Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Are there any old farts out there?...Or am I the only one.

  • Scintilla
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Scintilla wrote: »
    @Killum - I remember The Hobbit and I remember getting terribly frustrated with it. The "N, N, E, N, W, S, W, N, N" etc. etc. of the Goblin's cave. It was dark with no light and if you got ONE direction wrong, you died! :'( Lol - if I remember rightly.....
    Meh, kids and their new toys :D .. that was copied from one of the original 'adventure' games, Adventure and/or Dungeon, the former was where XYZZY and PLUGH came from while the latter was cut into two and became Zork I and Zork II.

    Ahah Touche lol

    Muuum what's a TRS-80?

    Jesus! Did I SAY that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?
  • shadowwolf35ub17_ESO
    This thread is awesome!
    Lunara Merrick - Imperial Templar - Aldmeri Dominion (NA Server)
    Boca Boo - Khajiit Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion (NA Server)
    “It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit.”
    ― J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Palidon
    I am 62 and addicted to the this game. Really enjoy the PvP Bounty Hunting. Maybe I will get some of you in my cross hairs when you visit Cyrodiil.
  • blustb16_ESO
    YEEAAAH!!!!! I'm 38 years young. :-)
  • Azzuria
    Believe or not... there are actually mature -women- who game! I'm 44, my best friend is 49.
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • Bravo6ep
    Soul Shriven
    I'm only 64. Does that count?
  • lioslinn
    since we're swapping 'good old times'... classic Zork moment.

    -Wander around. Find a large bucket. Hmm. Go to stream, rummage through inventory, pull out teapot, fill it with water, return to bucket. Pour water in bucket. POOF it disapears. That`s odd...
    -reload. Try different things. Always the same result. Find some way to put water in bucket. It disapears. Bah. Wander elsewhere in game.
    -countless hours of playtime/weeks later: Reload. Go to large bucket. Go to stream, fill teapot with water, return to bucket. Hmm. STEP IN BUCKET. Pour water in bucket while standing in it. POOF! Appear in whole new area! WOO HOO!

    I was sooo proud of myself for figuring that one out ;)

    Of course this is all just text. I just saw Zork 2 was released in 1979 - ok I feel officially old now :)
    reality.sys corrupted-reboot universe [y/n] _
  • Epona222
    I'm 43, my first video game was Pong! and my introduction to role-playing games was PnP.

    My main gaming (on computers) love when I was younger was those text adventures. Trying to phrase stuff right without getting an error message was a game in itself :D
    Edited by Epona222 on April 18, 2014 5:42AM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Jessabella
    Love this thread, I posted way back on page 1 or 2, but I will be 37 next month, not quite so old I hope, since I have a little one on the way :) But I will totally be a grandma who games with the grand kids! Love reading those stories here!

    I also got invited to my awesome guild #5 from this thread. Now I wish we could be in 10 Guilds!
    Mara's Tester <3Psijic Order/PTS Tester
    Jessabella >:)Belladonna Bacia >:)Serves her Master >:)Aurora Rose
    Mara's Moxie <3The Sidekick Order <3The Psijic Order <3Elder Moot
    And my big fat Naked Nord :pAte my Clothes
  • Epona222
    Jessabella wrote: »
    Love this thread, I posted way back on page 1 or 2, but I will be 37 next month, not quite so old I hope, since I have a little one on the way :) But I will totally be a grandma who games with the grand kids! Love reading those stories here!

    I also got invited to my awesome guild #5 from this thread. Now I wish we could be in 10 Guilds!

    Hey congratulations :)
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Jessabella
    Epona222 wrote: »
    My main gaming (on computers) love when I was younger was those text adventures. Trying to phrase stuff right without getting an error message was a game in itself :D

    This makes me think of that episode of Big Bang Theory where Sheldon was playing one and having the same problem! :D
    Mara's Tester <3Psijic Order/PTS Tester
    Jessabella >:)Belladonna Bacia >:)Serves her Master >:)Aurora Rose
    Mara's Moxie <3The Sidekick Order <3The Psijic Order <3Elder Moot
    And my big fat Naked Nord :pAte my Clothes
  • Turrican
    I'm 67 and this is my first MMO. I have been playing shooters since Doom.

    My son, who is 42, and I, have been having a blast learning how to play this strange game. I have played Skyrim quite a lot but he knows very little about this 'non shooter' world.

    We are doing very well. His Wood Elf sneaky guy and my Altmer witch have done one dungeon together. I have been letting him alone but I think after that romp he'll want to do more coop play.

    I played the beta since Jan and I have built quite a few chars. My Red Witch, first female char ever, is my best so far. Focused, very deadly, and punching well above her weight. I have 2 quests at twice my level. ;)

    A tip for the Fighter's Guild. You need level 2 to get the very fine Silver Bolts, but with Dothia being such a *** that can be difficult. Just sign up for the guild and go fight every Dark Anchor and Fissure you can find. I had Silver Bolts before I started the first mission. ;)

    You are superb.

    I am 36 btw
  • Rhylanna
    Some of these stories remind me of the time my husband and I came home with our first EGA monitor. We had bought some games and were so excited to try them out...in color!! I put in one of the games and it asked me "Do you want color?" ...the excitement mounted... I said "yes", then it asked "Which one?"

    Huh?! I went ahead and picked blue... all the text was in blue! It was one of the Zork games, don't remember which one. I've never forgotten that lol.
    Fatewalkers NA server, primarily Daggerfall Covenant, 30+ (mature, working folks with kids, dogs, etc!), casual, PVE oriented, small but growing!
    Antique Ordinatus Populus NA server, technically with Aldmeri Dominion but have members in all alliances, 40+ (even ++++!), mature, casual (fun people who sometimes forget what they're doing...or maybe that's just me :p ) antique-ordinatus-populus.enjin.com
  • Texwa
    52 here. I used to never play video games. When I did I was my view was usually looking straight into the sky and spinning while being shot by other gamers. But I started playing Skyrim last year after seeing Conan O'Brian's Clueless gamer segment. First night played till 4 a.m. Hooked then and am loving ESO now.
  • rapidpalsy
    Soul Shriven
    34, looking for mature gamers to play ESO with !
  • SotP_Kondor
    Hello there Accident Prone. I enjoy gaming like you do, and I will be eligible to take SS next month, because you see, I will be 62 then. :D

    If you don't have a guild yet, come join the Spectres of the Phoenix, at sotphoenix.com
  • ghengis_dhan
    Turning 50 in July...been playing RP games since I discovered a group playing Dungeons & Dragons in my high school library. Yep. Graph paper, pencils, and multi-sided dice. Don't miss those days.
    "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

    Teddy Roosevelt, Paris, 1910
  • metaldrummer1962b14a_ESO
    We need to create an Old Guard guild
  • Accident_Pr0ne
    Hello there Accident Prone. I enjoy gaming like you do, and I will be eligible to take SS next month, because you see, I will be 62 then. :D

    If you don't have a guild yet, come join the Spectres of the Phoenix, at sotphoenix.com
    I feel honored to be in ya friends list m8.
    Feel free to add me.
    We can talk about guild stuff later


    “Rusty Old Weapons”
    We are active in the EU server.
    ROW is a guild for mature players, men and women in the age of 30 40 and 50 or older.
    Feel free to visit our websit www.rustyweapons.com
  • Atheris
    I was going to say your not the only old fart out their and then I saw tyour age and went duuude. JK, not quite their although in the 40's and most of my friends that play are 40+
  • metaldrummer1962b14a_ESO
    Actually I am 52 :(
  • Dysturbed
    I played pong and the early ones like that but what really got me hooked was wizardry on the apple 2c
  • Extractor
    Eris wrote: »
    59 here. You are not alone. Been playing video games for what seems like for ever, LOL

    Damn got me beat, 56 here:) Maybe we should make an Old Farts Guild....

    I know in LOTRO there was a Kinship called the Old Timers Guild. They were actually a pretty cool group of people, not nearly as much drama as most.

    For the record, I feel young here, I'm only 47. My first computer game was Adventureland on the Apple II. My first online computer game was Gemstone on the GEnie network. The first traditional MMO was Ultima Online though I only really played it during the beta because my company was involved with the support, at the time I ran a MajorBBS/Worldgroup BBS so I was more into MajorMUD and Tradewars. Perhaps some of these old games bring back memories. :)

    omg loved tradewars on the local bbs...wow bbs...my how the internet super highway has changed.

    Yes BBS was the start of what we know the internet to be today!
  • karialleeub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Thank goodness there are a ton of us! I am not only "old" (51) but a new gamer in general. Big fan of older Elder Scrolls games and loving this one so far. Definitely should have our own guild!
  • Aricle
    Jessabella wrote: »
    I also got invited to my awesome guild #5 from this thread. Now I wish we could be in 10 Guilds!
    Me too- and I thought at first I wouldn't find 5 guilds to join!
    Azzuria wrote: »
    Believe or not... there are actually mature -women- who game! I'm 44, my best friend is 49.
    Another woman here. Cheers to all of us. Remember: we don't die, we respawn. :wink:

    **Just to make it harder to pick only 5 guilds: Unrepentant Guild looks interesting (see thread intro) http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/comment/663100#Comment_663100
    Edited by Aricle on April 18, 2014 2:34PM
    I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. -Sarah Williams
    @Aricle in-game. Ebonheart Pact with a dash of Aldmeri and Daggerfall.
  • Falmer
    Will be 41 here in a few months. I always get a chuckle out of media articles that tend to portray gaming as something only kids do.

    I love the look on peoples faces when I tell them that the average age of a gamer is 32... Yes, averaging all people who play games together gets you an "average" of 32.
  • Raventiger_sb
    I forgot to add, if anyone needs a complete newbie at this game to accompany them on their journeys feel free to add me, (assuming of cause that this patch stops applying itself and gets past 80% it's currently stuck on). I should add I am taking things very slow, exploring every nook and cranny, and talking to every NPC. I'm also learning how to RP in game, which is hard for me because of my shyness.
  • Rhylanna
    @Raventiger_sb‌ You sound just like me! If you're on the NA server, I have several toons who always love company. I only have a brand new level 3 in EP, but I can easily roll up one in either of the other factions too! :)
    Fatewalkers NA server, primarily Daggerfall Covenant, 30+ (mature, working folks with kids, dogs, etc!), casual, PVE oriented, small but growing!
    Antique Ordinatus Populus NA server, technically with Aldmeri Dominion but have members in all alliances, 40+ (even ++++!), mature, casual (fun people who sometimes forget what they're doing...or maybe that's just me :p ) antique-ordinatus-populus.enjin.com
  • Bluddite
    62 and counting (even after 4 bouts of the old 'c'.
  • SDZald
    I was wondering if there are any people out there with the same hobby as me....If so feel free to invite me in your friends list....Maybe to team up sometimes.

    50 years old ;)

    50 years is old? Man I must be ancient then LMAO You young kids crack me up.

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