Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

(*100% FIXED tested)Zenimax's Solution to Patch fix. (GM posted) [ error 209 ]

  • ikithmeb14_ESO
    Oh god, this bug and fix is hilarious. Did they even test the new update before rolling it out?
  • KerinKor
    Guys, if this was actually posted by a GM, why didn't the OP include a link to the GM post. Never ever follow advice like this unless it comes from a Zenimax account.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you check this and see if this is legit?
    If people bothered to use DEV TRACKER there'd be no doubt this is legit.


  • steveb16_ESO46
    KerinKor wrote: »

    Because it brings up screens full of foreign language posts that make it extremely hard to actually find new posts, especially as they aren't dated.

    Because apparently actually sorting stuff in date order and providing language specific dev tracking while being useful would cause the sky to fall.

    Or something.

  • rhoekieb16_ESO
    I need to do what?

    Excuse me,paying customer here....fix your game already.
  • madame.kiraeb17_ESO
    I went through all of these fixes, and the issue is still happening for me. At one point, the launcher 'magically' fixed itself.. But that was for one login.. Next time I logged out, closed, and tried to re-login, the problem started once again. I followed both ZOS's instructions as well as various player fixes to no success. I absolutely refuse to re-install, as I can see it has only helped some people and not others.

    Also, I am able to bypass the launcher and play by clicking the .exe file instead. They need to get a fix up for this as soon as possible.. I'm generally very patient and understanding, but with the sheer amount of people this has happened to, it's almost like they didn't test the patch at all before rolling it out.
  • ferzalrwb17_ESO
    This doesn't necessarily work. It might just appear to work. Next time you open up - it'll be screwed. ZOS are officially a joke. Give me the source code and I'll get my 5 year old niece to fix it. It's just a launcher. Jeeeeeez.
  • yenkin2001b14_ESO
    Ahh, I remember this type of solution in EQ, having to delete files then put them back. NO THANK YOU, last time I ran a repair I downloaded 22gigs, sorry but this needs to be fixed on their end, I paid good money for a working game. in my mind ESO = Great Game but EPIC FAIL, released 1 - 2 months early in my opinion. Reminds me of Hellgate London fantastic game but they rushed it out the door to meet the publishers deadline.
  • Aicilef
    Guys, if this was actually posted by a GM, why didn't the OP include a link to the GM post. Never ever follow advice like this unless it comes from a Zenimax account.

    It was from this post.

    Ah, thanks! That is legit, and you can go ahead and follow the steps given there.

    Except that... it doesn't work. It only works the first time you do it, but when you log out and log back in, it doesn't work anymore.

    So... are you people going to actually fix this or do you consider this 'solution' enough?

    I need to know because if this is your 'solution', then I'm gonne go ahead and cancel the subscription, this is unacceptable Customer support.
    Edited by Aicilef on April 16, 2014 7:29AM
  • karldavy149b16_ESO
    Tykune wrote: »
    So.. I encountered this issue as well. Except when I googled for a fix to this, I got the knowledge base portion of the fix that if repair should fail (which it did) to uninstall the game and reinstall it. Now I am stuck installing it again at 1mb a second instead of the work around above (for those of you who dont know math very well, its going to take well over 24 hours to download). ESO and ZeniMax, I love you both.. but I dont appreciate the last day of my vacation being ruined because you cant do a proper patch.

    what school did u go to so i can never send my child there ... of the top of my head it would take approx 7 hours @1mbs i think my 18 month old daughter could tell u that 1 mbs for 24 hours is a hell of alot more than the 30+gb needed for gamer bro and if u took the time to read the post in full u would see .. open launcher .. cancel download restore files .. done dusted worked for me was a small we patch and in i went
  • karldavy149b16_ESO
    Vehadrah wrote: »
    Lies and slander... this did not work for me... if people have to do this for an update then Zneimax should fix it. -slow clap to zenimax- You have just proved that you are not up to par with most MMOs that have such things fixed in a matter of minutes or get it right the first time.

    better a work around than never logging in until they fix bro ...
  • Varanid
    Soul Shriven
    didnt work for me either...surprisingly angry which is not in my nature ;(
  • yibble
    This workaround didn't fix the issue for me. Next! :disappointed:
  • FizzerUK
    Tried all the fixes. EVEN a full download installs the wrong version.
    ON PTS we never had all these issues. We had some but *** not this bad.

    Pay to Play.. With a shi.... support and constant breaking of game.

    Yep! They ain't getting my money. 30 days free and finish. F... pissed I can't get a refund to be honest.

    Glad I have played it to death past few months. It's all new to a lot but 3 months down the road! see if you will still put up with this crap and see the cash coming out ya bank!


  • FizzerUK
    @greenleej11b14_ESO Fix works. Thanks mate!

    It takes a external Reddit post to fix a game ESO support can't.

    >>c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file with this entry: <<

    Other IP's may work, if you can find them. These kind of fixes are VERY temporary.

    I am deleting my host entry now I am in game.
  • Dreyfron
    Vehadrah wrote: »
    Lies and slander... this did not work for me... if people have to do this for an update then Zneimax should fix it. -slow clap to zenimax- You have just proved that you are not up to par with most MMOs that have such things fixed in a matter of minutes or get it right the first time.

    Oh shut up!!

  • RammAss
    Atrkl wrote: »
    Deleting and restoring the version files works 100%

    yes it does
  • Vashnatirage
    Soul Shriven
    Why in the bloody hell should we have to take someone's obscure files to try to correct the mistake that Zenimax should've fixed? SERIOUSLY?! I will not risk my computer being plundered because of some files to fix up a game patch that should've been fixed. Shame on you, Zenimax. Sheesh, what are you all thinking? Im not surprised about the loss of subscribers. -_-;

  • Baphomet
    I just restarted my computer and it worked again - hopefully it will continiue to do so.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Naylor
    I can confirm that this DOES NOT work for me.

    I Got it working by deleting one file - the version file in D:\The Elder Scrolls Online\game\
    Edited by Naylor on April 16, 2014 10:14AM
  • Seras
    The fix works for me, until I restart the game and it breaks again. It seems to throw up the error randomly. It takes me 4 or 5 attempts to bypass the error.

    I've been temporarily getting around this by bypassing the launcher entirely and loading the game directly from eso.exe. You can give that a go if you managed to get the game patched before the launcher broke.

    Hopefully this will get fixed soon. Hopefully.
  • ollie1991
    This is NOT WORKING, at least for me.
    Ive tried everything thats been suggested on the forums and nothing has worked.
    i emailed support with the report and they replied a few hours later with "we will assume this issue has been resolved" WTF?! It will be resolved when you sort your friggin' code out Zeni

    really getting annoyed now as i have not been able to play for the last 2 days not to mention all the downtime we have all already encountered
  • buzyb77
    sounds stupid and like some programmers are really really bad at their job
  • permeusb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    im starting to get miffed now ive tried all the things ive seen in this post, didn't work.

    so i tried an uninstall reinstall, didn't work (and with a 60GB game this was long and painful).

    and the thing that bothers me the most is their lack of communication not everyone comes to the forums just like not everyone use FB or twitter so they should put out messages on all three but the last thing on twitter was 15 hours ago saying how they love the fans creativity, there has been nothing about this whole mess.

    now with there 8 hours maintenance and my need to sleep and now this it has been nearly 2 days since i have been able to play ESO so ye im starting to lose my cool, im disappointed.

    Edit: ok i lied i didn't try everything till now and the lost thing works kind of (at least for now) bypassing the launcher and using the .ESO has let me get into the game, i don't know if this will keep working or if it will work for others.
    Edited by permeusb16_ESO on April 16, 2014 11:02AM
  • ZiRM
    Seriously can't believe they haven't made an Official statement about this yet. Do they even know what's going on with their game?
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Ezmaralda
    i tried all that, none of it worked so I uninstalled. Uggh. It's been downloading all night and just at 16% now.
  • Ruamora

    IvywreathIvywreath ✭


    This worked for my guildies and I. Technically savvy people only. If you aren't comfortable mucking around with windows files, then don't. Wait for Zeni to fix this nonsense. They are going to have to.

    The problem I had was on opening the Launcher, the game wouldn't patch to the newest version. When I tried to login I would just get a timed out box. However, on following this thread, the game patched on launch and I was able to login. Many thanks to these players after a frustrating night of deleting files, running repairs, etc.
  • Mullberry
    Just add me to the people who have to redo the fix every time. The odd part is it is a day later and Zenimax still hasn't done anything or said anything.

  • Xanadue
    Found a fix to this problem, go to account and cancel subscription. Whew feel so much better now that it is fixed.
  • Ivywreath
    Ruamora wrote: »
    Ivywreath ✭


    This worked for my guildies and I. Technically savvy people only. If you aren't comfortable mucking around with windows files, then don't. Wait for Zeni to fix this nonsense. They are going to have to.

    The problem I had was on opening the Launcher, the game wouldn't patch to the newest version. When I tried to login I would just get a timed out box. However, on following this thread, the game patched on launch and I was able to login. Many thanks to these players after a frustrating night of deleting files, running repairs, etc.

    Great. But once Zeni actually fixes things, make sure you remember to take that host change out. This should be a temporary fix only. :smile:

    This deleting folders and crap never worked for me (tried it for two hours), but changing the host file did (three minutes, tops). So there you have it. Some tech savvy players managed to find the problem and solution long before Zeni engineers did, I guess.

  • forexownsvuct
    wow I did not expect this many to have the issue
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