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While Maj and Glirion give out the set geodes for their respective pledges, Urgarlag has switched to rewarding uncracked transmute geodes instead. That means a DLC HM pledge will reward a random number of transmute crystals, which normally is about 2 on average when the basegame HMs give 5.
1. Eight home storage chests of different sizes. SOLUTION: ONE 60-slot chest, which can be expanded up to eight times for a total of 480 slots, just like your bank.
ISkylanderI wrote: »Pain Point 4:
Events. The Events feel all the same. Go to Zone X, do the daily Quest you have done like 30 times before, kill the same boss you have killed 30 times before and get generic style Page #154. Nothing innovative, just more of the same. I was realy exited for the 10 year anniversary events. I expected something new, something great. I was especially hyped when i saw the Anniversary Spotlight titled "Dungeon Runners, Rise Up". Dungeon Runner? Thats me! I played ESO for 10 years and i love dungeons, i love them so much i have 100% of the Achievements from the Dungeons. I was hyped, i logged in. What can i do now, 2 free dungeons? Nice, but i already own them. What else, a Costume if u complete the Dungeons, okay, i have already done that. An Arms Pack, if you complete 10 Pledges, already done. So i claimed those 2 things in the Crown store and the Event was done ... this experience broke me. Its like getting invited to the birthdayparty of my friend that i know for 10 years and he only gives me a piece of cake and ignores me for the rest of the day and only talks to his new friends he knows less than a year. (Sry I am a bit dramatic here, but this was the moment for me when the glas shattered and i noticed how bad the Events actually are)
Why cant there be more surprising new things. You have Characters like Uncle Sheogorath who does love crazy things. Why cant he do things like clone all enemys in Fang Lair of something and now you have to fight the same Boss twice at the same time. Or let him go to Deshaan or whatever and let him double or tripple the strengh of these sets for like 2 weeks and let the players have some fun with it in PvE (but turn of Achievements if u use them). Events should feel different than a normal day in Tamriel.
ISkylanderI wrote: »Pain Point 4:
Events. The Events feel all the same. Go to Zone X, do the daily Quest you have done like 30 times before, kill the same boss you have killed 30 times before and get generic style Page #154. Nothing innovative, just more of the same. I was realy exited for the 10 year anniversary events. I expected something new, something great. I was especially hyped when i saw the Anniversary Spotlight titled "Dungeon Runners, Rise Up". Dungeon Runner? Thats me! I played ESO for 10 years and i love dungeons, i love them so much i have 100% of the Achievements from the Dungeons. I was hyped, i logged in. What can i do now, 2 free dungeons? Nice, but i already own them. What else, a Costume if u complete the Dungeons, okay, i have already done that. An Arms Pack, if you complete 10 Pledges, already done. So i claimed those 2 things in the Crown store and the Event was done ... this experience broke me. Its like getting invited to the birthdayparty of my friend that i know for 10 years and he only gives me a piece of cake and ignores me for the rest of the day and only talks to his new friends he knows less than a year. (Sry I am a bit dramatic here, but this was the moment for me when the glas shattered and i noticed how bad the Events actually are)
Why cant there be more surprising new things. You have Characters like Uncle Sheogorath who does love crazy things. Why cant he do things like clone all enemys in Fang Lair of something and now you have to fight the same Boss twice at the same time. Or let him go to Deshaan or whatever and let him double or tripple the strengh of these sets for like 2 weeks and let the players have some fun with it in PvE (but turn of Achievements if u use them). Events should feel different than a normal day in Tamriel.