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Grim Focus Permaglow

  • joseayalac
    permaglow sucks, I'm not going to be using my nightblade a ton this patch
  • TybaltKaine
    It makes the scrying eye/tool thing glow red when you are scrying for antiquities btw. This is true for my magblade with staff equipped anyway. Haven't tested melee build.
    Edited by TybaltKaine on August 22, 2023 8:28PM
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
    • PC/NA
    • Guildmaster- Lucky Raven
    • Knight of Marrow - Blackfeather Academy
    • Adepti- The Witches Goblet
    • Dragon Frog - Butterscotch Dragon Frog
    • "Nightblade healer huh? How does that work?"
    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • Kirawolfe
    I just miss the cool animation that came with activating this ability every once in a while.
  • dcrush
    This should be a toggle. I don’t mind either way, and when I use the High Rock Spellsword jerkin on my NB I don’t get a glow at all. But that shouldn’t be a workaround for people who don’t want this glow.
    Edited by dcrush on August 23, 2023 12:35AM
  • Elvenheart
    dcrush wrote: »
    This should be a toggle. I don’t mind either way, and when I use the High Rock Spellsword jerkin on my NB I don’t get a glow at all. But that shouldn’t be a workaround for people who don’t want this glow.

    Now that you’ve said that about the High Rock Spellsword jerkin, I’m sure they’ll get right on fixing that! 😂
  • Kory
    The new and convenient function heavily outweighs the visual for me, and the visual looks good on my weapons. Not so great on some weapons though, depends, kind of glitchy.
  • Jazraena
    It's not an either-or between the new function and the visual, they just need to move the visual away from merely being slotted and to having stacks in general or having 5 stacks.
  • Mokubahv
    Soul Shriven
    I understand the reasoning behind the glow as it "shows us" that it is active, but I can definitely see how it is irritating to some. It can be distracting as it is so "hey, look at me!", but it also really does kill the stealth vibe of being a nightblade. It also pings you as a NB to others, so if someone is in a PVP area and is wanting to kill NBs, it makes them much easier to find.

    I think it would be ideal to have it so unsheathing our weapons triggered the glow, so we still have the effect but it isn't an all the time thing. Or, as others suggested, maybe have a settings option to disable ability glows.
  • Sikon
    @ZOS_Kevin thank you for replying. The visual bug is not that important for the gameplay. I want to mention that since you implemented the new Grim Focus without need for cast, it feels much smoother in the parse rotation.

    But please, still activate the "counter" on this spell. It is really annyoing to count the lightattacks yourself and sometimes I switch my bar on 4 LA instead of doing one more to proc Grim Focus and then Bar swap.

    A small "number" counting to 5 on the corner of the spell would be great. Ty
    "Both light and shadow can be deadly, though only one chases the other.""Eyes open and walk with the shadows."
  • jtm1018
    Jazraena wrote: »
    Grim Focus now makes your weapons permanently glow just for having the ability slotted:


    Not like this was pointed out on PTS or anything already.

    If your plan was to make me stop using the ability you've done a stellar job, ZOS.

    I had to buy the weapon skin set to get that permaglow, I didnt know you can get it for free.
  • LesserCircle
    It's horrible and it's stopping me from playing my main character, this game is almost 10 years old at this point, stop changing such big things please, instead make new ones like the arcanist, that was cool.
    Edited by LesserCircle on August 23, 2023 9:03PM
  • HushAzrael
    it's extra cool when you're using the gloambound arms pack B) Really excited to have to remove grim focus off my bar every time I want to take a screenshot now /s


    I don’t **exclusively** use the gloambound pack, but I do use it very frequently. A permanent glow completely ruins that pack! On my main, which is a NB, her main color is red— I went full into the whole assassin vibe with red costumes/outfits, etc. It’s not as big of a deal on her. On my alt NB, I’d rather not have her in red all the time. Red clashes with a lot. I don’t want permanent glow. If I did, I’d buy one of the several glowy weapon packs that are available at any given time. Please ditch the glow entirely, or make it stack proc dependent, that would be fine.
  • NBlade
    love the change on activation and such..

    I love the red glow from this skill since its introduction..

    also love to see NB's buff up, knowing they are (getting) ready for the pull, just looks superb.

    but the constant glow without stacks or in combat.. no.. just no..

    best solution in my opinion is no glow with zero stacks, and the glow with at least with one stack.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    The glow ruins the effects from the weapon packs I paid for.
  • Kappachi
    aipex8_ESO wrote: »
    Complained on PTS and no one else cared lol. It's a substantial glow too! I like taking screenshots of my character (see fashion megathread) and this just ruins that. I have to unslot an ability just to take screenshots? I'm fine with the glow when you whip 'em out, but let us be a little stealth when sheathed. Put your sunglasses on, here comes a NB!

    Can't be this way, say you're in cyrodiil or battlegrounds, you need to tell at a glance whether the enemy has it equipped even if the weapon is sheathed. Anything giving a buff like this needs to provide a visual.
  • ESO_player123
    Kappachi wrote: »
    aipex8_ESO wrote: »
    Complained on PTS and no one else cared lol. It's a substantial glow too! I like taking screenshots of my character (see fashion megathread) and this just ruins that. I have to unslot an ability just to take screenshots? I'm fine with the glow when you whip 'em out, but let us be a little stealth when sheathed. Put your sunglasses on, here comes a NB!

    Can't be this way, say you're in cyrodiil or battlegrounds, you need to tell at a glance whether the enemy has it equipped even if the weapon is sheathed. Anything giving a buff like this needs to provide a visual.

    Then keep it always on in Cyrodiil/BG only?
    Edited by ESO_player123 on August 24, 2023 2:12AM
  • Lozeenge
    I could see the appeal in being a walking glow stick but it sucks how the effect persists through outfit stations or certain weapon styles. It should definitely be a toggle or at the very least only while in combat. Not sure who was really asking for this.
    PC-NA / 1500+ CP / PvE mostly / "Mama didn't raise no tank."
  • metheglyn
    I like the glow; I think it looks good.
  • rpa
    I stopped using my stealth nightblade / main crafter for anything other than crafting when the CP overhaul happened. I did level another nightblade for replacement at some point but that character has been collecting dust for a long time. I did not need another reason to not play that class, but thanks anyway.
  • Jazraena
    Kappachi wrote: »
    aipex8_ESO wrote: »
    Complained on PTS and no one else cared lol. It's a substantial glow too! I like taking screenshots of my character (see fashion megathread) and this just ruins that. I have to unslot an ability just to take screenshots? I'm fine with the glow when you whip 'em out, but let us be a little stealth when sheathed. Put your sunglasses on, here comes a NB!

    Can't be this way, say you're in cyrodiil or battlegrounds, you need to tell at a glance whether the enemy has it equipped even if the weapon is sheathed. Anything giving a buff like this needs to provide a visual.

    Nonsense. It wasnt needed the last 10 years, it isnt needed now.
    Edited by Jazraena on August 24, 2023 7:04AM
  • Kappachi
    Jazraena wrote: »
    Kappachi wrote: »
    aipex8_ESO wrote: »
    Complained on PTS and no one else cared lol. It's a substantial glow too! I like taking screenshots of my character (see fashion megathread) and this just ruins that. I have to unslot an ability just to take screenshots? I'm fine with the glow when you whip 'em out, but let us be a little stealth when sheathed. Put your sunglasses on, here comes a NB!

    Can't be this way, say you're in cyrodiil or battlegrounds, you need to tell at a glance whether the enemy has it equipped even if the weapon is sheathed. Anything giving a buff like this needs to provide a visual.

    Nonsense. It wasnt needed the last 10 years, it isnt needed now.

    with the new changes of how it's passive, it's very useful to know if your enemy has it, or to remember you have it equipped on a bar, personally I like glowy stuff and find no issue with it, it's less distracting than the orbs that float around you with worm's raiment lol.
  • AstroST
    Imagine being the stealth assassin, the class whose theme is hiding in shadows and strike while not seen.
    Imagine going around with glowing weapons.

    This change has totally ruined my NB, please revert it back or make a toggle.
  • laniakea_0
    can other players see the glow while you are hidden?
  • AstroST
    Kappachi wrote: »
    with the new changes of how it's passive, it's very useful to know if your enemy has it, or to remember you have it equipped on a bar, personally I like glowy stuff and find no issue with it, it's less distracting than the orbs that float around you with worm's raiment lol.

    You dont remebere if you have the skill equipped ????
    Also can we have a permaglow on DK if they have corrosive equipped?

  • benzenexz
    Sooooooo many complaining about the NB's new glow but no still none cares about DK's molten weapon that makes everyone's weapon magma, completely overriding whatever color you've put on it. And most importantly, you're out of choice of avoiding that for the ability can be casted by others. To that point, this NB glow is just far more acceptable for not affecting others around but only on self.

    Though I love something glowing that matches the class style but not affecting others, I still personally agree that there're no glow for no stack, partially glow for 1 to 4 stacks, and fully glow for full stacks.

    Even in real life, there's no way that an extremely strong energy is completely undectable, and a stealthy NB is sure of that type, hence the glow on them is perfectly reasonable, even in invisibility (while with full charge).
  • emilyhyoyeon
    Kappachi wrote: »
    Jazraena wrote: »
    Kappachi wrote: »
    aipex8_ESO wrote: »
    Complained on PTS and no one else cared lol. It's a substantial glow too! I like taking screenshots of my character (see fashion megathread) and this just ruins that. I have to unslot an ability just to take screenshots? I'm fine with the glow when you whip 'em out, but let us be a little stealth when sheathed. Put your sunglasses on, here comes a NB!

    Can't be this way, say you're in cyrodiil or battlegrounds, you need to tell at a glance whether the enemy has it equipped even if the weapon is sheathed. Anything giving a buff like this needs to provide a visual.

    Nonsense. It wasnt needed the last 10 years, it isnt needed now.

    with the new changes of how it's passive, it's very useful to know if your enemy has it, or to remember you have it equipped on a bar, personally I like glowy stuff and find no issue with it, it's less distracting than the orbs that float around you with worm's raiment lol.

    You would know the enemy has it once they start attacking you and getting stacks.

    No glow until stacks would be effectively no different from before the change.

    benzenexz wrote: »
    Sooooooo many complaining about the NB's new glow but no still none cares about DK's molten weapon that makes everyone's weapon magma, completely overriding whatever color you've put on it. And most importantly, you're out of choice of avoiding that for the ability can be casted by others. To that point, this NB glow is just far more acceptable for not affecting others around but only on self.

    You do realize people are complaining about NB not because of the effect which has already been there for forever, but because the effect is now always on if the skill is just slotted.

    The difference is that molten has to be activated for its effect, unlike current grim focus. Standing in town at the bank with that skill on your bar doesn't create the effect.
    Edited by emilyhyoyeon on August 24, 2023 9:50AM
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Jazraena
    Kappachi wrote: »
    Jazraena wrote: »
    Kappachi wrote: »
    aipex8_ESO wrote: »
    Complained on PTS and no one else cared lol. It's a substantial glow too! I like taking screenshots of my character (see fashion megathread) and this just ruins that. I have to unslot an ability just to take screenshots? I'm fine with the glow when you whip 'em out, but let us be a little stealth when sheathed. Put your sunglasses on, here comes a NB!

    Can't be this way, say you're in cyrodiil or battlegrounds, you need to tell at a glance whether the enemy has it equipped even if the weapon is sheathed. Anything giving a buff like this needs to provide a visual.

    Nonsense. It wasnt needed the last 10 years, it isnt needed now.

    with the new changes of how it's passive, it's very useful to know if your enemy has it, or to remember you have it equipped on a bar, personally I like glowy stuff and find no issue with it, it's less distracting than the orbs that float around you with worm's raiment lol.

    It does not provide you additional information over just glowing when the enemy starts generating stacks.
    Or you know, just seeing if your enemy is a nightblade.And if you can't remember whether you have it slotted I dare say the glow won't help you. At all.

    And comparing it to some random set that you can easily do without is just plain ridiculous. Distraction isn't the problem, retroactively altering the visuals of every single Nightblade is.
  • AcadianPaladin
    My Oakensoul Magblade using gloambound did not use the skill before U39 because is was too cumbersome. Tried it after U39 and it has potential. . . but the red glow when she stows her gloambound staff is a no go. Too bad, but she'll be reslotting Dark Shade again instead. The red glow is horrible and really stupid looking with a stowed gloambound staff.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Elvenheart
    It is written in the Grand and Powerful Book of ZOS…
    “And ye who choose the stealthy ways shall be known as Nightblades, and ye shall be known to others throughout the lands of Tamriel by the mark of the Red Glow that ye shall bare, and by this Glow all others shall know ye as Nightblades and tremble at thy terrible coming and run away.”
  • JerBearESO
    Would be nice if the glow appeared only when the arrow was ready. Nice to have indication, and this would go both ways for PvP
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