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• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Are there any old farts out there?...Or am I the only one.

  • trahe
    53 and still exploring! Yes, I have to stop frequently to stretch my legs and back but my characters are all fit !
  • silent88b14_ESO
    50 isn't old. 50 is middle age, youngster.
    Behold the great Oak. Just a little nut who stood his ground.
  • Pppaul
    46... usually the oldest in my gaming groups.

    Seems to me that we should be turning this group into a guild.
  • Pppaul
    BTW... will take friend invites from anyone who mentions this thread. :)

  • Ashtaris
    Aricle wrote: »
    I feel like a hybrid 'misfit' as I am older and have never played an MMO before (excepting Myst Online: URU Live), although I have played many games, coop and single player. I love the Elder Scrolls. I tried playing a few online games briefly and quit after the vulgar names I got called for not knowing everything about MMOs and after seeing people stealing kills rather than playing together.

    I'm happy not to fit in with rude people, yet am interested in exploring with likeminded folks! :wink:

    Aricle, I know what you mean. I also came from the Myst Online crowd and never played a PVP/PVE type of MMO game before. This became evident when I went to the Fungal Grotto and when I inquired about joining a group, they asked me if I wanted to be a DPS, Tank, or Healer? Healer I could figure out, but a Tank? :) I made a graceful exit and then consulted the online MMORPG encyclopedia to learn the new terms. I still feel like a fish out of water, but I'm starting to get the hang of it.

    BTW, 61 here and was quite active with Uru, participating in the prologue, Until Uru, and Myst Online - Uru Live.

  • Rainwhisper
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    Aricle, I know what you mean. I also came from the Myst Online crowd and never played a PVP/PVE type of MMO game before. This became evident when I went to the Fungal Grotto and when I inquired about joining a group, they asked me if I wanted to be a DPS, Tank, or Healer? Healer I could figure out, but a Tank? :) I made a graceful exit and then consulted the online MMORPG encyclopedia to learn the new terms.

    @Ashtaris‌ - That's exactly why I wrote this Guide to Grouping in WoW and one for LotRO as well.

    I'm not sure I could write one as easily for TESO since the class builds are all so divergent.

  • Aricle
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    Aricle, I know what you mean. I also came from the Myst Online crowd and never played a PVP/PVE type of MMO game before. This became evident when I went to the Fungal Grotto and when I inquired about joining a group, they asked me if I wanted to be a DPS, Tank, or Healer? Healer I could figure out, but a Tank? :) I made a graceful exit and then consulted the online MMORPG encyclopedia to learn the new terms. I still feel like a fish out of water, but I'm starting to get the hang of it.

    BTW, 61 here and was quite active with Uru, participating in the prologue, Until Uru, and Myst Online - Uru Live.
    Wow, that's great to find another MO:UL vet here. I played in both iterations of MO:UL, and was in the Botany Guild, as well as Doc Olenna's guild (sp). I bet we know some of the same people. Granelda? Thend?

    Trying to get some of the MO:UL folks to try ESO but they don't like the killing aspect.

    I had to look up the terms too and found myself taking some notes. It's interesting that when I've grouped with people, it has role icons for each member, and it may be default, but mine always says damage. Not something I'd ever imagine myself doing, in the URU days.

    If you ever want to explore together, add me as a friend. It'd be great to have a mini URU community here. :smiley:
    I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. -Sarah Williams
    @Aricle in-game. Ebonheart Pact with a dash of Aldmeri and Daggerfall.
  • LadyChaos
    Rosamond wrote: »
    Lol, I think I have seniority here. 70 at the end of April, but this is all my son's fault! He got me started in EQ2, then my grandson came along, now there's a grand daughter......and the list goes on! Gaming is a great way to stay young and be part of my grandchildren's lives. My grandson gave me the best compliment ever yesterday when he said, you know Grandma, OTHER people ask me to do favors like wash the dishes and take out the garbage. Only YOU ask me to help find treasure in Stros M'kai.

    My husband and I met in EQ1, he has historically camped or had made the best (in-game) dress/jewlery piece on my wishlist every year for anniversaries and gifts in the games we have played.

    Some girls get flowers when their husbands screw up, I got a Bloodthirsty Choker...
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Grunim
    I see this exact topic in every MMO I play. Yes there are plenty of folks over 50 who play this game. It is not unusual in the least for an MMO.
    *signed an old lady*
    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • illisseelladanub17_ESO
    53 here. Glad to see more of us youngsters!
    (shush children!)
  • Zooce
    Someone create a guild for the over 40s - I will join :p
  • Parthrax7744
    I'll be 73 in 8 days :wink: (Not Really HAHA)
    Edited by Parthrax7744 on May 13, 2014 2:45AM
    Fus Ro Dah!
  • Accident_Pr0ne
    Zooce wrote: »
    Someone create a guild for the over 40s - I will join :p
    I hope you received my invitation then ;)

    “Rusty Old Weapons”
    We are active in the EU server.
    ROW is a guild for mature players, men and women in the age of 30 40 and 50 or older.
    Feel free to visit our websit www.rustyweapons.com
  • Colonel_Brandon
    I notice some of you have been talking about your early years of computers and gaming so here is my ‘story’.

    My first computer could count to 8 and was made using ECC83 double triode valves, relays and lights to give the outputs.
    The second use discrete transistors, resisters and big LED’s and could count to 255 wow!
    Then I bought a Sinclair 99 step programmable calculator that was programmed in ‘Reverse Polish Logic’, very good at quadratic equations but little else.

    Next came my first real computer a UK101 single board computer with a real keyboard 4K of memory and Crystal BASIC (before you know who claimed he ‘invented’ it), worked in black and white but allowed me to play a ‘sneaked’ copy of ‘Colossal Caves’ a text adventure normally run on a mainframe. My first game whoo hoo.

    From there it was ZX Spectrum (The Hobbit and loads of platform games, many we typed in from magazines), Atari ST for Elite, Playstation (only purchased as a Christmas present to my son so we could play Tomb Raider), Amstrad with a plug in Hard Card (32 Meg) and the card cost more than the computer.

    Finally we branched into PC’s I dread to think how many we have in the family now but all of us are avid game players, I have played Eve Online, LOTRO, WoW, and now TESO as MMO’s and loads of single player games. I’m not as quick as I used to by any means, once up on a time I could fly an Xwing down the pilot training run for a top score but I wouldn’t like to try it now.

    I’ve had some great fun over the years and hope for a few more yet, I’m glad to have been there at the ground floor so to speak and not the ‘must have it now’ era.

    Thanks for reading, I'll shut up now B)
  • Aricle
    I'll be 73 in 8 days :wink:

    Happy early Birthday! B)
    I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. -Sarah Williams
    @Aricle in-game. Ebonheart Pact with a dash of Aldmeri and Daggerfall.
  • Grunim
    Turning 50 in July...been playing RP games since I discovered a group playing Dungeons & Dragons in my high school library. Yep. Graph paper, pencils, and multi-sided dice. Don't miss those days.

    @ghengis_dhan I'm turning 50 in August and I too first began playing RP games when I discovered some other students playing Dungeons & Dragons in my high school student lounge. I think I still have my dice...

    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • karmamule
    gremalkin wrote: »
    Young or old, good or bad, does not matter. A gammer is a gamer, pure and simple. Be it the young 14 year old kid taking his/her first step into an mmorpg, or the aged old MUD veteran, all are welcome to the grand world of ESO.

    Well said! :)

    51 years old here.

  • Grunim
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Scintilla wrote: »
    @Killum - I remember The Hobbit and I remember getting terribly frustrated with it. The "N, N, E, N, W, S, W, N, N" etc. etc. of the Goblin's cave. It was dark with no light and if you got ONE direction wrong, you died! :'( Lol - if I remember rightly.....
    Meh, kids and their new toys :D .. that was copied from one of the original 'adventure' games, Adventure and/or Dungeon, the former was where XYZZY and PLUGH came from while the latter was cut into two and became Zork I and Zork II.

    I started with Adventure on my college mainframe! Mainframe. Now that's a word you don't hear anymore. Do the youngins even know what that is without googling it?
    Edited by Grunim on April 19, 2014 3:02AM
    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • Raventiger_sb
    @Rhylanna‌ I'd be delighted to group up with you. My only character at the moment is a level 7 Khajiit Nightblade. I'm about to experiment other starting areas so I'm happy to roll a new a character. Hope to see you in game :smile:
  • Whikke
    Hahaha, I have no problem to play or help out with you youngsters ( I'm 63 this year), but don't ask me to go into the Cyrodill area.
    I'm an explorer instead of a fighter !
    Finally reached rank 1 after playing for almost three weeks day and night.
    Have a question though, are there any equally minded people from Flanders playing here ?
    I created a nice Guild with the goal of 'Brewing and drinking the finest meads in Tamriel'
    Haha, this goes online and offline !
  • LondonCalling
    I'm 49 in June and my wife is 47 and we are really enjoying the game. I'm a vet of Eve Online (10 years), SWTOR, GW2, EQ2... I've been gaming since my early 20s. My first experience of playing a small scale MMO was a LOTR mod created by someone in the US, for Neverwinter Nights.

    We are put off grouping with the younger elements as they tend to be over critical if you make a mistake, or misunderstand how to play a role. This may limit our experiences later on as some of the dungeons need groups of 4 plus. I have thick skin so can take the verbals, but my wife gets upset by it.

    So, if you are not too elitist about the way your guildies play, feel free to send me an invite to the 'Over 40s guild' :) .
  • Scintilla

    We are put off grouping with the younger elements as they tend to be over critical if you make a mistake, or misunderstand how to play a role.

    Not just me then lol I shy away from grouping now as, apparently, I'm a:

    1) Noob
    2) Stupid Noob
    3) Idiot
    4) Why the **** are you not healing me idiot?
    5) Fill in the rest yourself as you catch my drift, no?
    Jesus! Did I SAY that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?
  • knaveofengland
    we are a dying breed well at our age i mean perhaps we should form a club and do some questing or pvp, we can allways bash them with the zimmer frames and walking sticks
  • Iago
    I am 34 but honestly I would rather play with people older than myself. To many whiny kids out there, that feel it's ok to act like A$$ Wagons.
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • LondonCalling
    Scintilla wrote: »

    We are put off grouping with the younger elements as they tend to be over critical if you make a mistake, or misunderstand how to play a role.

    Not just me then lol I shy away from grouping now as, apparently, I'm a:

    1) Noob
    2) Stupid Noob
    3) Idiot
    4) Why the **** are you not healing me idiot?
    5) Fill in the rest yourself as you catch my drift, no?

    LOL, I know. Some people take gaming far too seriously! It's supposed to be enjoyable :)
  • Scintilla
    To many whiny kids out there, that feel it's ok to act like A$$ Wagons.

    I prefer that American term " a$$ hat" :D
    Jesus! Did I SAY that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?
  • Aricle
    Scintilla wrote: »
    Not just me then lol I shy away from grouping now as, apparently, I'm a:

    1) Noob
    2) Stupid Noob
    3) Idiot
    4) Why the **** are you not healing me idiot?
    5) Fill in the rest yourself as you catch my drift, no?
    All of the above for me plus a number 6: random grouping requests from people who don't tell/share what quest or activity they're doing and don't respond to my asking what the quest is then leave the group. :confused:

    I see an offshoot of the ESO Elders: the new player Elders. I'd be happy to group with you, send me a friend request or pm. :smile:
    Edited by Aricle on April 19, 2014 6:59PM
    I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. -Sarah Williams
    @Aricle in-game. Ebonheart Pact with a dash of Aldmeri and Daggerfall.
  • Whikke
    we are a dying breed well at our age i mean perhaps we should form a club and do some questing or pvp, we can allways bash them with the zimmer frames and walking sticks

    Lol, join the 'KMEE's Beer Bar' guild, then we could at least have a decent drink together, before going on questing ...
  • hamon
    41 here been gaming since the zx spectrum,, tho my hands get sore now much more =d
  • Caldir
    41 here, but i'm starting to feel young now... ;)
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