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Grim Focus Permaglow

  • Lauranae
    With new chapter we will have skills styling now - so it would be easy to just make version with and without glow, including both in base game without any requirements. This is only and reasonable way to make happy both sides of conflict. It just need minimum effort from ZOS.

    I wouldn’t say the only (optional weapon glow effects for all should make those who like the effect happy, as well as those who might like a different color and/or on a different class). Personally, I preferred a visual indicator of some kind (maybe this one still does some kind of pop up on the bar? Idk), but as long as there’s some way to get rid of the horrid permaglow and still use the skill, I would be happy (but not paying Crowns for it; the class wasn’t irradiated when I started playing it and I already paid Crowns for weapon styles I’m using but which get obliterated by grim focus radiation).

    Most of the glow weapons are more an aura than a geometric sort. But to add to the injury, not only we have it red, but its a perfect circle (and my ophthalmologist told me to avoid that kind, as it always lure the eye to it, and can cause an eye fatigue if you use a lot a computer.
    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • Wildberryjack
    I love that perma-glow and they should not remove it because a lot of players like it. It's never good to take something away.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • dcrush
    I love that perma-glow and they should not remove it because a lot of players like it. It's never good to take something away.

    They took away not having a permaglow. They took away effects from cosmetics that people paid actual money for.
  • Lauranae
    I love that perma-glow and they should not remove it because a lot of players like it. It's never good to take something away.

    we do not ask to be removed but to allow a toggle. You like it and it is fine. but actually i can not use the skill because of the glow as well as the new set
    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • Ravensilver
    I no longer use the skill, since my eyes and my head can't take looking at this garish red glow for more than a few minutes. I get migranes and eye fatigue very quickly.
    I've never bought a weapons set, but now I'm definitely never going to...
  • Vrelanier
    The Dressing Room addon is the main reason I still play ESO. Can't imagine I'd have to look at the glow all the time. Now I have a keybind to set skills that don't have grim focus, and another to put it back on for more challenging content. Ofc I end up running to world bosses and going "oops" all the time because I don't have the right spells, but it is what it is. It's kinda weird to think that an addon has to do what the game should already do, but I also gotta say, I'd rather have a crutch than crawl on all fours. I feel bad for our fellow console nb's though. It sucks. Idk what else to do, than to just mass murder every civilian in every city and town in Tamriel, in broad daylight, until they change it, because obviously ZoS wants us to have a personal spotlight to show everyone what we're doing in the shadows. Ok idk what other nb's do in the shadows, but that's what I do. That, and eat crusty bread.
  • barney2525
    I go in the opposite direction. There are a couple of sets where the weapon disappears until you take an aggressive stance.

    I like running around with a staff that can not be seen.

  • HushAzrael
    I have SHELVED my nightblades— yes, I have multiple lol— in equal parts because of this and because they are not good enough for any end game content. I persisted on nightblade long after I probably should have moved on, until this stupid glow broke the camel’s back. Please, PLEASE give me a reason to play nb again. I miss my beloved main!
  • kind_hero
    I hope this redglow get fixed with scribing.

    I don't like it. I bought the invisible/conjured weapons exactly to hide weapons hanging on the back or any glowing things. Now I have a red floating orb following me.

    I don't want it removed, just toggled or disabled for the invisible weapons.

    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • wolfie1.0.
    I love that perma-glow and they should not remove it because a lot of players like it. It's never good to take something away.

    There are outfits and weapons that hide themselves when sheathed. Apparently the perma glow persists even when this happens. Resulting in the glow hovering over shoulders and on hips....
  • Lauranae
    kind_hero wrote: »
    I hope this redglow get fixed with scribing.

    I don't like it. I bought the invisible/conjured weapons exactly to hide weapons hanging on the back or any glowing things. Now I have a red floating orb following me.

    I don't want it removed, just toggled or disabled for the invisible weapons.
    For now, for NB, nothing that could allow to change that in scribing.
    And any way scribing allow a new *visual effect* in another color, but not that one for NB.

    I do hope they did not introduced more floating circle in other classes.
    I was surprised to see someone in High isle, running around in a green aura with circles (as for the red for the soulcleaver nb armor set), so it seems that for one of our stylist, the circles are the way to go :))

    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    I feel like the glow should only be active in combat, or anytime that you have stacks, or only when your weapon is unsheathed. Any of these would be fine for me.

    Before it was permanent, you had to activate it to see the glow, and that was pretty rarely used.

    You pretty much need this skill on a nightblade, so having the glow active permanently looks cool on one outfit for me but not any others. So, I could do without it.
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • Kikazaru
    The players in this thread have provided many workarounds for this issue and ZOS is still "monitoring" this thread without any further updates since August 2023.



    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • Ravensilver
    Kikazaru wrote: »
    The players in this thread have provided many workarounds for this issue and ZOS is still "monitoring" this thread without any further updates since August 2023.


    That *is* quite normal on the forum. We had a thread by a dev up in the housing forum, where we were asked for input and suggestions and ideas for the slot-dilemma in the houses. After two years of absolutely *zero* feedback, it was simply deleted.

    So... don't get your hopes up...
  • vsrs_au
    Kikazaru wrote: »
    The players in this thread have provided many workarounds for this issue and ZOS is still "monitoring" this thread without any further updates since August 2023.


    That *is* quite normal on the forum. We had a thread by a dev up in the housing forum, where we were asked for input and suggestions and ideas for the slot-dilemma in the houses. After two years of absolutely *zero* feedback, it was simply deleted.

    So... don't get your hopes up...
    It's the same with the thread by Gina re: ESO+ ideas. It was started about 7 years ago, which is also about how long it's been since any ZOS person posted to it. Forum members have been posting ideas to the thread for 7 years, but no ZOS replies, so it's unclear if they've even been reading it.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Idelise
    It would be nice if something was done with the glow. It's jarring. And sacrificing dps for aesthetics is... well. Here's hoping scribing will allow us to make a better skill without that horrid glow.
  • Remathilis
    Well the good news; it matches the red permaglow from the IA set. 😉
  • Araneae6537
    Remathilis wrote: »
    Well the good news; it matches the red permaglow from the IA set. 😉

    Blech! I was actually going to try using the set, just for fun, but I deconned the pieces I’d saved when I found out they also had this obnoxious glow. I like the runes around the arcanist IA set, but even that one also has a glow. Personally, I don’t care for a persistent glow unless a very subtle effect from a limited source, like a jewel or something, but glows in ESO tend to go through everything.

    Visual cues for effects/status are one thing, but I really wish that ZOS would make fashion separate from function. :disappointed:
  • joseayalac
    Already more than 1,000 replies!

    ZOS, it's time to take a stance.

  • Jaraal
    joseayalac wrote: »
    Already more than 1,000 replies!

    ZOS, it's time to take a stance.


    They already did. They said it was "Working as intended."
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Araneae6537
    Jaraal wrote: »
    joseayalac wrote: »
    Already more than 1,000 replies!

    ZOS, it's time to take a stance.


    They already did. They said it was "Working as intended."

    Ouch, if that’s truly the case, the worst part is that it’s intended to have worse functionality on console.
    On console, removing the permaglow requires not just unslotting the skill, but a respec to remove the skill point(s).
    Edited by Araneae6537 on May 24, 2024 9:58PM
  • KlauthWarthog
    Jaraal wrote: »
    They already did. They said it was "Working as intended."

    Yup, right here on the first page:
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both.

    So every whacky thing written about it here? Yeah, exactly as planned, with no glitches whatsoever.
    On indefinite hiatus since U41.
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Hi all. to reiterate here, it is working as intended. There are no plans right now to adjust The Grim Focus permaglow.
    Edited by ZOS_Kevin on May 24, 2024 7:21PM
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Araneae6537
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. to reiterate here, it is working as intended. There are no plans right now to adjust The Grim Focus permaglow.

    Please please can ZOS STOP changing skill aesthetics??? Many of us choose our class to meld with our character concept, and many of us chose nightblade with the idea of creating rangers, theives, assassins who are stealthy and shadowy, not to mention that for many people the permaglow is uncomfortable or even painful to look at. We cannot change our class, so we’re left with changing how we play or abandoning a character. :(

    I’m like Azandar that way, my brain cannot just filter it out. :persevere:

    By all means, add cosmetic options for those who want to flash and boom and glow in seven different colors, but by the Eight, make these OPTIONAL COSMETICS, PLEASE!

    (Edit: Fixed typo.)
    Edited by Araneae6537 on May 24, 2024 8:04PM
  • Lauranae
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: » August 2023
    Just wanted to follow up here. Thanks for the feedback so far. The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently. However, we are monitoring player feedback on this. In feedback, please make sure to note why you like or dislike the glow, as we have seen player feedback regarding both

    So considering your post as of today, with all respect du, you knew already that would not be changed.

    I just feel totally ignored and pushed away from the game, knowing i explained that the issue was not only a cosmetic one but mainly a health one.

    Well that's it for me. That is the too much. If you do not want me, i will find another way to spend my time with other games that do not slap me as you did today.

    No need to answer me, i will just leave the game for good and delete every account i own (5) to be sure to never come back.
    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • Muizer
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi all. to reiterate here, it is working as intended. There are no plans right now to adjust The Grim Focus permaglow.

    Wait, not even plans to ensure the effect aligns properly with the weapon? Because IMHO that's a bug. One could say a bug that was already there, but a bug nonetheless.
    Edited by Muizer on May 26, 2024 9:25PM
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • KlauthWarthog
    Lauranae wrote: »
    So considering your post as of today, with all respect du, you knew already that would not be changed.

    Yup, this is what I believe as well.
    On indefinite hiatus since U41.
  • Lauranae

    In case you did not beleive me, here are the 5 tickets send to support to delete my data and account.

    If anything was fun in ESO, and helped me to go through hard health issue, it was YOU people. So thank you for all
    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
    The weapon packs I purchased are NOT working as intended. The introduction of permaglow changed the way they looked in the crown store AFTER I bought them.
    Is it worth asking for a refund again? Or will I just be told no tough luck?
    The permaglow does not give any benefits to the skill, it is pointless.
    Edited by YORKSHIRE76 on May 24, 2024 8:50PM
  • Araneae6537
    Lauranae wrote: »

    In case you did not beleive me, here are the 5 tickets send to support to delete my data and account.

    If anything was fun in ESO, and helped me to go through hard health issue, it was YOU people. So thank you for all

    I had intended my previous post in this thread to be my last, but I wouod urge you not to actually delete your accounts, but rather take a break from the game. I feel your frustration and I too am really unhappy with how this was handled, although not surprised (hence my deleting some NB characters and no longer buying weapons styles). I was upset enough with other changes in 2022 to stop my sub for the first time and break from the game for a while, until what I missed was finally more than what upset me. That is why I would encourage you not to do anything so drastic as deleting accounts now, but take a break, and maybe you will want to come back eventually on one or more of them and play a different class or a different role. I’ve been trying NB healing and tanking, for instance.

    In any case, I wish you all the best.
    Edited by Araneae6537 on May 24, 2024 9:10PM
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