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Do you think there should be an AoE cap?

  • etupa
    Soul Shriven
    There is already an AOE cap !

    Download this and you will understand that only a very few AOE are "bugged" or "uncapped" and it needs to be fixed.

  • Chimeraofissus
    etupa wrote: »
    There is already an AOE cap !

    ... and you will understand that only a very few AOE are "bugged" or "uncapped" and it needs to be fixed ...

    Just because it is bugged it doesn't mean that the bug should become a feature.
    I think capping is not the right way, rebalancing might do the trick.
    - AOEs might provide some advantages in PvP and/or PvE but then again everybody has the opportunity to include an AOE skill in his/her spec.
    - There are indicators for you standing in the area of an AOE, so if you don't want to get hit, move it.
    - In real life there is no fire that's thinking 'Oh, I already burned the hands and/or arms of 6 people so I better stop hurting anybody else.' if the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, .... guys are stupid enough to hold their arms into the flames they will get burned just as everybody prior to them.
    I think it is good as it is - and I am saying that even though I don't use impulse aso and get hit by AOEs myself often enough - but if something has to be done it should be a rebalancing and not a capping (and those are not the same since capping is more of an act of mutilation than balancing).
  • tonyglissonb14_ESO
    If all the no votes leave Zenimax losses $36000 per month to start.
  • Aerlim
    Please don't do this ZOS. The reason I left GW2 was because it was Zerg v Zerg. If you introduce aoe cap then you are just creating GW2 with more travel distance - in which case, I may as well go back there because at least it's free.
  • Isa
    Soul Shriven
    Concerning the cap AoE, an addon has been done to check what abilities are concerned. Several abilities already have an AoE cap.


  • Zolyok
    I think some should use that cap addon
    And they'll have some surprise to see what is really capped or not.
    Edited by Zolyok on April 27, 2014 12:32PM
  • Hinyaldee
    Soul Shriven
    etupa wrote: »
    There is already an AOE cap !

    ... and you will understand that only a very few AOE are "bugged" or "uncapped" and it needs to be fixed ...

    Just because it is bugged it doesn't mean that the bug should become a feature.
    I think capping is not the right way, rebalancing might do the trick.
    - AOEs might provide some advantages in PvP and/or PvE but then again everybody has the opportunity to include an AOE skill in his/her spec.
    - There are indicators for you standing in the area of an AOE, so if you don't want to get hit, move it.
    - In real life there is no fire that's thinking 'Oh, I already burned the hands and/or arms of 6 people so I better stop hurting anybody else.' if the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, .... guys are stupid enough to hold their arms into the flames they will get burned just as everybody prior to them.
    I think it is good as it is - and I am saying that even though I don't use impulse aso and get hit by AOEs myself often enough - but if something has to be done it should be a rebalancing and not a capping (and those are not the same since capping is more of an act of mutilation than balancing).

    The real question is : would you have complained if you didn't know there was this cap in the first place ? Because, most of the skills already are capped, and that didn't bother you until you learned the bugged skills would get their cap
  • Korin12
    Soul Shriven
    I do think there should be a cap, but I also think the cap should be around 20, not 6. I think there should be a point where AoE can be absolutely ridiculous, but 6 is not that number.
  • legacy-of-meub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Zenimax, If you implement that awful cap you are losing my recurring sub.
    Mine and many other people's subs... just saying.
    EDIT: On a side note, I don't even PvP. I haven't PvP'd yet at all. But this matter has made me lose my desire to keep playing ESO :C
    Edited by legacy-of-meub17_ESO on April 27, 2014 12:57PM
  • valkaneer2b14_ESO
    Hinyaldee wrote: »
    etupa wrote: »
    There is already an AOE cap !

    ... and you will understand that only a very few AOE are "bugged" or "uncapped" and it needs to be fixed ...

    Just because it is bugged it doesn't mean that the bug should become a feature.
    I think capping is not the right way, rebalancing might do the trick.
    - AOEs might provide some advantages in PvP and/or PvE but then again everybody has the opportunity to include an AOE skill in his/her spec.
    - There are indicators for you standing in the area of an AOE, so if you don't want to get hit, move it.
    - In real life there is no fire that's thinking 'Oh, I already burned the hands and/or arms of 6 people so I better stop hurting anybody else.' if the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, .... guys are stupid enough to hold their arms into the flames they will get burned just as everybody prior to them.
    I think it is good as it is - and I am saying that even though I don't use impulse aso and get hit by AOEs myself often enough - but if something has to be done it should be a rebalancing and not a capping (and those are not the same since capping is more of an act of mutilation than balancing).

    The real question is : would you have complained if you didn't know there was this cap in the first place ? Because, most of the skills already are capped, and that didn't bother you until you learned the bugged skills would get their cap

    Um the new cap is 6, right now there may be caps but they are very large caps. If and AoE is capped at 100 and the new cap is 6 that would be a huge nerf. All that matters is this game will become F2P in less than 6 months if they do this, and will crush there sales from what it should be on the consoles.

    Not to mention I will never buy another ZOS game if I have to leave cuz they make it a zergfest.
    Edited by valkaneer2b14_ESO on April 27, 2014 12:58PM
  • Semel
    pulsar dmg with infinte mana[/quotte]

    It's damage is mediocre (210-220 per hit at vr3 level and lvl 4 ability)) and it doesn't provide infinite mana. Get your facts straight
  • Gisgo
    I think there should be an aoe cap. Certain classes have it to easy to just run around and spam their aoes with little effort and tactical thought, while they have better survivability. Classes like nightblade gets the short end of the stick.

    Please speak for yourself i am a nightblade and im perfectly fine with AOE in its current form.
    Stay out of it and live.

  • loredrakernrb18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I applaud Zenimax for trying to address problems quickly, but putting a cap on AOE is NOT a good idea
  • moonsugar66
    I loved GW2 but that stack-to-win mentality was a load of bull@#$t. Seriously ruined WvW for me and other small group players. The mindset evolved into something that if you weren't stacking on a commander you were useless. Havoc teams disrupting supply got little respect.

    The mob mentality in effect produced what was termed as "running trains". Your zerg runs from keep cap to keep cap not bothering to hold and defend but instead, farming points and gold. Little skill involved there.

    Is this what we want for Cyrodiil? Really?
    Edited by moonsugar66 on April 27, 2014 1:28PM
  • ElliottXO
    Is there any reason why 95% of the skills have to be instant? The game claims to have a reaction based active combat system, yet you cannot interrupt, dodge or block any incoming skills because they are instant.

    E.g. 1 sec casting time for impulse might be a better solution to prevent the AOE spam?
  • RamzaBehoulve
    Hinyaldee wrote: »
    The real question is : would you have complained if you didn't know there was this cap in the first place ? Because, most of the skills already are capped, and that didn't bother you until you learned the bugged skills would get their cap

    I pointed out long ago Heals were caped and most damage AoE were not.

    It does not matter if some skills were caped or not. Whether it's a bug or a feature they don't want anymore, the fact is it created an effective anti-zerg mechanic in PvP and it should remain that way.
  • Rubapowa
    Should be like in other MMO's , capped targets if the aoe hits more targets , less damage to each target.

    Is hilarious when 2 zergs fight they dont do anything more than spam aoe randomly until the other group is dead. No skill. Nothing.
  • moonsugar66
    Rubapowa wrote: »
    Is hilarious when 2 zergs fight they dont do anything more than spam aoe randomly until the other group is dead. No skill. Nothing.

    Are your advocating no-skill fighting? For those of us who've PvP'd otherwise, it's loads more fun running in a group that uses strategy and skill. So much more exciting and rewarding.
  • valkaneer2b14_ESO
    Rubapowa wrote: »
    Should be like in other MMO's , capped targets if the aoe hits more targets , less damage to each target.

    Is hilarious when 2 zergs fight they dont do anything more than spam aoe randomly until the other group is dead. No skill. Nothing.

    Well PvP changed drastically in Wow when then introduced caps. Skill went down hill in a hurry and people just ran through AoE cuz they knew the damage would be meh now. Back before caps you had to focus fire down the Mage, Locks, and Hunters. Everyone picked the mage and everyone attacked him to kill the AoE.

    So tell me how did AoE caps make PvP more skillful? AoE caps turned Aterac Valley into the Zerg fest it has now become. No one fights anymore there is very little PvP because they can just run through the AoE and not die anymore. Before 4 or 5 real PvPers could force the Zerg to PvP. It was fun back then, you had to build a strat to stop the AoE or push your way through it, you picked targets, you had to PvP.
    Edited by valkaneer2b14_ESO on April 27, 2014 1:41PM
  • bluntobjnub18_ESO
    One of the most disappointing thing in GW2 WvW was the AOE cap. Emulating fail in ESO is fail.

    No Cap please.
  • Hinyaldee
    Soul Shriven
    Of course, the devs are responsible for players' mentality... Yeah, devs told you "Play only in Zergs and spam AoE"
  • thelg
    It was exactly same back in Shadowbane. STACK ON ME

    Cyrdodil will become massive stacks spamming each other nothing more. This shows absolute lack of understanding of how AvA works. I don see a reason to keep paying for the game if this is implemented
  • Roneth
    Zenimax, please do not cap aoe spells. If the spells are doing to much damage, either reduce the damage or reduce the radius. That is a far better solution.
  • Mykah

    Heres an idea, for every No Vote thats threatening to unsub or claiming this will "ruin pvp" between teary eyes, please also share your main's class and what build youre currently using in pvp.

    Yes Vote. Nightblade 2h/1hs Heavy Armor DC
  • KittyMauge

    I don't want this game to become another mindless zerg pvp where strategy and smart use of the siege will be destroyed! The thing I love the most about AvA is that you can defend a keep with "few" people using the siege in a smart way. By capping the AoE only the server with the biggest Zerg wins by roflstomping all the forts.

    The least ZoS could do is to add different types of campaigns where this cap is included. It should be called "Baby's First AvA"
  • valkaneer2b14_ESO
    Mykah wrote: »
    Heres an idea, for every No Vote thats threatening to unsub or claiming this will "ruin pvp" between teary eyes, please also share your main's class and what build youre currently using in pvp.

    Yes Vote. Nightblade 2h/1hs Heavy Armor DC

    What good will that do, you have still been challenged over and over with very clear questions refuting your comments like "Use your reticle intelligently". You have yet to answer them.

    Answer this question that I have asked for the 3rd time now.... I'll even give you the best possible scenario to be in your favor.

    - Prove to me you could take the 10 best players in the game and focus fire down 10 healer targets, one after the other stacked group of 200.

    Fist explain that one, how are you going to do that. If you can not, troll somewhere else.
    Edited by valkaneer2b14_ESO on April 27, 2014 2:40PM
  • thelg
    Simple solution is simple.

    1. Add cast time to Impulse
    2. Alternatively.. add drop out where you take 100% damage when you are within 3-4 meters and progressively less further away

    Do not destroy Cyrodil with this change. Pretty please with cherry on top.
  • eisenheitb16_ESO
    I'm against a cap, BUT there needs to be less AE.
    PvE or PvP speaking.
    Vamp bats needs to be tuned down if the no cap stays in game.
    Impulse too.
    Talons too.

    Spamming AoE is stupid, and needs to be taken out of the game (remember when Arcane mages stacked on WoW/ rogues blade-spinned ? When sword-tank spinned endlessly in Secret World ? That's the same).

    Now, something needs to be done. Reduction cost stacking ? Casting time ? Way more ultimate if AoE is an ultimate ?
  • Mykah
    Mykah wrote: »
    Heres an idea, for every No Vote thats threatening to unsub or claiming this will "ruin pvp" between teary eyes, please also share your main's class and what build youre currently using in pvp.

    Yes Vote. Nightblade 2h/1hs Heavy Armor DC

    What good will that do, you have still been challenged over and over with very clear questions refuting your comments like "Use your reticle intelligently". You have yet to answer them.

    Answer this question that I have asked for the 3rd time now.... I'll even give you the best possible scenario to be in your favor.

    - Prove to me you could take the 10 best players in the game and focus fire down 10 healer targets, one after the other stacked group of 200.

    Fist explain that one, how are you going to do that. If you can not, troll somewhere else.

    Those ten players would have to be on a defendable keep wall, 2 of them dedicated healers, the other 8 on ballistas grouping their shots onto designated targets.

    Now tell me anonymous QQer, what class and build is your pvp main?
  • Angelyne
    No ! certainly not. that is the most anoying thing that was in GW2 and probably what i left the PvP from GW2 in less than 1 year. beside that i spend 10 years on DAoC. AoE cap mean the mass win, the zerg win, only number matter. NO ! We are a PvP community and, we refuse that change.
    Angel-In, Guild Master for Metatrone - French PvP Community
This discussion has been closed.