Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Rollback yes or no

  • Tolio
    Hyperian wrote: »
    I do not understand why people are getting hung up on this. I think you and everyone else needs to realize they can get rid of the duped items. Just like every other game, this game has an Item ID system. When an item is dropped by a boss, spawned in a chest, and put into the game in other ways, They all are done so with an unique ID code tied to that item.

    Now then when someone dupes an item. That ID code is then copied to the new item. The system did not put the item into the game, so the item never received a unique ID code. That means all the Zenimax staff has to do is run a search for any items with the same code. If they see a 500 legendary items with the same code, they can easily locate them, ban the person responsible, and remove the item.

    The only tricky part is when those copied ID code materials are used to make real items which I would think after being crafted do receive an unique ID code. In that case they would have to check logs for the duplicated codes and then find where or what they went into.

    So to summarize what was just said in this wall of text, They CAN remove these duped items. Will they? I have no clue but its is completely within their power.

    Speaking about it simply from the database side. If you define a datatype as unique you can not have the same entry twice. So if those ID codes are defined as unique and an item is duped, than yes it will have a new ID. Because that ID can not exist a second time, your database would simply say: "Nope" and generate a new ID. Or those items wouldn't be there.

    Thats the problem with your theory :smile: Feel free to read into unique dataidentifiers in databases. So its not as simple as that usually. This is roughly spoken and only in answering your post, I make no assumptions what sort of structure their dbs have.

    Ontopic: A rollback would be devastating at this point. And like several other people pointed out already, rollbacks - if they happen- only happen for short timespans like a few days. To roll back the complete progress since headstart, well I wouldn't want to be the guy who suggests that at any meeting.

    Won't happen. They'll fix the exploit and even going after the exploiters in the current state of the game is highly unlikly as there are far more important issues right now. Tons of bugs, server instability etc.
  • Hyperian
    If they HAD the ability to organize and get rid of all the duped items they would have. There is no way to get rid of all the duped items, that would mean going over hundreds of thousands of accounts one by one to make sure each person got there items the legit way or risk pissing people off. Even if they did all ban the people who had lots of items and gold, more then they should have that one guy could have given 25 legendary items to 25 different people via mail and in person and you can never calculate all that data for that many people, its way to expensive. You have to understand these botters are using thousands of "faked" accounts that they cant tell are real or not. unique item id doesn't mean *** if the data itself would take months to process for millions of players. Since there is just the mega servers it makes it even worse, its a whole game issue not even an individual server problem which complicates thing waaay more since every player has access to pretty much every other player all the time with anywhere in game mail. it's a very serious and very complicated issue, to say "its completely in their power" is crazy to me. They cant even fix major quest lines, do you really think they can search through millions of players worth of data and fish out all the bad eggs without banning an insane amount of innocent people (like what is happening now).They're probably using every single resource they have trying to fix this game, considering its still so close to launch and they still cant even get half of the bots down (i'm seeing just as many gold spammers and bots as ever). Tracking and banning bots/gold sellers, is much easier then tracking down items and wide spread gold in the multiple millions. All IMO of course.

    They do not have to go over accounts one at a time. They simply use an algorithm to find all duped items at a threshold(say 10+ duped items) Then they simply mass ban them. This includes anyone who currently has possession of the items. So everything you just said was completely wrong. I think you need to understand how programing and server logs work to understand how they can deal with this problem. To think they have to go in one at a time and sort through everything is a very simple minded perspective. It would be like going to Google and typing the letter E and having to sort through everything to find what you actually need.

    Gold spammers are not much harder to catch, they just buy new accounts the moment their other account gets banned. The problem here is not getting rid of the ones we currently have, but to prevent new ones in the future from coming back.

    Edit: On the note of "they cant even fix all the quest bugs" They can it just takes time. The programers can fix these bugs quickly, but only after they find the buggy code that is causing the problem. Knowing the problem and knowing what is causing the problem are completely different things. It took them 7 years to make this game in its current state, you want them to fix every bug over night?
    Edited by Hyperian on April 19, 2014 4:07PM
  • South_of_Heaven
    xPuppetx wrote: »
    xPuppetx wrote: »
    xPuppetx wrote: »
    Tabbycat wrote: »
    I don't think ZOS has to do any sort of rollback in order to remove the duplicated items and gold from the game. They've already banned those who've exploited. I see no reason the rest of us should be punished.

    Dang! It amazes me how people can seriously believe everyone will be punished and all the items will be retracted!

    It amazes me that you seriously believe they should create a 'clean' server just for you. How is that a reasonable expectation?

    This sense of entitlement confounds me.

    "Entitlement" must be a trendy word these days in the mmorpg community forums. You can tell by how people keep using it even when it doesn't fit. But never mind that.

    So... you seem to think that if they did a new clean launch I would be the only one migrating... hmmm...

    As for the items I hope you did think it through and read the next post I made after the one you quoted. I WOULD like to believe too, trust me on that, but I just can't because facts yell otherwise.

    Yes, your posts reek of an exaggerated sense of entitlement and a habit of basing your expectations on emotion rather than logic. You're calling for a break off server for a game that is less than a month old because some people figured out how to cheat? That's an even more unrealistic demand than a rollback.

    The best that we can hope for is that the duping situation will be reigned in, measures are taken so that it doesn't happen again, and most of the dupers and their duped goods will be nuked. Then we can worry about the next 'catastrophe' that brings the very small percentage of players who actually browse the forums here to wail and gnash their teeth and await yet another fix for whatever that problem will be as well.

    Because there will be another problem - there always is.

    As messed up as this whole situation has been it will have little to no impact on the game in the long run. EQ had some of the same issues with exploits when it was launched back in 1999 and it survived. Hell, it's still alive and throwing out regular updates to this day. The only remnants of it's launching pains are us old timers who occasionally sit around and reminisce about them.

    I see that you are trying hard to convince yourself that everything will be fine with an exploit running rampart since beta. Quoting myself:
    100 dupers have used 1 account to dupe. Distributed the items and used them for all kinds of purposes already. Do you know how long this has been going on? Do you think the items can just be retracted?
    Most will have already been used for maxing out crafting skills, duping siege weapons and promoting players in pvp to emperorship, making sets of legendary items, duping motifs and other rarities which have already been traded and used, huge raw duped quantities of materials already refined.

    Clearly this reeks of entitlement and emotion? All these things I say in this quote were clearly derived from emotions, yes? Whereas your "everything will be magically fine, the dupers will be banned and the dupes will be...nuked" is factual cold hard logic!

    It's amazing how people are willing to ignore facts in front of their face if they want to defend something really bad or to convince themselves that everything will be alright. It leaves me in awe every single time!

    PS: Oh and open a lexicon to learn what entitlement means and learn where it can be used. I know it's a trendy word for insults these days, but using it everywhere will make you look silly.

    Actually yes, I do know how long it's been going on. The duping exploit was pointed out and reported many times during beta. Zenimax, for whatever reason, was only able to pinpoint the source of the exploit quite recently however.

    Everything will be magically fine? Which orifice did you pull that one from? I'm assuming the same one you wrenched that number of dupers from.

    As I wrote in the post you quoted but apparently did not comprehend, there will always be problems; duping isn't the first, nor will it be the last. Mistakes will be made, skills will be nerfed, people will cheat and the minority of players who frequent the forums will rage. I'm afraid that you're in for a terrible time if you're expecting smooth sailing in this or any mmo, kiddo.

    Now, as entertaining as this has been I will gracefully bow out, lest the powers that be decide to close the thread due to it's deterioration into a verbal slugfest. Good luck to you in your endeavor for a spotless server and a flawless game.

    As for me, I'm going to ride off into the sunrise upon my trusty unicorn, with a lexicon and a trendy sense of entitlement. ;)

    Onward, to glory!

    I love the "kiddo" and orifice references, still trying hard to insult I see. Keep trying, maybe someone will give you a cookie.

    Smooth sailing? This is far from smooth sailing - it gets the prize when it comes to problematic launches. And usually most involve logging issues and server capacity, not myriads of more vital issues including exploiting and duping, which also has been let to spread like wildfire for the past three weeks.

    But yea, ride off into the sunrise upon your trusty unicorn, white knight of Zenimax! You once more defended the land from the evil complainers who enjoy complaining and hate everything for no reason (what a mystery eh, these complainers)!
  • Endolith
    There won't be a rollback, and spending time asking for one is a waste of time. Hopefully they'll get the major bugs some are experiencing worked out (which they should be spending the bulk of their time on, rather than Craglorn).
  • steveb16_ESO46
    Hyperian wrote: »
    It took them 7 years to make this game in its current state, you want them to fix every bug over night?

    I wanted them to fix the bugs that have been there since at least January with some going back to July. I also wanted them to test the game properly before releasing it. There are still bugs here i was reporting in January.

    It is a huge mistake to get the public to pay to beta test if you want them to buy into your premium sub game long term.

    Edited by steveb16_ESO46 on April 19, 2014 4:35PM
  • Hyperian
    Tolio wrote: »
    Hyperian wrote: »
    I do not understand why people are getting hung up on this. I think you and everyone else needs to realize they can get rid of the duped items. Just like every other game, this game has an Item ID system. When an item is dropped by a boss, spawned in a chest, and put into the game in other ways, They all are done so with an unique ID code tied to that item.

    Now then when someone dupes an item. That ID code is then copied to the new item. The system did not put the item into the game, so the item never received a unique ID code. That means all the Zenimax staff has to do is run a search for any items with the same code. If they see a 500 legendary items with the same code, they can easily locate them, ban the person responsible, and remove the item.

    The only tricky part is when those copied ID code materials are used to make real items which I would think after being crafted do receive an unique ID code. In that case they would have to check logs for the duplicated codes and then find where or what they went into.

    So to summarize what was just said in this wall of text, They CAN remove these duped items. Will they? I have no clue but its is completely within their power.

    Speaking about it simply from the database side. If you define a datatype as unique you can not have the same entry twice. So if those ID codes are defined as unique and an item is duped, than yes it will have a new ID. Because that ID can not exist a second time, your database would simply say: "Nope" and generate a new ID. Or those items wouldn't be there.

    Thats the problem with your theory :smile: Feel free to read into unique dataidentifiers in databases. So its not as simple as that usually. This is roughly spoken and only in answering your post, I make no assumptions what sort of structure their dbs have.

    Ontopic: A rollback would be devastating at this point. And like several other people pointed out already, rollbacks - if they happen- only happen for short timespans like a few days. To roll back the complete progress since headstart, well I wouldn't want to be the guy who suggests that at any meeting.

    Won't happen. They'll fix the exploit and even going after the exploiters in the current state of the game is highly unlikly as there are far more important issues right now. Tons of bugs, server instability etc.

    You make a good point and I'm sorry if I did not express what i was trying to say clearly. I was trying to keep it somewhat simple so everyone could understand the point I'm trying to make. When I said duplicated IDs I am of course saying those IDs will not be in the database as something that was put there by the system. They should have logs of the true IDs that were spawned in and they should also have the duped ID's that were not. At least this is how It has always worked in server files that I have be around. Copying the ID code is very possible and some systems have used it, but given the system you are referring to (the more likely one) there should be log of items that were properly put into the game, and everything not on that list is a duped item.

    Good post!
  • Raash
    Hmm, dont know if they can/dare do any rollbacks at this point, they had their shot at it with PVP exploits & ppl going lvl 50 withing the first 20 hours the game went live but nothing happened back then... Just saddens me that cheaters always seems to win each and every time.
    Edited by Raash on April 19, 2014 4:51PM
  • Rytfield
    Hi folks,

    We're trying to get the word out about the action we took today, in regards to this issue. Here's what we've posted in a few other threads:

    Yesterday, we identified an item duping bug in ESO that some players chose to exploit. We acted quickly, and have since fixed the issue. We have banned the game account(s) for those who abused the exploit.

    We want to thank everyone who reported this issue to us. In the future, should you identify what you think could be an exploitable bug, please send it to us in-game via /help or in our help center: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/ask
    I applaud thee.
  • Elvikun
    Well, it's actually something to consider, because there were some extreme exploits at the very start and it's quite apparent you weren't supposed to get to 50 in dozen hours and then to VR10 in another day,even tho that doesn't really matter much on the grand scale, but the sad part is the item duping that went on at one point. Some of the screens of literally thousands of unique items "created" are a little discouraging and carry on long lasting effects.
    On the other hand, it was really just a few people who did that, so I don't know, I'd prolly be happy if they got perma bans along with their "trade buddies", even tho most of the items are prolly lost to the market at this point.
    Failing is a lifestyle too.
  • zimzalabimz
    Hyperian wrote: »
    I can understand why so many people hate the idea of a roll back, but a roll back is the only solution i see here, you can ban as many people as you want but you have to realise the damage is done, tens of thousands if not millions of legendary and epic materials were duped, the whole crafting system is completely *** now, you will always have a ton of people out there with an insane amount of tempers making the best gear for example. People act like they have been playing there characters for years, but its been almost a month. frankly id rather lose that month all together and have a balanced game. This dupes consequences are going to be noticeable for a long time even if you banned 90% of the dupers the games economy is done. If something drastic isn't done, i'm quiting and taking a lose on my money, i don't want to play in a game where one group of people (which is very possible) having almost unlimited access to gold and crafting tempers. If it was just the gold i could careless, but you can never ban or delete all the items that were duped.

    I do not understand why people are getting hung up on this. I think you and everyone else needs to realize they can get rid of the duped items. Just like every other game, this game has an Item ID system. When an item is dropped by a boss, spawned in a chest, and put into the game in other ways, They all are done so with an unique ID code tied to that item.

    Now then when someone dupes an item. That ID code is then copied to the new item. The system did not put the item into the game, so the item never received a unique ID code. That means all the Zenimax staff has to do is run a search for any items with the same code. If they see a 500 legendary items with the same code, they can easily locate them, ban the person responsible, and remove the item.

    The only tricky part is when those copied ID code materials are used to make real items which I would think after being crafted do receive an unique ID code. In that case they would have to check logs for the duplicated codes and then find where or what they went into.

    So to summarize what was just said in this wall of text, They CAN remove these duped items. Will they? I have no clue but its is completely within their power.
    Hyperian wrote: »
    If they HAD the ability to organize and get rid of all the duped items they would have. There is no way to get rid of all the duped items, that would mean going over hundreds of thousands of accounts one by one to make sure each person got there items the legit way or risk pissing people off. Even if they did all ban the people who had lots of items and gold, more then they should have that one guy could have given 25 legendary items to 25 different people via mail and in person and you can never calculate all that data for that many people, its way to expensive. You have to understand these botters are using thousands of "faked" accounts that they cant tell are real or not. unique item id doesn't mean *** if the data itself would take months to process for millions of players. Since there is just the mega servers it makes it even worse, its a whole game issue not even an individual server problem which complicates thing waaay more since every player has access to pretty much every other player all the time with anywhere in game mail. it's a very serious and very complicated issue, to say "its completely in their power" is crazy to me. They cant even fix major quest lines, do you really think they can search through millions of players worth of data and fish out all the bad eggs without banning an insane amount of innocent people (like what is happening now).They're probably using every single resource they have trying to fix this game, considering its still so close to launch and they still cant even get half of the bots down (i'm seeing just as many gold spammers and bots as ever). Tracking and banning bots/gold sellers, is much easier then tracking down items and wide spread gold in the multiple millions. All IMO of course.

    They do not have to go over accounts one at a time. They simply use an algorithm to find all duped items at a threshold(say 10+ duped items) Then they simply mass ban them. This includes anyone who currently has possession of the items. So everything you just said was completely wrong. I think you need to understand how programing and server logs work to understand how they can deal with this problem. To think they have to go in one at a time and sort through everything is a very simple minded perspective. It would be like going to Google and typing the letter E and having to sort through everything to find what you actually need.

    Gold spammers are not much harder to catch, they just buy new accounts the moment their other account gets banned. The problem here is not getting rid of the ones we currently have, but to prevent new ones in the future from coming back.

    Edit: On the note of "they cant even fix all the quest bugs" They can it just takes time. The programmers can fix these bugs quickly, but only after they find the buggy code that is causing the problem. Knowing the problem and knowing what is causing the problem are completely different things. It took them 7 years to make this game in its current state, you want them to fix every bug over night?

    "They do not have to go over accounts one at a time." but they for the most part do, the whole reason I personally came to this forum was to see if they addressed the issue of banning players for nothing. Zenimax said the guild bank bug was all over, people duped stuff without even knowing it and got banned for it. tons of random people who didn't cheat at all are getting banned, some people are getting angry and rightfully so. It just not a simple as making an algorithm and collecting all the data and mass banning people, you cant do that unless you want to drop your game subscribers aka your source of money. Which leads to another issue gold buyer, gold buyers aren't getting banned but get a suspension for 4 days so some people are upset that the penalties for buying gold are less severe then selling it. Zenimax is probably getting phone calls and emails like mad right now with people pissed off with the mass banning. IMO the rollback is the only way to fix this, imo critical game flaw that will have potentially devastating impact on the game, especially in PvP.
  • Hyperian
    "They do not have to go over accounts one at a time." but they for the most part do, the whole reason I personally came to this forum was to see if they addressed the issue of banning players for nothing. Zenimax said the guild bank bug was all over, people duped stuff without even knowing it and got banned for it. tons of random people who didn't cheat at all are getting banned, some people are getting angry and rightfully so. It just not a simple as making an algorithm and collecting all the data and mass banning people, you cant do that unless you want to drop your game subscribers aka your source of money. Which leads to another issue gold buyer, gold buyers aren't getting banned but get a suspension for 4 days so some people are upset that the penalties for buying gold are less severe then selling it. Zenimax is probably getting phone calls and emails like mad right now with people pissed off with the mass banning. IMO the rollback is the only way to fix this, imo critical game flaw that will have potentially devastating impact on the game, especially in PvP."

    You assume they are being wrongly banned because they come to the forums and complain. If i were a cheater and I got banned I would come complain and try to get ti reversed. You can't make assumptions as to if they are guilty of it or not, only zenimax and the people who were banned know the truth.

    As for duping 10 items and getting banned, I doubt they would ban someone who accidentally did it one time and then reported it. Those people most likely exploited the bug over and over and got caught. But of course just like everyone who is in prison, They didn't do it!

    Edited by Hyperian on April 19, 2014 5:48PM
  • SBR_QuorTek
    Roll back anyone who cheated or exploited, leave everyone else alone, don't care if someone is lvl 40 or vr10 if what they did got them where they are was done by cheating roll them back and strip them for items.
  • Endolith
    If they were going to rollback they'd have done it quickly. They're continuing to let people play and progress. They're not going to roll that back at this point.
  • Phantax
    No, it would hurt too many innocent players. Just perma-ban all those found guilty of using this (and any other) exploit !
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Roneth
    Roll back or the economy is doomed!
  • Dagus
    I would like to see them roll back. its only been a few weeks, its no harm in letting people redo that so that they can push forward into a clean game.

    the issue however, is in the games integrity...
    what then, do they do a year down the line when something like this happens again (it is an MMO, it will happen again.)

    giving people a month of free time? idk about that, i can see the obligation, but it would be bad business. maybe a free week or 2, but not a month.

    none of this will happen anyway tho, but its nice to chat about it
  • zimzalabimz
    Dagus wrote: »
    I would like to see them roll back. its only been a few weeks, its no harm in letting people redo that so that they can push forward into a clean game.

    the issue however, is in the games integrity...
    what then, do they do a year down the line when something like this happens again (it is an MMO, it will happen again.)

    giving people a month of free time? idk about that, i can see the obligation, but it would be bad business. maybe a free week or 2, but not a month.

    none of this will happen anyway tho, but its nice to chat about it

    I agree and sadly whatever we say doesn't really matter just speculation and opinions but at least its really nice to see some people actually give a *** whatever your stance is on the roll back subject. IMO a roll back is the only real way to fix this problem, most due to the fact the duped items could be anything, mostly crafting mats that were turned into loot, PvP will be really *** imo.
  • Hyperian
    Dagus wrote: »
    I would like to see them roll back. its only been a few weeks, its no harm in letting people redo that so that they can push forward into a clean game.

    the issue however, is in the games integrity...
    what then, do they do a year down the line when something like this happens again (it is an MMO, it will happen again.)

    giving people a month of free time? idk about that, i can see the obligation, but it would be bad business. maybe a free week or 2, but not a month.

    none of this will happen anyway tho, but its nice to chat about it

    I agree and sadly whatever we say doesn't really matter just speculation and opinions but at least its really nice to see some people actually give a *** whatever your stance is on the roll back subject. IMO a roll back is the only real way to fix this problem, most due to the fact the duped items could be anything, mostly crafting mats that were turned into loot, PvP will be really *** imo.

    I have been playing in PVP often in the past few weeks (4 hours last night). All i have is greens and a purple staff and I still do well in pvp as I'm ranked 17 among sorcerers in my campaign. So I do not see where you are getting your information or what you're basing your opinion on. If this has been going on since early access , and it were going to affect pvp negatively, wouldn't it have done so already?
    Edited by Hyperian on April 19, 2014 6:52PM
  • MercyKilling
    What economy? Stores are locked behind PvP content, and those of use who refuse to even set foot in a PvP zone cannot avail ourselves of them.
    No....to those of you that want a roll back, here's what to do:
    Delete all your characters.
    Wait a week, then reinstall. You've just been rolled back.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • chrisconroy76
  • meteora9
    There's a lot of interesting opinions going on and I couldn't even grasp most of them due to the sheer quantity. But most of them valid and reasonable.
    Now lets think about this from the game perspective, what happened? Well I'd say the game in a couple of days aged 2 years, why's that? Because of the simple fact we now have people that are VR10 fully geared and with extensive amounts of money. I'd say the impact in pve doesn't matter much because those who already have wont need to farm, and those who don't will find people to farm together, and even if you do get one of these, "lucky" people that decided to exploit, in a dungeon group I'm sure you wont mind much.
    Now here comes the pain in the "behind", PvP.
    We all know how pvp works, its gear based, will always be gear based and even if you're the most skilled person in the world if you face someone with 10x better gear than yours GG well played /quit. So what does that mean for us that don't have the gear yet? Either huge amounts of zergs to take down these high value targets or basically accept your fate and ragequit most times. Like I said this is now a 2 year old game with plenty of people, maybe even guilds that have their nifty little exploited gear.

    So now onto the solution.

    Banning every person that exploited wont work, simply because:
    1- You cant find every single person that committed the crime, intentional or non intentional. No algorithm, no anti cheat tool, no anything is gonna save Zenimax from the pain that is not to have fixed a bug that was DECLARED AND REPORTED MULTIPLE TIMES since beta including many other duping mechanisms that got 0 attention from the developers. You've made your bed now lay in it.

    2- Most of the money is already distributed and laundered through our economy so forget that. Finding people that have substantial amounts of money will be ridiculously hard. Again no algorithms or code or anything to help them.

    So that leaves us with re-rolling.

    Now, as beautiful as that magical new world without bugs and exploits sounds, do you honestly think its not gonna happen again? That the people that exploited their way into the top wont find ways again? That they wont resort to hacking, glitching whatever they have to, to pretend they're better at something? Ofc it will over and over again, this isn't my first mmorpg or the last, and I've seen this happen multiple times in the course of a mmorpg's life. What this leads me to conclude is, do I wanna waste all the time I put into this game, all the days, all the grinding, all the crafting, the researching, THE *** BUGGED HARD QUESTS x.x *sigh*, (you get the jest of it) to see it happen again? Man I don't wanna level up an alt much less my character all over again lol. So no I don't think re-rolling is the answer.

    What I do think is that Zenimax should pay more attention to the community, we pay and play your game, listen to us. And should compensate people that wanna pvp since it being the most damage. Either by a "noobie" armour set, so atleast we can keep up with people that are already highly geared, or make the VR sets already legendary without the need for upgrading through crafting making it fair for those that can instantly do it due to this exploit.

    Either way this is and has been a terrible start for a game, bugs, exploits, gold bots, gold sellers, you name it.

    Way to debut yourselves Zenimax hmm? Gl Hf
  • Mendoze
    Just delete every item and temper that's purple or above from the game and set 100k gold limit per character. It's simple as that. I seriously doubt full rollback could ever happen, but maybe community could live with that kind of solution. Even if the hardcore raiders lose couple of legendary items, they still probably get them back faster than starting a brand new level 1 character after a rollback.
  • Kroin
    Just ban the people that were in the exploit and set everyone with more than 100.000 g back to 100.000 and nearly everybody will be ok with it.
  • Tweek
    zeuseason wrote: »
    No rollbacks but they have to ban the accounts and remove any items left from the dupe from the game.

    They already did this though so there is absolutely never going to be a rollback and no need to have one in the first place.
  • zimzalabimz
    Mendoze wrote: »
    Just delete every item and temper that's purple or above from the game and set 100k gold limit per character. It's simple as that. I seriously doubt full rollback could ever happen, but maybe community could live with that kind of solution. Even if the hardcore raiders lose couple of legendary items, they still probably get them back faster than starting a brand new level 1 character after a rollback.

    The problem with that is how do you separate the people who earned their stuff opposed to the people who cheated. example: i have a guild with lots of friends we all work hard and pooled resources to gear a select few people, do you just ban there best player they worked for? after the duped tempers are used to make gear its a totally new unique ID so you cant really trace all the items back for possibly millions of people who are subscribed. The more i read other comments, i find myself more and more in favour of a possible new server as option, roll back doesn't seem likely and you cant ban enough people to make it balanced again without pissing people off or banning the wrong people, which happens.
  • Mendoze
    Mendoze wrote: »
    Just delete every item and temper that's purple or above from the game and set 100k gold limit per character. It's simple as that. I seriously doubt full rollback could ever happen, but maybe community could live with that kind of solution. Even if the hardcore raiders lose couple of legendary items, they still probably get them back faster than starting a brand new level 1 character after a rollback.

    The problem with that is how do you separate the people who earned their stuff opposed to the people who cheated. example: i have a guild with lots of friends we all work hard and pooled resources to gear a select few people, do you just ban there best player they worked for? after the duped tempers are used to make gear its a totally new unique ID so you cant really trace all the items back for possibly millions of people who are subscribed. The more i read other comments, i find myself more and more in favour of a possible new server as option, roll back doesn't seem likely and you cant ban enough people to make it balanced again without pissing people off or banning the wrong people, which happens.

    I did not say anything about banning people. I said delete ITEMS. So yeah, your guildies that are now running fully decked would lose their legendary items, but they would still be VR10. Your crafters still had their crafting levels, and they can make new legit items. The problem here is, that if you bought those tempers from the market or from players, they could have been duped, and that's why I think all purple+ items should be removed from the game.
    Edited by Mendoze on April 19, 2014 7:56PM
  • Atwa
    I don't up again to V2, sorry lol... But really, I can't repair my stuffs coz i don't have money, and here the ppl with 99 millions of gold xDD
    Guild Española "ESP Scrolls" /w Artema para unirte!
    www.espscrolls.es tu comunidad en Español.
  • Hyperian
    Mendoze wrote: »
    Just delete every item and temper that's purple or above from the game and set 100k gold limit per character. It's simple as that. I seriously doubt full rollback could ever happen, but maybe community could live with that kind of solution. Even if the hardcore raiders lose couple of legendary items, they still probably get them back faster than starting a brand new level 1 character after a rollback.

    I can live with this. I'd rather lose my money than lose my level and have to redo all the same quests over again.
  • steven_shidiwenb16_ESO
    Premature *** is a problem, the economy of the game is not.
  • cjtignub17_ESO
    babylon wrote: »
    No rollback, just ban the exploiters and make sure you get the money laundering trail so you ban not only their second accounts, but their main accounts as well.

    I agree with this but may be hard to follow the trail. Hooefully they planned on this and each item has a unique code. But what if they got a drop and used legendary upgrades to make it legendary. Now they have a legendary weapon and yhr upgrades used to make it are gone...
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