Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Some Endless Archive Feedback

I'm gonna get straight to the point on this. While so far I have definitely been enjoying the Endless Archive, there are a couple points that really need addressed.

First: Gothmau. This has been stated many, many times already on the forums, but this single marauder is WAY overtuned. In my run tonight, on arc 3 I was given Gothmau as my marauder to fight for this arc. He spawned directly on top of me and 2-tapped me before he even rendered. That is to say, I took two 21k hits plus a 7k DOT tick from his bleed before I could even target him in Arc THREE. The only way I have found to consistently kill him is via DOTs and kiting while trying to be sure to dodge his ranged attack (of which he is the only one to have a ranged attack).

I've had plenty of opportunities to test this because of point number two: Gothmau seems to be spawning at nearly an 8:1 ratio compared to the other two. In a duo run through Arc 9 last week he accounted for 7 of the 8 marauders we fought. SEVEN. This isn't an outlier, either. Previous runs all have similar spawn rates for him. Something is seriously off with the way these marauders are chosen, and it's not just that I am remembering them based on their difficulty. I have recorded gameplay that backs this spawn rate up.

Third thing: The maze puzzle at least on its highest difficulty is functionally impossible while solo, at least for controller users. The time it takes to play the animation of activating the switches (and solo you have to activate them all before running through) is long enough that the first switch WILL be turning back before you can reach the opening in the ink pools. The animation needs shortened or the time the pools stay open needs lengthened. Not by much, but as it is it appears to not be doable.

Fourth: The DOTs enemies apply in EA are ticking way too hard. The Poison Injection from the archers, for instance, routinely ticks for 5-6k in just Arc 2. Simultaneously, the DOTs are so infrequent as to make it a poor choice to slot a cleanse.

Fifth: The discrepancy in power between visions is way too big. Focused Efforts and Ferocious Support are both incredibly strong while the direct damage, DOT reduction (see item four), and similar are so small as to not be noticeable. I am NOT arguing to nerf the strong visions. I am arguing to BUFF the weaker ones up to the stronger vision levels. Huge burning ticks or a heavy attack placing a DOT that ticks for 15-20k is FUN. +3% direct damage is not.

Finally, item six: Verses will often be so overpowered as to trivialize the next round or so useless as to not even be worth taking. Fire Orbs, Fire Aura, Exsanguinate, and Swift Gale are all huge spikes of damage but the verses such as Guild damage, the damage mitigation verses, or resource restore ones feel like a waste of space. One outlier here, specifically for werewolves: Archival Worldliness. Perfect. Absolutely spectacular. It's just too bad ZOS forgot werewolf plays as a class when making the EA sets.

Other people have other feedback, I'm sure. This is mine, at least for the moment. I've been doing this almost exclusively since it came out and have gotten into the top 10 on both solo and duo leaderboards over the past couple weeks. Overall, I gotta say I'm quite happy with it. The difficulty scaling seems on-point, the transformation verses are ridiculous and fun, and the rewards are... well, they're okay. If we could just get these few things addressed it would be significantly better.

And, of course, @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_BrianWheeler

I don't expect a response from any of you, but I hope you at least read this.
Leader of Lycan Syndicate, PC NA's tri-faction werewolf guild.~~~Played since the beta, got the monkey.~~~"The blood of the pack is now yours. They are your only family, your only allegiance!"
  • Krymsyn_Panda
    I've found Gothmau to be my least encountered marauder, I wonder what ZoS sees as far as spawn rates. I agree he is the most difficult of the three though.

    I use a controller on PC and have no issues with the maze. If I do notice I miss click a pylon, I just wait for it to reset and go again. I also found it much easier once I got the speed upgrade in EA as well as I make sure to use something like Race Against Time or Quick Cloak to get across with no issues.
  • LukosCreyden
    I did the tentacle maze thing earlier on console solo. You have JUST enough time to pull the switches then immediately sprint through.
    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • jaws343
    Also for the maze, if you do the switches in order of closest to furthest away, the first ones you hit will disappear first, so you should be well past them by that time.
  • prof-dracko
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Also for the maze, if you do the switches in order of closest to furthest away, the first ones you hit will disappear first, so you should be well past them by that time.

    This doesn't always help. When the order of the switches was random for me, by the time I'd figured out the perfect order and hit them all the first ones reactivated while I was on them. You seemingly need a speed buff or a second player to get through, and that's not something some people think you bring. It's another slight insult that the permanent speed buff bonus is only purchasable AFTER completing this challenge, where it would have been most useful.
  • EdjeSwift
    This doesn't always help. When the order of the switches was random for me, by the time I'd figured out the perfect order and hit them all the first ones reactivated while I was on them. You seemingly need a speed buff or a second player to get through, and that's not something some people think you bring. It's another slight insult that the permanent speed buff bonus is only purchasable AFTER completing this challenge, where it would have been most useful.

    Two player variant is different, you have to actually hit the switches in order and they have to make their away across as you flick them. And yes, a speed buff is super useful for the later levels, Wild Hunt or Speed CP are important before you get the speed buff.
    Antiquities Addict
  • Tyrant_Tim

    After my first run through Endless Archive, I have to say that there were two things that stood out to me as completely broken.

    First of which was the Marauder with the water tornadoes. Secondly the Vampire Lord boss that copied the Kyne’s Aegis damage lines.

    Both of which left me feeling completely cheated at one point or another in the arena due to how extremely overtuned they appear.

    Other than that, it was a blast. I would have to say Endless Archive is one of, if not the best, PvE content I’ve ever played in ESO.
    Edited by Tyrant_Tim on November 15, 2023 6:38AM
  • IZZEFlameLash
    Yeah, Gothmau is really super overtuned. He can still 1 tap you at Arc 2 or 1 tap combo you with his insane bleed and light attack damages. Only way to deal with him is just kite around while your own DoTs are ticking. That is just unnecessarily time consuming.

    And visions and verses being so RNG driven and if you are lucky enough to be hit with consistently bad RNGs, good luck progressing into further arcs. Because there are quite a bit of downright useless ones. 2% reduction/boost + conditionals such as 'martial' and 'magical' for visions come to mind. It is almost like they took inspiration from Diablo 4 even though the players hated all the bazillions of conditionals.

    Also, I'd like to see a change that makes it where all stage bosses drop a piece of class sets.

    In regards to stage bosses, dragons sometimes have wonky hitbox where their fus ro da hits you despite being completely out of its conal range. And sometimes, you get knocked off the arena despite your character landing well within the bounds. I really hated that happening recently.
    Edited by IZZEFlameLash on November 15, 2023 7:52AM
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
  • dcrush
    The only way I’ve been able to get through the maze puzzle as a solo player has been to use the Arcanist portal to move across faster.
  • Rowjoh
    dcrush wrote: »
    The only way I’ve been able to get through the maze puzzle as a solo player has been to use the Arcanist portal to move across faster.

    My Templar isn't fast enough - where/how do I find the Arcanist Portal?

    Edited by Rowjoh on November 15, 2023 8:05AM
  • spartaxoxo
    Rowjoh wrote: »
    dcrush wrote: »
    The only way I’ve been able to get through the maze puzzle as a solo player has been to use the Arcanist portal to move across faster.

    My Templar isn't fast enough - where/how do I find the Arcanist Portal?

    Arcanist class has a skill that creates a portal.
  • robpr
    Agree 100% with Gothmau. With all my encounters I somehow managed to kill him once, dodging like I was playing some Dark Souls boss. And because I play primarily melee character he's a bane of all my runs ever since.

    Tentacle maze puzzle at highest difficulty was also a problem for me, but managed to "cheat" it by equipping Ring of Wild Hunt. At the time you press the last switch, you have like 5 seconds before the first switch expires. Fortunately after the achievement now the puzzle is much more generous with the time.
  • Sarannah
    With the speed upgrade, the tunnel puzzle and the wisps gathering will be somewhat easier. You can buy these upgrades in the main hall at the merchant. (click the collectible tab)

    And please don't ask for visions/verses to be nerfed, the entire point behind them is to be really strong. This way you can build defensively and take offensive verses and visions, and if you are build offensively you can pick defensive verses and visions. After arc two, the difficulty of the EA ramps up really quickly. At that point they won't seem overpowered anymore. This is actually the advice someone on the forums told me, you have to build your EA toon around the verses/visions you will pick. (Thank you!)

    The Tho'at fight is a bit chaotic, but takes time to learn the mechanics off. Sort of like any DLC dungeon boss.

    PS: The gothmau spawn rate seems to be based on the order of the achievement, if you kill him the next marauder seems to spawn. And so on. That has atleast been my experience. But it could just be random.
  • Treeshka
    Coincidently that Incarnate boss from Blackwood zone, Ghemvas the Harbinger, also hits harder compared other bosses. So i am guessing the base damage values of Incarnate type of creatures are so high compared to other ones.
  • boi_anachronism_
    Rowjoh wrote: »
    dcrush wrote: »
    The only way I’ve been able to get through the maze puzzle as a solo player has been to use the Arcanist portal to move across faster.

    My Templar isn't fast enough - where/how do I find the Arcanist Portal?

    Rapid maneuvers or channelled. Swap cp to celarity for the puzzle. Or alternatively i had ring of the wild hunt in my inventory and just seapped it out for the puzzle. Im also on a plar
  • emilyhyoyeon
    I have only started doing EA the past few days, but every run I've gotten Gothmau on Arc 2. It's a free -1 thread :D

    Every time he light attacks me when I thought I was far enough away. This is the most recent fight with the red X where he was visually on my screen for me when he light attacked me.


    To be fair I'm solo, a full glass canon nightblade, mono stat food, 5 piece light armor, 19.5k HP, only with light armor shield for defense. But this is still way overtuned for Arc 2 considering every other boss up until there is easier than non DLC world bosses, but Gothmau is harder than everything in vMA and vVH tenfold.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher

    BLACK HAIR FOR ALTMER PLEASE (hair color cosmetic pack)
  • Panderbander
    Sarannah wrote: »
    With the speed upgrade, the tunnel puzzle and the wisps gathering will be somewhat easier. You can buy these upgrades in the main hall at the merchant. (click the collectible tab)

    And please don't ask for visions/verses to be nerfed, the entire point behind them is to be really strong. This way you can build defensively and take offensive verses and visions, and if you are build offensively you can pick defensive verses and visions. After arc two, the difficulty of the EA ramps up really quickly. At that point they won't seem overpowered anymore. This is actually the advice someone on the forums told me, you have to build your EA toon around the verses/visions you will pick. (Thank you!)

    The Tho'at fight is a bit chaotic, but takes time to learn the mechanics off. Sort of like any DLC dungeon boss.

    PS: The gothmau spawn rate seems to be based on the order of the achievement, if you kill him the next marauder seems to spawn. And so on. That has atleast been my experience. But it could just be random.

    So I want to point out two things: I have all the upgrades for EA (I've done it far too much over the past few weeks) so I have the speed boost. Maybe it's latency or the order the switches are required to be activated at the highest difficulty for the corridor maze, but it was not possible to get the last one open then run through the first because of the animation and travel time between switches for me while solo.

    Also I definitely don't want any visions or verses nerfed! I want the boring or inconsequential ones buffed to be as good or as fun as the other ones!
    Leader of Lycan Syndicate, PC NA's tri-faction werewolf guild.~~~Played since the beta, got the monkey.~~~"The blood of the pack is now yours. They are your only family, your only allegiance!"
  • Joy_Division
    For the maze, equip swift jewelry + wild hunt ring or other gear to get movement speed cap.
  • Rowjoh
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Rowjoh wrote: »
    dcrush wrote: »
    The only way I’ve been able to get through the maze puzzle as a solo player has been to use the Arcanist portal to move across faster.

    My Templar isn't fast enough - where/how do I find the Arcanist Portal?

    Arcanist class has a skill that creates a portal.

    and if you don't play an arcanist, or sorc....?
  • boi_anachronism_
    I have only started doing EA the past few days, but every run I've gotten Gothmau on Arc 2. It's a free -1 thread :D

    Every time he light attacks me when I thought I was far enough away. This is the most recent fight with the red X where he was visually on my screen for me when he light attacked me.


    To be fair I'm solo, a full glass canon nightblade, mono stat food, 5 piece light armor, 19.5k HP, only with light armor shield for defense. But this is still way overtuned for Arc 2 considering every other boss up until there is easier than non DLC world bosses, but Gothmau is harder than everything in vMA and vVH tenfold.

    I mean to be fair you kinda gotta build for this content. A glass cannon just wont cut it and marauders kinda should be overtuned considering its a pretty short fight with essentially final boss level loot aka class set item pieces but thats just my opinion.
  • Panderbander
    I have only started doing EA the past few days, but every run I've gotten Gothmau on Arc 2. It's a free -1 thread :D

    Every time he light attacks me when I thought I was far enough away. This is the most recent fight with the red X where he was visually on my screen for me when he light attacked me.


    To be fair I'm solo, a full glass canon nightblade, mono stat food, 5 piece light armor, 19.5k HP, only with light armor shield for defense. But this is still way overtuned for Arc 2 considering every other boss up until there is easier than non DLC world bosses, but Gothmau is harder than everything in vMA and vVH tenfold.

    I mean to be fair you kinda gotta build for this content. A glass cannon just wont cut it and marauders kinda should be overtuned considering its a pretty short fight with essentially final boss level loot aka class set item pieces but thats just my opinion.

    The other two marauders seem fine for power level in my experience. Gothmau is just way overtuned compared to the others. The others have proper tells to give you a chance to respond, such as when heavy attacking or using an AOE. Gothmau has a single heavy attack (that will 1 tap you) with a tell, but his light attacks have no tell and will easily 2 shot you on a proper build (near armor cap, 35k+ hp) in early arcs. There's just no proper counterplay, only damage.
    Leader of Lycan Syndicate, PC NA's tri-faction werewolf guild.~~~Played since the beta, got the monkey.~~~"The blood of the pack is now yours. They are your only family, your only allegiance!"
  • emilyhyoyeon
    I have only started doing EA the past few days, but every run I've gotten Gothmau on Arc 2. It's a free -1 thread :D

    Every time he light attacks me when I thought I was far enough away. This is the most recent fight with the red X where he was visually on my screen for me when he light attacked me.


    To be fair I'm solo, a full glass canon nightblade, mono stat food, 5 piece light armor, 19.5k HP, only with light armor shield for defense. But this is still way overtuned for Arc 2 considering every other boss up until there is easier than non DLC world bosses, but Gothmau is harder than everything in vMA and vVH tenfold.

    I mean to be fair you kinda gotta build for this content. A glass cannon just wont cut it and marauders kinda should be overtuned considering its a pretty short fight with essentially final boss level loot aka class set item pieces but thats just my opinion.

    Right, but my current build is just fine for everything in all of Arc 1 and 2. (I reset after Arc 2 since I'm farming books and currency, can't speak for anything after.)

    Why is the random boss Gothmau in Arc 2, the earliest he can even spawn, 100x harder than everything else? It's weirdly designed scaling.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher

    BLACK HAIR FOR ALTMER PLEASE (hair color cosmetic pack)
  • IZZEFlameLash
    Gothmau is not justifiable at all. Only time I survived Gothmau is when I was kiting him on my PvP build where he couldn't keep up. The problem with Endless Archive is that these sorts of rofloneshotted mechanics appear as soon as Arc 2 and sometimes, I feel the content depends a little too much on what visions and verses you are given by RNG especially if you are limited on time you can play.

    Because certain verses and visions do allow me to get more out of same amount of time played because they are so good. But when you get a choice between 15000 resource every kill and 10% off on break free cost for few stages and visions all being 'boosts the damage type you don't even deal' vs 'something ultimately irrelevant like block cost reduction', you are kinda screwed for later arcs and stages by factors outside your control. I'd rather have an Endless Archive Vision/Verse perk tree where I can select visions and verses at all to build to complement my build.
    Edited by IZZEFlameLash on November 16, 2023 3:07AM
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
  • MidniteOwl1913
    I have only started doing EA the past few days, but every run I've gotten Gothmau on Arc 2. It's a free -1 thread :D

    Every time he light attacks me when I thought I was far enough away. This is the most recent fight with the red X where he was visually on my screen for me when he light attacked me.


    To be fair I'm solo, a full glass canon nightblade, mono stat food, 5 piece light armor, 19.5k HP, only with light armor shield for defense. But this is still way overtuned for Arc 2 considering every other boss up until there is easier than non DLC world bosses, but Gothmau is harder than everything in vMA and vVH tenfold.

    Yea I've gotten him on arc 2 every time. Him and "The End" Blackwood world boss.
  • InvitationNotFound
    Visions... there is too much luck involved to get what you really are looking for.
    We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome... - The Wrobler
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    Verrätst du mir deinen Beruf? Ich würde auch gerne mal Annahmen dazu schreiben, wie simple die Aufgaben anderer sind. - Kai Schober

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