are going live on ptr. We know, that we can forget about a decent time in WW form and/or using it in a "normal", "not stressful-combat" way.
  • Kypho
    They asking for testing, for feedback, they want advice, but they never cared about em. Reported bugs, inballances in beta are still there....
  • natewook
    i love this
    Pazrael wrote: »
    If werewolf uses ultimate to become, it should be toggle, straight up. In werewolf form, should gain an entirely new bar of skills+ultimate, feeding should give health and ultimate regen, with the extent of stamina usage in this skill line, possibly make it so some things trigger off using ultimate instead. Stuns and snares shouldn't work wile in werewolf form, a strictly melee class is an absolute waist if all some mage has to do is kite to *** and knockback/stun whenever you get close. Also a damage reduction would be great as people have posted, but I think a great idea would be keep the delay but make an effect when you turn, immune to all dmg (or even a 75% like mist form) and all near by enemies panic in fear, would make more sense. A comment was people wanting taunt, how does this make sense, no humanoid would want to come close to you. as for the poison claws, am I not wrong to say werewolfs have a weakness to poison? so now werewolfs have the ability to kill their own kind? in many concepts werewolf bites to vampires is fatal, why isn't there some kind of thing where deals bonus damage to vampires and have "poison" a different element all together strictly from werewolves. Honestly I feel like the entire skill tree needs a huge overhaul, but I do love that they are getting 5 skills, when you have to turn into something and lose all other skills humanoid counterpart uses, having all valid capability and versatility as a werewolf is extremely required. That being said, these 5 abilities NEED to balance the fact that a single vampire can sit in the middle of a mob for ages with survivability high, a werewolf should gain huge benefits in packs, and should be able to completely outmatch a humanoid even vampire 1v1 Werewolves should be feared, vampires have gone rampant due to the versatility and freedom of all skill lines and using ultimate, sneaking speed bonus, all sorts of stuff say be vampire all over it, werewolves skill line needs to compare in other ways or it will never be used.
    But no one's saying anything about werewolf's lacking RP, fist of werewolf has to be a toggle i mean just think about trying to build ultimate just so you can rp as werewolf and or bite someone is ridiculous i would know i used to bite for free and i remember that it takes a about half an hour to get the ultimate. being that werewolf's are in fact monsters i think that humanoid players should be able to attack werewolf's in friendly zones, NOT PVP ZONES because in pvp people make a lot of mistakes you can't just be able to kill you're friends by accident, plus who would really be role playing in a PVP zone in the fist place unless they were trolling. When i at the werewolf ritual site i discovered that werewolf's only have one emote /playdead i was so disappointed, werewolf's really needs more werewolf emotes so far what i can see a werewolf doing is /sleep /scratch self and /case tail.And last of all what everyone wants to see werewolf's running on all fours, because werewolf running looks like Von Frankenstein's monster running and that's not very wolf like sry if i sounded like troll it just came out that way, that's my two cents for werewolf's. :)

    Edited by natewook on September 15, 2014 12:07PM
    sometimes I'll take subjects to far and ask for an arm, leg and maybe an eye, please be patent with me.
    remember this thread people:
    necromancer? why I've neve- I would never do such a thing! XD
  • Rexlupis
    A few thoughts: First, I am glad that there is some attention being paid to the werewolf tree after all these months and countless posts on this forum, but it seems like this is far too little.
    The first thing to keep in mind is you are now adding another three active skills to the tree, which means it requires another six skill points to be fully upgraded (plus the countless amount of XP to get them all to maximum level.) Right now I think the werewolf tree already consumes seventeen skill points; combined with the new skills that is twenty-three. That is twenty-three skill points invested for a single ability: an ultimate (since all the passives and active skills can not be used outside of the werewolf form.)
    Currently, this ultimate is weaker than even class ultimates such as supernova and standard of might, and it costs almost four times the amount to activate. These class skills are available without any extra effort (whereas werewolf requires finding a rare-spawn mob or finding another werewolf player to bite you) and, yet their use, in every way, from raw damage to survivability, greatly outclasses the werewolf ultimate which requires almost ten times more skill points and (currently triple) soon to be six times the amount of XP gained to maximize its potential. Even with a five set of "savior's hide", which reduces the transformation cost by 33%, and assuming that requiring to use this item set is not a major loss to your character's build (it obviously is, since there are far better five set bonuses in the game), the werewolf transformation is STILL not viable to use compared to every other ultimate I have. That is, your proposed ultimate cost reduction, even if you reduce the baseline cost by a third, is still far too little to make this ability viable. Furthermore, your proposed changes are increasing the cost and effort required to make this ability viable by adding more active skills, mostly. Thus, there is obviously a lot more required to even make this skill tree viable, let alone desirable, beyond cosmetic or role-playing reasons.
    Some proposed, rational changes have been said countless times in this thread before, but I feel they need to be repeated so that they are not ignored: the werewolf transformation doesn't last long enough (even if you severely decrease the cost of the ultimate.); the double self-CC caused by the transformation is an extreme disadvantage that needs to be remedied (either through damage and status effect immunity during its duration or its duration needs to be reduced to almost nil); the loss of all ultimate gained while werewolf form was active is something unique to this ultimate and is another massive drawback to the skill; the timer on devour, which was supposed to be removed in an earlier patch makes it impossible to increase the duration of the transformation a significant amount (ie, not nearly long enough, even in best case scenarios, to make the ability viable); devour is broken too easily (from any damage, including dots..It should require a knock-down or interrupt to stop the channel); there is no passive bonus in the skill tree that effects your character outside of human form, but all negative effects are still applicable; and lastly, werewolves have no ability to sneak while in werewolf form.
    There are simply far too many draw-backs and an insanely high ultimate/skill point cost for this tree already, and your solution to this is to increase the skill point cost by almost 50% more while ignoring the key issues that people have been repeating over and over again for months. Combining this with the lower viability of stamina builds versus magicka builds, something else people have been complaining about for months and has received some tweaking but is still far from balanced, and it is clear that minor changes are not going to fix this tree. It needs some extreme balance changes and, due to the insanely high cost, the margin for error should be more towards "too powerful" than "balanced."
    Some thoughts on the new skills: First, I want to say that all the skills are needed, but I think these active skills should have a far less xp cost to get to morph/max level compared to EVERY other active skills in the game since they can only be used while in werewolf form. It was a painful enough to get pounce and roar to maximum level and the reward for doing so was rather pitiful. Considering you haven't even listed increasing the werewolf transformation timer in the initial post and you're decreasing the amount of stamina we will have available to use these abilities in werewolf form (since you are changing one of the passives to granting a weapon damage bonus instead of stamina bonus) I am somewhat underwhelmed and wary about the viability of these new abilities.

    Hircine’s Bounty: This is a self-heal ability that gives you more survivability.
    One of the major complaints about werewolf is its survivability. This will help, surely. Morphs could be: increased stamina regen for (x) seconds (similar to green dragon blood); or all damage taken reduced by 10% for (x) seconds. (Extra armor/spell resist is most likely useless for most high level players who will already be near or at the soft-cap in werewolf form.) It should also be noted that since you are decreasing the amount of stamina gain players will be receiving in werewolf form, that at least one of these new abilities should cost magicka. This seems to be the most likely candidate. (I think one other poster mentioned this.)
    Piercing Howl: An ability that damages and knocks an enemy down.
    First, I want to say that I agree with the poster earlier in this thread who said it seemed counter-intuitive to be doing damage with sound (IE, your lungs.) While another poster pointed out that sound can be dangerous, the idea that your lungs can generate those sort of dangerous sound vibrations without any negative effect to one's own body is sort of ridiculous. (The generation of the sound would be more damaging to you than to the target since the oscillations would be largest at the point of creation.) Since werewolves still don't have a bite attack, it seems to me that this ability would work well as such (and you already have the animation for a werewolf bite; the werewolf npcs do it.)
    It has been said by a few people in this thread that werewolf could use a taunt for those of us who want to use it while tanking. I couldn't agree more. Hence, I would think it would make more sense to have this ability also force a target to attack you for 12 seconds BASELINE (so that players who want to use werewolf for both dps and tanking are not making a major sacrifice to their DPS build by choosing a tanking morph over a raw damage morph.) IE, the new ability would do damage, knock down and taunt. Morphs could be: 40% armor reduction for 12 seconds; or adds (x) disease damage (or bleed effect over 10 seconds.)
    Infectious Claws: A swipe attack that deals disease damage to multiple foes.
    Considering werewolf had no aoe attack, this is something they badly needed for their repertoire. Morphs could be: Adds a slow and disorient effect for (x) seconds; Increases your stamina regeneration per enemy affected (akin to whirling blades.)

    Considering how long winded this post is, I hope it makes Zenimax realize how much the werewolf skill tree needs to be changed to be competitive with skills that have far less a cost to maximize. If they want our skill points, time and effort to mean something then this skill tree needs far more work than they've implied with the initial post. Good luck in doing so; I know that these imbalances are certainly a detriment to my experience with ESO and I can't be the only one whose patience is starting to wear thin.

    Edit: I was so encompassed with talking about balance, cost and abilities that I forgot to mention a few cosmetic changes. First, I would agree with several other posters in this thread that the sprinting animation for werewolf does look poor and that running on four legs would look far better. The problem I see with this is that the all four-legs running animation is currently being used for werewolf's roll-dodge and that it would be ambiguous to both the user and attackers (in PVP) whether the player is roll dodging or running. My solution to this would be to use a slightly shorter, more compact version of the pounce animation for roll dodge so that the werewolf jump-dodges. Since the distance, arc and duration of the animation would be different than pounce, there would be far less ambiguity.
    Some people have complained that the morphs of the werewolf transform ability do not have visual distinctions. In my experience, they already do: when I was a regular werewolf (which was months ago, so forgive me if my memory isn't serving me) I was brown. When I morphed my ultimate to werewolf berserker, I became black. Every pack-leader werewolf I've seen has been white....
    So what cosmetic change did these people want? The color of the eyes? That really seems like something that shouldn't be a priority, even though it is easy to change.
    Edited by Rexlupis on September 15, 2014 2:34AM
  • JLB
    holy ***, now that's a proper wall of text.
  • stewie_801
    Just logged in, so excited, just couldn't hide it. :D
    PC/NA Ebonheart Pact
    Invictus , Teut Spindle Your Brindle Officer
    Stewie the Destroyer Imperial Templar Former Emperor of Haderus
    Stewie's Big Ole Johnson Khajiit Nightblade
    Ser Arthur Dayne Dark Elf Dragonknight Former Emperor of Chillrend and Haderus
    Stewie's Bank Slot High Elf Sorcerer

  • Iduyenn
    stewie_801 wrote: »
    Just logged in, so excited, just couldn't hide it. :D

  • Kypho
    Iduyenn wrote: »
    stewie_801 wrote: »
    Just logged in, so excited, just couldn't hide it. :D


    ^ thinking the same... these changes arent on PTS nor on Live atm as far as i know :)
  • LtCrunch
    Kypho wrote: »
    Iduyenn wrote: »
    stewie_801 wrote: »
    Just logged in, so excited, just couldn't hide it. :D


    ^ thinking the same... these changes arent on PTS nor on Live atm as far as i know :)

    Werewolf tranformation cost was reduced with this patch, and the change to savage strength went through as well. Neither of which are in the patch notes for some reason.
    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • natewook
    I forgot to add on my last post that werewolf fur patterns need some variations so that the player can change it for some gold sort of like the dyeing station 'but not a overwhelming amount like 6k who would spend that much gold so their werewolf form can look different', because one wolfs fur never looks exactly the same than another wolfs fur. Two this would add a new level of intermission being that you can customize you're werewolf to look better even if that means more scary and monster like sort of like this[term]=werewolf&filters[primary]=images&sort=1&o=54 or more realistic sort of like this And as we have seen in the dyeing station it add more things for players to do and adds more RP content for the werewolf's and the werewolf's don't have much content for RP.
    sometimes I'll take subjects to far and ask for an arm, leg and maybe an eye, please be patent with me.
    remember this thread people:
    necromancer? why I've neve- I would never do such a thing! XD
  • LtAscott
    I apologize in advance for the wall of text,

    Werewolf Transformation ultimate cost to activate: 725; drains 7.5 ult/s
    while in WW form; you get the 5 skills and your transformation gets replaced with a form specific ultimate ability "Call of the Pack" (325 ult) calls 2 lesser werewolves to fight by your side until they die; though their reckless nature causes them to lose 1hp/s out of combat, they have 25% of your life and deal 25% of your damage. With the base transformation cost, you can use this ability twice, limiting your transformation to only 10 seconds(plus extra time from ult generation), or not at all, giving you roughly 96 seconds in WW form + whatever you manage to generate.

    Devour generates 150 ultimate and heals you for 100hp / 2.5s for 20 s (devour cannot generate ultimate again until the health procs have finished)

    Hircines' Bounty
    morph 1; Heal + 50% reduced damage from ranged/AOE for 6 seconds
    morph 2; Heal + an additional 50% of heal amount over 6 seconds

    Piercing Howl; change name -> Low Swipe
    morph 1; add a slow effect for 6 seconds
    morph 2; Go for the the throat; 50% increased dmg while target knocked down

    Infectious claws
    morph 1; DoT on all targets
    morph 2; higher dmg, less targets effected

    CC Break/Bash -> remove; replace with a bite attack; moderate dmg 100% chance to inflict bleed/silences for 3 seconds. (generates 15 ultimate)

    Unstoppable; immune to CC while sprinting.(or 75% chance to ignore CC effects/slows/stuns/snares/roots)

    Stalk Prey; similar to stealth(activated like stealth) greatly increases detection radius, pounce tracks/locks on target (cannot be dodged like it can now by moving out of the way) and deals double damage. It would basically be stealth, but you are easily detected (just inside pounce range) no movement speed penalties (and can sprint).

    Climb wall (cyrodiil only) - you can activate an outer wall to climb up to ramparts
    only usable on outer wall of keep or tower at resource.

    These would be the morphs and other abilities/traits I would like to see for werewolves. A flat reduction from ranged attacks would be decent too.

    For The Roleplayers; Wolfsbane potion - allows the werewolf transformation to last until you enter combat, at which point the effect is lost unless you have enough ultimate. Sold at the Shrine to Hircine where the portal to the hunting grounds is.
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