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Major issues with the game - by Angry Joe

  • Ohioastro
    TicToc wrote: »
    OK, I can understand that if you don't PvP and don't go to Cyrodiil, you may not be familiar with the ridiculous load times that often happen and the frequent crashes. I can understand if you don't group while questing that you would not be familiar with all the bugs surrounding that. Maybe you don't go to group dungeons often and see that many times you can't complete the dungeon because they are bugged. Maybe you have never gone to a public dungeon so you have never seen the big mound of people all piled up on the boss's spawn point so that it dies almost the instant it spawns....and on and on.

    I can understand not seeing some of those thing, but i would find it hard to believe that you have not seen any of them. More importantly, i would have to cry foul if you were to claim that you have not seen quest objectives, on a regular basis, that were missing, or not intractable because they are out of phase. That is something that everyone has to deal with multiple times a night, and logging out of the game and back in to try and fix has been accepted as part of the regular routine.

    Individually, they are forgivable this soon after launch, but the shear volume and regularity of them are beginning to wear people down.

    I've played this game plenty and, nope, this isn't my experience. Maybe it's because I use no addons. I occasionally have to relog to get a quest objective to clear - correct. I've been stuck with one for more than a few minutes precisely twice since launch. Banished Cells was indeed broken on launch, and I had an odd bug in one of the main line quests - both explicitly fixed in the patch notes. I've grouped with people to do quests without problem, and also simply worked with them without grouping to do quests. And, more to the point, this is obviously an area where the game is rapidly improving - witness the numerous (unacknowledged by AJ, naturally) fixes to quests in patches.

    A good review tries to understand what a game is trying to do and judges both strengths and weaknesses. This rant ignores the strengths of the game - or, in the case of the storyline and questing, calls them weaknesses. It's a hatchet job.

  • Ohioastro
    Greydog wrote: »
    Just because you don't encounter bugs doesn't mean they don't exist. I haven't encountered any either but I certainly do believe all the reports I've seen. Video proof of it seems pretty irrefutable IMO.

    In a game with a million players it matters a great deal whether a bug happens to a dozen people or a hundred thousand. People are taking rare glitches and treating them as everyday things - and then simply refusing to believe the numerous people who are not experiencing them.
  • Jeremy
    TicToc wrote: »
    OK, I can understand that if you don't PvP and don't go to Cyrodiil, you may not be familiar with the ridiculous load times that often happen and the frequent crashes. I can understand if you don't group while questing that you would not be familiar with all the bugs surrounding that. Maybe you don't go to group dungeons often and see that many times you can't complete the dungeon because they are bugged. Maybe you have never gone to a public dungeon so you have never seen the big mound of people all piled up on the boss's spawn point so that it dies almost the instant it spawns....and on and on.

    I can understand not seeing some of those thing, but i would find it hard to believe that you have not seen any of them. More importantly, i would have to cry foul if you were to claim that you have not seen quest objectives, on a regular basis, that were missing, or not intractable because they are out of phase. That is something that everyone has to deal with multiple times a night, and logging out of the game and back in to try and fix has been accepted as part of the regular routine.

    Individually, they are forgivable this soon after launch, but the shear volume and regularity of them are beginning to wear people down.

    I have encountered a few bugged quests that have been fixed. My helmet vanished once. That also seems to have been fixed. They are working hard to fix the bugs that are present. Programmers are not perfect, and it's unreasonable to expect a game to be bug-free.

    I would agree that bots are a real problem. I've said so myself in numerous threads. So I don't know why you are acting as if I don't think they are. And I agreed in this thread that this game is not group-friendly when questing. So I'm not sure why much of your post was aimed at me.

    The review had some valid criticisms. But over-all, it was very unfair to the game in my opinion and I would not recommend anyone take it seriously.
    Edited by Jeremy on April 24, 2014 12:02PM
  • Lee
    I generally agree with Joe and I do agree with some of the flaws he pointed out, but some of the points where misinformed and gigantic reaches. He spent a good chunk of time complaining about 1-2 gold, I mean really? how desperate of a reach is that. I still do enjoy his reviews, but this one was pretty bad.
  • Yasha
    Jeremy wrote: »
    TicToc wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    If you don't agree with at least the bug parts of what he said. You are a blind fanboy. Enough said.

    He exaggerated the bugs.

    No, he didn't. He overly focused on the negative aspects, but the bugs he mentioned (and showed) are very real and very prevalent.

    I have never fallen through the world. Not once. Yet after watching the video you would think it was a regular part of the gameplay.

    When I was watching it I was laughing because all of those things-including falling though the world, have happened to me.
  • Jeremy
    Yasha wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    TicToc wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    If you don't agree with at least the bug parts of what he said. You are a blind fanboy. Enough said.

    He exaggerated the bugs.

    No, he didn't. He overly focused on the negative aspects, but the bugs he mentioned (and showed) are very real and very prevalent.

    I have never fallen through the world. Not once. Yet after watching the video you would think it was a regular part of the gameplay.

    When I was watching it I was laughing because all of those things-including falling though the world, have happened to me.

    I've seen it happen to a few others too in chat. So I understand that it does happen. I just don't think it happens on the scale his review implies.

    If it was just that one instance I would be willing to pass it off as a cheap laugh at the game's expense. But he does similar things over and over to the point it just becomes painfully obvious at least to me that he's on a mission to exaggerate and trash the game over every little detail.

    It was more like a spoof really in my opinion. I wouldn't even call it a real review. But again, this is just my opinion.
    Edited by Jeremy on April 24, 2014 2:33PM
  • ChairGraveyard
    WhinyJoe is a total loser and couldn't provide a real "review" to save his life.

    Instead he just baits idiots into giving him views so he can get ad revenue. People here are so damned gullible.
  • megginsonjuan_ESO
    WhinyJoe is a total loser and couldn't provide a real "review" to save his life.

    Instead he just baits idiots into giving him views so he can get ad revenue. People here are so damned gullible.

    Joe is awesome
  • darkdruidssb14_ESO
    I like Angry Joe a lot, but most of the footage he used was from early access or beta because the vast majority of the bugs he showed are fixed. The bots and gold sellers are a huge issue, but every MMO with an economy has those issues. The rest of his video is filled with a ton of misinformation and attempts to put down the game like the mention of gold drops and "boss" drops. The actual "bosses" he showed were just people at the end of major quest lines... not really a boss like open world bosses or the bosses in dungeons that actually do have a chance at dropping good loot. Misinformation about economy and how players generate money. Misinformation about Imperial Edition and items that came with it.

    Phasing can be an issue, but the phasing is meant to create immersion for the SOLO PLAYER... not for the group player. There is group content in the game with the public dungeons (more so at VR levels), dark anchors, instanced dungeons and the Adventure Zone content that is coming. He complains about immersion but conveniently skips how the solo experience of the game through phasing is actually very immersive.

    He craps on WildStar (in other videos) for being the same old WoW formula questing... then craps on ESO for attempting something different. That is why developers don't like to take chances to change the genre... because people like him can't make up their mind on what they want. If ESO fails because of phasing it would be another nail in the coffin for championing innovation.

    Honestly, the review was made to bandwagon on the ESO hate train to generate views and money. He praised Guild Wars 2 for having a lot of the very same things that ESO has and in many ways Guild Wars 2 was a much shallower game which is why they can't charge monthly for subs because people wouldn't do it.
  • Crumpy
    I have never had gay sex but I hear its a common thing in society and I can accept that.

    This made me laugh! That's a great line :D

    I lyke not this quill.
  • Bane766
    Soul Shriven
    He only got to lv 15. This review is BS. The guy is an idiot and people who listen to him are a joke. Period.
  • Etchesketch
    Bane766 wrote: »
    He only got to lv 15. This review is BS. The guy is an idiot and people who listen to him are a joke. Period.

    Poor lil guy.
    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • rager82b14_ESO
    If he had all them problems hitting level 15, well ya it deserve the review it got. The more levels you go to, the buggier the game gets.
  • SuperScrubby
    Ruebs wrote: »
    I was so excited for this game, i forked out $2100 for a new computer in preparation for ESO. Bought the Imperial Edition for $120 AUD and invested hours apon hours into theory-crafting, only to find a boring, tedious, dysfunctional game.

    Wow $2100 for a new computer. I guess you can take solace in the fact that you can probably run every other game on...medium. Just kidding probably on high.

    Back to the OP. I watched the video. I thought it was kinda funny. The guy is called angry joe but his acting is pretty bad not to mention his script needed some polish.

    I will agree to an extent with what he said. I do find that there are lot of issues with this game that generally affect QoL. So while I was watching I did nod a decent amount in agreement but it was also obvious that he was nit picking at a lot of things. He made it seem as if all of these issues were game breaking and that it causes huge frustration with all the people playing the game.

    So I feel like the reviewer is beating the war drums on everything even the thing's that are pretty small. I also found his nerd rage whether it be fake or not pretty funny.

    By no means am I a fan boy since I never played any of the other ES games and I don't care to even after playing this game, but I am an mmo vet which is enjoying this game for now until all the content becomes dumbed down further and/or I get super bored with questing in VR zones.
  • Yasha
    I like Angry Joe a lot, but most of the footage he used was from early access or beta because the vast majority of the bugs he showed are fixed.

    What bugs did he show are fixed? I still crash with most of a group every day in pvp.
    The bots and gold sellers are a huge issue, but every MMO with an economy has those issues.

    Maybe so, but this is the first mmo I have played where they really intrude on gameplay and immersion because of the way public dungeons are set up.
    The rest of his video is filled with a ton of misinformation and attempts to put down the game like the mention of gold drops and "boss" drops. The actual "bosses" he showed were just people at the end of major quest lines... not really a boss like open world bosses or the bosses in dungeons that actually do have a chance at dropping good loot. Misinformation about economy and how players generate money. Misinformation about Imperial Edition and items that came with it.

    And you think AJ exaggerates?! The drops are pitiful, even from bosses and there is a paywall to content even though the game has a sub- even if he didn't get the details 100% correct, his observations are accurate.
    Phasing can be an issue, but the phasing is meant to create immersion for the SOLO PLAYER... not for the group player. There is group content in the game with the public dungeons (more so at VR levels), dark anchors, instanced dungeons and the Adventure Zone content that is coming. He complains about immersion but conveniently skips how the solo experience of the game through phasing is actually very immersive.

    Yes eso has the two edged sword of phasing that on the one hand gives a sense of meaning to in game choices, but on the other takes away the ability to quest easily with friends. And the immersion you get from it is destroyed by the 1000 other joes questing in the same "phase".

    All the other group content you mention have serious issues- public dungeons are basically the bot farmer paradise, dungeons are troll paradise.
    He craps on WildStar (in other videos) for being the same old WoW formula questing... then craps on ESO for attempting something different. That is why developers don't like to take chances to change the genre... because people like him can't make up their mind on what they want. If ESO fails because of phasing it would be another nail in the coffin for championing innovation.

    Yes he craps on games or elements in games he doesn't like, he gives enormous praise to games he does like. When a game does something new which is actually good (in his opinion) he says so.
    Honestly, the review was made to bandwagon on the ESO hate train to generate views and money.

    He gave a well justified negative review. He is clearly upset and disappointed because he was really looking forward to this game.
    He praised Guild Wars 2 for having a lot of the very same things that ESO has and in many ways Guild Wars 2 was a much shallower game which is why they can't charge monthly for subs because people wouldn't do it.

    GW2 has more than eso, even at launch it was a fuller, more complete, less buggy game. Ur sub has nothing to do with what a game offers. Darkfall is sub-based and that has a fraction of the content and polish of many f2p games. A plethora of sub-based games have gone f2p and many of them have lot more content than eso.

    A sub does not = good game, and more often than not history shows that it = fail.
  • Sarenia
    Yasha wrote: »
    I like Angry Joe a lot, but most of the footage he used was from early access or beta because the vast majority of the bugs he showed are fixed.

    What bugs did he show are fixed? I still crash with most of a group every day in pvp.
    The bots and gold sellers are a huge issue, but every MMO with an economy has those issues.

    Maybe so, but this is the first mmo I have played where they really intrude on gameplay and immersion because of the way public dungeons are set up.
    The rest of his video is filled with a ton of misinformation and attempts to put down the game like the mention of gold drops and "boss" drops. The actual "bosses" he showed were just people at the end of major quest lines... not really a boss like open world bosses or the bosses in dungeons that actually do have a chance at dropping good loot. Misinformation about economy and how players generate money. Misinformation about Imperial Edition and items that came with it.

    And you think AJ exaggerates?! The drops are pitiful, even from bosses and there is a paywall to content even though the game has a sub- even if he didn't get the details 100% correct, his observations are accurate.
    Phasing can be an issue, but the phasing is meant to create immersion for the SOLO PLAYER... not for the group player. There is group content in the game with the public dungeons (more so at VR levels), dark anchors, instanced dungeons and the Adventure Zone content that is coming. He complains about immersion but conveniently skips how the solo experience of the game through phasing is actually very immersive.

    Yes eso has the two edged sword of phasing that on the one hand gives a sense of meaning to in game choices, but on the other takes away the ability to quest easily with friends. And the immersion you get from it is destroyed by the 1000 other joes questing in the same "phase".

    All the other group content you mention have serious issues- public dungeons are basically the bot farmer paradise, dungeons are troll paradise.
    He craps on WildStar (in other videos) for being the same old WoW formula questing... then craps on ESO for attempting something different. That is why developers don't like to take chances to change the genre... because people like him can't make up their mind on what they want. If ESO fails because of phasing it would be another nail in the coffin for championing innovation.

    Yes he craps on games or elements in games he doesn't like, he gives enormous praise to games he does like. When a game does something new which is actually good (in his opinion) he says so.
    Honestly, the review was made to bandwagon on the ESO hate train to generate views and money.

    He gave a well justified negative review. He is clearly upset and disappointed because he was really looking forward to this game.
    He praised Guild Wars 2 for having a lot of the very same things that ESO has and in many ways Guild Wars 2 was a much shallower game which is why they can't charge monthly for subs because people wouldn't do it.

    GW2 has more than eso, even at launch it was a fuller, more complete, less buggy game. Ur sub has nothing to do with what a game offers. Darkfall is sub-based and that has a fraction of the content and polish of many f2p games. A plethora of sub-based games have gone f2p and many of them have lot more content than eso.

    A sub does not = good game, and more often than not history shows that it = fail.
    So how are you liking the game so far?
  • Yasha
    Sarenia wrote: »
    Yasha wrote: »
    I like Angry Joe a lot, but most of the footage he used was from early access or beta because the vast majority of the bugs he showed are fixed.

    What bugs did he show are fixed? I still crash with most of a group every day in pvp.
    The bots and gold sellers are a huge issue, but every MMO with an economy has those issues.

    Maybe so, but this is the first mmo I have played where they really intrude on gameplay and immersion because of the way public dungeons are set up.
    The rest of his video is filled with a ton of misinformation and attempts to put down the game like the mention of gold drops and "boss" drops. The actual "bosses" he showed were just people at the end of major quest lines... not really a boss like open world bosses or the bosses in dungeons that actually do have a chance at dropping good loot. Misinformation about economy and how players generate money. Misinformation about Imperial Edition and items that came with it.

    And you think AJ exaggerates?! The drops are pitiful, even from bosses and there is a paywall to content even though the game has a sub- even if he didn't get the details 100% correct, his observations are accurate.
    Phasing can be an issue, but the phasing is meant to create immersion for the SOLO PLAYER... not for the group player. There is group content in the game with the public dungeons (more so at VR levels), dark anchors, instanced dungeons and the Adventure Zone content that is coming. He complains about immersion but conveniently skips how the solo experience of the game through phasing is actually very immersive.

    Yes eso has the two edged sword of phasing that on the one hand gives a sense of meaning to in game choices, but on the other takes away the ability to quest easily with friends. And the immersion you get from it is destroyed by the 1000 other joes questing in the same "phase".

    All the other group content you mention have serious issues- public dungeons are basically the bot farmer paradise, dungeons are troll paradise.
    He craps on WildStar (in other videos) for being the same old WoW formula questing... then craps on ESO for attempting something different. That is why developers don't like to take chances to change the genre... because people like him can't make up their mind on what they want. If ESO fails because of phasing it would be another nail in the coffin for championing innovation.

    Yes he craps on games or elements in games he doesn't like, he gives enormous praise to games he does like. When a game does something new which is actually good (in his opinion) he says so.
    Honestly, the review was made to bandwagon on the ESO hate train to generate views and money.

    He gave a well justified negative review. He is clearly upset and disappointed because he was really looking forward to this game.
    He praised Guild Wars 2 for having a lot of the very same things that ESO has and in many ways Guild Wars 2 was a much shallower game which is why they can't charge monthly for subs because people wouldn't do it.

    GW2 has more than eso, even at launch it was a fuller, more complete, less buggy game. Ur sub has nothing to do with what a game offers. Darkfall is sub-based and that has a fraction of the content and polish of many f2p games. A plethora of sub-based games have gone f2p and many of them have lot more content than eso.

    A sub does not = good game, and more often than not history shows that it = fail.
    So how are you liking the game so far?

    I already posted many times my opinion of the game, but to sum up I think ESO is walking a tightrope between brilliantly meshing single player rpg and mmo gameplay, and failing to be good at either.
  • xramirez535b14_ESO
    Ohioastro wrote: »
    But it does affirm the people who have fixated on hating the game, so I'm sure it'll be relentlessly promoted - while positive reviews will be ignored or downplayed as not being honest.

    I hate circle jerking reviews, I would much rather hear the cons of a game than someone singing its praises. Once I hear the cons I try the game out for myself and make an assessment about the reviewer as well as the game. In this case, he did nitpick here and there about the rewards (honestly though, 1-3 *** gold from a quest boss?) but I found a LOT of his arguments to be dead on especially the terrible grouping in PvE and the lazy writing or presentation of some quests. There's just no way around it. This isn't a bug and its not a launch hiccup. This is bad PvE design on Zenimax's part.
    Edited by xramirez535b14_ESO on April 25, 2014 12:56PM
  • xramirez535b14_ESO
    bleh, accidently double posted.

    Edited by xramirez535b14_ESO on April 25, 2014 12:55PM
  • xramirez535b14_ESO
    Chryos wrote: »
    Think of Angry Joe as Fox News. He has an agenda (fame or fortune), and that is to make money for himself. Think for yourself, stop letting other people think for you. If you don't have the money to risk trying a new game, whether it passes your fails your test, then you need to make other things a priority instead of gaming.

    Or CNN, NBC... pretty much any news media or do you seriously believe any of those are legitimate? Lol! It's the easy way of looking at things: "They're out for the money!" but when he's actually making valid arguments that MANY are sweeping under the rug, that's scary.

    Edited by xramirez535b14_ESO on April 25, 2014 1:02PM
  • Jeremy

    Yasha wrote: »
    Sarenia wrote: »
    Yasha wrote: »
    I like Angry Joe a lot, but most of the footage he used was from early access or beta because the vast majority of the bugs he showed are fixed.

    What bugs did he show are fixed? I still crash with most of a group every day in pvp.
    The bots and gold sellers are a huge issue, but every MMO with an economy has those issues.

    Maybe so, but this is the first mmo I have played where they really intrude on gameplay and immersion because of the way public dungeons are set up.
    The rest of his video is filled with a ton of misinformation and attempts to put down the game like the mention of gold drops and "boss" drops. The actual "bosses" he showed were just people at the end of major quest lines... not really a boss like open world bosses or the bosses in dungeons that actually do have a chance at dropping good loot. Misinformation about economy and how players generate money. Misinformation about Imperial Edition and items that came with it.

    And you think AJ exaggerates?! The drops are pitiful, even from bosses and there is a paywall to content even though the game has a sub- even if he didn't get the details 100% correct, his observations are accurate.
    Phasing can be an issue, but the phasing is meant to create immersion for the SOLO PLAYER... not for the group player. There is group content in the game with the public dungeons (more so at VR levels), dark anchors, instanced dungeons and the Adventure Zone content that is coming. He complains about immersion but conveniently skips how the solo experience of the game through phasing is actually very immersive.

    Yes eso has the two edged sword of phasing that on the one hand gives a sense of meaning to in game choices, but on the other takes away the ability to quest easily with friends. And the immersion you get from it is destroyed by the 1000 other joes questing in the same "phase".

    All the other group content you mention have serious issues- public dungeons are basically the bot farmer paradise, dungeons are troll paradise.
    He craps on WildStar (in other videos) for being the same old WoW formula questing... then craps on ESO for attempting something different. That is why developers don't like to take chances to change the genre... because people like him can't make up their mind on what they want. If ESO fails because of phasing it would be another nail in the coffin for championing innovation.

    Yes he craps on games or elements in games he doesn't like, he gives enormous praise to games he does like. When a game does something new which is actually good (in his opinion) he says so.
    Honestly, the review was made to bandwagon on the ESO hate train to generate views and money.

    He gave a well justified negative review. He is clearly upset and disappointed because he was really looking forward to this game.
    He praised Guild Wars 2 for having a lot of the very same things that ESO has and in many ways Guild Wars 2 was a much shallower game which is why they can't charge monthly for subs because people wouldn't do it.

    GW2 has more than eso, even at launch it was a fuller, more complete, less buggy game. Ur sub has nothing to do with what a game offers. Darkfall is sub-based and that has a fraction of the content and polish of many f2p games. A plethora of sub-based games have gone f2p and many of them have lot more content than eso.

    A sub does not = good game, and more often than not history shows that it = fail.
    So how are you liking the game so far?

    I already posted many times my opinion of the game, but to sum up I think ESO is walking a tightrope between brilliantly meshing single player rpg and mmo gameplay, and failing to be good at either.

    I agree with you that this game lacks the qualities to encourage a robust multi-player experience. But I respectfully differ when you say it doesn't accomplish a good single-player experience. Because I would say this MMORPG has the best solo content to hit the genre in over a decade.
    Edited by Jeremy on April 25, 2014 1:37PM
  • joshweps
    I turned it off about half way it was over the top negative. he had a good point on the farmers being annoying and ruining immersion but *** its an mmo. The questing is better than any other mmo. The combat is so fun. theres just a few things that need work but it will come in time.

    Angry Joe and his gf sounded like big sooky babies!
    Edited by joshweps on April 25, 2014 1:32PM
  • Saihung423
    I think with the amount of food it takes to sustain that level of "OMFG THAT DUDES FAT" could wipe out hunger in one or two third world nations.
  • SwampRaider
    angry Joe is who again? lol his crap seems like a misinformation campaign and he needs to get his facts straight.
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
  • nazgull2k1ub17_ESO
    Im sorry, but I get waving the fanboi flag saying "He's wrong! blah blah blah" is part of the genre.. but he's ABSOLUTELY correct on damn near EVERYTHING he says.

    I said from the START 42,000 gold for a horse was a MASSIVE ripoff. Costs in this game are so beyond jacked up it's not even funny. When level 10's are getting 2,000 gold repair bills.. YOU. ARE. WRONG. When it costs hundreds of gold to mail an item.. YOU. ARE. WRONG. When it costs hundreds of gold to simply teleport out of a bad situation.. YOU. ARE. WRONG.

    The game's grouping is a COMPLETE disaster, utterly boring, buggy and just plain tedious. The Dungeons are the EXACT same way.. the "bosses" are a joke, no challenge, no excitement.. nothing.

    No housing, no wives/husbands, no kids, no pets.. armor designs are bland, brown, and look like stuff I saw in Morrowind 20 years ago.. with about as much enthusiasm.

    No Stealing, no assassinations, no crime.. NOTHING. There is NO "Choice" here. You do WHAT they say, WHEN they say it. PERIOD.

    There is no UI, no nameplates, no way to tell good from bad from merchant or beggar. You waste AGES just trying to figure out which NPC's sell what and where.. the entire time you could be doing something actually FUN instead. Using the weak ass excuse of "immersion" as a smoke screen for their absolute failure to realize what an MMO is actually SUPPOSED to be.

    There is NO Customization for 3 of the 4 classes. Especially mages. Want to be a pure storm mage? #(*$ You. You're useless. Want to focus on a healing staff and Dark Magic? (#$# You. YOU'RE USELESS! Want to just summon Daedric minions with some cool storm powers? .. yeah.. you already know where it's going. USELESS. What happened to summoning weapons, armor etc. What happened to the ACTUAL mage SPELLS?!

    The WORST part is you are supposed to be "The CHOSEN ONE! OMG!" ... again.. for the 10,000th game... only now.. there's 2 million+ other "CHOSEN ONES!" running around right next to you.

    This is a cookie cutter mmo with NO free trial and a LIMITED access Beta to steal as much money as possible before it goes Free to play in 6 months once the word gets out how absolutely terrible it actually is. Maybe less.

    Unless I see a MASSIVE improvement in the next few weeks, there is going to literally be a MASS EXODUS from this game as people go back to their old games or go find something else to play rather then pay MORE money for this absolute crap.
  • rager82b14_ESO
    Most people know he is right, you can't argue with video proof, but at the same time. I had people try to argue that this is not op as well.


    so ya, this game is broke.
  • Saihung423
    lmao the vitriol is palpable.

    I've NEVER had a 2k gold repair bill. And what fool would pay it? Simply craft gear to replace it or buy a repair kit which is cheaper than paying a merchant for repairs.

    And I won't comment on the video because I am not VR10..I don't know what the game is like at that level at all.

    Neither was Angry Joe iirc...didn't he rage quit at level 15 lmao?
  • Jeremy
    Most people know he is right, you can't argue with video proof, but at the same time. I had people try to argue that this is not op as well.


    so ya, this game is broke.

    Judging by that video you posted, this game sure does look beautiful with the higher settings. Wish my pc was more powerful so I could play it on those :(

    Just one more thing Angry Joe was not right about. Since he chose to knitpick on this game's graphics. Which is just another absurd example of him trying to trash the game in every way he could.

    So I disagree with you about him being right about everything. He simply wasn't. Most of his criticisms were exaggerated BS. Anytime he had anything good he to say he felt the need to immediately counter it by honing in on some silly little detail and blowing it all out of proportion.

    He did the exact same thing with the superb voice acting on this game. He mentions it's good... briefly. Then he moves in with a mini movie about some talking tree with a weird voice designed to make the voice acting on this game look bad. So it doesn't take a genius to see he was extremely bias toward this game and was out on a mission to make it look bad and attack it even on its strengths.

    Edited by Jeremy on April 25, 2014 2:45PM
  • rager82b14_ESO
    You can't base the game off looks. He thought it look like crap, and he is right. To him it does look like crap. There is no point in argue what peoples taste are.

    This game is broken with balance, and having to relog each time people die, or zone.

    This is a FACT, you can't argue with a fact. The bugs in this game are too much to ignore.
  • Jeremy
    You can't base the game off looks. He thought it look like crap, and he is right. To him it does look like crap. There is no point in argue what peoples taste are.

    This game is broken with balance, and having to relog each time people die, or zone.

    This is a FACT, you can't argue with a fact. The bugs in this game are too much to ignore.

    I honestly don't see how anyone can think this game looks like crap. It's one of the most beautiful MMORPGs I have ever played. But you and Angry Joe are entitled to your opinion like you said. I'm just stressing that I strongly disagree with it.

    I've already had the bug debate in this thread so think I'll just neglect that for now. You can browse upward if you care to read my thoughts about that.
    Edited by Jeremy on April 25, 2014 2:52PM
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