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Boss Camping Has To Be Dealt With

  • karldavy149b16_ESO
    unless of cause your saying they have to play the game your way and go out questing but then the advertisement for this game would be false advertising ...

    "play the way you want"

    thats pretty much every sandbox games moto
  • badmojo
    badmojo wrote: »
    cultmethod wrote: »
    How is this not a workable solution that addresses both issues? Grinders get to grind, explorers get to explore uninterrupted.

    Except diminishing returns is exactly what the grinders don't want. Why would people sit there killing a boss for hours if you get all the good stuff the first few times?

    I'm not saying we should be getting the rare blue items every time we kill a boss, but the loot shouldn't slowly trickle down to nothing. That will only make the non-grinder crowd happy.

    i have no idea what your talking about i sit there for 30 mins to an hours and ill come out with about 25-40 blues ... with my perks in deconstruction ill end up with 16-20 blue materials .... with perks in improvement i end up with about 3-4 crafted blues an hour .... ive basically crafted every suit for every 4 lvls ... for every toon ive planned on playing now to camp out respawns for stones ...

    the current method works ... near enough every boss i camp as a group going if someone says in zone or say can i get some we stop .... the method works only people that qq are the ones that use thier basic attack .... in which case your not worthy of any loot

    how the loot is assigned on dps is clear do dps and u get loot even if your not grouped

    the fact the boss dies in a few seconds is unimportant .... if u hit it with enough dps to tag the kill u will get loot

    and tagging the kill dont take much 60-90 dps ....

    people forget they get damage increase from sneak !!!!

    Yeah, I agree with everything you've said. I do the same and have no problems with how it's currently setup.

    The post I was responding to said that we(grinders/campers/farmers) would be okay with diminishing returns. Which is something I can't agree with because I would not be okay with that.
  • casselna_ESO
    The only issue I can see here isn't the dungeon campers, its the werewolf/vampire campers that actively prevent new people who want to be bitten from getting bit. This creates the heavy market for player bites which people are paying inordinate amounts for. 60k a bite?

    Anything else is just stupid to complain about. I just did Bithanuel that had a vast many players all running around trying to find spiders. I finally found one and then had to kill some and then harvest the bodies. This of course greatly conflicts with those trying to use the control rod on the first stage of the quest. Then I didn't *need* to kill them, you just needed dead spiders. And since the first stage often left dead spiders about...I quickly got my 5 while randomcomplainer01 cried about those of us moving on with our quests and how much we suck. Oddly enough, he was in there before me and after I was already done...

    The point being is that even with tons of people about, you can get the regular stuff done. It's the mobs like vampire and werewolves that are really unfair.
  • Tetrasoli
    Off topic but I don't care... it's all related.

    And still no one is able to explain to me why public dungeons are public in the first place, since not a single mob therein is tuned for group content, or harder than any solo quest in the open world.

    Add the fact that some guild quests where some players might actually want to invite a friend for assistance, are forced solo experiences. Does anyone not see the ridiculousness of this? Forced groups when you don't need it, and no grouping when you do.

    For the love of everyone's sanity, make the damned public delves solo (or invited group only), add properly tuned public dungeons and then everyone can enjoy the experience of their choice. How freakin' difficult is this?
    Edited by Tetrasoli on April 18, 2014 12:07AM
  • SuperScrubby
    It's apparently incredibly difficult since they can't even handle mob farming properly in this game. They're nerfing the ability to farm bosses rather than focusing on banning bots or scaling dungeons to flex with the amount of players. If the devs keep taking the lazy route then this game is going to go to ***. Only people that'll be left are the super lame casuals that play this game as a single player game. They'll sub until they're done playing it within a few months and quit.
    Edited by SuperScrubby on April 18, 2014 12:15AM
  • karldavy149b16_ESO
    It's apparently incredibly difficult since they can't even handle mob farming properly in this game. They're nerfing the ability to farm bosses rather than focusing on banning bots or scaling dungeons to flex with the amount of players. If the devs keep taking the lazy route then this game is going to go to ***. Only people that'll be left are the super lame casuals that play this game as a single player game. They'll sub until they're done playing it within a few months and quit.

    u got it bro .... they nerf the dungeons ill go ... and i suspect alot of us farmign them will go because this kinda thing is part of a sandbox mmo ... if they want to nerf the drop rate of the blues so be it but dont for god sake nerf the respawn
    and it is just that the casuals that are complaining ..

    Edited by karldavy149b16_ESO on April 18, 2014 12:18AM
  • badmojo
    The sad part of this whole discussion is it's the "farmers" who are mostly trying to get the game improved. Most of the anti-farmer crowd is calling for it to be made so undesirable that nobody cares to do it more than once.

    But, the worst part is I believe ZOS might cave and ruin a part of their game, just so people will stop crying about other people getting easy loot, while they have to "play the game properly", whatever that means.
    Edited by badmojo on April 18, 2014 12:33AM
  • SuperScrubby
    It's "play the game properly" to their standards is all they care about. If any mmo vet plays it to the way they enjoy then it's not allowed since it breaks "IMMERSION", aka single player role playing.
  • atwon23
    They gave an official answer to boss camping and reporting boss farmers.
  • badmojo
    If farming breaks their immersion, they're just a lazy role player.

    I can be a pretty intense role player, and as soon as I started farming, I came up with a back story to explain it. I'm guessing that Molag Bal is sending his agents down to occupy these dungeons, the same way he is sending dark anchors to the overworld. Every time we defeat one of his agents, another one is sent down moments later to take its place. Hopefully, given enough people killing them enough times, perhaps Molag Bal will finally give up and move on to try something else.

    The loot we pick up after killing one of his agents, is just gear that for whatever reason Molag Bal sent down with his agent. Perhaps the loot is just a lure that he is using to get us soul shriven to go down into his dungeons, because he knows that no matter how many we kill, he will just keep sending more.

    There's nothing immersion breaking about farming a dungeon boss. People just like to throw that around when they dislike how others play the game.
  • Genomic
    I think most people are at least disdainful of farmers, and the mindless and repetitive gameplay style that represents, but they nevertheless rightfully recognise that it's their choice to play that way. However, if farmers behaviour can't easily be distinguished from the rightfully despised botters, then they are functionally as bad as each other (in terms of in-game dynamics).
  • badmojo
    Genomic wrote: »
    However, if farmers behaviour can't easily be distinguished from the rightfully despised botters, then they are functionally as bad as each other (in terms of in-game dynamics).

    Except if you spend any amount of time camping a boss spawn, you can quickly figure out who is a bot and who is a human.

    The bots aren't bad because of their actions. They're bad because they don't represent a human being pressing buttons and reacting to the game on-screen. They're just a machine that can run for hours and hours.

    Human beings can only take so much mindless repetitive gameplay before they have to go back to the interesting and intellectually stimulating stuff, but a bot on the other hand is designed to be mindless, repeating the same tasks all day and every day, non-stop.
  • SeñorCinco
    You farmers ruin dungeons for the rest of us ok. So I hope ZOS implements my suggestion or something similar so that this ends. If you want mats go around the world exploring and collect.
    I regret that I am limited to only one "awesome" vote. I cannot agree with that more.

    Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
    Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
    Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
    ... to be continued.

    Now, get off my lawn.

  • Tiki99
    Make the bosses spawn with multiple adds
    Make the bosses randomly move around during combat like some ranged npcs
    Make the bosses spawn in different locations in the zone
    Make the bosses not die instantly, give them more hps for now, when populations fade turn it back down.
    Put code in to run a check on the player killing if more than say 10 times, boss drops no loot for said player for a few hours or something like that.

    Edited by Tiki99 on April 18, 2014 1:26AM
  • Biezenw22eb17_ESO
    Genomic wrote: »
    I think most people are at least disdainful of farmers, and the mindless and repetitive gameplay style that represents, but they nevertheless rightfully recognise that it's their choice to play that way. However, if farmers behaviour can't easily be distinguished from the rightfully despised botters, then they are functionally as bad as each other (in terms of in-game dynamics).

    exactly this. 1000 times. it's zenimax fault they use the wrong methods to solve a problem. Distinguish and banhammer bots, but dont restrict farming for actual players.
  • Ginster
    I Think, there should be extra Content for Farmers only. Maybe an Isle, where they can hang arround the hole day, farming the same NPc over and over again...Seriously...
    The reason i play is, i want to experience Adventures together with my friends. Killing a Dungeon Boss in 2 Seconds, because you have 20 People standing arround, farming this Boss is just boring....
  • Kililin
    it is not more or less trivial with 2 friends.
  • Soloeus
    Make it so a Boss only gives a player loot/exp once a month. Further killings will offer that player no benefit.

    Another solution is to have all attributes of the boss scale with the number of players in the entire "cave" it is in. within 500 meters. Something.

    Nothing is fun about a "Battle" where a boss spawns, gets killed within 6 seconds of spawning and I am lucky enough to deal enough damage to get loot rights or not. I stand deprived of any experience in fighting said Boss, I stand deprived of full exp because I cannot do enough damage.

    Yes, I can use resto staff to heal someone before it dies to earn loot rights but that gives like 5% of the exp and no satisfaction.
    Edited by Soloeus on April 18, 2014 1:42PM

    Within; Without.
  • Ginster
    Maybe, but even in that case you have mutch more Atmosphere, then now. Imagine, you managed to fight threw a dungeon only to see 20 People, hanging arround the Endboss, killing him over and over again...No fun :-/

    @Soloeus: I like your Proposal. Ok, if People really enjoy farming, there should be some extra content for them.
    Edited by Ginster on April 18, 2014 1:56PM
  • SinisterJoint
    u got it bro .... they nerf the dungeons ill go ... and i suspect alot of us farmign them will go because this kinda thing is part of a sandbox mmo ... if they want to nerf the drop rate of the blues so be it but dont for god sake nerf the respawn
    and it is just that the casuals that are complaining ..

    This type of thing is not part of a sandbox MMO. This type of thing is part of a broken system.

    Plain and simple karl, you can sit and chant that this is "how farming is" all you want, but every other MMO out there has a 15minute+ timer on named mobs.

    Couple that with the fact that the only reason the boss's are spawning so fast is because new players is the kicker.

    It's a lazy, cheap, and exploitive way to farm and I cant WAIT for it to get nerfed into the dirt.

    So that, you know, you actually have to play the game.
  • zeuseason
    Who cares *if* there's a player on the other side of the character spawn camping. It's the automated bots that are causing the problem. Put a GM in game to sort this kinda thing out and we'd see a heck of a lot less of it at least until they can get a good handle on it.
  • Censorious
    We need this fix now. Every public dungeon has two or three players (not always bots) right at the upper edge of the allowed band 'farming' blues.
    Players at-level can't get a credit on the kill because their damage isn't sufficient.

    It's selfish and unfair. It isn't a valid part of the game, it's an exploit and it needs to stop.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Nordak
    The bots are ridiculous right now. 15+ sunspearing auto bots per dungeon... Its like they are there to shut out all players.
  • Ginster
    I do! I don't, if its only a single player, but as i wrote: WHen you have 10-20 Players camping, it really destroys the atmosphere.
    Edited by Ginster on April 18, 2014 2:02PM
  • Nordak
    Also for the Crybears, and pony people or whatever you want to be called. Farming is intended, botting is not, quite crying about respawn. Bots don't care about respawn they will sit there and wait 2 hours for a respawn. Fix the bots and the issues will go away.
  • SinisterJoint
    badmojo wrote: »
    The sad part of this whole discussion is it's the "farmers" who are mostly trying to get the game improved. Most of the anti-farmer crowd is calling for it to be made so undesirable that nobody cares to do it more than once.

    But, the worst part is I believe ZOS might cave and ruin a part of their game, just so people will stop crying about other people getting easy loot, while they have to "play the game properly", whatever that means.

    wait what? How is standing in one spot trying to "get the game improved" ?? Please enlighten me as to how this does that? You want to know the sad truth, you "farmers" (I lol everytime you standstills call yourself that, pathetic) are making it undesirable, THAT is the truth.

    It's not about the easy loot, it never was. It's about you ***** over everyone else that runs through the dungeon only to get to the end and instead of meeting a more challenging foe, they meet 20 people doing 1off's on the boss as it spawns.

    They don't get a chance for loot, they don't get a chance to even see if it was a more challenging mob, they don't get crap. Somehow though, that's OK. It's OK for you standstills to ruin someone else's experience, it's OK for you standstills to ruin other's chance for loot, and its OK for you to exploit a system that you KNOW is broken.

    According to you standstills though, its NOT OK for us to want that to stop?

    Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.

    Fact is, it's NOT the only way to get blues, it's NOT the only way to get crafting mats, it's NOT the only way to get soulgems.

    It's only the fastest because the system is broken as ****. It needs fixed, PERIOD, and I can't wait for it to happen.
  • Ginster
    Nordak wrote: »
    Also for the Crybears, and pony people or whatever you want to be called. Farming is intended, botting is not, quite crying about respawn. Bots don't care about respawn they will sit there and wait 2 hours for a respawn. Fix the bots and the issues will go away.

    STop crying

  • Blovis
    What you call camping, I call legitimate farming for items to break down for crafting mats and trait research. As long as you are at the keyboard there is no problem killing a mob repeatedly in an open world environment.
    You farmers ruin dungeons for the rest of us ok. So I hope ZOS implements my suggestion or something similar so that this ends. If you want mats go around the world exploring and collect.

    I agree with most of what you are saying but as soon as you tell others how they should play then your on the wrong side of the argument.

    Farmers are just the way mmo's are some folks farm items its their choice, public dungeons were always going to be like this. For me a non crafter its not been a big issue, maybe that will change at V10 but from what i have seen at V1 i'll be glad to see a couple of farmers :)
  • Ginster
    Blovis wrote: »
    Farmers are just the way mmo's are some folks farm items its their choice, public dungeons were always going to be like this.

    I am sorry, but that isn't an argument. Beeing tradition/habit makes something neither good nor bad. YOu have to criticize the facts (Sorry, my english isn't that good)
    Edited by Ginster on April 18, 2014 2:30PM
  • Tarokor
    for those complaining about this change i have this to say when it takes me an hour to even get a hit in to finish a dungeon and get the achievement because of all the farmers and bots surrounding it something is broken. i was levelling my little dk tonight before downtime, i did 3 dungeons for shards and achievements and it took me 5 hours.

    anyone that says that is right is screwed in the head
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