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Balance changes to Arcanist class

Let's face it, it is inevitable.
Everybody knows Arcanist is overperforming, and the nerf hammer will come either with the new dungeon DLC or chapter.

I personally love the playstyle of the class, and think that it is beneficial for the game to have an "easy" class that can perform well, without the need to farm specific sets and mythics to be viable (looking at you Oakensorc).

The problem occurs when this easy class outperforms other classes that are way harder to play.

So, let's try to identify exactly what makes Arcanist so powerful.

In my opinion, there are only two nerfs that need to happen to bring Arcanist a little bit out of the OP realm:
1. Reduce the AoE capabilities of Fatecarver.
This skill is the bread and butter of this class, and I think it is a good idea to keep it powerful, since there is a mini game going on around it. However, the AoE potential is too powerful. I think it shoud behave similar to Templar's Puncturing Strikes- dealing half[insert %] damage to all targets beyond the first one.
2. Nerf Cephaliarch's Flail
Nerf it!
This single skill is packed to the brim with stuff other classes can only dream about, and all that after the fact that this skill is a core part of an Arcanist's arsenal, being the Crux generator it is.
Let's get over this skill, and what it does:
-it is a powerful direct damage AoE
-it is an exectue below 50%
-it debuffs targets with a unique 5% damage debuff
-it is a powerful self heal that heals even if no targets were hit
-it is an AoE root
-it generates Crux, as mentioned

Basically, the whole "balance" discussion for Arcanist can be boiled down to "what are we going to do about Flail?"

In my opinion, the solution should be somewhere along the lines of:
-remove the immobilize from the base skill
-remove the damage capabilities of this morph, let it remain a Crux generator and a self heal
-grant the damage capabilities and immobilize to Tentacular Dread, the Crux spending morph

This should make Arcanist players lose some of the damage, while retaining the heal and utility of Flail, or choose to go the damage route, but lose the utility of the skill, forcing them to use Runeblades for generating Crux.

Honestly, Arcanist has a powerful single target damage skill that generates Crux that nobody uses.
Because it sucks compared to Flail.

Arcanist is a fun class to play, but seriously devs, what were you thinking with Flail?
>>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Dubhliam
    If you compare Abyssal Impact to other similar non morphed skills, you start to see just how OP Arcanist is.

    And Encase only gets Major Vitality and a weaker delayed damage from Restraining Prison and Shattering Prison morphs respectively.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • olsborg
    I agree, the dmg output vs one target is high enough, let alone add that its AOE and undodgeable dmg...man that they left this class so OP for this long already is....just typical of zos rly.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • fizl101
    I'm slowly levelling an arcanist, so it will be nerfed about a week after that is done (I don't power grind levels so you probably have a month left as I don't play it often)
    Soupy twist
  • VoidCommander
    I have had so many rants about Flail being so ludicrously over tuned. How about we just make templar jabs not have any damage falloff for multiple targets and call it even? I think that seems fair lol.
  • KS_Amt38
    I have had so many rants about Flail being so ludicrously over tuned. How about we just make templar jabs not have any damage falloff for multiple targets and call it even? I think that seems fair lol.

    Even with that, the arcanist would massively overperform. Either they bring all class to a level where the difference is small or they nerf arcanist to be on par with all the other classes. On every log you look, Arcanists are dominating it.

    All other classes are only there to buff the arcanists even more. Some classes does not even have a right of existence as a trial DD (Nightblade, Warden...).
  • olsborg
    Atleast in Ravenwatch campaign youre now starting to see groups of 5-6+ ppl playing only arcanists with just the 1 sorceror to negate, and the arcanists all just blast everything in the area with their aoe, its insanely effective and doesnt matter how many targets are in the"killbox", never before have I seen this kind of effectiveness and if its left unchecked I think we will see only that in the future of pvp.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • ceruulean
    They should keep the immobilize at least on the unmorphed flail so tanks can have CC option. But yeah, that skill needs to get diced. Maybe move the Abyssal Ink debuff to the Runeblade Doritos instead.

    Flail stam morph can have immobilize removed in exchange for execute component. The heal component should be removed honestly, it was tacked on late, and just copying magplar sweeps.

    Mag morph can stay the same, keep immobilize because it turns into a frost skill, and also keep the Abyssal Ink debuff.
    Edited by ceruulean on January 3, 2024 3:26PM
  • Billium813
    The whole Arcanist toolkit is parasitic. Tome-Bearer's Inspiration last 30 seconds, makes everything else generate the crux you need, buffs your class damage, gives permanent Major Brutality/Sorcery just for being slotted, and is a prebuff. Cephaliarch’s Flail again increases your class damage, generates more crux, and heals. Then, Fatecarver comes in and dusts everything while having an impressive shield (and procs another crux for the next rotation).

    I really like OPs comparison to Puncturing Strikes, because that's essentially what it is, but WAY better. Fatecarver ticks damage every 0.3 seconds, which is inline with Puncturing Strikes. Templar Puncturing Strikes has a channel time of 0.8 seconds, but deals damage 3 times, so the damage ticks are almost identical. Except, Fatecarver has a range of 22m, does the same damage to everything, and channels for 4 whole seconds!!!! Imagine a Biting Jabs that channeled for 4 seconds and had a range of 22m... Lots of players like to complain about mindless Templars jabs jabs jabs when Jabs is too strong. That's exactly what Arcanist is now and it's literally all the class needs to do.

    I'd like to see both Fatecarver and Inspired Scholarship nerfed.

    Fatecarver is just everything you need, including the kitchen sink. It ticks so fast for 4 seconds, is an AOE, has impressive range, and a massive damage shield; it does EVERYTHING. The fast tick essentially replaces any need to LA weave. I'm not trying to gatekeep that LA weaving is mandatory, but for 4 seconds, Arcanist essentially weaves with perfect precision. And at range, and in an AOE, and with no risk. It's too much for how high the damage is too when you factor in all of the Arcanist parasitic Class damage buffs.

    Fatecarver change: Reduce the damage. Make the damage proportional to the distance, or just make it drop off after hitting the closest enemy. Reduce the damage shield. I get that a 4 second channel should have some defensive kit to it, but the shield is too much as it is.

    Tome-Bearer's Inspiration is the quiet hero too. Permanent Major Brutality/Sorcery is already pretty good when other classes don't even have access (*cough* Necro *cough*). Add on that it buffs damage and generates crux too? for 30 seconds? It's everything Arcanist needs.

    Tome-Bearer's Inspiration change: Drop the damage buff. It's already worth running for the extra crux proc and the permanent Major Brutality/Sorcery. It doesn't also need to buff damage.

    tldr; Fatecarver + Cephaliarch’s Flail + Tome-Bearer's Inspiration are just the whole package. They are parasitic class skills that buff each other and no dps Arcanist needs to do anything else. Arcanist is designed as one trick pony and a boring build. Sure, it's easy to play and accessible, that's great for players. But that shouldn't be applicable to every level of gameplay. The class doesn't get more difficult to play as the player progresses. It's just the same rotation, the same combos. There's very little nuance.
    Edited by Billium813 on January 5, 2024 4:21PM
  • OtarTheMad
    ZOS will ruin Arcanist just like they did Necromancer and it will be because of players who just don’t like that a class is easier, even though it does not affect them in the slightest way. The class isn’t even OP but players won’t realize that until the hammer drops and the “what happened to Arcanist” threads pop up.
  • Araneae6537
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    ZOS will ruin Arcanist just like they did Necromancer and it will be because of players who just don’t like that a class is easier, even though it does not affect them in the slightest way. The class isn’t even OP but players won’t realize that until the hammer drops and the “what happened to Arcanist” threads pop up.

    Agreed, it’s bs. Arcanist is NOT dominating PvP, it’s NOT the BiS class for the Archive, it’s a good choice for several roles in PvE but not OP-best-for-everything. It’s a well-balanced fun class that plays differently. It’s those classes that are underperforming that need additional options are buffs — necro and sorc (non-pet abilities need improvements) being the main ones that come to mind.
  • Dubhliam
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    ZOS will ruin Arcanist just like they did Necromancer and it will be because of players who just don’t like that a class is easier, even though it does not affect them in the slightest way. The class isn’t even OP but players won’t realize that until the hammer drops and the “what happened to Arcanist” threads pop up.

    Agreed, it’s bs. Arcanist is NOT dominating PvP, it’s NOT the BiS class for the Archive, it’s a good choice for several roles in PvE but not OP-best-for-everything. It’s a well-balanced fun class that plays differently. It’s those classes that are underperforming that need additional options are buffs — necro and sorc (non-pet abilities need improvements) being the main ones that come to mind.

    Honestly, reading such comments I wonder if some people even play high tier trials.

    Arcanist is OP.

    Anybody that says otherwise only points out their lack of understanding what makes them OP
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Zodiarkslayer
    Whatever they will rebalance, they should IGNORE PvP while doing it. 😈
    If anyone here says: OH! But, PVP! I swear I'll ...

    Thank you for the valuable input and respectfully recommend to discuss that aspect of ESO on the PVP forum.
  • OtarTheMad
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    ZOS will ruin Arcanist just like they did Necromancer and it will be because of players who just don’t like that a class is easier, even though it does not affect them in the slightest way. The class isn’t even OP but players won’t realize that until the hammer drops and the “what happened to Arcanist” threads pop up.

    Agreed, it’s bs. Arcanist is NOT dominating PvP, it’s NOT the BiS class for the Archive, it’s a good choice for several roles in PvE but not OP-best-for-everything. It’s a well-balanced fun class that plays differently. It’s those classes that are underperforming that need additional options are buffs — necro and sorc (non-pet abilities need improvements) being the main ones that come to mind.

    Honestly, reading such comments I wonder if some people even play high tier trials.

    Arcanist is OP.

    Anybody that says otherwise only points out their lack of understanding what makes them OP

    High tier trials is only a small part of the game though. In every other part of the game Arcanist is average or sometimes even below average so you got a kind of delicate balance there. And what I mean by average is that Arcanist is a good choice but not best. I wanted to specify that.

    The usage of Arcanist in trials could also change on a dime without even a change to Arcanist. Another class could get a buff during Q1 that is big for trials people and they flock over to that leaving Arcanist behind.

    Meanwhile operating on old info ZOS nerfs Arcanist in Q2 even though high tier players have already moved on to the next big shiny and Arcanist is rip and the cycle continues. We will have to see, you never know honestly.

    Edited by OtarTheMad on January 7, 2024 7:36PM
  • MindOfTheSwarm
    I just want them to tone down the light show. It’s jarring. I want to play Elder Scrolls. Not LaserQuest. I think it would be fine if they all had inky aesthetic. But yes, Flail is too strong.
  • Oblivion_Protocol
    Eh. Just do what I did. Roll an Arcanist and enjoy the ride while it lasts. If it turns out to not be OP, then you’ll hopefully stop complaining. If it is OP, then as the saying goes, “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”.

    Besides, I promise that if Arcanist gets nerfed, half of the people screaming for nerfs will pop up with posts complaining about how Arcanist is dogwater now, and the other half will move to find something else to complain about and demand nerfs for.
    Edited by Oblivion_Protocol on January 7, 2024 7:55PM
  • auz
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    ZOS will ruin Arcanist just like they did Necromancer and it will be because of players who just don’t like that a class is easier, even though it does not affect them in the slightest way. The class isn’t even OP but players won’t realize that until the hammer drops and the “what happened to Arcanist” threads pop up.

    Agreed, it’s bs. Arcanist is NOT dominating PvP, it’s NOT the BiS class for the Archive, it’s a good choice for several roles in PvE but not OP-best-for-everything. It’s a well-balanced fun class that plays differently. It’s those classes that are underperforming that need additional options are buffs — necro and sorc (non-pet abilities need improvements) being the main ones that come to mind.

    Honestly, reading such comments I wonder if some people even play high tier trials.

    Arcanist is OP.

    Anybody that says otherwise only points out their lack of understanding what makes them OP

    High tier trials is only a small part of the game though. In every other part of the game Arcanist is average or sometimes even below average so you got a kind of delicate balance there. And what I mean by average is that Arcanist is a good choice but not best. I wanted to specify that.

    The usage of Arcanist in trials could also change on a dime without even a change to Arcanist. Another class could get a buff during Q1 that is big for trials people and they flock over to that leaving Arcanist behind.

    Meanwhile operating on old info ZOS nerfs Arcanist in Q2 even though high tier players have already moved on to the next big shiny and Arcanist is rip and the cycle continues. We will have to see, you never know honestly.

    Where is arcanist not op? I am asking as a trial and dungeon runner and pvper. Honestly where is it not over powered? The flail and beam just absolutely destroy groups of adds in any required situation. Arcanist dps makes any trial and dungeon so much easier and that transfers to any pve activities. Arcanist support bring amazing survivability and unique once rare buffs wherever it goes. In pvp they are ridiculously tanky and output good damage.
  • OtarTheMad
    auz wrote: »
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    ZOS will ruin Arcanist just like they did Necromancer and it will be because of players who just don’t like that a class is easier, even though it does not affect them in the slightest way. The class isn’t even OP but players won’t realize that until the hammer drops and the “what happened to Arcanist” threads pop up.

    Agreed, it’s bs. Arcanist is NOT dominating PvP, it’s NOT the BiS class for the Archive, it’s a good choice for several roles in PvE but not OP-best-for-everything. It’s a well-balanced fun class that plays differently. It’s those classes that are underperforming that need additional options are buffs — necro and sorc (non-pet abilities need improvements) being the main ones that come to mind.

    Honestly, reading such comments I wonder if some people even play high tier trials.

    Arcanist is OP.

    Anybody that says otherwise only points out their lack of understanding what makes them OP

    High tier trials is only a small part of the game though. In every other part of the game Arcanist is average or sometimes even below average so you got a kind of delicate balance there. And what I mean by average is that Arcanist is a good choice but not best. I wanted to specify that.

    The usage of Arcanist in trials could also change on a dime without even a change to Arcanist. Another class could get a buff during Q1 that is big for trials people and they flock over to that leaving Arcanist behind.

    Meanwhile operating on old info ZOS nerfs Arcanist in Q2 even though high tier players have already moved on to the next big shiny and Arcanist is rip and the cycle continues. We will have to see, you never know honestly.

    Where is arcanist not op? I am asking as a trial and dungeon runner and pvper. Honestly where is it not over powered? The flail and beam just absolutely destroy groups of adds in any required situation. Arcanist dps makes any trial and dungeon so much easier and that transfers to any pve activities. Arcanist support bring amazing survivability and unique once rare buffs wherever it goes. In pvp they are ridiculously tanky and output good damage.

    Leaderboard chasing and stuff like that I feel is a self-nerfing system, as soon as the new shiny comes along they all flock to that. In terms of PvE i find Arcanist as a good choice but it's not best, it's easier for sure but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I think that if the top of the trials leaderboard looked different then people wouldn't even care about Arcanist. When you say "adds" I assume you mean trash mobs and stuff like that... those are easy no matter what you are.

    Sure, in PvP they can be tanky but some of that is because of some sort of exploit or bug where players health just stop going down... which I believe is still a thing right now. Also, the meta players are using MDW, Maarselok, Vateshran etc. which does like 75% of the damage for you which skews opinions.

    Certain things can be toned down for sure. I mean Gibbering Shield gives you a shield of about 30k or so, combo that with other shields, and that can make a group tanky but I feel like when it comes to how OP players think Arcanist is I just think it's other factors giving Arc a bad name. I mean you nerf Master Duel wield, Maarselok, Vateshran, and fix the Health bug/exploit and see how that changes the opinion on Arcanist. You also have to think that if it wasn't on top of trials leaderboards but was the same as it is... would anyone even think it's OP.

    It's a cycle and a bad one. Just one example: Necro wasn't OP it was Major Vulnerability, Bashcro was bugged and Harmony jewelry trait was OP. They fixed those but also nerfed Necro and look where it is. When a class seems to be overperforming you should look at other things... what build is it, what playstyle, is any set they are wearing broken and overpowered, etc. Like in PvP, everyone hates the Arcanist stun but it's not really the Arcanist stun that's the problem... it's all stuns, fear etc. and the fact that Break Free just doesn't respond. If CC break responded all stuns wouldn't be that much of an issue.

  • Ciotola
    a class that ignores that never-fixed bug you call weaving, and also does decent damage.
    eso is finally getting fun
  • Galeriano
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    If you compare Abyssal Impact to other similar non morphed skills, you start to see just how OP Arcanist is.

    And Encase only gets Major Vitality and a weaker delayed damage from Restraining Prison and Shattering Prison morphs respectively.

    It's just silly that when some of the other classes can't even get decent abilities that are coherent with their kit, arcanist gets abilities like Cephaliarch's Flail which have an AoE dmg , immobilize, heal, execute, unique dmg taken debuff and stacks of crux all at the same time.
  • Galeriano
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    ZOS will ruin Arcanist just like they did Necromancer and it will be because of players who just don’t like that a class is easier, even though it does not affect them in the slightest way. The class isn’t even OP but players won’t realize that until the hammer drops and the “what happened to Arcanist” threads pop up.

    Agreed, it’s bs. Arcanist is NOT dominating PvP, it’s NOT the BiS class for the Archive, it’s a good choice for several roles in PvE but not OP-best-for-everything. It’s a well-balanced fun class that plays differently. It’s those classes that are underperforming that need additional options are buffs — necro and sorc (non-pet abilities need improvements) being the main ones that come to mind.

    Honestly, reading such comments I wonder if some people even play high tier trials.

    Arcanist is OP.

    Anybody that says otherwise only points out their lack of understanding what makes them OP

    High tier trials is only a small part of the game though. In every other part of the game Arcanist is average or sometimes even below average so you got a kind of delicate balance there. And what I mean by average is that Arcanist is a good choice but not best. I wanted to specify that.

    The usage of Arcanist in trials could also change on a dime without even a change to Arcanist. Another class could get a buff during Q1 that is big for trials people and they flock over to that leaving Arcanist behind.

    Meanwhile operating on old info ZOS nerfs Arcanist in Q2 even though high tier players have already moved on to the next big shiny and Arcanist is rip and the cycle continues. We will have to see, you never know honestly.

    Well I can assure You arcanist remains the strongest setup also in mid tier and low tier trials. The easiness of using it combined with class kit overloaded with strong features makes it really a no brainer choice when it comes to trials. In every other part of the game arcanist is also either strong, one of the top or the top choice.

    For other classes to beat arcanist someone would need to first get overall dmg buff and than literally get their whole kit turned into AoE because that's excatly what arcanist have right now and what makes him top. That won't happen.

    I'm pretty sure devs know how calendar works. If they want to nerf something it's a decision based on state of the game existing on live server not on the non existant state of the game from previous patch.
  • OtarTheMad
    Galeriano wrote: »
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    ZOS will ruin Arcanist just like they did Necromancer and it will be because of players who just don’t like that a class is easier, even though it does not affect them in the slightest way. The class isn’t even OP but players won’t realize that until the hammer drops and the “what happened to Arcanist” threads pop up.

    Agreed, it’s bs. Arcanist is NOT dominating PvP, it’s NOT the BiS class for the Archive, it’s a good choice for several roles in PvE but not OP-best-for-everything. It’s a well-balanced fun class that plays differently. It’s those classes that are underperforming that need additional options are buffs — necro and sorc (non-pet abilities need improvements) being the main ones that come to mind.

    Honestly, reading such comments I wonder if some people even play high tier trials.

    Arcanist is OP.

    Anybody that says otherwise only points out their lack of understanding what makes them OP

    High tier trials is only a small part of the game though. In every other part of the game Arcanist is average or sometimes even below average so you got a kind of delicate balance there. And what I mean by average is that Arcanist is a good choice but not best. I wanted to specify that.

    The usage of Arcanist in trials could also change on a dime without even a change to Arcanist. Another class could get a buff during Q1 that is big for trials people and they flock over to that leaving Arcanist behind.

    Meanwhile operating on old info ZOS nerfs Arcanist in Q2 even though high tier players have already moved on to the next big shiny and Arcanist is rip and the cycle continues. We will have to see, you never know honestly.

    Well I can assure You arcanist remains the strongest setup also in mid tier and low tier trials. The easiness of using it combined with class kit overloaded with strong features makes it really a no brainer choice when it comes to trials. In every other part of the game arcanist is also either strong, one of the top or the top choice.

    For other classes to beat arcanist someone would need to first get overall dmg buff and than literally get their whole kit turned into AoE because that's excatly what arcanist have right now and what makes him top. That won't happen.

    I'm pretty sure devs know how calendar works. If they want to nerf something it's a decision based on state of the game existing on live server not on the non existant state of the game from previous patch.

    We will never agree on this topic. You think and play the game one way and I think and play another way. Let's move on.

  • GCJ_
    Dont forget that with a couple jewelry glyphs(literally 2) the beam that does it all becomes a free beam. You can cast it without resources making it a free shield if you should find yourself without any resources and need to block sooner than 2 seconds and your psijic passive hasn't fully recharged, and your by yourself in open space, or any similar situation. The shield also has a 4.5 second channeled aoe that you can set to track and block cast it to boot! Lol I recommend using the tri-cost reducers in the event your highest maximum switches, and if your a vamp that uses vamp skills that have health toggle/tick cost. Of course this also means free burst heal as it will cost the same resource. I know its not typical to have both beams slotted......on the same bar, but that's a lot of free health that will always fire, and if you're by yourself you dont even need to worry about aiming or needing a target to hit that panic button.
  • Galeriano
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    ZOS will ruin Arcanist just like they did Necromancer and it will be because of players who just don’t like that a class is easier, even though it does not affect them in the slightest way. The class isn’t even OP but players won’t realize that until the hammer drops and the “what happened to Arcanist” threads pop up.

    Agreed, it’s bs. Arcanist is NOT dominating PvP, it’s NOT the BiS class for the Archive, it’s a good choice for several roles in PvE but not OP-best-for-everything. It’s a well-balanced fun class that plays differently. It’s those classes that are underperforming that need additional options are buffs — necro and sorc (non-pet abilities need improvements) being the main ones that come to mind.

    Honestly, reading such comments I wonder if some people even play high tier trials.

    Arcanist is OP.

    Anybody that says otherwise only points out their lack of understanding what makes them OP

    High tier trials is only a small part of the game though. In every other part of the game Arcanist is average or sometimes even below average so you got a kind of delicate balance there. And what I mean by average is that Arcanist is a good choice but not best. I wanted to specify that.

    The usage of Arcanist in trials could also change on a dime without even a change to Arcanist. Another class could get a buff during Q1 that is big for trials people and they flock over to that leaving Arcanist behind.

    Meanwhile operating on old info ZOS nerfs Arcanist in Q2 even though high tier players have already moved on to the next big shiny and Arcanist is rip and the cycle continues. We will have to see, you never know honestly.

    Well I can assure You arcanist remains the strongest setup also in mid tier and low tier trials. The easiness of using it combined with class kit overloaded with strong features makes it really a no brainer choice when it comes to trials. In every other part of the game arcanist is also either strong, one of the top or the top choice.

    For other classes to beat arcanist someone would need to first get overall dmg buff and than literally get their whole kit turned into AoE because that's excatly what arcanist have right now and what makes him top. That won't happen.

    I'm pretty sure devs know how calendar works. If they want to nerf something it's a decision based on state of the game existing on live server not on the non existant state of the game from previous patch.

    We will never agree on this topic. You think and play the game one way and I think and play another way. Let's move on.

    The subjective ways we think and preffer to play the game really don't affect or change the reality. There are objective ways to determine how strong arcanist is in PvE. Ways like math and facts that can be measured through tools like addons and logs used by both more and less experienced players and posted for wide public to compare and analyze. All of this shows that arcanist is overperforming currently and it's not an opinion it's a fact.

    We will never agree on this topic because You preffer to base Your opinion on Your personal subjective view, rejecting any data that doesn't match said view including hard mathematical data that can't be argued with.
    Edited by Galeriano on January 8, 2024 3:46PM
  • sharquez
    Really would rather they not nerf Arcanist and fix what's wrong with the other classes but go off I guess...

    Gonna happen anyway.
  • OtarTheMad
    sharquez wrote: »
    Really would rather they not nerf Arcanist and fix what's wrong with the other classes but go off I guess...

    Gonna happen anyway.

    Yeah, it’ll probably get nerfed/changed despite what some of us are trying to do. Necro needs more attention and so does Magsorc. Some others could be smoothed over too.

    All the nerf is going to accomplish is continuing a cycle but hey… whatever. I’ve already shelved my Arcanist and gone back to how I was before it dropped which means no vet dlc dungeons or trials and really not logging in a lot. Still got PvP, even with lag my Magicka Warden/Ice Mage is fun.

  • JanTanhide
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    ZOS will ruin Arcanist just like they did Necromancer and it will be because of players who just don’t like that a class is easier, even though it does not affect them in the slightest way. The class isn’t even OP but players won’t realize that until the hammer drops and the “what happened to Arcanist” threads pop up.

    Agree. This happens with every new class. All other classes have been nerfed into the ground with the one below ground called "Necromancer". Necro is in the dirt and has been for a long time. Thanks to all those who come on here and complain about how OP a new class is. Arcanist will be so detuned it will be shelved next to Necromancer.

    I see DK and NB ruling supreme in PVP and even Sorcs doing well. Arcanist, not so much. It's slow to ramp up that beam and everyone just steps off to the side (unless they like the green glow). In PVE Arcanist is doing well, it's easy to play but is it super OP? I don't think so. I can barely hit 49K DPS on mine and that's on a Trial dummy with all the buffs.

    Instead of calling for nerfs all the time how bout we call for buffing and balancing the other classes that have been nerfed into Obvlivion?
  • Araneae6537
    JanTanhide wrote: »
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    ZOS will ruin Arcanist just like they did Necromancer and it will be because of players who just don’t like that a class is easier, even though it does not affect them in the slightest way. The class isn’t even OP but players won’t realize that until the hammer drops and the “what happened to Arcanist” threads pop up.

    Agree. This happens with every new class. All other classes have been nerfed into the ground with the one below ground called "Necromancer". Necro is in the dirt and has been for a long time. Thanks to all those who come on here and complain about how OP a new class is. Arcanist will be so detuned it will be shelved next to Necromancer.

    I see DK and NB ruling supreme in PVP and even Sorcs doing well. Arcanist, not so much. It's slow to ramp up that beam and everyone just steps off to the side (unless they like the green glow). In PVE Arcanist is doing well, it's easy to play but is it super OP? I don't think so. I can barely hit 49K DPS on mine and that's on a Trial dummy with all the buffs.

    Instead of calling for nerfs all the time how bout we call for buffing and balancing the other classes that have been nerfed into Obvlivion?

    Agreed. 100%!
  • Galeriano
    sharquez wrote: »
    Really would rather they not nerf Arcanist and fix what's wrong with the other classes but go off I guess...

    Gonna happen anyway.

    For some classes it's literally impossible to be buffed to the arcanist level. Like seriously, impossible. PvE wise especially, arcanist went over the top with the amount of stuff ZoS packed into it. If ZoS would buff other classes to its level than they would have to introduce massive nerfs accros the board soon after because power creep would go through the roof.
    Edited by Galeriano on January 9, 2024 12:49AM
  • Uvi_AUT
    Does the Arcanist overperform? That would mean all the other classes are okay?
    I´m seriously asking. I´m fine either way.
    Registered since 2014, Customer Service lost my Forum-Account and can't find it.....
  • OtarTheMad
    Uvi_AUT wrote: »
    Does the Arcanist overperform? That would mean all the other classes are okay?
    I´m seriously asking. I´m fine either way.

    It depends who you ask when it comes to Arcanist. I am mostly a pvper, also do overland (questing, delves, world bosses, public dungeons, world events) arenas and base game dungeons. I would say that Arcanist is pretty good but not best-in-slot or overperforming. Others think it is.

    As for other classes, most of them are just fine. Necro could use some work, the class is a mess. Sorc needs a few things.

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