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Major issues with the game - by Angry Joe

  • Jeremy
    Jeremy wrote: »

    Then he complains endlessly about the horrible grouping and not being able to quest together efficiently. And while I agree with that assessment, that's common place in today's MMORPGs. In fact, most of the more recent MMORPGs don't even allow you to group for many of the quests at all and treats character progression as a wholly single-player experience.

    If its so comon place in today's MMO's, please tell me which MMO's you are talking about?

    The MMO's I have played recently, Guild Wars 2, Wildstar, WoW, Rift, Star Trek Online, LotRO all allow me to group and quest with friends without any issues. Hell even some let you downscale in levels just to help out your friends if they are not your level!

    There are tons of quest on LOTRO that don't allow you to group. I know from personal experience because it used to annoy the crap out of me to have to drop group to do them all the time. So I have no idea what you are talking about here.

    SWTRO did the same thing. So does the newer Final Fantasy 14, which doesn't allow you to group at all for many of the instanced job/story quests. Just to name a couple more.

    It's very common place for today's MMORPGs to treat character progression as a largely single player experience. It's been the trend now for years. I don't see how you could not have noticed it.

    Now I'm not saying I like it. Because I don't and think its a bad trend. Just providing some perspective. Because this kind of approach is nothing new.
    Edited by Jeremy on April 23, 2014 9:04PM
  • Jeremy
    deleted, double post some reason
    Edited by Jeremy on April 23, 2014 8:51PM
  • Jeremy
    Jeremy wrote: »
    he wasn't even trying to enjoy himself.

    You Shouldn't have to try to enjoy games. His frustration with the game seems to be valid since its not like hes making anything up outta thin air.

    I don't remember this quote you are posting. So I'm not sure of the context.

    But I imagine my point was if you want to hate something bad enough, you will find a reason too.

  • Sarenia
    demendred wrote: »
    Sarenia wrote: »

    P.S. I hate the draft thing.
    I do too.

    I frequently start writing something, then realize I'm being even more abrasive than usual, so I decide against it.

    Then I go back to post in that thread, don't realize a draft is still there, and end up posting it anyway by accident. -_-

    I like how you type. People normally go this way.

    You however, being the daring gal you are, rebels and says no! It shall be done this way. Kudos cupcake.
    It's all part of my master plan to convert everybody to textcenterism.

    Then comes the poisoned Kool-aid...
  • Gix
    Jeremy wrote: »
    he wasn't even trying to enjoy himself.

    You Shouldn't have to try to enjoy games. His frustration with the game seems to be valid since its not like hes making anything up outta thin air.
    He came playing TESO with the mindset that this should be a F2P game from the get-go. His "first impressions" video gives you an insight on that.

    He complains about traveling yet never bothered to see if there was a way to rectify the situation. Teleport to player, Wayshrines, Mounts, etc. Not only does he not mention any of this (other that the mounts are expensive), he never even bothered to consider that MAYBE, just MAYBE, that kind of thing is what some of us wants in an MMO; to have a reason to walk around in the world.

    Him and his friend seemed to enjoy bashing the game more than playing it. Ok, sure, maybe they were frustrated... but how about showing us some good moments? None? TESO really has no good moments? He mentions PvP but never really talks about it.

    "Guildwars 2 does it as well" -Joe
    Ah yeah? Since Joe mentions GW2, why didn't he say anything about how they differ? They're the same, you say? I've played plenty of both to know that's not true.

    Also, since when is the rock texture REALLY an issue? It's a rock! He took some time in his 38min video to talk about that.

    No, man. I love watching Joe. I respect him because he's entertaining and you know he puts a lot of effort in these videos. He came to TESO with skepticism and it clearly shows... All emotions, no research.

    Bugs can be fixed, tell us about the !@#$ing game!
  • ChairGraveyard
    mutharex wrote: »
    Joe the nerd who made a video saying how crap was the game, then made a video saying how good it was and now is back saying is crap

    Ok, so someone who can't keep an opinion for more than a week

    Why you care?

    This. WhinyJoe has zero credibility and is just doing whatever idiotic stunt will get him the most views.

    Of course he has his drooling followers to come in here and start trolling to defend his idiocy. He's in good company.
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on April 23, 2014 9:57PM
  • Etchesketch
    mutharex wrote: »
    Joe the nerd who made a video saying how crap was the game, then made a video saying how good it was and now is back saying is crap

    Ok, so someone who can't keep an opinion for more than a week

    Why you care?

    This. WhinyJoe has zero credibility and is just doing whatever idiotic stunt will get him the most views.

    Of course he has his drooling followers to come in here and start trolling to defend his idiocy. He's in good company.

    That'l learn em by gawd!!

    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • Jadeviper1974
    Jeremy wrote: »

    Chanz wrote: »
    I would not have given this garbage they have served us even a 5 out of 10.

    I do not hate the game.

    I have a hard time reconciling these two statements in your post.

    So you don't believe that someone can give an honest assessment of a product that gives it a low approval score, without having a negative emotional response?

    Frankly, I see so much that could and frankly should have been done so much better, but I am sticking with the game and I would have given it a 4/10.
    What is written above are my honest opinions. If you agree then; "Great!" If you disagree; "Great!" I really couldn't care less either way.
  • ChairGraveyard
    WhinyJoe is nothing but a view-***. If the game's community (those that aren't playing it, and instead just whine) was looking for positive commentary, he would have released a positive review.

    Just like he's already done in the past - imagine that.

    People who change their opinion just to bait views for ad revenue have zero credibility, and that's exactly what WhinyJoe loser is.
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on April 23, 2014 10:13PM
  • Sarenia
    So you don't believe that someone can give an honest assessment of a product that gives it a low approval score, without having a negative emotional response?
    An honest harassment of the game? Certainly possible!
  • ChairGraveyard
    An honest assessment of the game is exactly what WhinyJoe seems incapable of providing, given that his entire motivation is view-baiting for ad revenue.

    If it made him ad money he'd sell his own grandmother to slavers.
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on April 23, 2014 10:19PM
  • demendred
    Sarenia wrote: »
    demendred wrote: »
    Sarenia wrote: »

    P.S. I hate the draft thing.
    I do too.

    I frequently start writing something, then realize I'm being even more abrasive than usual, so I decide against it.

    Then I go back to post in that thread, don't realize a draft is still there, and end up posting it anyway by accident. -_-

    I like how you type. People normally go this way.

    You however, being the daring gal you are, rebels and says no! It shall be done this way. Kudos cupcake.
    It's all part of my master plan to convert everybody to textcenterism.

    Then comes the poisoned Kool-aid...

    Heh heh, I like your spunk. Look me up any time. I'll help you with whatever. Expect PVP, I don't really do that, sorry *sniff*

    That is, if you're in AD. Thats where my main is...
    Edited by demendred on April 23, 2014 10:44PM
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • RaZaddha
    500+ Comments about a review should tell you guys something
    Edited by RaZaddha on April 23, 2014 10:58PM
  • megginsonjuan_ESO
    An honest assessment of the game is exactly what WhinyJoe seems incapable of providing, given that his entire motivation is view-baiting for ad revenue.

    If it made him ad money he'd sell his own grandmother to slavers.
    Joe Vargas is a great reviewer. If I owned IGN I would try to hire him to be a writer.

  • d0e1ow
    An honest assessment of the game is exactly what WhinyJoe seems incapable of providing, given that his entire motivation is view-baiting for ad revenue.

    If it made him ad money he'd sell his own grandmother to slavers.
    Joe Vargas is a great reviewer. If I owned IGN I would try to hire him to be a writer.

    Of course you would. I mean, given the quality of most IGN articles he'd fit right in.
    "Her mystery was as essential to her as savagery was to Boethiah or treachery was to Molag Bal. To understand Nocturnal is to negate her, to pull back the curtains cloaking her realm of darkness." - Sigillah Parate "Invocation of Azura"

  • ChairGraveyard
    Joe Vargas is a great reviewer. If I owned IGN I would try to hire him to be a writer.

    Considering he's not a writer (and doesn't even use a written medium) this assertion is laughable in the extreme.

    Further, he's not a reviewer either, since that requires you to actually review things. He's just a view-baiting ad revenue ***, who will say anything to get views for ad money.

    He'd slaughter a bouncy castle full of puppies if it gave him views.
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on April 23, 2014 11:17PM
  • rager82b14_ESO
    Ok let us end it. We all know that this game in its current state is sub par. Tons of people and reviewers agree, We still are getting enjoyment and have high hopes for it.
  • Sarenia
    Joe Vargas is a great reviewer. If I owned IGN I would try to hire him to be a writer.

    He'd slaughter a bouncy castle full of puppies if it gave him views.
    Don't be ridiculous! He wouldn't kill dogs just for some video views.

    He would kill cats. Cats would stir up a lot more heated discussion than dogs, and he could turn some of the footage into gory MeMes.

    Edited by Sarenia on April 23, 2014 11:28PM
  • megginsonjuan_ESO
    Joe Vargas is a great reviewer. If I owned IGN I would try to hire him to be a writer.

    Considering he's not a writer (and doesn't even use a written medium) this assertion is laughable in the extreme.

    Further, he's not a reviewer either, since that requires you to actually review things. He's just a view-baiting ad revenue ***, who will say anything to get views for ad money.

    He'd slaughter a bouncy castle full of puppies if it gave him views.
    Really?? You don't know if he can write or cannot. Also he's a compassionate gamer who just wants games the way they used to be.

  • Yasha
    d0e1ow wrote: »

    He's wrong because he overstates the facts and blows them vastly out of proportion. Listening to his review, you'd think, short of the PvP, that the game was entirely broken and near non-functional. His review is trash.

    He glosses over the pros and spends the entire time bitching about what he doesn't like. I get it, the game isn't perfect, big surprise, but do we need the entire video to have that message conveyed to us? His review wasn't balanced in any sense of the word. You could hardly call it a review honestly.

    What you fail to understand isn't that he is seeking views for money, but that he shapes his content to gain those views. He appeal to an audience, a specific one, to make his money. The trend for almost a year now has been to bash on ESO, and he joined the bandwagon as soon as he decided he disliked their subscription model. He's been down on the game and nitpicking it to pieces since. Him giving it a poor review was not a surprise, and his views match those of the inane rabble rousers perfectly.

    "I don't like subs. This game has bugs. Game is unplayable. It sucks!" He's literally throwing a ninny-fit because console boy isn't getting Skyrim for free.

    You're free to dislike subs, but keep it out of the review of the game's content as it has nothing to do with the game's content. Yes, the game has bugs, but they are not as overstated as he makes them seem. The game has a lot of good qualities that he has failed to mention or even make a respectable note of.

    "Combat is fun I guess..." doesn't cut it.

    His review is a joke. He's a joke. He's a turd as far as I'm concerned. Drunk or sober, the dude us a fanboy turd.

    If you want to have it further illustrated to you how unbalanced and clueless he is about this genre, go watch his review of GW2. (Keep in mind I own the CE and have played a good bit of GW2. I enjoy it for the most part.) You'd think that that game was literally the second coming of Christ. Once again, he eschews balance and fairness for an over the top one-sided review, because that's what is audience wants. I'd suspect his audience are mostly very young, and young minds love that kind of over the top stuff.

    "THIS GAME SUXXXXX" contrasted with the sometimes "THIS IS BEST GAME EVARR GOTYYYY" is totally the kind of hype talk that teenagers and kids use and that people selling products (Joe is selling a character!) look to appeal to.

    The guys who gave fair and balanced reviews aren't getting near the attention, why? Because people like spectacles, and these reviewers didn't make a spectacle of themselves.

    Ever heard the term "lowest common denominator"? Look it up.

    I think it is more simple. He thought GW2 was awesome so he said so and he thought ESO was lacking so he said as much. Stop ur crying.
  • Dunhilda
    Yankee wrote: »
    Looking forward to the 30 days since launch mark. All the "I am not subbing" and "this game sux" people should be gone from these forums right?

    Angry Joe dude can move on to another game. Angry forum posters can move on to another game.

    Time will tell if that leaves enough people to support the sub model.

    But at least most the QQ and rage posts should die down.

    Maybe then the forum can be used for sharing information on playing the game.

    If too many leaves the game this could be a bad thing, even going F2P is bad hell if it goes F2P then it proves that Angry joe was correct on more of his points but I leave you to find that out later

    As for the QQ posts and using the forums for sharing information on playing the game? Sure thing once the game is working and isn't riddled with bugged quests or dupes.
  • Jeremy
    Jeremy wrote: »

    Chanz wrote: »
    I would not have given this garbage they have served us even a 5 out of 10.

    I do not hate the game.

    I have a hard time reconciling these two statements in your post.

    So you don't believe that someone can give an honest assessment of a product that gives it a low approval score, without having a negative emotional response?

    Frankly, I see so much that could and frankly should have been done so much better, but I am sticking with the game and I would have given it a 4/10.

    You're missing my point.

    When you call a game garbage it usually means you have a strong dislike (hate) for it.

    So it was his choice in words that lead me to believe he hates the game. It wasn't really the low approval score or his general assessment of the game.

    I could be wrong of course. But I took the time to reread the post and I remain of the same opinion. He sounded like someone who hates the game to me ^^

    Edited by Jeremy on April 24, 2014 1:18AM
  • Ruebs

    With that said^...

    I usually don't much like Joe. But this review, i agree with 90%.
    I However HATED the Zerg-fest PvP. It was completely unbalanced and very unrewarding. Especially after enduring a 5-10 min horse ride just to get to the battle. VR player's dominate, and lower levels are nothing but cannon fodder. OP abilities like 'Broken Talons', Shield Bash and a few others, make anyone who isn't using them almost useless.
    You get NOTHING worth while from killing a player which equates little or no excitement and eats away the competitive feel that is imperative to PVP.

    I was so excited for this game, i forked out $2100 for a new computer in preparation for ESO. Bought the Imperial Edition for $120 AUD and invested hours apon hours into theory-crafting, only to find a boring, tedious, dysfunctional game.
    Edited by ZOS_SilviaS on April 24, 2014 3:08AM
  • Yasha

    That's the most beautiful piece of writing I have seen on these forums, good stuff.
    Edited by ZOS_SilviaS on April 24, 2014 3:09AM
  • loco

    With that said^...

    I usually don't much like Joe. But this review, i agree with 90%.
    I However HATED the Zerg-fest PvP. It was completely unbalanced and very unrewarding. Especially after enduring a 5-10 min horse ride just to get to the battle. VR player's dominate, and lower levels are nothing but cannon fodder. OP abilities like 'Broken Talons', Shield Bash and a few others, make anyone who isn't using them almost useless.
    You get NOTHING worth while from killing a player which equates little or no excitement and eats away the competitive feel that is imperative to PVP.

    I was so excited for this game, i forked out $2100 for a new computer in preparation for ESO. Bought the Imperial Edition for $120 AUD and invested hours apon hours into theory-crafting, only to find a boring, tedious, dysfunctional game.[/quote]

    You can run eso on ultra with a 400 dollar computer. Go try arma three with that beast.
    Edited by ZOS_SilviaS on April 24, 2014 3:09AM
  • Varivox9
    Watched it last night and I have to agree with the majority of what he said. I still love the game (for the most part), but he does make some good points. I should never be greeted with what amounts to "sup?" when the guy saying "sup?" is wounded, his hometown is on fire and has a daedric portal open, imps burning everything, and his wife is dead right beside him....
  • seaef
    Critics are like teachers:

    Those who can, do. Those who can't...
    "The Illuminati are very achievement focused. It's like Xbox - only everything is hardcore."
    - Kirsten Geary
  • seaef
    Ruebs wrote: »
    I was so excited for this game, i forked out $2100 for a new computer in preparation for ESO. Bought the Imperial Edition for $120 AUD and invested hours apon hours into theory-crafting, only to find a boring, tedious, dysfunctional game.

    ESO will run on a toaster. I sometimes play it on my Mac mini and it runs just fine.

    You may want to be less concerned about buying the game and more concerned [embarrassed] about the $2100 parcel of swampland some marketing team talked you into buying.
    "The Illuminati are very achievement focused. It's like Xbox - only everything is hardcore."
    - Kirsten Geary
  • Reavan
    NukaCola wrote: »
    How can you immerse yourself to any game while listening to an annoying woman rambling in skype the whole time?
    heh i made a similar point earlier in the thread.
    clearly had no intention of liking the game before it started with such a negative view of it before lvl 15 lol.
    dumb angry fangirl if i ever saw one. sad.

    Edited by Reavan on April 24, 2014 2:50AM
  • loco
    cfurlin wrote: »
    Ruebs wrote: »
    I was so excited for this game, i forked out $2100 for a new computer in preparation for ESO. Bought the Imperial Edition for $120 AUD and invested hours apon hours into theory-crafting, only to find a boring, tedious, dysfunctional game.

    ESO will run on a toaster. I sometimes play it on my Mac mini and it runs just fine.

    You may want to be less concerned about buying the game and more concerned [embarrassed] about the $2100 parcel of swampland some marketing team talked you into buying.

    I don't know, I've been doing the Arma three thing and wish I had a 2100 dollar PC, so if the plays other games it's not a complete waste.

    And at least he didn't get this for eso.... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814132015&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-Workstation+Graphics+Cards-_-N82E16814132015&ef_id=UilnugAAAaphMrs@:20140424025616:s
    Edited by loco on April 24, 2014 2:57AM
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