Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Server maintenance times

  • joshweps
    @Bunzaga_ESO‌ I did a bad thing. I mixed stimulants and depressants aka energy drink and alcohol. Somehow I see this equaling I hope. I'm not a big fan of these beverages except once in awhile.

    stop being a big ***

  • Reignskream
    Corithna wrote: »
    Some times problem fixes just don't afford you the luxury of knowing exactly how long it will take. As a long time tech I know from experience that even routine procedures sometimes take much longer then anticipated. And in the case of critical problems any estimate would only serve to cause additional problems. I know this team from long experience and I can assure you that they are doing their level best to get us back up and running as soon as possible. Things have gone exceedingly well so far with the exception of a few minor glitches.

    I don't know what game you are playing, but the glitches I've run into the last couple of nights have been far from "minor". In one game session I ran into three glitched quests in a row while playing on EP. These weren't just minor quests they were the main quest line for the zone. I wouldn't classify that as minor.

    Everybody has different issues with there different specs of PC and all kinds of different factors and the likes. Just because one person has the error, doesn't mean everybody else does.
  • MaxBat
    Haha! :D I'm torn between just deleting them to clear out bank space, and keeping them just to show off next year.

    Didn't any companies learn anything from GW2's crafting resource system? Just make a table with every component, and let people right click-> send to bank. No bag space taken, no hassle to run to town ever 5 mins.

    Everyone tries to copy WoW, but they could at least take the good things from other games while they do it.

    Man oh man, they did so good on the armor. I like how people actually look different from one another, you know? But damn the vanity pets, and the white horses, and clanfears and scamps and ...

    Going to the bank is hard enough with 50 people in the room with you, not counting the petting zoo ...

    Yeah, I deleted mine. And I've never ridden my white horse. Or rolled an Imperial. ***shrugs***
    enfp wrote: »
    Nooooo my monkey's so cute! Even the little screams all the ones in the wild make when I smack them down with my 2h.

    One monkey is cute. 5000 is an infestation.

    Edited by MaxBat on April 2, 2014 7:58AM
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • blackgrendel
    They really do need to shuffle the maintenance times round for us poor suffering Aussies though, really. My dollar is as good as the US one...well 90 cents of it anyways.
  • bugulu
    It is pretty damn hard to give an estimate.
    People who have no previous experience in hardware/software issues generally don't have an idea.

    It's better not giving a time when servers will be up than giving a time and risking to upset people with a timeframe they can't hold.

    Since we have no idea what happened and they not willing to give an estimation, most likely something of importance happened on the server, their network connection, software issues etc.

    I agree that it's crap but it's better having this now than on the release day.
  • joshweps
    tengri wrote: »
    We are not even past official launch day - take all the time you need to fix things up. Starting next week however, please stick to a clearly announced schedule for normal maintenance. Unless in case of emergency of course.
    - Two schedules maintenance cycles per week aint nothing; take Ultima Online for example: they have a daily maintenance of all servers.

    this aint ultimo buddy does Ultima cost 90 bangers the 15 bangers every month after that huh does it?
  • Mortelus
    joshweps wrote: »

    Know youre doing your best and dont mind putting upw ith the downtime this week.

    But going forward, if you truly want TESO to be successful theres a lot of procedural things I would consider "standard" practice at this stage in MMO development and operations; that you would start to consider doing to help compete with other MMO mobs.

    1) ETA Times on maintenance. Yes - double edged sword. BUT if you say 30 minutes to an hour, I know I can go out for 2 hours and come back to the game a bit later. If you say 8 hours, well its time for bed or something else.

    You'll get idiots who expect you to nail down your ETA's exactly and wont understand if the time you have committed to takes longer. HOWEVER that is a miniscule number of complainers compared to the total inconvenience of having NO idea when the servers will be back up.

    2) Two Maintenance cycles per week?

    Unnecessary and Really, really pinching your Customers playtime. If your game REQUIRES two maintenances per week, then you are doing something wrong.

    You would be the only MMO I can think of charging for a subscription (which I dont mind at all) that is asking its player base to put up with two maintenance cycles per week.

    Make a better decision.

    this guys is speaking my language!

    I love this game I'm usually the one telling the annoying people to chill out and stuff but having no est time is a joke what are we all supposed to do sit her jerking it and refreshing our page all night <---- night 5pm here in Australia peak time for us and Iv been at work all day and will be tomorrow so pretty much just missing out big time.. not happy jan

    exactly, I am playing from China and these times means I won't be able to play wed and sunday evening. really cannot understand a weekend scheduled maintenance time. Monday and Wednesday 5am or slightly later at 12pm GMT. Those who don't work have plenty of time to play, and those who do will not be affected so badly.
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • DewiMorgan
    Frustrating not knowing whether I should just wait a bit and then it'll be up so I can feed the horse and start a new round of training... or whether I should just go to bed.
    But, erring on the side of pessimism, and going to bed anyway.
  • gimarwb17_ESO
    Agree with OP. It shuts down not only on Wednesday but on SUNDAY, the main playing time for most. In Australia. Most other games have shutdowns too but then it would be something like 10.00 or for Australia which still falls into midnight hours for overseas
    Edited by ZOS_SandraS on April 2, 2014 8:59AM
  • jmac2727ub17_ESO
    Corithna wrote: »
    Some times problem fixes just don't afford you the luxury of knowing exactly how long it will take. As a long time tech I know from experience that even routine procedures sometimes take much longer then anticipated. And in the case of critical problems any estimate would only serve to cause additional problems. I know this team from long experience and I can assure you that they are doing their level best to get us back up and running as soon as possible. Things have gone exceedingly well so far with the exception of a few minor glitches.

    I don't know what game you are playing, but the glitches I've run into the last couple of nights have been far from "minor". In one game session I ran into three glitched quests in a row while playing on EP. These weren't just minor quests they were the main quest line for the zone. I wouldn't classify that as minor.

    Everybody has different issues with there different specs of PC and all kinds of different factors and the likes. Just because one person has the error, doesn't mean everybody else does.

    Google ESO Balreth quest, it wasn't just me it was everyone attempting the quest. The entire zone was talking about it, there are three quests in a row leading up to the final fight with Balreth, all three were bugged with the actual fight at the end being completely broken. As a side note that quest had been broken in the exact same way in beta for a very long period of time, it was quite disheartening to see the same issues I ran into beta months ago still in game when it went live... but I'm digressing from the main topic of the downtime, sorry about that.
  • Unmatched
    Ciinen1988 wrote: »
    enfp wrote: »
    Seriously it's definitely not gonna be close to perfect by the actual launch date. Just let us in!

    I don't understand what would prompt a comment as ignorant as this. Regardless of whether or not it will be perfect on launch day is not a factor in whether or not they need to/decide to fix issues at this time. I understand that people want to play the game. I do too. but you have to realize that its the NA server that is down. Therefore, you can probably infer that its a crew in MD that is working on this problem at a quarter to 3 in the morning. Comments like this aren't helping anyone.

    Well said Ciinen1988 I have been in a few of the early access games and ALL of them get a few overhauls before the actual launch. SWTOR was down for 12 hours while they patched some MAJOR stuff. On launch day, however, everything ran pretty smooth on most servers. Performing maintenance in the middle of the night for that particular server location just makes sense!
    Bacon and Skyrim....but mostly bacon....and a lawnmower
  • enfp
    Zenimax we need your guidance. Be adults and go to bed? Or stay awake? TELL US I SAY! TELL US!
    Edited by enfp on April 2, 2014 7:37AM
  • Brittany_Joy
    wrlifeboil wrote: »
    They should announce it in the game... They close the server at around 12 am this morning for us gmt +8 time zone. No prior notice at all.

    They gave several warnings in game about the servers coming down starting 15 minutes out.

    Sometimes I don't even pay attention to the chat window. The devs need to put in an audio cue. Maybe like a chime or school bell.

    The notification is in big yellow letters that appear across your screen and displays it on the chat as well.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    People, I'm fairly sure that whatever the "Scheduled" maintenance time they eventually come up with, it will be at a fair time that gives priority to allowing playtime during the average persons off-time. However this is not Scheduled maintenance, it is emergency. Those pop up whenever something comes up and don't prioritize anyone.

    There does need to be an audio/vocal cue for whenever the server is about to go down tho, in both cases.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on April 2, 2014 7:39AM
  • Selrach
    anthemik wrote: »
    While we're here waiting, would someone explain the whole sweetrolls thing please? It has trolls in the word, so I'm guessing it's a pastry filled with the green innards of the infamous internet heckler?
    Edited by Selrach on April 2, 2014 7:40AM
  • wrlifeboil
    They really do need to shuffle the maintenance times round for us poor suffering Aussies though, really. My dollar is as good as the US one...well 90 cents of it anyways.

    You Aussies should take revenge on the rest of the world and make a super popular mmo and peg it to Aussie time. Then watch the rest of the gamer world go crazy.
  • riverdragon72
    Respect my Securitah!
    Meh...**** it..
  • enfp
    People, I'm fairly sure that whatever the "Scheduled" maintenance time they eventually come up with, it will be at a fair time that gives priority to allowing playtime during the average persons off-time. However this is not Scheduled maintenance, it is emergency. Those pop up whenever something comes up and don't prioritize anyone.

    There does need to be an audio/vocal cue for whenever the server is about to go down tho, in both cases.

    Thank you sir, before you decided to inform everyone here that the maintenance was not scheduled, i was doubting that myself. But I am now enlightened thanks to you. All hail your omnipotent logic.
  • Elvent
    Well, I waited long enough, I guess I'll go to bed now. I wouldn't mind Zenimax saying something like ETA 2+ hours or something, anything besides nothing at all but oh well, I'm sure the servers will be up when I wake up tomorrow :)
    Edited by Elvent on April 2, 2014 7:41AM
  • Stymeist
    Soul Shriven
    Honestly.. What do we really expect from the Elder Scrolls MMO? I am looking at this game simply as another Elder Scrolls in the series. It will be played for a month (that may be stretching it) and I will move on. I have only been playing for 2 days yet I am already stunned at how shallow the character development is.

    This is unknown territory for this franchise and staying true to the immersive single player juggernaut that this game series has been would certainly have been in their best interest. I admire their ambition and I will humor their attempt at an innovative online gaming experience, but so far its playing out as I expected, and I will keep my expectations low.
  • joshweps
    Ciinen1988 wrote: »
    enfp wrote: »
    Seriously it's definitely not gonna be close to perfect by the actual launch date. Just let us in!

    I don't understand what would prompt a comment as ignorant as this. Regardless of whether or not it will be perfect on launch day is not a factor in whether or not they need to/decide to fix issues at this time. I understand that people want to play the game. I do too. but you have to realize that its the NA server that is down. Therefore, you can probably infer that its a crew in MD that is working on this problem at a quarter to 3 in the morning. Comments like this aren't helping anyone.

    Don't feel sorry for them. There all making mint off our money. I run my own business first thing i get asked is when will you complete the job I can't just answer I will keep you updated no I give an estimated time its pretty bloody easy
  • Bunzaga_ESO
    enfp wrote: »
    Zenimax we need your guidance. Be adults and go to bed? Or stay awake? TELL US I SAY! TELL US!
    Exactly! >:)

    I guess you could all look at my latest theory crafting:
    Tank n Spank Sorc :dizzy_face:
  • Luthien_Elfmaid
    lol nice south park quote
    Tinúviel! Tinúviel!
    He called her by her elvish name;
    And there she halted listening.
    One moment stood she, and a spell
    His voice laid on her: Beren came,
    And doom fell on Tinúviel
  • Reignskream
    Corithna wrote: »
    Some times problem fixes just don't afford you the luxury of knowing exactly how long it will take. As a long time tech I know from experience that even routine procedures sometimes take much longer then anticipated. And in the case of critical problems any estimate would only serve to cause additional problems. I know this team from long experience and I can assure you that they are doing their level best to get us back up and running as soon as possible. Things have gone exceedingly well so far with the exception of a few minor glitches.

    I don't know what game you are playing, but the glitches I've run into the last couple of nights have been far from "minor". In one game session I ran into three glitched quests in a row while playing on EP. These weren't just minor quests they were the main quest line for the zone. I wouldn't classify that as minor.

    Everybody has different issues with there different specs of PC and all kinds of different factors and the likes. Just because one person has the error, doesn't mean everybody else does.

    Google ESO Balreth quest, it wasn't just me it was everyone attempting the quest. The entire zone was talking about it, there are three quests in a row leading up to the final fight with Balreth, all three were bugged with the actual fight at the end being completely broken. As a side note that quest had been broken in the exact same way in beta for a very long period of time, it was quite disheartening to see the same issues I ran into beta months ago still in game when it went live... but I'm digressing from the main topic of the downtime, sorry about that.

    Very true, although your wrong in one thing, and none of them were bugged for me. :/ but i know almost everybody and their mother included were having issue's with them for sure.

  • KerinKor
    I have to say, scheduling maintenance ANY time over a weekend is pretty unfriendly .. and why does this game need two scheduled sessions a week, no other MMO I play ever has that as a routine.

    I understand the need .. though games like FFXI have run almost since release for many weeks at a time without even a reboot .. but doing it at weekends is pretty not nice.
  • Veakoth
    So from what i hear people are logging in on other people accounts, they turn off mail to prevent lost of gear, how long do you think it'd take to fix that. yea server are going to be down a while, id expect roll back to. GG
  • wrlifeboil
    wrlifeboil wrote: »
    They should announce it in the game... They close the server at around 12 am this morning for us gmt +8 time zone. No prior notice at all.

    They gave several warnings in game about the servers coming down starting 15 minutes out.

    Sometimes I don't even pay attention to the chat window. The devs need to put in an audio cue. Maybe like a chime or school bell.

    The notification is in big yellow letters that appear across your screen and displays it on the chat as well.

    I was questing in Stormhaven. I didn't see it. I was doing the rescues on the plantation. Got booted. Relogged and it rolled back to before I got the quest. Was about to start on the quest all over again then got booted when they finally brought the servers down.
  • Zarman
    anthemik wrote: »
    While we're here waiting, would someone explain the whole sweetrolls thing please? It has trolls in the word, so I'm guessing it's a pastry filled with the green innards of the infamous internet heckler?

    Its oblivion's "Arrow to the knee" meme. Plus its been in the character creation question list since Arena
  • blackgrendel
    wrlifeboil wrote: »
    They really do need to shuffle the maintenance times round for us poor suffering Aussies though, really. My dollar is as good as the US one...well 90 cents of it anyways.

    You Aussies should take revenge on the rest of the world and make a super popular mmo and peg it to Aussie time. Then watch the rest of the gamer world go crazy.

    Hmmm good idea, or maybe you need to go to sleep?
  • enfp
    Stymeist wrote: »
    Honestly.. What do we really expect from the Elder Scrolls MMO? I am looking at this game simply as another Elder Scrolls in the series. It will be played for a month (that may be stretching it) and I will move on. I have only been playing for 2 days yet I am already stunned at how shallow the character development is.

    This is unknown territory for this franchise and staying true to the immersive single player juggernaut that this game series has been would certainly have been in their best interest. I admire their ambition and I will humor their attempt at an innovative online gaming experience, but so far its playing out as I expected, and I will keep my expectations low.

    Not trying to be a jerk, but when I read this all i heared was blah blah blah blah.
    Do you enjoy the game? If yes-Play it. If no-dont play it. I know... I know, mind bl*wn!
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