woutervanjellob16_ESO wrote: »Fix your PC. And dude.. There are always people with problems in games. You should try and get a job at Bethesda/zenimax. See how you can do their job better.
TalisThermon wrote: »
You do realise the reason they're closed is because they're afraid people will wake up to valid points and quit themselves, right?
Noooo please don't go!!!
Oh wait, you're making quit threads about quitting, but yet you are still here making posts and are probably right at this very moment still playing and you will continue to do so and will even continue with your subscription! ... Kiddies are their emotional blackmail that works on their parents, but not on game developers!
I remember how impressed I was with Trion and their reputation for customer support on the launch of Rift. I stayed subbed to
TalisThermon wrote: »
You're the pinnacle of stupidity.
Can you learn to actually read? The main issue isn't WITH the game itself, but the customer service. Thousands of players are experiencing issues due to optimisation of the game. Yet none of it is being addressed.
How can I 'fix' my pc when I bought this pc brand new little under a month ago?
Yet please continue to tell me how its 'my computers' fault
TalisThermon wrote: »
You're the pinnacle of stupidity.
Can you learn to actually read? The main issue isn't WITH the game itself, but the customer service. Thousands of players are experiencing issues due to optimisation of the game. Yet none of it is being addressed.
How can I 'fix' my pc when I bought this pc brand new little under a month ago?
Yet please continue to tell me how its 'my computers' fault
Find me a game at launch that doesn't do thisTalisThermon wrote: »http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/87112/300-word-ticket-automated-responses-a-word-to-zenimax#latest
This is just a few from the FIRST page, I could go on and on.
Keep telling me about how I'm the 'only person' with problems against how *** this game is optimised and how 'great' Zenimax are.
Even bethesda are turning their backs on the *** stain Zenimax is and how they *** up their game
And if you didn't post this thread to try and make things better then it is pointless and doesn't belong here.
The original poster has a valid point, and there isn't any use white washing over what has happened with the games launch. There are major technical issues ask anyone who has caught the dreaded kick fever. This persons story might be exceptional, but not by much. Given the severity I think they have earned the right to a rant without being picked at.
I guarantee that if this happened to any of you. That you would be equally irate. Don't even bother denying it. This game has had me on the edge more then a few times, and I only lost one or two days at a time due to bugs. Most assuredly not on my end of the connection. I can't imagine putting up with it for weeks. At some point I would have insisted upon a full refund, and I would have got it.
So yeah this poster seems totally justified. They should at least get their moneys worth in the form of a rant.
So where does it belong? Oh that's right, nowhere because there's no General Discussion forum...
So this is where people will post such things to try to make sure their experience is captured (which is exactly what most businesses want to do; capture feedback good and bad, most in fact spend a lot of money on doing it.)
Nope, sorry.
You're exactly right. This post does not belong anywhere.
You're exactly right. This post does not belong anywhere.