Running low on time, especially with the way update cycles are set in stone for this game, is normal. And just telling it as it is does more good to a company's image than pretending to be perfect, in my opinion at least. Less hiding behind marketing speech, and more transparency like this please. Patch notes are supposed to be a factual document first, not promo material.Last update we shook up this morph to try and add some love to the damage dealing Necromancer, but we ran low on time to really iterate on a full-bore damaging effect.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »The point that was brought up in other threads about cloak changes are pve vs pvp situations and stam nb vs mag nb situations. This would require to be looked at in order to well... make cloak accessible for all builds.
With current costs per second of shadowy disguise being toggled on, the skill will become too short to be useful even in pve and kinda inaccessible for stamina builds in particular. NB, regardless of the build & type of content (stam, mag, hybrid, pve, pvp) was always able to sustain cloak for a duration that made the skill usable. And this was since day 1 for the whole game live span so far (10 years).
People are basically worried that ironically, an attempt to make the shadowy disguise skill more accessible will make the skill pretty much exclusive only for heavy magicka focused builds. So it is kinda the opposite effect.
Also, people seem to agree that the change is far too drastic and kinda out of nowhere for a 10 year old stuff. It feels like a forced revolution rather than evolution.
Shadowy Disguise feels completely different to use and is significantly nerfed.
I understand wanting to make cloak more accessible/understandable to new players, but this change is confusing and enraging experienced nightblades. I haven't found one yet who enjoys or is indifferent to this change.
Instead of dumbing down the ability and nerfing NB sustain, how about teach newer players how to use the existing mechanics?
Learning and mastering mechanics = fun.
I'll admit to being disappointed that both morphs of Focused Charge will now apply a taunt. Though they weren't amazing for damage, at least two different situations showed them to be quite useful.
In Dreadsail Reef, it's fantastic against Sail Ripper. The mini boss frequently ports to the opposite side of the arena and begins channeling lightning. The combination of gap closer and interrupt helps to get into position while also preventing damage to the group as a whole.
In Infinite Archive, later arcs introduce shards of Tho'at, including blobs which use Seeking Spheres. These blobs need to be interrupted or they do ramping damage to the players. It's very common to have a good number of adds at any one point, making it difficult to find the precise one which needs to be interrupted. Explosive Charge is perfect here, as it's an AOE interrupt, as well as giving Major Protection for a bit more survivability when we're likely to be surrounded by adds.
At least let us keep one morph that doesn't have a taunt so that it can be useful when we're not the tank.
BlackHammer225 wrote: »This is purely from a PvP standpoint for Templar.
First I want to say I appreciate what you guys are doing with Templar in general with the improvements I just want to bring up a subject I hope you guys don't overlook.
Backlash and its morphs Purifying Light and Power of The Light have not been performing well in Pvp as a delayed burst damage ability. The ability requires the player to reach an X amount of damage to receive the 200% increase to the displayed damage you will do if not reached.
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Ever since U36 PTS Backlashes copied damage has been changed and the threshold has been increased to an impossible number to reach in PvP. Please can the threshold be reduced or changed?
spaceghost8 wrote: »ZOS what happened with grave lords sacrifice? When it was changed the notes said it wasn’t a final change and you were still working on it… 2/3 patches later no changes?
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »Grave Lord's Sacrifice is still really bad. I'm glad the skull bug was fixed, but it still doesn't do nearly enough to warrant dropping your best damage ability (Blastbones).
On top of just being a bad buff, it's also still horrendously clunky. You can still Line-of-Sight your own buff. You can still get your buff denied by enemy stuns.
The buff either needs to increase in numbers, add some sort of DoT itself, or increase class healing as well. It's an underwhelming buff that isn't very user friendly, so it never gets slotted.