Dev Team Request: A Top 5 List of Bugs and Pain Points You Would Like Addressed

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • tauriel01
    The Most Annoying thing in the game is wayshrines that won't let you mount your horse while in them. Or near them. But the distance you have to be from it varies from side to side. And it's not even consistent within a zone. Some wayshrines in a zone won't let you mount (or it'll knock you off your horse if you get too close), some of them are just fine with you being on a horse near them. Or in them. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BE CONSISTENT!!!!!!!!! Choose a behavior. JUST ONE... and make ALLLLLLL the WS in the game the same. Don't keep us having to guess... .is this ws going to knock me off my horse? Will I have to run away from the ws before I can mount? It's stupid.

    The Second Most Annoying thing is when you fix a bug from an update, then the next update you reintroduce the same bug. It's like you are reusing old code--which is fine--but you're reusing the bad old code. Please don't do that?

    The Third Most Annoying thing is having to tell new players that some bugs have been around for so long they are now just features O.o (I'm looking at you cloudrest)

    The Fourth Most Annoying thing are fake tanks and fake healers, but mostly in DLC content and/or vet content. Pls add a choice to DF the exclude those without actual tank builds and/or healer builds. The only people who AREN'T annoyed when they get a crappy DLC for a RND and the fake tank/healer drops is the fake tank/healer. Maybe make that penalty a little more painful than a 15 min cooldown. Maybe make that an acct-wide 24 hr cool down.

    The Fifth Most Annoying thing are grinds. Like, antiquities. Five levels running around Artaeum just so you can dig up purple antiquities, then run around all the other zones so you can finish leveling antiquities is mind numbing. There aren't many grinds in the game, but the few there are are doozies. Plz don't give us grinds. Figure out another way so it's actually fun.
  • AtriaKhorist
    Top Bugs
    1) Grim Focus Permaglow. It's been going on for two years by now and could be easily fixed. There is no excuse for this. Don't tell me it's not a bug, we have almost 50 pages of forum thread elaborating on how it is right here:

    It needs no explanation, it needs no compromise. It needs to be removed. Offer a free cosmetic for the glow for those that came to enjoy it. You can even make money off different glows later and it just might make people return to buying some other cosmetic once they no longer clash with the glow.

    2) Bar Switch not working and clunky weaving leading to missed light attacks or abilities. It's annoying.

    3) Inaccurate area effect displays. Too many of those. Make those zones accurate.

    4) Botched group finder, especially when you can't even tell that your queue somehow broke.

    5) Abilities are inconsistently tagged as AoE, Direct Damage, DoT or whatever other categories between proc set triggers, CPs, damage bonuses from staves and so on. We extensively tested this a few years back, and the problem is still there if partially shuffled around. Please, make this consistent. It makes builds annoying.

    Top Pain Points
    1) Again, Grim Focus Permaglow. Yes, it's that annoying.

    2) Forum Moderation and Communication. It's arbitrary and occasionally feels targeted. Examples have been given and confirmed aplenty the past months.

    3) Play As You Want. Own up to the concept. Give me more options. For example, I still can't play just an archer or just a warrior and still be somewhat effective, it's all magic. Even stamina abilities are quite evidently, visually magic or otherwise over the top. Every backbar enchant trigger, for example. This is particularly egregious when you want to play something like a Redguard Swordsman given their cultural dislike of magic, but it even extends to very magical vampires that are entirely detrimental in any PvE situation. Huge, widereaching point really - these examples are not exhaustive. Scribing helped, but is not enough - especially in terms of visual harmony between abilities. And yes - this is at least partially the fault of the poorly chosen class lineup with it's often thematically rather random assortment of abilities. Looking at you, Warden.

    4) Too many useless sets. It doesn't matter whether they meet your calculated standards - if they don't get used outside absolute niche cases (which often are then subsequently nerfed) there tends to be a good reason. Address this.

    5) PvP Entry Bar. I like Cyro. But it's an entirely different game and needing to spend that much time and resources to continually rework builds, especially between patches is an extremely high barrier for people just wanting to dip into PvP. Heck, I like tinkering and it still annoys me. This needs to be more accessible. In a similar vein, skill balancing in PvE and PvP affecting the other and vice versa limits the one part of build experimentation that would be almost free. Nuisance.
    Edited by AtriaKhorist on February 12, 2025 2:52PM
  • redeyedclyde
    At this particular moment in time it's a little hard 5 bugs, as one major one is about all I have experienced since The Great Maintenance-ing: 20 Hours of Destruction. Accordingly, I ask you permit me to add bugs 3, 4, and 5 to the Pain category.

    Top Bugs/Issues
    1. Disconnections/lag/instability in PvE and PvP. Since the 20 hour update, it has been next to impossible to get anything done. In IA, I "died" from disconnects before I had gotten to stage 2.

    2. Living on a prayer Basically the former, but in more detail. Skills feel "squishy", weaving is a distant memory because it feels like the timing is consistently changing. It is not conducive to success. It has been said thousands of times, but let me take you on a journey of anguish and frustration; kids, skootch a little closer.

    The following is based on a true story, known in some form or another in every trial guild.

    The Little Tank That Could, But For The [expletive] Lag

    The tank has managed to round up the boss and adds after a Trigger-Happy the DD has scattered them around the room. Tank has depleted most of their resources because they had to run back (in heavy armour) after the last engagement to loot, then sprint to catch up just in time to witness Trigger-Happy kick the hornet's nest. Fortunately, Tank knows how to build and doesn't use Bracing Anchor, so with the last of their resources Tank begins to renew taunt on the unruly mob. But what's this? Did the sword misfire? Does the ice-staff have flat batteries? No dear children, it's Lag. And Lag has decided that Tank's inputs don't count.
    Adds or boss gets loose, Trigger-Happy the DD's other neuron fires up and they switch from "Kill kill kill" to "I'm going to happy-feet my way through stupid and pull the enemies out of range while screaming for the tank to get aggro" mode. This then enrages the Healers who are already on the razor's edge because it is "always the healer's fault" when somebody can't survive standing in 5 overlapping AOEs or block a Boss heavy with their face while screaming "HEEAALLZZZ!!!". Trigger-Happy-Feet is now a pile of ash.
    Healer then gets murdered trying to resurrect the dead DD because the rest of the DDs are gooning over the biggest numbers pinging off enemies and don't have time for floor-lords, teamwork, and most of all; mechanics.
    The squish happens again and there's a pause followed by a rubber-banding. This time the boss just breezes through the rabid DDs straight for Healer #2 (every healer out there has asked, "Why is it always me?" as if there is a restoration-staff-seeking line of code). Then a perfectly timed lag spike happens once again breaking your rhythm and you have essentially a 3-4 second global cooldown, when you finally regain control, both healers are dead, Tank is has a mighty need for a synergy or two, and Trigger-Happy-Feet is now deep into their monologue, "Why it wasn't my fault. Advice from a dead guy."
    The cycle repeats until everybody is dead, the only saving grace, for the healers anyway, is now it's all the Tank's fault.

    Top Pain Points

    1. Never around when you need them. No access to guild bank/store through banking assistant. Whatever the reasoning behind it, I'm yet to meet a player that doesn't think it's ridiculous. On that subject, no access to your decon assistant in IC/Cyrodiil. I understand that the no access to the bank in IC is the cornerstone of the risk versus reward element, and that's fine. But having to go back to base every time your inventory gets filled up with detritus such as ectoplasm, husks, ash, and the eleventy-billion other 9-gold-in-disguise items is just not enjoyable. The grind is slow and protracted enough as it is, not everybody has 16 hours a day to play.

    2. Everybody hates the tax-man. Valuing real and make-believe money more than the players' positive experience. Why in the six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon do we pay postage for mail? Where does this gold go? Do you have a very confused accountant somewhere trying to figure out how to launder what must be billions of gold by now? You already charge outrageous prices in the crown store for essentially reskins of the same assets, and overprice the most awful skill lines (Psijic Order, I'm looking at you, Scrying you are in this too). There is no other way to describe this other than GREED. Lower the crown store prices and I'll wager sales go up. Every week you hear, "I really want that [insert item] but I'm not paying the equivalent of $30-90 for it.

    3. Not this guy again. Make companions account wide. Making us grind through the irritating fetch quests 17 times x all of the companions should land you in the Hague. And I don't know what is going on with some of them, (partly because like most players I just spam through the dialogue, not because I don't want to know, but because I don't have the time, given I know I've got a largely pointless chain of fetch-quests to do. Making them less suicidal would be nice too.

    4. Where do you want me to put it?Everything needs to be stackable. the inventory UI is a travesty. The decon ui where you can quickly navigate to categories is better by a country mile. It already exists, why not use it?

    5. Crafting & Reconstructing. Allow us to set the improvement quality in the creation step. Sure you probably squeeze 3-4 months of ESO+ out of the accumulated lost time to "press button-animation-press button-animation-press button-animation-press button-animation". To put it in simple terms reflecting the general tone of the game; if I blow my brains out to escape the unnecessary tedium, you don't get my money anymore.
    Reconstructing shouldn't throw you back to the menu so you have to navigate back to your desired set 5 times. This is so mind boggling that many of us put it down to letting the work experience kid call the shots when creating that.
    Grandmaster tables shouldn't have the option to make non-set-bonus items after you select your desired set. If I want to craft normal items, I won't bother selecting a set in the first place.
    Do something with the nirnhoned trait. Maybe make improving nirnhoned equipment has increasing gains. Currently the only time it is not outclassed by every other option is on the waist slot.
    We have enough recipes. Surely you could gain some much needed overhead by simply removing completely superfluous items and text.

    *Bonus round*.

    5.3 Derp. Whoever decided to put resurrect on the same button as the menu...may your coffee always be tepid and your beer warm. Mouse and keyboard support on console would be ideal, custom remapping will suffice. These things feel like deliberate attempts to annoy players and is responsible for a good 50% of profanity during a trial.

    5.4 Longevity. With compatibility layers being what they are now, there should be a day soon where Xbox players can legitimately play on Xbox servers on a PC. This will give a doomed platform new life, and allow for the inevitable assimilation into the PCMR. I'm not necessarily saying cross-platform, but old gen hardware is limiting development and the current gen hardware is approaching the twilight years. The Series S should have been called Project Albatross, and I doubt many devs would disagree. The day is fast approaching when there is no more to squeeze out of consoles, the ability for players to migrate to a constantly upgradable and evolving platform is in your best interests.

    5.5 Cross.Server.Progress. I know, kind of amazing nobody has ever suggested this before. Setting aside the bitter aftertaste of discovering back in 2016 when I decided to switch from EU to NA that my purchases did not come with me and supressing the feeling that somebody just stole from me, ignoring all of that, being able to import/export toons between EU and NA (just the toons, not gear or achievements). I still think the blatant money-grab of geo-locking content without so much as a warning in the early days was a calculated act and not a limitation. GREED, again.

    Just off the top of my head, were you to ask.
    If it was working, we wouldn't be here.
  • z32
    Top Bugs/Issues
    1. Heavy attacks stop working frequently.
    2. Companions stay in AOE until they get killed.

    Top Pain Points
    1. Majority of crown store items are permanently unavailable, except for 1 time for 2 weeks in 1 to 3 years. This is especially frustrating for players who are into house decor and fashion – it takes years to make your char looks like you want, get house you want and decorate it the way you want. Players would stop playing ESO before they have chance to spend money and get those things or will have no interest in those items anymore when they finally become available.
    2. There is no way to hide outfit except shoulders and helmet – as a result I do not see any sense of using skins since they are mostly hidden.
    3. Applied dies often do not look the same; some motifs and outfits have parts that can not be dyed. This makes colour matching very frustrating.
    4. Surveys give no furniture mats, another point of frustration when it comes to house decor.
    5. Style of houses gravitate heavily towards being rustic at best or broken, dirty, so I would not use them even for free. We all know what people want when they buy house in real life: Beautiful house in excellent condition with a beautiful view. Alinor Crest is the only one that perfectly fits this description. Emissary’s Enclave, Psijic Villa and Princely Dawnlight Palace are close to this description but they are not as perfect. Enclave’s outdoor view is ruined by rocks completely surrounding it. Both Psijic Villa and Princely Dawnlight Palace have some damage but overall are in good condition. The biggest issue with them is 700 furnishing limit that plagues all notable houses, although it is not as bad for Princely Dawnlight Palace.
    Edited by z32 on February 12, 2025 6:24PM
  • xencthlu
    Soul Shriven
    Top Bugs/Issues

    Bug 1
    There are a number of main story quests in the base game that bug to become unable to be progressed if you do them in a group, such as the climax of the Rift storyline. ESO's strength for me is how easy it is to do anything and everything with a friend, so quests that are bugged in a way that punish me for trying to do so almost drive me to quit every time. I've reported the ones I've stumbled on, but I haven't seen any patch notes fixing them. These quests we have to break our team, drop the quest, and pick it up and do it again to get it to work right. It's miserable.
    Bug 2
    My best friend connects from Australia, and the number of times I see him die to a melee attack he was clearly out of range of, or die to an attack he is actively blocking, or die when he timed his dodge roll right is crazy. I know a certain amount of this is just a fact of being an Australian on an American server, but he doesn't have an Australian server to connect to. Is there something that can be done for people with high latency?
    Bug 3
    Bosses both in dungeons and world bosses and even incursion bosses have way too tight a leash range. My resto-staff using companions constantly reset them by accident when they roll away. It's bad enough sometimes I run without a companion because I don't want risk having to start the fight over.
    Bug 4
    There are certain zones in the game where if you're crouched, sneaking, and undetected while trespassing, NPCs will still spin around and shout at you, sometimes then detecting you when they wouldn't have otherwise. They'll do it when you're completely invisible, too, and then the spinning makes it nearly impossible to line up a blade of woe execution or a pickpocket. It can really slow down a thievery circuit, and it's made me stop doing crime entirely. Looking at you, literally all of Vvardenfell.
    Bug 5
    Dungeon quests that can't be completed if something goes slightly wrong when you do them, like you're not close enough to the objective when someone interacts with it, or you're dead when someone interacts with the objective. This is a Volenfell call out. I'm basically having part of my reward stolen from me when this happens, because I'm not going to do a dungeon twice on the off chance the quest will not bug out if I try again.

    Top Pain Points

    Pain Point 1
    I know you've said this is off the table, but it's one of my biggest problems with the game. The furnishing limit is too low. I'm not buying Castle Skingrad in spite of loving Skingrad and wanting a castle because it's x3 the size of Highhallow. I just finished decorating my Highhallow, and I reached the furnishing limit while I was still trying to add details. I've had this problem with Sword Singer's Redoubt and Merryvine, too. I'm reconsidering buying any more manor homes because 600-700 furnishings isn't enough, and I don't feel good about what I've done when I hit the limit.
    Pain Point 2
    Crafting surveys should give furnishing materials. I know way too many people who just delete them because they're not worth the effort of harvesting without furnishing material rewards.
    Pain Point 3
    The special zone-specific crafting materials are too hard to come by for the demands of furnishing plans. Three out of four days I do the Leyawiin dailies, I don't get a single Ivory Brigade Clasp. Tempered Brass dailies are a nightmare. Ancient Sandstone is a misery. In comparison, Culanda, Stendarr Stamps, and Shimmering Sand seem generous, but it's generous on the scale of getting 3 a day, unless you're a lunatic who's willing to do the same quests across 12 alts. Do you know how much it takes to furnish a house? God forbid you're making furnishings that require two at a time.
    Pain Point 4
    A lot of furnishing plan material requirements are wonky and not well balanced. Ancient sandstone isn't easier to get than other special crafting materials, but the fargrave plans that call for it want 12 at a time. A lot of the base game plans have completely bonkers requirements. A terrible baked potato with a PS2 resolution takes 7 decorative wax, 5 alchemical resin, 10 nickel, 8 potatoes, and 3 bervez juice to make. The materials cost 4k if you buy them for a good deal on the market. A fargrave box of grapes takes 4 wax and 10 jazbay grapes. I just want a sanity check on the material cost of crafting furnishings. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
    Pain Point 5
    People are going to say the stuck in combat bug, but I'm going to point the finger at something else: you should not disable any kind of functionality when a player is in combat. Let me mount up in combat. Let me check my mails in combat. Let me fast travel in combat. Let me trade in combat. You don't need to reinvent the game's (terrible) aggro mechanics, which I have to imagine would be a Herculean trial. You just need to let people do what they want regardless of their state of combat, or even if they're dead. So what if it gets us killed? At least that would be our choice.
    Pain Point 6
    This is pie in the sky, but the number of mountains, especially in the base game zones, turns supposedly outdoor maps into hideous and hard to navigate corridors. I know this was likely an intentional design choice to funnel players through zone content in a linear way, but that's so antithetical to elder scrolls gameplay design as a whole, and it makes exploring frustrating. It makes the zones feel way tinier than they are! I know there's no way to fix this, but it was one of the biggest reasons I couldn't get into ESO for years, and the same is true for my friends. It's immediately noticeable to new players in a very bad and off-putting way. What might be more fixable - make the maps *honest.* I can't tell which parts of the map are reasonable elevations I can climb over and which are literally just map holes that have invisible walls around them. It wouldn't look good, but at least it would make it easier to plan a path to where I want to go at a glance.
    Paint Point 7
    Overworld *hostile* enemy density. I want to explore the world. You've made very cool, very beautiful zones I don't get to see because I'm tripping over alits and goblins everywhere. Maybe add a game mode or character flag or setting that's just "peaceful," like how Final Fantasy XIV's crafting classes turn off enemy aggro when you've got one active. Or a roleplay mode. This is a bigger problem in base game zones than (most) DLC/chapter zones.

    Top Wish List
    Wish 1
    I want a townhome kind of house in Orsinium. It's the coolest city you literally can't live in.
    Wish 2
    I want a real storyline in the Gold Coast that makes good use of the lore there. I feel like that area is wasted as a backdrop to the Dark Brotherhood storyline.
    Wish 3
    I want to sit on barstools.
    Wish 4
    I want there to be several different animations for sitting. Maybe add sitting animation variations to different personalities? When I'm roleplaying, it feels weird to sit next to someone and just mirror everything they do.
    Wish 5
    Craft bag for furnishings. The way the lux vendor works is pretty much antithetical to how storage works in this game.
    Wish 6
    I want more building interiors to be accessible in the game for the purposes of stealing. Especially in places like Northern Elsweyr, where I think Rimmen has a grand total of 4 private residences you can rob, but a couple dozen furnishings you can only get from stealing in NE. It makes crime boring and samey. It makes the world feel small and fake.
  • CameraBeardThePirate

    1) Grave Lord's Sacrifice is still labeled as Stalking Blastbones (i.e., the nameplate above the minion's healthbar)

    2) Fully charged dual wield heavy attacks have been bugged for over a year(2?). Both hits of a fully charged DW heavy attack combine for less damage than a single dual wield light attack.

    3) Most personalities that change the run animation (run, not sprint; these include Drunk, Worm Wizard, Assassin, and possibly others) have been bugged for quite some time in that any amount of movement speed added to your character will cause the run animation to revert back to the default run animation.

    4) Blighted Blastbones, a Stamina ability, is still affected by Negate and other Silence effects, despite those effects supposedly only targeting magic abilities.

    5) The three different casting animations for Flaming Skull and its morphs likely cause strange glitches with medium attacks and weaving. Oftentimes doing a medium attack>skull will cause the animation to hitch, sometimes queuing a second skull cast and sometimes freezing your character before launching two skulls at once.

    Pain Points

    1) Pets cannot proc sets. This is a rule that heavily impacts Sorcs and especially Necromancers most.

    2) The Battlegrounds Scoreboard does not count Pet Damage, Pet Healing, or Shielding done, whereas addons like CMX can track all of this (although Shielding is tracked as healing sourced by the target of the damage shield, never the caster).

    3) Overland content is extremely boring for most veteran players due to the absurdly short time to kill and low damage output of 99% of enemies in questing content.

    4) Necromancer's kit is too dependent on stationary AoEs, and as a result many of the abilities feel clunky in PvP. Additionally, Grave Lord's Sacrifice is still a very underwhelming ability that took the place of the best ability in Necromancer's kit (Stalking Blastbones). Many of these pain points are alleviated in the Vengeance content (namely the tethers and minions), so I really hope that changes to those abilities may be considered in non-vengeance environments as well.

    5) Arcanist's portals are incredibly unreliable and unfun to use. The necessity for "flat terrain" leads to missed casts and eaten inputs constantly, even on what appears to be flat terrain. This is another issue that was somewhat alleviated in the Vengeance version of the ability.
    Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on February 12, 2025 9:30PM
  • Evilspock
    Top Pain Points
    1. Pain Point 1 - Winged Twilights flapping in my face at the banker
    2. Pain Point 2 - Winged Twilights flapping in my face at every wayshrine
    3. Pain Point 3 - Winged Twilights flapping in my face when I login
    4. Pain Point 4 - Trying to enjoy the aesthetics of the game until an obnoxious winged twilight flaps into view
    5. Pain Point 5 - No escape from winged twilights unless I quit the game
    Please give us the option to have some peace from these.
    🖖 @EvilSpock |PC/NA| ✦ Guildmaster: Vulcan Commandos |AD| ✦
  • Qwarx
    Pain point? The grammar. Take the high road and use real English and not the hash that gets spoken these days.

    "Me and Tribute Alea are..." Really? Come on. "Tribute Alea and I are..." It isn't even that hard to check. Get a freaking editor.
    Edited by Qwarx on February 13, 2025 5:56AM
  • Estin
    Bug 1: Being stunned but character does not indicate they are stunned (They just stand there without you being able to do anything except break-free)

    Pain Point 1: Being stunned but character does not indicate they are stunned (They just stand there without you being able to do anything except break-free)
  • anadandy
    xencthlu wrote: »
    .Pain Point 3
    The special zone-specific crafting materials are too hard to come by for the demands of furnishing plans. Three out of four days I do the Leyawiin dailies, I don't get a single Ivory Brigade Clasp. Tempered Brass dailies are a nightmare. Ancient Sandstone is a misery. In comparison, Culanda, Stendarr Stamps, and Shimmering Sand seem generous, but it's generous on the scale of getting 3 a day, unless you're a lunatic who's willing to do the same quests across 12 alts. Do you know how much it takes to furnish a house? God forbid you're making furnishings that require two at a time.

    I already posted my list but THIS X 1000. The artificial scarcity of the zone specific furnishing mats, requiring doing tedious dailies on multiple characters - especially after those zones "die" needs to GO.
  • MreeBiPolar
    Pain point: Vvardenfell having overland trespassing zones with absolutely no indication of them being such so you get a bounty out of nowhere just by walking within a visual range of a group of hostile mobs overland.

    That is, you do get a "trespassing" notification when you enter, but

    1) at that point, it's too late, as there are mobs all over and you already get a bounty; and
    2) there's no way to tell where the trespassing zone begins and ends.
  • Redfreckles16
    Soul Shriven
    I personally haven't encountered any bugs so I can't speak to that; however....


    1. I would like to see more things become stackable
    Some things just right off the top include:
    ~ Deep Winter Charity Writs (that are asking for the same craftables)
    ~ Exemplary Necklaces
    ~ Exemplary Rings
    ~ Imperial Charity Writs (that are asking for the same craftables)
    ~ Golden Runeboxes
    ~ Sealed Writs (that are asking for the same craftables
    ~ Witches Festival Writs (that are asking for the same craftables)

    2. I would like for us to be able to better preview furniture at the crafting stations. The same way we can view items at the writ vendor for example, when we click the item... we should be able to get the same kind of preview at the crafting station so we can better see before we craft it, not like it but can't get mats back.

    3. I'd also like to see the deconstructor have an option to decon furniture so when we get pieces we don't need, we aren't just sticking them in random inn rooms, or trying to sell them.. or worse, deleting them.... It would be nice to get back the mats used to create them, the same way we can get mats back for weapons, armour, and jewelry.
  • anjasa
    Pain Point:
    Please let me sort collectables and outfits by recently obtained. There are so many now, it is so unwieldy when I just want to check out outfits or styles that I've most recently acquired. The option for 'new' only works one time.
  • allochthons
    tauriel01 wrote: »
    The Fifth Most Annoying thing are grinds. Like, antiquities. Five levels running around Artaeum just so you can dig up purple antiquities, then run around all the other zones so you can finish leveling antiquities is mind numbing.
    I second this Pain Point...

    PS5/NA (CP2700+)
  • Mesonyx
    Just 1: frequent disconnects, failure to obtain server information, "an error has occured", ...
  • Pa1in
    Soul Shriven
    Bug 1: General unreliability of the game while in combat, skills not going off, bars not being swapped, break free not always breaking.

    Bug 2: Animation and menu sliding, if you have any gathering animation replacer, the passive that shortens gathering time and a lot of gathering points very close together (like survey spot) it can happen that character can be in the middle of animation while already picking up items from the next one. Can be really anoying and usually ends with one animation after the fact that does not hit any spot.

    Pain point 1: No ability to hide time unlimited antiquities leads, so that only the one with timer are visible. Or at least no way of sorting them so the active ones are on top of list, preferably the shorter the time the higher.

    Pain point 2: No menu to see already unlocked and still locked recipies and furniture plans. Something like set stickerbook

    Pain point 3: Crafting menu being not so user friendly. Especially the motifs being in a line. A bit annoying if i want to use the huge stash of new moon priest crafting mats for a endeavor, it's goes down to a lot of scrolling. And since the amount of motifs is growing each year, it might be nice to rework the window a bit.

    Pain point 4: The collections menu for fragments gets a little cluttered and it's a bit annoying. If i have every morph from a given collectable and i cannot buy it anymore but i still have it in my fragments menu, same with Tales of tribute cartds fragments.
    Edited by Pa1in on February 17, 2025 12:34PM
  • kind_hero
    Pain point: Vvardenfell having overland trespassing zones with absolutely no indication of them being such so you get a bounty out of nowhere just by walking within a visual range of a group of hostile mobs overland.

    That is, you do get a "trespassing" notification when you enter, but

    1) at that point, it's too late, as there are mobs all over and you already get a bounty; and
    2) there's no way to tell where the trespassing zone begins and ends.

    Happened to me before the unified achievements system. I was playing an alt which I wanted to role play as lawful (no thieving or murdering), got into that area by accident, tried to avoid the fights, used a shield spell, my infernal guardian set procced thus killing some mob. I got bounty for trespassing, and for murdering. Now with the new achievement system it doesn't matter, but I am highlighting this because the game doesn't really allow you to play as you want, like it is advertised, especially in the way of playing a character in a specific RPG background. This is a pain point for me, since my warrior like character still uses a lot of magic, or I can't have "good" heroes, only generic "evil" ones.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • Vaqual
    Here my small list of pain points:

    1.) Ugly animations & particles on strong abilities and sets - Animations that hide weapons or have excessively flashy particles ruin the immersion for me and I tend to avoid them. This is now easier than ever thanks to scribing, but most often these abilities hold a lot of power and it is difficult to replace them due to passives and other interactions.

    Examples: Grim Focus Glow + Bow Animation; all Necro & Warden abilities; Soulcleaver/Death Dealer's fete/Belharzas Band set glow; Weapon Glyph glow

    It would be nice to add an option to turn off passive particles on my character completely. I would also greatly appreciate if you could finde a way to work the current weapon into the execution of class abilities.

    Solution example: Why shoot the Assasin's Will with the magic red bow instead of using your blade as conduit to shoot it out of the tip? With just one additional generic animation you could cover a lot of immersion breaking animations.

    I made a write up of the topic regarding NB abilities with more details some time ago, I'll link it here:

    2.) Running animation transitions: The "lean forward" sprint animation triggering below +30% runspeed looks very very silly. This has been an issue since forever and you'd be surprised to hear how many people have given this game a pass just because the running looks weird.

    3.) There are NB abilities that need a balance pass for a long time now, because they are drastically outperformed by the respective other morph or generally weak: Sap Essence, Twisted Path and all Consuming Darkness morphs

    4.) Combat Music and Ambient music loudness need separate sliders for volume adjustment: In some zones I can barely hear the ambient music, only to get pushed out of my chair by the combat music at the same setting

    5.) Re-read point #1. That is by far my greatest issue with the game.
    Edited by Vaqual on February 15, 2025 2:36PM
  • Koshka
    Top bugs/issues:

    1. Instability/disconnects in trials. The game feels laggy even when ping and framerate seem fine.
    For example, I had severe lag issues last time I did Lucent Citadel (bar not swapping, character not dodging, greyed out E promt on npcs and doors) despite having 50-70 ping and stable framerate.
    2. Bosses resetting. I had this issue with several bosses, most notably the first boss in Lucent and triplets in HoF.
    3. Npcs resetting and running back when you are trying to stack them. Most annoying example would be necromancers during the last fight in Lucent Citadel.
    4. Group finder bugging out when queueing as 2 supports or a support+dd duo. Despite the lack of tanks, queueing this way often takes ages for some reason. Sometimes changing group leader fixes this, but not always and it's annoying anyway.
    5. The classic "stuck in combat" bug.

    Pain points:

    1. The lack of furnishing storage. Having to keep extra furniture in storage houses is annoying, even if I can track it with addons. And it would also be nice to get extra storage chests/bank space. After all, we get tons of new items every year but it's been a while since we got an inventory upgrade.
    2. Treasure maps not stacking. It is a minor issue compared to all the above, but it's simply annoying when you cannot fully loot a chest because you happen to have another copy of the same treasure map.
    3. New armor sets are not very exciting, I wish we could get some new and powerful trial/arena sets. I understand that the devs might not want to make them super op, but meta gets stale and I personally don't even think that power creep is that big of an issue considering that vet and especially hm content is still extremely difficult for the majority of the playerbase.
    4. I personally don't like hybridization. Every dps build feels so homogenized these days. I wish we could play pure mages/pure stam chars again without giving up sustain, utility and/or dps. My favorite ESO character ever was a mag nb with double staves, I really wish I could play something like that again.
    5. A bit of a niche complaint, but I hate the bright white flashes when you activate hm scrolls in dungeons (and certain quests objectives). They sometimes make my head hurt and I would like to have an option to disable them.
  • merevie

    -the level of anger on this one in the community is right up there with the frustration with pvp crashes and bugs

    Rush of Agony set

    Every thing we use addons for that is not in base game

    Paying to move around the map -why?

    Major pain point: 10 years of lists and feedback that does not get actioned
    Edited by merevie on February 15, 2025 6:04PM
  • Lags
    better late than never i guess.

    1. actually invest the time and money needed to fix the performance issues instead of trying to constantly work around it, because after 10 years you guys should realize that none of these work arounds are going to work.

    2. stuck in combat bug is toxic and has been going on forever

    3. CC bug where you get stuck somtimes with certain ccs

    4. crashing in cyrodiil will lock you out of the game for like 5+ minutes causing you to have to re que. Which sucks if the gray host que is extremely long.

    5. group finder does not work right. it also feels like many people dont use it, which i dont understand. Maybe the game really is just that dead these days. but regardless, the groups getting stuck on there, long after they should be unlisted, has been an issue. Maybe its gotten fixed, but i still see groups sitting on it forever. Group finder should have been one of the biggest things eso added, but i think it just came too late.

    im sure im forgetting a ton i would rather put but whatever
    Pain points:

    1. add in a currency exchange, similar to guild wars 2 or some other mmos, so people can exchange crowns for gold, and vice versa, instead of people having to go through other players for it.

    2. better in game rewards for achievements, zone completion, harder content, world bosses, etc. This is such a turn off for many people from eso. Rare BOE items are so needed, like the clockwork polymorph. You guys always do something good, like that polymorph, and then never do it again. Its such a shame. Its also a shame that furnishing plans are like one of the only chase items in eso, to get something super rare and sell it or use it. Also vet trial rewards are lame, as are dungeons, but specifically vet trials. Titles are always included which is fine. But the rewards for normal should be gear, maybe a dye. And then vet should be a skin or something cool. And then the mount for the trifecta. Mementos, face paint, and body markings, are not good rewards. Even pvp rewards are lame. All these things have been slightly improving, but its not enough and older content is left behind. The fact that you dont get a mount or outfit for something like emperor, or 5 star, or even master angler or tamriel expert adventurer, is insane.

    3. bg mmr doesnt seem to work right. and having it character wide isnt really a good idea for a game like this

    4. Please stop dumbing things down. Eso has been one of the most super casual friendly mmos ever, since one tamriel. This game direction has chased away countless people. This is an mmorpg, this is not skyrim online. Casual players have access to almost everything. So please, stop with the huge focus on solo/casual players and focus more on making an mmorpg. Like dumbing down the combat over the years has been one of the worst things you've ever done. Its just not needed.

    Every vet/sweaty player in the game was new once. Some people want harder things to do. Some people see other players and think, wow i want to get there some day. Some people want to challenge themselves and do very difficult things. But these types of players have been driven out for years. And some people want to play casually. Fishing, questing, collecting, etc. Its fine to have a place for both. Many games have a place for both, and eso always has been one of them. But this is an mmo so the focus should never be on solo/casual players. There are plenty of single player rpgs for that.

    5. Also a pvp revamp is sorely needed. Especially IC. If you asked pvpers what they wanted for a big pvp update i highly doubt many would have said a BG revamp. The bg update was cool, but it should have came as a part of a chapter. Performance should be priority number one but that doesnt mean you cant adjust things to give people more of a reason to go to cyrodiil or especially IC. You guys dont seem to want to add a new pvp zone so updating the old ones will have to do. But i mean none of it matters if performance chases everyone away.

    Also as a runner up, cross play would be huge. I came from console and from everything i hear from my friends still on console, its not good. People say it feels really dead. Even if its some kind of half cross play, i think it would be better than nothing. Even if it was just with xbox. Which sucks for playstation, but if thats the only way to do it, so be it. i have seen some games do it that way. With crossplay between windows and xbox. Its just sad that the game feels so dead these days. Update 35, abysmal performance never improving, bad changes, dumbing things down. I wish we could go back to just a few years ago.
  • Rittings
    Top 5 Bugs

    1. Random Chat from Random Player (square cursor after name)
    2. Champion Point crash screen (since 2018?)
    3. Role description pop up (since 2017)
    4. Dungeon quest not advancing bugs in several dungeons
    5. Group chat bugs…

    Pain Points

    1. Bots. Maybe try making it so level of player yields more from nodes, meaning low levels get very little.
    2. Stackable items (like treasure maps/siege etc)
    3. Universal surveys (give the choice to players where they get the surveys from, thus reducing this item to one of each.
    4. The fact we cannot dye our hair - adding hair dye colours that can be collected/purchased would be awesome.
    5. Wayshrine unlock account wide.
    Edited by Rittings on February 16, 2025 10:20AM
  • epic-buttkkr
    Soul Shriven

    Besides performance issues and everything related to that,
    Top Bugs/Issues
    1.UNDO DONT WORK Bro, Undo does not work. It has been this way for a while, but 99.8% of the time I risk using Undo I either somehow die, mid undo or I start un-doing, and then i dont stop undoing. then, I just start tweaking out and rubberbanding back and forth untill the game decides to spit me out or I just randomly die. This happens WAY to often.

    2. Overload Bug(s). The toggle for Sorc's overload still tweaks out on a regular basis. Not only can you interrupt yourself if you toggle overload off or it expires while you are casting dark deal, frags or any interruptible ability, but the toggle still remains on for some reason when you use up all your ultimate, and this results in you not being able to light or heavy attack. That and heavy attacks with overload bug out constantly. sometimes you just become a huge ball of lightning, other times you are forced into walking speed. this happens sometimes when you accidently medium weave overload.

    3. Getting hit by Dragonknight's Leap. DK has this cool ultimate called Dragon leap, which if you are unlucky enough to get hit by it, one of many fun things has the chance to happen to you. first, there is a good chance you will get stunned, but instead of being able to break free, you just cant. you will get stunned and then start sliding around on the ground and be unable to cast any abilities. secondly, you may be immune to CC's when you get leaped. if so, you will get a random 100% snare applied to you for like 2 seconds after getting leaped. If this is not a bug, it should probably be on the tooltip for clarity sake.

    4."Flopping" Not exactly sure what to call this bug but if you walk backwards off of anything, and you have any airtime, what so ever, even if its like 0.0000001 seconds of air time, instead of just moving on with their life, your character does a parkour roll. While your character is parkour rolling, you can not cast any skills, use a potion, Anything. you don't even-and cant dodge attacks. you just start flopping around for like 1 and a half seconds. Kiting is a nightmare if you are on any inclined surface.

    5.Target is out of Range. I am am standing inside of the enemy and am close enough to smell their breath and the target is still out of range.

    Top Pain Points
    Pain Point 1: Cross healing. You dont have to aim any of your healing abilities apart from that one arcanist ability, and you can still heal some random guy, from 20 meters away who is also behind a wall. Heal stacking is also a problem. 16+ instances of the exact same heal over time should be a war crime. like how are u supposed to die? also why are healing tooltips and damage tooltips not parallel with each other?

    Pain Point 2: Health based Skills Look, there is too much reward and almost no penalties for stacking max health. why can I one-shot people and have 50k hp on warden?

    Pain Point 3: Legacy Set Balance why would I ever use hundings rage or julianos, when I can just run deadlands assassin and new moon? why would I ever run Shackle breaker when I can just run Wretched?

    Pain Point 4:PVP target dummy. I can only imagine if we had a target dummy that we could set not only the max health and resistances of, but also apply specific buffs and sets to, so we can more thoroughly test pvp builds.

    Pain Point 5: FREE CAM this one is a personal one, but a camera mode where i can fly around and get cinematics of stuff in game would be nice.

    1. sometimes lefthanders mythic does not give me a shield when I roll dodge.
    2. if i die and i have death dealers fete on, i respawn and can no longer generate stacks. this happens at random.
    3. dual wield heavy attacks do not hit as hard as a light attack from dual wield.
    4.why can I interact with the game launcher using a gamepad while the game it self is open? Im in game and I press the interact button and then I am suddenly on the ESO website because my gamepad selected something on the game launcher while I was trying to interact with something IN GAME.
  • cmur2
    Soul Shriven
    I'm playing on PC - EU:

    Top Bugs/Issues
    1. Stuck in combat is sooo annoying
    2. Survey nodes need to be interacted with them multiple times from different angles until I can collect them. Also respawn distance (if you do duplicates) is inconsistent and way too far with most surveys.
    3. World bosses that do not spawn at all
    4. Priority of interaction prompts is wrong, companions or fetcherflies etc should be least priority so I don't accidentally interact with them when I want to use a wayshrine, talk with NPC, etc.

    Top Pain Points
    1. Ball groups in Cyrodil just make PVP not fun and disturb sieging etc
    2. Have to re-unlock Companion on my other characters
    3. Cannot stack treasure maps
    4. Too low transmute cap
  • Northwold
    I already did my five here so apologies for going over:
    Northwold wrote: »

    But two points that occur to me as possibly quite easy to fix and important but too minor for people to mention on this thread:

    1. The combat reticle. The in-game combat reticle without addons I find frequently ends up with my trying to attack thin air and not knowing what's going on. I don't know why, but it just isn't very good, especially when there are a lot of enemies around and a lot of effects. Maybe add some different choices of shapes / colours / animations / sizes?

    2. Number of quests in the journal. There are so many random little quests in the game, like dailies, crafting writs, etc, that the limit of 25(?) quests in the journal really doesn't feel like enough. When I do writs I'm frequently having to abandon story quests to be able to fit all the writ quests in at once, for instance.
    Edited by Northwold on February 16, 2025 12:12PM
  • cairnthul
    Soul Shriven
    Top Bugs/Issues
    1. Unresponsiveness of the combat system. Weapon swap not working, abilities that wont perform, etc
    2. Some quests will get stuck for lack of item/person not spawning and need to relog or dropped to unstuck.
    3. Sometimes, when I get kicked from the server, I get error 307 when trying to log back in. This error persists unless I wait more than 15 minutes to get back again
    4. Stuck in combat

    Top Pain Points
    1. Lack of inventory space. This is especially hard if you do not have ESO+ and on new players. Lots of micromanaging required.
    2. Things that could stack but do not (treasure maps, glyphs)
    3. No central auction house. Even with addons this is a pain.
    4. No minimap
    5. The Survey and treasure map mechanic is really boring. I've seen someone suggest having companions go on runs and complete them for you and I loved the idea.

  • ragnarok6644b14_ESO
    Top Five Bugs
    1. Some gfx/animation issues. Can be difficult to replicate, but there's oftentimes some awkwardness to the animations of the player character when doing various tasks (like having a staff that is sheathed but having the character land with the animation for an unsheathed staff after a jump).
    2. Bosses often reset for no discernible reason (e.g. group is in the arena, I am the tank taunting, etc). Especially bad with the first boss of scalecaller peak and the gryphons worldboss in Summerset.
    3. "Break Free" and CC immunity feels inconsistent/buggy at times, though it used to be way way worse. It's hard to tell what counts as a hard CC vice a soft CC.
    4. Quest triggers can be buggy at times - especially with a character that moves excessively fast or teleports (like the arcanist portal).
    5. NOTHING! There's probably a fifth here but I can't think of it.
    Top Five Pain Points:
    1. Furnishing limitations in housing!
    2. Inability to preserve UI settings (chat bubbles, nameplate displays, etc) across characters. Sometimes I get it just right, but forget what settings I had on the first character!
    3. Art style around the Void - is it Namira's "Darkstorm Emerald" or turquoise color on black, or is it Sithis's red-on-black!
    4. Lots of really badass spells available to NPCs unavailable to players - e.g. Void Mages (theme yet?).
    5. No ability to link house buttons/interactables with an actual bit of the house (e.g. ayleid button to open an interactable door in the same house).
  • Cloudtrader
    REMOVE FROM GUILD should not be at the top of the list when I click on a name on the Roster to invite someone.

    Searchable Style Stones in the crafting screen would be great.
  • darvaria
    1. Stuck in Combat bug
    2. The limits that bombers place on objectives in Cyrodiil. PLEASE limit VD to ONLY hit players you are in a group with. You should not be punished for standing close to low hp players. There are even instances of players using a 2nd account to bait groups for Bombs, especially with VD. I should not catch damage from miscellaneous players standing around. All this does is limit players from standing on flags, rams or repairing. I am refusing to do any of these 3 things any more and staying on walls. I'll probably stand back the entire MYM because of all of the bomber baits set in place.
    3. Just give us ONE tool that will get rid of ball groups circling inside an enemy keep for an hour. JUST ONE tool that will get rid of them if they stay in an unflagged keep. To allow such groups to farm transits and farm under geared less experienced players. Another situation, I now avoid. If they take home keep ... so what.
    4. T bagging, pushups and the ability to send tells to the opposite faction in Cyrodiil. I am sick of the sexual harassment and stalking and lewd comments directed towards other players in PVP.
    5. 3 factions in Cyrodiil. Should be reduced to 2, like the BG's.
  • Wolfshade

    1. no working skills
    2. no breakfree
    3. combat bug


    1. slow down running speed while in comabt
    2. endless "lay on ground" Animation (just much too long)
    3. endless "stand Up" Animation (just much too long)
    4. rooted without animation
    5. too many, really too many stuns/roots/knockbacks/fears
    6. pulls/skill from 30 meters distance even through walls and in curves

    All together combatbreaking!
    Edited by Wolfshade on February 19, 2025 5:56AM
    This comment is awesome! It`s just a test comment!

    **End of the Internet**
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