Hello, All. We have received a lot of feedback regarding the changes to the Mail expiration timers on the PTS. We understand the concerns raised around shortening Mail timers, specifically in instances where a player may need to step away from the game for an extended period of time, and that with this shortened window they may miss items or gold coming from Guild Traders through the Mail.
As we reviewed this feedback and investigated those concerns, our data revealed that the vast majority of items listed at Guild Traders sell within a week. If an item does not sell by then, it typically doesn't sell during that listing period. In light of this, Guild Trader listings will now be reduced from 30 to 14 days. All Mail expiration timers will remain at 14 days. To be clear, the timer for Mail expiration will be 14 days from when the item sells or is returned to the player. A Guild Trader listing will expire 14 days from when an item is listed. This will affect all new Mail items and Guild Trader listings from U42 launch onward.
We understand that this may not be the news some of you were hoping to hear, and want to provide context for this decision. Based on the data of how quickly items typically sell, the team felt that 30 days for Guild Trader listings was unnecessarily long, and reducing the Mail expiration timers and the Guild Trader listings will allow for improvements in server performance by reducing strain on the database.
If you plan on being away from the game for an extended period, we recommend taking those personal plans into account when making decisions regarding Guild Trader listings.
We hope this information has been insightful, and as always, you are welcome to leave additional feedback in the PTS section of the Forums.
dragonlord500 wrote: »err wrong section of the forums to discuss this isn't it?
They looked at the numbers, then acted without letting individual personal bias taint by people decrying it going 'oh but for ME I will use confirmation bias and a failure to accept this because ONE item out of HUNDREDS sold after longer'.
I am glad they used data and not the personal opinions of the forums.
They looked at the numbers, then acted without letting individual personal bias taint by people decrying it going 'oh but for ME I will use confirmation bias and a failure to accept this because ONE item out of HUNDREDS sold after longer'.
I am glad they used data and not the personal opinions of the forums.
Well they need to make this 'data' available to the players then. Even with pricing my items within the cheapest 1-3 on TTC (maybe 4th cheapest if there's a weird 'outlier', like a 10k item priced at 100g) there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to what does or doesn't sell quickly. Why does one fragment of the swamp jelly pet sell within an hour and a different one take 20 days, when they're both the same price?
What 'vast majority of items' sell within a week? All of them? Or are some things - like furnishings or recipes - always slower to shift? If so, I won't bother listing them then. Or I'll just list everything at 50% of the lowest priced item on TTC.
This is preferable to the team's suggestion of including Elder Scrolls Online in my vacation planningI already have to plan around my colleagues, my partner, my partner's colleagues, my dogsitter, etc., etc. I don't need to add ESO to the mix! Talk about turning a 'fun' game into a second job...
wolfie1.0. wrote: »I mean the easy solution is to clear out your mail and remove any listings before you leave on vacation if it's going to be one longer than the time frame.
wolfie1.0. wrote: »I mean the easy solution is to clear out your mail and remove any listings before you leave on vacation if it's going to be one longer than the time frame.
Won't be an issue if they provide the data to show me how to sell everything within a week...
wolfie1.0. wrote: »I mean the easy solution is to clear out your mail and remove any listings before you leave on vacation if it's going to be one longer than the time frame.
Won't be an issue if they provide the data to show me how to sell everything within a week...
wolfie1.0. wrote: »
Lower your prices.
Well can't complain about zos not doing anything about Inflation.
wolfie1.0. wrote: »
Lower your prices.
Well can't complain about zos not doing anything about Inflation.
Er... yeah... That's why I said I'd rather list all my items at 50% of the lowest priced item on TTC than include ESO in my vacation planning...
I'd like to spend the evening before I fly out making sure I've packed everything I need without my luggage being overweight, checking in online and seeing if there are any roadworks on the way to the airport - rather than doing ESO guild trader/inbox maintenance. I guess my priorities are all wrong...
This will tank prices.
Based on the data of how quickly items typically sell, the team felt that 30 days for Guild Trader listings was unnecessarily long, and reducing the Mail expiration timers and the Guild Trader listings will allow for improvements in server performance by reducing strain on the database.
wolfie1.0. wrote: »This will tank prices.
Not really, most items do sell within 14 days in some areas they will sell within hours. It's the outlier items that will stick around and the really rare items that will be most impacted but those are all high risk/reward items. At most it will curb inflation.
Based on the data of how quickly items typically sell, the team felt that 30 days for Guild Trader listings was unnecessarily long, and reducing the Mail expiration timers and the Guild Trader listings will allow for improvements in server performance by reducing strain on the database.
1.) Is the cost to list an item going to be halved since we're effectively going to have to list unsold items twice in order to get the same listing duration for harder to sell items?
2.) If the goal is to reduce strain on the database to improve server performance, wouldn't it make more sense to try and get people to stop listing so much garbage on traders? Maybe slightly increase the value when selling to merchants so that people don't try and sell every single item that they loot on guild traders.