Dev Team Request: A Top 5 List of Bugs and Pain Points You Would Like Addressed

  • strawsun
    bug issues I would really love to see fixed are the adornments/accessories not displaying when equipped. These are beautiful cosmetics that are effectively useless because they won’t show on a character. If people are paying for this content, I think it’s fair that something like this is addressed….(I want to wear my hearts rend earrings on my argonian, ok???)

    quality of life fixes?

    Please don’t gut grey host of proc sets. Please don’t gut PvP like that. I think what needs to happen is a major overhaul of all in game sets. Stop releasing new ones until you bring the current ones up to par. It seems very bad that original game sets are absolutely obsolete compared to what’s come out now. This could be rectified with some effort, I am sure. It could be fun, even.

    I think this is a much better way to address set imbalances, rather than taking them away completely from PvP.

    ok, as usual, much love to programmers and anyone who decides to take this game seriously and pour their heart into it. Thank you.
    strawsun 🍓☀️
  • M0ntie
    Thanks very much for seeking player input!


    1) Skills not casting.
    How much this happens varies - sometimes it seems the servers aren't running well and several people in the trial group will experience more occurrences of skills not casting.
    Some skills are bad for this. eg. Energy orb - is supposed to be instant cast but it you don't wait half a second after casting it, it doesn't cast.

    2) Synergies not working especially in vCR. Especially the portal jump spots and drop hoarfrost synergies.

    3) People getting randomly kicked out of trials.
    About 30% of trials one or more group members will be kicked out by the game for no reason.

    It seems that the game is just not properly tuned to reliably handle 12 players in trials. I suspect this accounts for my top 3 bugs.
    It is incredibly frustrating to have battling bugs in the game a major part of clearing end game content. I know a number of (long term) players who left because they just cannot bear how flakey the game is.

    4) Dungeon finder - there seems to be a bug currently where it takes a very long time to queue when the tank or healer queues. There always seems to be some bug with it - please fix.

    5) Getting stuck running/galloping at a ground texture edge in Cyrodil when it hasn't loaded in properly. When this happens, you stay running/galloping. It doesn't resolve when the texture loads in. It only resolves when someone comes and kills you.

    I would put "Being stuck in combat especially in Cyro", but you said not to.

    Pain Points:

    1) Furniture Crafting.
    The problem is it is too difficult to find/create the right furnishing.
    Needs a proper preview of items, so you can see how big each thing is before crafting it.
    Needs a craft bag type mechanism for furnishings so you can easily find the unplaced furnishings you have, or the ability to decon furnishings and get the materials back so you an create on demand what you want.
    Need one furnishing crafting station with a search function. eg. If I want to find the best carpet for my house, I don't want to have to look in several crafting stations. The categorisation of furnishing items isn't consistent and is often non-intuitive. I want to go to ONE furnishing crafting station, search for "carpet", preview all the carpet/rug patterns I have learned and then make the one I like best.
    Also, furnishings, drinks and food recipes/patterns and style pages need to be account wide so we don't have to look on multiple characters for learned patterns/styles.

    2) Lack of life in housing -> Gardening.
    Please introduce Skyrim type gardening, where you can plant plants and harvest them. Not enough to ruin the economy, just enough for personal use and to add some life to housing.
    Please also add enough slots in housing that we can have a small farm.

    3) "Fake roles in dungeon finder", in particular in random normal dungeons.
    How many forum threads do there need to be on this topic before ZoS do something? The cause is that the queue takes too long for dps and for easier dungeons a tank and/or healer aren't necessary for stronger players and it is faster to clear with 3+ dps.
    Here is my suggestion for addressing this.
    (i) Add an option in the random dungeon finder to have no roles. This will help make the queue time shorter for dps because they can be grouped together and won't have to wait for a tank and a healer.
    (ii) If the option to have roles (1 tank, 1 healer and 2 dps) is chosen, then if the player doesn't fulfil their role, they don't get rewards. This can be measured quite readily as follows: for each boss fight if tank doesn't hold aggro the most/use a taunt, or the healer doesn't heal the most, or if the 2 dps don't do the most dps they don't get the drops from the boss. If at the end of the dungeon a player isn't fulfilling their role, they don't get the random daily or last boss rewards. This wouldn't be too difficult to implement, and it removes any motivation for players to queue in fake roles.

    4) Ugly Sorcerer Pets in my face.
    Please properly give players what they have asked for for so long. A proper reskin of the horrible sorc pets, especially the matriarch. The reskin needs to make the matriarch smaller and not hideous. I've had enough of these things flapping in my face. Making them red is NOT helping.

    5) Save Scribed Skills to Armoury.
    When I change my load out, I need to change the construction of scribed skills. eg. which components of mender's bond or banner.

    I know you said 5, but I have a couple more pain points/suggestions. :)

    6) Clothing Crafting - make it easier to find what you want.
    Please make the order the styles display have the option to be either numerical or alphabetical. After 10 years, you can't expect new players to learn the release order of over 100 styles. Provide a Preview of the item being crafted, at the time of crafting, that you can actually see, preferably on the player.

    7) Finding things in Guild Traders it too difficult and time consuming.
    Search for Unknown recipes/patterns at Guild Traders and and an in-game global guild trader search. PC have Tamriel Trade Centre, but that is often too out of date to be useful. Wiley traders often list cheap items that are never there when you go to buy them.

  • olsborg
    Very few ppl like this proccset meta thats been ruining this games pvp for years. The fact that any set that boosts your stats, be it magicka/stamina or wepdmg/spelldmg wont even get close to giving your build as much dmg as any set that deals dmg with a procc, be it Syvarra, Selene, Relequen or some such. This needs to change.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Dar
    Top Pain Points

    1. Running to you aggred mobs, who interrupt your activity and returning to their spawn

    2. It is impossible to fully engage in decoration houses without ESO+, too few slots. This is only one mechanic in game, hidden behind the constant paywall

    3. Stuck in combat (especially with locked doors in dungeons and trials)

    4. Huge shoulder armor and hip plates hanging in the air

    5. Missing lot of books from eidetic memory during the exploring

    6. There is still not much functionality that has to be achieved through addons. Account-wide settings for example
    Edited by Dar on February 10, 2025 1:05PM
  • Scytex01
    Soul Shriven

    Top 5 Bugs:

    1. Knock up into walls/stairs
    In Cyrodiil especially during laggy times it can happen that you get stuck in a wall/gate/staircase after being knocked up. The only way to get out is to type /stuck but since this usually happens while being chased as a group you are kept in combat until the group dies which can be very frustrating..

    2. Knock back -> Desync
    After being knocked back or pulled it sometimes happens that you get (as we call it) desynced. This means that you keep moving on your screen but cant barswop or cast any skills, while you are standing still on everyone elses screen. This keeps going until you either get stunned/knocked back OR you walk so far away that you get bounced back to your original positon.
    We think that it has something to do with the server not being able to calculate the position of the player correctly after a knock back/pull skill? But I will leave it to you guys figuring that one out ^^

    3. No break free
    On rare occasions its not possible to break free at all no matter which key bind you have for breaking free, leading to having to wait until the stun ends which can be up to 6 seconds i think, which is kind of eternal in PvP

    4. Loading screen in Cyro
    Sometimes when you walk into a new "area" you get a loading screen. Especially around Sejanus this keeps happening. I am not sure why, its not happening all the time, but its only in like 2-3 places in Cyro where it repeatedly happens.

    Top 5 Pain Points:

    Im gonna be honest its only 2:

    1. Having to PvE to get Gear necessary for PvP is kind of annoying.. It would be amazing if all Sets were available in PvP in same quality.
    It would make Cyrodiil way more accessable for new players and it would be easier to test around with stuff etc.

    Since you are already testing Skills that are only accessable in PvP maybe you could do the same for Sets (Obviously in a better form then for the testing)

    2. There is no big updates for PvP - ive been playing for over 7 years now and I think the biggest update in the last 2 years was the battlground weekends. Which is nice since more people play BGs on the weekends for the extra Loot, but its also a bit disappointing that that is the only thing that came out the last 2 years.
    I would really like to see something like new siege weapons e.g. a siege tower that can be countered by Castle Ditch.whcih you could be as some kind of Keep Upgrade system. (Right now the Mine upgrades the keep, why not make it possible to buy upgrades for keeps with AP) Like a Castle Ditch for 500k AP or annyyyy thing like that (just brainstorming here)

    Anyways I thank you for your hard and I am looking forward to what this post actually brings for the future,
    thank you for takint the time to read this.

    Greetings Scytex
  • BejaProphet
    1. Not being able to search specifically for motifs, recipes, crafting plans that I do not yet know.

    2. The daily random dungeon rewards incentivizing me to have 13 alts to do a daily first with each, when what I really want to do is tank all day long with my one tank.

    3. I can’t choose “run random dlc dungeon.” I want the fun of random, but I dislike the ease of vet base game dungeons. I go in and manually flag every DLC vet dungeon to queue and then I loose any random reward bonus.

    4. See #1.

    5. See #1.
  • sshogrin
    Top Bugs/Issues
    Bug 1 Heavy attacks (lightening staff) doesn't actually work. You can point at an enemy and it doesn't fire
    Bug 2 BG queue often doesn't work. You end up waiting for over a half an hour when your friend gets into 3 in the time you've been waiting
    Bug 3 Getting knocked into walls/floor with no way to get back out
    Bug 4 Connection issues, login issues
    Bug 5 Ability lag or abilities just not firing off at all

    Top Pain Points
    Pain Point 1 BGs are horribly mismatched
    Pain Point 2 Not enough Guild Traders (cost per week to have one is insane)
    Pain Point 3 Too many sets Some sets are just not used because they are just too weak. There should be sets that provide the same amount of damage, healing, blocking/health (for tanks) but provide a slightly different perk/use. Sets should be much more balanced. As it is, sets aren't balanced very well.
    Pain Point 4 Cyrodiil in general. Lot's of lag in larger fights, lags/rubber banding when just riding horseback across the map.
    Pain Point 5 Jewelry crafting should be available for players that don't have Summerset. This should be a basic crafting option for all account holders.
    Pain Point 6 We need a survey assistant! Or let us use the Companions to do like 20 or 25 surveys per day.
    Edited by sshogrin on February 10, 2025 10:08PM
  • Kyip
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    To help us keep this list as easy to read as possible, please respond in the following format:
    Top Bugs/Issues
    1. Bug 1: Grim Focus Permaglow is still a problem.
    Top Pain Points
    1. Pain Point 1: Grim Focus Permaglow is still a problem.
    @ZOS_Kevin this is literally the one issue that I consider both a top bug and a top pain point.

  • marlonbrando
    1. Double dooring or not being able to use a door in combat in Cyrodiil.
    2. Skill lag in Cyrodiil
    3. Having to press keys more than once to get things to work
  • observertim
    Issue 1. Guild kiosks - there needs to be more information available when bidding on kiosks; right now it's a blind lottery which can only be played one a week. This is simply not fun.

    Issues 2-5. See issue #1.

    Pain point 1. Too many bound items - if items (eg furniture) exist in both bound and unbound forms, why not unbind all the dupes. It's a colossal pain having to manage 2 lists of the same items.

    Pain point 2. No furniture decon - this end-game content produces too much worthless clutter. Even deconning for single resource items would be nice, especially now that the furniture mat issues are (mostly) solved.

    Pain point 3. Companion gear - same as #2 above, plus no ability to improve any of it.

    Pain point 4. Treasure maps are largely junk. If there were actual treasure in there their unstackability would be less of an issue.

    Pain point 5. Nothing else I can think of atm.

    I hope you folks can use this to improve ESO, which is otherwise a fantastically enjoyable game. I wish I were out of the hospital so I can play and not miss more.
  • MoonlightShadow
    1. Cyrodiil Faction Flipping Trolls: Faction flipping to troll is happening more and more. How is that a problem? DC Player A with DC Friends are about to loose a scroll to EP. DC Player A switches to an EP character and rushes to the keep with the scroll. DC Friends then prevent everyone but DC Player A from grabbing the scroll. DC Player A (on an EP character) runs around with the scroll until it is about to time out, then dumps it in the lava / water. When such behavior is reported to ZOS, you get a nice email saying such behavior is not against the terms of service. (Note the use of DC and EP are only examples. I have seen it done by all factions).
    2. Cyrodiil score boosting: A player cooperates with friends from another faction to artificially boost their emperor ranking by setting up circumstances where they can earn unbelievable amounts of ap. IE: Faction has entire map, no keep is lit, all factions are at 1 bar population, but a player suddenly makes over 500K AP in less than 30 minutes. Attempts to report such behavior are again met with emails stating such behavior is not against terms of service.
    3. Cyrodiil low-pop bonus: I agree that something should be done to assist those factions with low populations to be able to compete with larger populations. Unfortunately this is also exploited by factions who will log on with large groups who grab the entire map, then log back off to gain a huge scoring bonus. They then check back periodically to ensure their map dominance, then log back off so low-pop bonus keeps applying.

    While none of these are game-breaking, they are examples of toxic behavior encouraged by the mechanics of the game. Basically, it makes Cyrodiil emperor and campaign scores meaningless since they can easily be artificially manipulated.
  • ShadowStrikerr
    Soul Shriven
    Top Bugs/Issues
    Bug 1: Guild Banks issue do Not Automatically Stack Items when someone puts them in like they do on your personal bank, This needs to be fixed as it should automatically work
    Bug 2: Build Banks issue do Not let you split the Qty on an item in the bank or "Remove 1 item" and therefore you have to remove the whole stack of the item and remove one then put them all back in again
    Bug 3: Guild Banks issue, They are not sortable and you cannot Sort the Guilds into the order you want them 1-5 which makes it an issue if you want to have your main guild as Guild #1 on the /CWL1
    Bug 4: When a Player joins a dungeon and ends up in one they don't want and bail the dungeon. Even when you are waiting for another one you won't get it, you have to reach out to a guild member etc. to get someone to come help you as you can wait forever for someone to queue in otherwise! There should be a progressive penalty for those that do this continually!
    Bug 5: I Consider this an actual Issue as the Characters Class is "Not" Changeable even though everything else has a change token for it that you can get on the crown store

    Top Pain Points
    Pain Point 1: There is "No" [Housing Decoration] bag. Please make one accessible like the crafting bag is for ESO Plus Members so that we can store our extra housing decorations easily. Or Just make a Crown Store Assistant I can purchase that will store All of my Furnishings for me in one easy to access place from any location/house. You can always make the crown assistant store a limited amount if they are not ESO plus and unlimited when you do have ESO Plus.
    Pain Point 2: Inventory Space is "Not Enough" Please make it so you can purchase an Upgrade on the Crown Store and Make it just like it is now double the space on ESO Plus. so if you can buy up another 50 to 100 slots then let us have double that on ESO Plus, the Boar, Donkey, Rat at 5 slots each isn't really enough and resources stacking at a max of 200 is kind of ridiculous they should be unlimited, and the winter cloth stacking at a max of 15 and maps not stacking at all is pretty bad as well!
    Pain Point 3: Add Survey Maps & Treasure Maps & Writ Books which don't stack & Museum Pieces & any type of Quest Object possibly others need to go to the crafting bag or their own bag to store in as they take up a ridiculous amount of room
    Pain Point 4: Auction House is Needed, It's hard for anyone to buy or sell when they have to search around on all the different characters and an auction house would solve that, It would also get rid of the unreasonable bids on trying to get a guild trader for the guild and the shortened auctions make it harder to list items as well. Market board, Auction house etc.
    Pain Point 5: Housing Storage, Please give it More Room if your ESO Plus! Or make it a purchasable Upgrade on the Crown store and give a specific ### of slots to regular and double that with ESO Plus. Also Remove the limitation on adding in Collectibles that you purchased on the crown Store, I cannot have all my characters walking around in the house doing things even though they are purchased, it makes me not want to buy additional ones if i cannot fit them

    Sorry I know i'm at 5 already but this one is really important as well

    Pain Point 6: Ticket Redemption, Nothing you buy can be sold. and the 12 ticket Limit is insane it needs to be larger or the limit needs to be removed as you usually end up buying garbage items and can't save for anything you really need!

    Pain Point 7: Account Wide Settings are reallyyyyyy needed!

    p.s. Love the Events and the Golden Pursuits, Keep them going!!

    Love everything your doing!! Keep it up
  • baratron
    Top Bugs/Issues
    1. Hiring Open Guild Traders after Trader Flip
      This is an extremely long-standing bug which has existed at least since August 2020 on PC, both EU and NA. (e.g.,

      If a Guild has a Trader, then Trader flip time comes around and the Guild loses all of its bids, the previous week's Trader is NOT cleared from the Guild UI. It therefore is impossible for an Officer from this Guild to Hire a vacant Trader, since the game believes that the Guild already has one.

      The workaround which those of us who have been GMs forever know about is to crash out of the game as quickly as possible, close the client entirely, then relog. This is required to clear the client's cache and remove the incorrect information about the Guild's Trader status. IF you are able to do that in the 5 minutes between 14:00 (EU)/19:00 (NA) GMT when Guild Traders are assigned, and 14:05/19:05 GMT when Guild Traders become available to Hire, then you may be able to Hire an open Guild Trader if you also have friends/guildies/GMs from other guilds looking out for you. It is tedious as all heck, however, especially considering it's now February 2025 and GMs have reported this bug constantly for five years running.
    2. Enemies Stuck in the Ceiling
      @Djennku in post 39 mentioned one instance of enemies preventing Dungeon or Trial progression by getting stuck in the ceiling. The UESP Guild has been having fun with one in Normal Sanctum Ophidia (reported as a bug each time we've been stuck there). I don't know why some enemies' pathing likes to include the ceiling, but this does happen relatively often - and even consistently in certain instances.
    3. Animations Don't Scale Properly
      Try adding points to Master Gatherer CP, which reduces the time it takes to harvest by 10% per stage. With no points in this CP, the animation plays twice. With all possible points in this CP, the animation plays once. So far so good. However, with some but not all points in this CP, the animation plays somewhere between once and twice - e.g. the character strikes the wood/ore 1.5 times, which means that they finish the action before the animation has finished.

      This is a really really small point, but it's niggly, and if you do a ton of gathering on a new account which doesn't have enough Champion Points to max out Master Gatherer, it really does look glitchy.

      Templar Jabs has the same issue - the action finishes before the animation finishes, and this is even worse if you are good at light attack weaving timing and use animation cancelling techniques.
    4. Companions' Combat AI
      Companions are, in general, pretty useful for solo players or if you haven't been able to fill your group. One place where they are UTTERLY useless, however, is where there are many large AoEs on the floor - particularly in Volcanic Vents, Harrowstorms, and Mirrormoor Mosaics. They simply DO NOT have the AI to move out of AoEs. So they die more-or-less instantly to a telegraphed mechanic which any human player would be able to move out of.

      This is extremely frustrating, especially since ALL of the Companions in the group tend to drop dead at once. Perhaps Companions who have ranged weapons/abilities on their bar could also come with the ability to move out of AoEs entirely while Companions who are set up as melee or Tanks could simply move out of the Venn Diagram of Pain (many overlapping AoEs) and remain within just AoE close to the enemy they're attacking?
    5. DLC Pledges give the Wrong Transmute Geode.
      Mentioned by @tomofhyrule in post 79.
      While Maj and Glirion give out the set geodes for their respective pledges, Urgarlag has switched to rewarding uncracked transmute geodes instead. That means a DLC HM pledge will reward a random number of transmute crystals, which normally is about 2 on average when the basegame HMs give 5.
    Top Pain Points
    1. Master Furnishing Station
      Housing players are in desperate need of some sort of Master Crafting station exclusively for furnishings that lets you view/craft/sort furniture by type of furnishing instead of by type of craft needed or room.

      ...I just want to be able to look at all the different kinds of chairs at once like in Animal Crossing, is that so much to ask? 😭
    2. Inability to Cancel Login
      You would not believe how many times I accidentally start logging in the wrong character. So, there I am, sitting on the character select screen, knowing that I'm logging in the wrong character, and I'm going to have to sit through a couple of minutes cycle as they log in, then log out. Why can't I go "oops, wrong character" and cancel? Even if the game then needs a minute for the database to catch up, it would still be faster and less frustrating than waiting for them to log in AND THEN log out again.
    3. Apocrypha Weather Effects Make Me Feel Sick
      The Necrom/Telvanni Peninsula DLC came with a lot of visual effects which upset people who have migraine, epilepsy, or other photosensitive neurological issues. Gradually these effects were nerfed or improved to help players, but one remains: the inky "rain" in Apocrypha. When it's raining, I feel like I'm going to have a seizure - and I don't even HAVE epilepsy! I come over nauseated and dizzy almost immediately despite having literally no medical reason for it.

      Given that weather effects in ESO are purely for cosmetic effect, please could we have the option to turn them off? I'd love to be able to spend more than 10 minutes in Apocrypha without covering my eyes, diving into a delve, and/or having to move to another zone.
    4. Too Many Crafting Motifs for the Current UI
      Perfectly expressed by @Eisotopius in post #30. As they mention, the ordering of the motifs is bizarre - neither alphabetical or numeric, but some combination of the two, and scrolling through over 100 motifs to craft an item is truly irritating.
    5. Guild Tabards Screw Up Your Chest Armor
      If you are wearing a chest armor piece that isn't completely flat, and you want to rep your Guild with it, then your chest armor piece gets replaced with an ugly black woolly jumper. This is the game's way of dealing with any lumps or bumps on the armor piece. It looks so terrible that I haven't worn a Guild Tabard in years, because none of my chest pieces seem to be compatible with them - even the ones which look completely flat to me.

      It is 2025 and I would just like to be able to wear a Guild Tabard over my armor, Costume, or Outfit - without my chest piece disappearing. I don't even wear skintight black woolly jumpers in real life, so I certainly don't want to wear one in ESO!
    Awesome Things
    1. Pinning Golden Pursuits
      Being able to pin which Golden Pursuit task you're currently attempting is AWESOME. Especially as you can pin a different one on each character (Crafting for your crafter, thieving for your thief, Trial things for your PvE character, etc). Please can we have more of this ability? e.g. being able to pin an Achievement that you're currently working on. Thank you!
    Guildmaster of the UESP Guild on the North American PC/Mac Server 2200+ CP & also found on the European PC/Mac Server 1700+ CP

    These characters are on both servers:
    Alix de Feu - Breton Templar Healer level 50
    Brings-His-Own-Forest - Argonian Warden Healer level 50
    Hrodulf Bearpaw - Nord Warden Bear Friend & identical twin of Bjornolfr level 50
    Jadisa al-Belkarth - Redguard Arcanist looking for a role

    NA-only characters:
    Martin Draconis - Imperial Sorceror Healer (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Arzhela Petit - Breton Dragonknight Healer (Daggerfall Covenant) level 50
    Bjornolfr Steel-Shaper - Nord Dragonknight Crafter & Not-Much-Damage Dealer (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
    Verandis Bloodraven - Altmer Nightblade Healer & clone of Count Verandis Ravenwatch (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Gethin Oakrun - Bosmer Nightblade Thief & terrible Tank (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
  • RebornV3x
    Top Bugs/Issues

    Bug 1:Everything Rushing Agony the first two posts of this thread detail my points exactly and this post is gonna be way too long already.
    Bug 2: Crystal Fragments the instant cast will show up on my bar and my hands will go purple thinking I procd the instant cast only to end up hard casting Crystal Fragments instead.
    Bug 3: Having enough stamina to Break Free and spamming the buttons to do so but nothing happens.
    Bug 4: Dark Exchange and its morphs if you try and switch bars or try to fast mid animation your locked out of switching bars for another 1 or 2 seconds even after there animations complete. Dark Exchange is a really wonky buggy ability all around.
    Bug 5: Swapping between bars and weapons lag

    Top Pain Points

    Pain Point 1: Battleground grouping should work like Dungeon Finder does I hate accepting the group and then getting teleported to the arena just to wait up to 5 minutes for it to start trying to find an eighth person you shouldn't get teleported until your group is full.
    Pain Point 2: Guaranteed lead drops RNG is really no fun grinding away for hours isn't fun there should be some sort of fail safe that eventually guarantees a lead drop.
    Pain Point 3: Guild Banks should have some sort of limits on withdraws and deposits based on guild rank I would like to open my guild bank up to most players in the guild without having to worry they will steal every item all at once almost every MMO has some type of guild bank permissions slider or limit BUT ESO. This basically makes the Guild Bank the Guildmasters personal bank. Maybe a way for people to see the items in the bank without being able to withdraw would be cool too.
    Pain Point 4: Under used abilities need a rework for example Trapping Webs when was the last time anyone used this skill I still remember when it had a Magicka morph that was kinda useful and the entire Vampire skill line minus the ultimate needs a rework just to name a few. Vampire is just an RP thing now and its sad. So many cool abilities that are just kinda there.
    Pain Point 5: Increase the number of quests you can have at once from 25 to at least 30 minimum this game has been out 10 years and we can only have 25 quests at a time when the amount of quests in the game has more than doubled.
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • baratron
    Jimbru wrote: »
    1. Eight home storage chests of different sizes. SOLUTION: ONE 60-slot chest, which can be expanded up to eight times for a total of 480 slots, just like your bank.

    This is absolute genius! I like it so much better than the current solution of the eight separate chests which have to be stacked up somewhere. Especially as chests can only stack three high - if you add a fourth, it will sit on top of the others but you will have to keep pulling it down if you want to use it.
    Guildmaster of the UESP Guild on the North American PC/Mac Server 2200+ CP & also found on the European PC/Mac Server 1700+ CP

    These characters are on both servers:
    Alix de Feu - Breton Templar Healer level 50
    Brings-His-Own-Forest - Argonian Warden Healer level 50
    Hrodulf Bearpaw - Nord Warden Bear Friend & identical twin of Bjornolfr level 50
    Jadisa al-Belkarth - Redguard Arcanist looking for a role

    NA-only characters:
    Martin Draconis - Imperial Sorceror Healer (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Arzhela Petit - Breton Dragonknight Healer (Daggerfall Covenant) level 50
    Bjornolfr Steel-Shaper - Nord Dragonknight Crafter & Not-Much-Damage Dealer (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
    Verandis Bloodraven - Altmer Nightblade Healer & clone of Count Verandis Ravenwatch (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Gethin Oakrun - Bosmer Nightblade Thief & terrible Tank (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
  • baratron
    Pain Point 4:
    Events. The Events feel all the same. Go to Zone X, do the daily Quest you have done like 30 times before, kill the same boss you have killed 30 times before and get generic style Page #154. Nothing innovative, just more of the same. I was realy exited for the 10 year anniversary events. I expected something new, something great. I was especially hyped when i saw the Anniversary Spotlight titled "Dungeon Runners, Rise Up". Dungeon Runner? Thats me! I played ESO for 10 years and i love dungeons, i love them so much i have 100% of the Achievements from the Dungeons. I was hyped, i logged in. What can i do now, 2 free dungeons? Nice, but i already own them. What else, a Costume if u complete the Dungeons, okay, i have already done that. An Arms Pack, if you complete 10 Pledges, already done. So i claimed those 2 things in the Crown store and the Event was done ... this experience broke me. Its like getting invited to the birthdayparty of my friend that i know for 10 years and he only gives me a piece of cake and ignores me for the rest of the day and only talks to his new friends he knows less than a year. (Sry I am a bit dramatic here, but this was the moment for me when the glas shattered and i noticed how bad the Events actually are)
    Why cant there be more surprising new things. You have Characters like Uncle Sheogorath who does love crazy things. Why cant he do things like clone all enemys in Fang Lair of something and now you have to fight the same Boss twice at the same time. Or let him go to Deshaan or whatever and let him double or tripple the strengh of these sets for like 2 weeks and let the players have some fun with it in PvE (but turn of Achievements if u use them). Events should feel different than a normal day in Tamriel.

    Oh my GOODNESS, this is AMAZING!

    Cloning all enemies in Fang Lair... lol! Now that would be a fun and challenging special event!

    Guildmaster of the UESP Guild on the North American PC/Mac Server 2200+ CP & also found on the European PC/Mac Server 1700+ CP

    These characters are on both servers:
    Alix de Feu - Breton Templar Healer level 50
    Brings-His-Own-Forest - Argonian Warden Healer level 50
    Hrodulf Bearpaw - Nord Warden Bear Friend & identical twin of Bjornolfr level 50
    Jadisa al-Belkarth - Redguard Arcanist looking for a role

    NA-only characters:
    Martin Draconis - Imperial Sorceror Healer (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Arzhela Petit - Breton Dragonknight Healer (Daggerfall Covenant) level 50
    Bjornolfr Steel-Shaper - Nord Dragonknight Crafter & Not-Much-Damage Dealer (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
    Verandis Bloodraven - Altmer Nightblade Healer & clone of Count Verandis Ravenwatch (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Gethin Oakrun - Bosmer Nightblade Thief & terrible Tank (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
  • MreeBiPolar
    Bug (which is in EXTREME need for a fix EXACTLY NOW): Sovereign Sow fragments not dropping. The event is nigh, and if people could only get one piece (which are not tradable to boot) per the whole event again... Yeah.

    Pain point: decorative clothing items (shirts, pants, shoes, whatever) taking up armor slots, and so essentially unusable. Make them bind to outfit styles once collected and usable via outfit system instead.
    Edited by MreeBiPolar on February 11, 2025 8:52AM
  • MreeBiPolar
    Pain Point 4:
    Events. The Events feel all the same. Go to Zone X, do the daily Quest you have done like 30 times before, kill the same boss you have killed 30 times before and get generic style Page #154. Nothing innovative, just more of the same. I was realy exited for the 10 year anniversary events. I expected something new, something great. I was especially hyped when i saw the Anniversary Spotlight titled "Dungeon Runners, Rise Up". Dungeon Runner? Thats me! I played ESO for 10 years and i love dungeons, i love them so much i have 100% of the Achievements from the Dungeons. I was hyped, i logged in. What can i do now, 2 free dungeons? Nice, but i already own them. What else, a Costume if u complete the Dungeons, okay, i have already done that. An Arms Pack, if you complete 10 Pledges, already done. So i claimed those 2 things in the Crown store and the Event was done ... this experience broke me. Its like getting invited to the birthdayparty of my friend that i know for 10 years and he only gives me a piece of cake and ignores me for the rest of the day and only talks to his new friends he knows less than a year. (Sry I am a bit dramatic here, but this was the moment for me when the glas shattered and i noticed how bad the Events actually are)
    Why cant there be more surprising new things. You have Characters like Uncle Sheogorath who does love crazy things. Why cant he do things like clone all enemys in Fang Lair of something and now you have to fight the same Boss twice at the same time. Or let him go to Deshaan or whatever and let him double or tripple the strengh of these sets for like 2 weeks and let the players have some fun with it in PvE (but turn of Achievements if u use them). Events should feel different than a normal day in Tamriel.

    Yeah, the "neverending celebration", as I call it for a few years already, is a pain, especially with the same stuff being repeated on and on... The problem with surprising new things though is... Getting rid of old stuff would alienate "new friends ESO knows less than a year". Got a solution that handles both ends of the stick?

    (And yeah, we are already seeing problems with old stuff getting squeezed together, like Murkmire event being not repeated, then the drops from it only made available this year, in Alinor of all places.)

    ... And I totally agree that the jubilee was if not the mother of all letdowns, then her first consort ...
  • moo_2021
    Pain points:

    1. LA->skill->bash weaving causes excessive delayed HAs that happens long after combat exits or respawns in BG - when it happens the character repeats HAs on its own and cannot sprint.
    2. Skill does not fire though UI indicates the button is pushed, usually happens right after respawn or entering a new area.
    3. Skill does fire but UI indicates it doesn't.

    Also haunting curses persist after respawn in BG. Shouldn't respawn reset everything?
    Edited by moo_2021 on February 11, 2025 10:25AM
  • MreeBiPolar
    Pain point: fractional materials (still remaining after the jewelry consolidation), especially fractional style materials which make less than zero sense now that they are really needed only for writs and maybe a handful furnishings after the outfitting system was introduced.
  • BagOfBadgers
    Plays on PC NA/EU

    Top Bugs/Issues

    1. Heavy attack bug. As in the HA will finish and you need to re-start the next attack. Mouse and Keyboard players have this more than Game Pad players.

    2. As a disabled player unable to light attack/weave well, I'm limited to certain play-styles(HA)/classes, eg Oakensoul Sorc (and no ZOS, don't nerf the Oaken Sorc!!). More classes and races to work as HA builds, eg bring the power back up , NOT NERF ARC's!!!!

    3. Give Lightening Staffs back ticks of splash damage or make the last tic bigger, if it's OK for ARCs to be the beam machine let other classes/weapons get closer to the total dmg of a ARC and again DO NOT NERF THE ARC!!!!

    4. Auto LA weaving, tuned so that it's good but not OP, maybe by a Mythic/Set/Tog-able setting/(new?)class. Allow macros of a light kind so that less skilled/disabled players have less APM requirements, but not as good as top vet DPS maybe 65-75% of that. ZOS could supply pre-made macros of their own?

    5. DCs & Lag spikes.

    Top Pain Points

    1. Stackable treasure maps..

    2. Account wide museum, and the like, pieces/items, as was indicated with AWA update, that didn't happen.

    3. Having to do the same surveys multiple times if you have many of the same location, make it a super survey or the like.

    4. Story mode/overland difficulty. Make a single player story mode for dungeons, so that there is less conflict between story players, & key/transmute players, with a tog-liable vet difficulty of over land that makes mobs tougher + delve & public dungeons mobs and bosses (and no, immune phases are not more difficult, just boring) but keep the DLC events, e.g. Geysers, Dragons and Bosses where they are in power and difficulty, if that makes sense?

    5. Improve the build suggestions and explanations for new players.
    Proud member of the "One shot boss, wipe on trash" club.
    Believe in the KISS priceable "Keep It Simple Stupid".
    My Dyslexia makes the forum the true Vet HM for me.
  • Aces-High-82
    Pain Points
    1 Server performance in cyro
    2 Checks by server can be circumvented
    3 loosing weapon passives while Overload is toogled on
    4 crossheal stacking
    5 Rush of agony pull not counting towards CC immunity
    Edited by Aces-High-82 on February 11, 2025 2:55PM
  • Daimonion82
    Pain points:
    1. Guild trading system (no, it's not a bait, yes, I know it won't change for 99%, but stil... I'm dreaming of it).
    2. Too small inventory space.
    3. Placing furnishings (candelabras are the worst).
    4. Changing classes and abilities without good reasons, nerfing some classes to the ground (khm... necro...).
    5. Boring events and meh rewards from them.
  • MreeBiPolar
    Pain point: starting zones having justice system and stealable loot, but no fences -- and not even a mention of them (and no way to get rid of stolen loot other than destroying), making the system completely hostile to new players.
    Edited by MreeBiPolar on February 11, 2025 4:15PM
  • allochthons
    Pain Point: RNG, again.

    I'm on an alt account, trying to get the Word Waltzer (Destozuno's) achievement in the Infinite Archive. I've gone literally 10 arcs without getting a single book. A single book, out of the 22 total needed for the achievement.
    How is this reasonable? I'm on the 2nd quest, 4 of 7 books.

    Please, for the love of Sheogorath, weight the RNG!

    Make that 11, 17 arcs. I got the 5th book on the 18th arc!
    Edited by allochthons on March 4, 2025 2:19PM
    PS5/NA (CP2700+)
  • ConnieBonBon
    Soul Shriven
    Pain Points:

    1. Furniture storage - there needs to be a storage bag for furniture (like the craft bag). Paying 100's of dollars for storage houses is ridiculous. Having to fight inventory to play the game detracts from the fun.

    2. Furniture limits in housing - 700 max is not enough space for building a custom house. Houses keep getting larger but the limits don't change. If the issue is old systems, restrict access to those systems. Give them an optimistic error or something. For systems that can handle it they should be allowed more space. Houses that have load screens between the interior/ exterior should have separate limits for each.

    3. Guild Trader accessibility - siloed traders makes it hard to find things you need to purchase. Nobody has the time nor desire to jump to every trader across Tamriel to look for this one thing they need. The main trade cities only hold so many traders and each of those guilds can only hold 500 people. You take into consideration how many of those are alt accounts and the number of individuals is even less. It can be very difficult to get into a good trade guild for some people and if you can't? Well good luck on making enough gold to do things in the game.

    4. Search Capability - search needs to be expanded to crafting tables and Guild listing's. Search in traders needs to be expanded to include known/unknown. Having to scroll through hundreds of plans to try and find one you don't know is such a waste of time. Consolidating furniture into it's own table would be immensely helpful.

    5. Quest Log - Tamriel is huge and the number of quests is extensive. There should be a log to know what we've completed and what is still pending and where to locate it.
  • Kiira
    Top Bugs/Issues
    • Bug 1 - combat bug
    • Bug 2 - crashes and login errors
    • Bug 3 - bugged / unbalanced proc sets
    • Bug 4 - leader boards don't reflect character name changes
    • Bug 5 - population bonuses are now non existent in cyro making scores even more unbalanced than ever before
    • Bug 6 - I'm pretty sure people are still QUEUE exploiting
    Top Pain Points
    • Pain Point 1 - vigor stacking / ball groups in cyrodiil
    • Pain Point 2 - server lag
    • Pain Point 3 - server crashes
    • Pain Point 4 - server errors
    • Pain Point 5 - server instability
  • Capricas_Kirito
    Top Bugs/Issues

    Bug 1 Taunts not firing for tanks

    Bug 2 Other skills not firing

    Bug 3 Resource nodes on both PC/EU and PC/NA are located in positions blocking interactions.

    Bug 4 In Combat Flag

    Bug 5

    Top Pain Points

    Pain Point 1 Tanks need to be able to taunt reliably! Having a taunt not fire creates major issues in low-power groups that actually have to work the mechanics. This is only compounded when things like heals don't work when needed.

    Pain Point 2 There are way too many events! An event should be special but, when you are running more than one a month, they become just regular gameplay. They are great for people who've been playing for a couple of years and have the regular content complete but, a pain in the backside for new players who are trying to get caught up.

    Pain Point 3 Fake Tanks and Dungeon Speed Demons. These people often degrade the dungeon experience for new players and Real Tanks. An option to select speed run would be nice and a mechanism to detect a character's true role would go a long way towards making PUGging enjoyable. Even something to block people from Queuing up as a tank without a taunt would help.

    Pain Point 4 Rewards are a punishment. I end up spending over 8 hours a week working to collect my so-called "rewards", that's not very rewarding

    Pain Point 5 Boss farming. During "events" it is common to see large groups farming bosses, especially easy ones, it only takes a couple of high-powered characters to lock people with poor connectivity, or poor rotation skills, out of the rewards by the simple expedient of killing the boss before half the people there even see it spawn in!
  • WolfStar07
    Top Bugs/Issues

    -Refuge traders can appear to be empty in some instances, even though they actually have a guild, which prevents 1. another guild from being able to hire them, and 2. inhibits sales if a player winds up in the wrong instance.

    -Furnishing issues. There are various mismatches in an item's blueprint vs. furnished item, or the tooltip preview vs. actual item (Khajiit Footlocker, Arched; Khajiit Trunk, Arched), or item names being mixed up (Khajiit Desk, Faded/Khajiit Dresser, Faded; Dock Rope Wheel/Dock Winch). Additionally, some items (Elsweyr Fish, Displayed; all spools of thread; Soft Leather, Folded; Dres Sewing Kit, Master's; and other crafts related furnishings) have a ridiculously large hit box, and thus placing them in the vicinity of a craft station renders that station unusable.

    -Getting knocked into a wall or another layer of the game, whether through being feared or some other skill, and needing to teleport out.

    -Being unable to accept a tribute match if the queue pops while you're in a crafting station, which kicks you back into the queue. Being unable also to get out the craft station so that I can accept the match, so I get kicked back into the queue. This doesn't happen with the BGs queue.

    -RNG of various leads seem to be unreasonably high, while others are far too common.

    Top Pain Points

    -This game prides itself on player guilds, but guild management tools are sorely lacking. We are unable to mass mail our guild (and that's separate from the risk of a social ban due to use of addons) and unable to search for players by name in the guild history. There is no private storage system separate from the member-facing one since nearly every guild runs fundraisers to support their guild traders. If you can't make a separate one, then a larger one with more granular permissions is needed. Leadership shouldn't have to give up a 2nd guild slot to support the first, and create multiple alt accounts to unlock another bank. There is an inability to cancel a misplaced bid, or bids made accidentally too large bids due to lag.

    -Inventory issues. We need stackable treasure maps and glyphs. Additionally, there are still some "Consume 5 items" for a prize, for which you need to consume all of them at once. Fortunately, most are not like this, but it does take up a slot if you get stuck with the ones that are until you're able to collect enough or else destroy them. Would be great if companions could carry their gear when I pick it up, a la Skyrim.

    -Jewelry crafting traits still decon into grains, and require 10 grains to refine into a complete stone. This does not match the other crafts.

    -Craft stations need a search function for styles. There are well over 100 craft styles in game now, and it's tedious for anyone with over 20 learned to have to search through when crafting. The same for crafting furnishings. We need search boxes.

    -Housing limits need to be readdressed, especially regarding special collectibles. Perhaps further categorization is needed, but it's absurd that a noble home (which you keep creating as the size of a town) can hold only a combination of 10 houseguests, assistants, mounts, and pets. An increase in player cap would do well too. A noble home the size of a town should be able to fit more than 2 dozen people.
  • xylena_lazarow
    1) Rushing Agony
    2) Rushing Agony
    3) Rushing Agony
    4) Rushing Agony
    5) Rushing Agony
    PC/NA || Cyro/BGs || RIP ground oils
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