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Grim Focus Permaglow

  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Elvenheart wrote: »
    I’ve said a few times that it is my belief when styling makes it to class skills they’ll give us a way to solve the issue then. Hopefully, in light of how many people are upset by this problem they created in the first place, the solution will be free or earnable in-game, not some crown store exclusive. And if they’re not working on some solution for this, I know I’m going to be very, very disappointed.

    I've a feeling if a solution is given then, it is going to be crown exclusivec, which will be very disappoitning, to say the least.
    Edited by NotaDaedraWorshipper on April 27, 2024 7:04PM
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • DrNukenstein
    If @zos removes the perma glow I will quit
  • Lauranae
    If @zos removes the perma glow I will quit

    we do not ask to remove it, we just ask a way to hide it if we dont want it.

    But do not worry. seeing how much time it took to get the hide shoulder, this will probably happens in 10 years OR as for the mail and trader changes, that will stay imposed by ESO, no matter we like or not.
    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • BenTSG
    Yeah I've since gotten bored of seeing it 24/7 and want it gone now. Make it glow at 5 stacks, simple. I've already stopped putting any sort of money towards this game, this is just one more mark on a list of issues
  • StihlReign
    They'll never change it. They have a 9 year-old policy they put in place to NOT make these type of changes.

    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • Araneae6537
    StihlReign wrote: »
    They'll never change it. They have a 9 year-old policy they put in place to NOT make these type of changes.

    A policy which they broke in introducing this bug. :/
  • Chrisbar
    Weighing back in to help keep this discussion going.

    I could get used to the weapons always glowing. It's annoying that it covers up the actual weapon's effects, but I could learn to live with it.

    What I can't get used to is how much else is affected by the glow, even with weapons sheathed. It changes the look of my character in animations. For example, I like the close-up you get when crafting jewelry but now my NB's fur is stained red and I can't even see what color her eyes are. Another example is how the red glow bounces off the Eye when you scry, changing the look of it completely.

    It also breaks immersion. Take the recent Thieves Guild emphasis lately... it's hard to feel stealthy when you're glowing like a torch bug!

    Can we at least code it so it disappears when weapons are sheathed? We can make entire weapons disappear when put away, this glow shouldn't be much harder.
  • MotherOfMoss
    Hello again, any news on this pet peeve of all most nightblade owners?
    I love this perma-glow and hope they don't change it. I've got it on my vampire nb who is also decked out in black and red and it looks awesome. That red glow with their red abilities, I changed all customized actions to the red ones available, put him on a red glowing mount... it's just perfect.

    I, too, have a NB who looks great with it. She's my Brotherhood character and likes to wear red. But I have another NB who really does not rock the red, and that one also happens to be my oldest character and primary DD, so I can't say I'm happy. Effectively, my number 1 character got a pretty significant nerf, because I can't make myself slot this skill so long as it completely ruins her look.

    In a game that offers so much freedom by way of visual customisation, a core skill that suddenly makes an entire class glow red just doesn't make sense :( You could argue that arcanists are stuck with their apocrypha green – but it's a new class and it was always so. Making NBs bright red all these years down the road is pretty different. I'd be all for the glow if it were optional, so I can wear it with one NB, and not wear it with the other. But if I get just one option... no permaglow, please.

    EDIT: Just read the post before me, and having no-glow while weapons are sheathed would also be a perfectly acceptable solution to me. Not ideal, but certainly better than what we have now.

    Really wish there'd be some update on ZOS's plans about this.
    Edited by MotherOfMoss on May 2, 2024 1:35PM
    PC-EU | Long-time fan of TES Online: Furnishing and fashion simulator with massively multiplayer online chatting features.
  • xylena_lazarow
    What I don't understand is how this skill still lacks useful visual cues for its charge progress without addons. The red glow would've been perfect to indicate in-game that it's fully charged for example, but if it always glows, it means... nothing. Unless you specifically love the look, it's just visual noise getting in the way of useful visual cues (and your fashion).
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • MotherOfMoss
    The red glow would've been perfect to indicate in-game that it's fully charged for example, but if it always glows, it means... nothing.

    When I first logged in after this change went live, I was confused for a moment and then thought that was it (that I had it at full stacks and the glow would go away when I just fired it). But no :D
    PC-EU | Long-time fan of TES Online: Furnishing and fashion simulator with massively multiplayer online chatting features.
  • loveeso
    Hadn't noticed it before, thanks! Looks fantastic, I love it!
    MMOs: ESO (PS & PC), GW2 (😍) & Souls/Elden (😍)
  • NoticeMeArkay
    It's apparently impossible to ask for build ideas in order to find a somewhat good replacement for Grim Focus without folks derailing the the thread so I'm reposting this to keep the summary up on top:

    Posting an update on the conversation. The current pro and contra arguments in regards of the new state of Grim Focus:


    Some players welcome the enforced glow, as they now don't have to purchase a weapon pack with red particle or glow effects in order to customize their character "reddish/nightblade-ish." Therefore saving money on ~17€ weapon packs for personal customization preferences as the now permanent spell effect serves as a quasi-armspack.


    Conflicts with any UI that utilizes global lighting - Will continue to conflict with any UI of this particular style in the future:


    Is permanently visible upon slotting (just skilling on console), rendering already purchased weapon packs obsolete followed by customer support refusing to allow refunds for players who bought said weapon pack for their nightblade specifically.
    For comparison, the sorcerer's spell Bound Armor got its own permanent effect removed within the same patch. Causing confusion in regards of the developers intend behind the willfull change or bug.


    Mentioning in the patch notes that the ability will be highlighted on the bar once the max amount of stacks is reached, while not mentioning in any section that the glow is now permanent once the skill is slotted. Which of both serves as the better indicator is up for debate.


    Additionally, the spell remains visible only to the nightblade player, therefore lacking further indication of the slotted spell in regards of PvP. Console players also reported, that the spell doesn't have to be slotted in order for the glow to appear. A spent skill point in said spell suffices. Forgot to add those in the first summary.

  • omnidoh
    Meh, I like it.
    I liked it when they introduced it, I still like it today.
    In fact, I'd like if there were MORE variations and colors for those types of perma-effects.

    I also appreciate the pushback for those who prefer it only be visible when unsheathed.

    The solution for both sides is a visual toggle option for ALL glow effects.
    Let the players decide which they want, and you will win both camps, including driving more sales to the crown store.
    Or, do nothing.

  • Araneae6537
    omnidoh wrote: »
    Meh, I like it.
    I liked it when they introduced it, I still like it today.
    In fact, I'd like if there were MORE variations and colors for those types of perma-effects.

    I also appreciate the pushback for those who prefer it only be visible when unsheathed.

    The solution for both sides is a visual toggle option for ALL glow effects.
    Let the players decide which they want, and you will win both camps, including driving more sales to the crown store.
    Or, do nothing.


    Exactly why it should be a weapon style option for all players — any class, any color, or none at all. :)
  • Urvoth
    Must be nice having the primary complaint about your class just be a minor cosmetic glow that matches the color of the rest of your abilities.

    Meanwhile necro is 6 feet under…
  • NoticeMeArkay
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Must be nice having the primary complaint about your class just be a minor cosmetic glow that matches the color of the rest of your abilities.

    Meanwhile necro is 6 feet under…

    I'm a necro main. Depsite that you won't find me in thread having nothing to do with my class to turn frustration into competition.
  • vsrs_au
    There's a recurring theme in this thread: option. Many of us just want the option to not see the glow, or to only see it when the skill has 5 stacks accumulated. Instead, we just have the glow forced upon us, no options there.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Araneae6537
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Must be nice having the primary complaint about your class just be a minor cosmetic glow that matches the color of the rest of your abilities.

    Meanwhile necro is 6 feet under…

    There’s no reason for mud slinging. The cosmetics of a class are VERY important to me and part of why I chose nightblade in the first place because I preferred their relatively subtler skill visuals over DK, for instance, but even the ridiculous (IMHO) magma skin effect is ONLY upon casting and my character looks how I have designed them out of combat, without me having to swap a skill from the bar.

    As for performance, since you bring it up, NB is just about bottom tier in PvE DPS while necro is still desired for EC and vuln is still valuable, even though no longer exclusive to necro. Both make decent healers. Both make decent tanks but necro pulls ahead in that category as well as they are usually the desired class for off-tank in trials.

    I won’t argue that there have been some poor changes to necro and I refuse to use sacrificial blastbones because, besides being described as incredibly clunky, I don’t like the concept.
    I play every class in at least one role and I never like to see options (cosmetic or otherwise) taken away.
  • vsrs_au
    Well, I couldn't stand it any longer, so it was straight to Snugpod, then into the really big tree, and to the Stendarr shrine to repent of my past actions, and pray for a better future.

    Translation: remove the skill points from Grim Focus. This appears to be the only way to remove the glow, as someone mentioned previously in this thread.
    Edited by vsrs_au on May 3, 2024 1:03PM
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Lauranae
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Must be nice having the primary complaint about your class just be a minor cosmetic glow that matches the color of the rest of your abilities.

    Meanwhile necro is 6 feet under…

    This is not a cosmetic issue. Actually i had to stop using the skill due to the difficulty of my eyes to adapt.
    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • Araneae6537
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    Well, I couldn't stand it any longer, so it was straight to Snugpod, then into the really big tree, and to the Stendarr shrine to repent of my past actions, and pray for a better future.

    Translation: remove the skill points from Grim Focus. This appears to be the only way to remove the glow, as someone mentioned previously in this thread.

    So the “just unslot it outside of combat” is really no answer at all for console. How can this not be considered an unacceptable bug???
  • Morvan
    I wonder if there's a countdown for how much we need to ask until they hear us, it's funny because it's such a silly thing like an effect.

    All effects in the game have a purpose, either identify that you're casting a skill or it's duration, the Merciless Resolve effect was intended to show you the skill is active, it had a duration and would disappear after it, now that they made it always active, the effect's only purpose is to show that a skill is slotted, which is completely useless.

    Imagine if arcanists had their weapon always glowing for just slotting a skill, or sorcerers permanently ethereal for just slotting lightning form? It's useless to have an effect on an skill that is ALWAYS active, the skill has a stack system and it's effect should reflect that, you get 5 stacks on your merciless resolve, THEN the effect should kick in, it would have a logical purpose with how the skill functions now.

    That way you could have your permanent ugly glow by just keeping your stacks and everyone else who hates leds on their faces wouldn't need to unslot the skill to get rid of it.
    Edited by Morvan on May 6, 2024 5:53PM
  • joseayalac
    ZOS just accept this is not a feature and fix it, it shouldn't be too hard.
  • MickeyBN
    I quit the game over this.

    This permaglow actually makes me furious. I refuse to support a company, let alone give them my money when they pull stuff like this.

    It’s a bug, nothing else. It didn’t exist before now suddenly it does, and that Kevin guy tried to gaslight us by saying it was intentional.

    Let me ask you something, if it was intentional why wasn’t the glow change mentioned anywhere in patch notes?…hmmmmm!!?

    Don’t give me this ‘intentional’ garbage, they’ve done this in the past, they mess something up and then refuse to fix it because…reasons?

    I check back into this thread every now and again to check its progress, but yeah…the usual silence. If I ever see this fixed I might come back.
    Vaelerys Nightborn - Bosmer Nightblade PC NA
  • Anifaas
    Why not just make every class glow at this point since it is such a "great" idea.
  • KapiteinBoterham
    @MickeyBN Sad to see you go. Life pushes us around enough already, [snip]

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on May 12, 2024 10:21AM
  • joseayalac
    It's a sad thing that NB has gone under such level of disregard and abandon.
  • Luke_Flamesword
    With new chapter we will have skills styling now - so it would be easy to just make version with and without glow, including both in base game without any requirements. This is only and reasonable way to make happy both sides of conflict. It just need minimum effort from ZOS.
    PC | EU | DC |Stam Dk Breton
  • Araneae6537
    With new chapter we will have skills styling now - so it would be easy to just make version with and without glow, including both in base game without any requirements. This is only and reasonable way to make happy both sides of conflict. It just need minimum effort from ZOS.

    I wouldn’t say the only (optional weapon glow effects for all should make those who like the effect happy, as well as those who might like a different color and/or on a different class). Personally, I preferred a visual indicator of some kind (maybe this one still does some kind of pop up on the bar? Idk), but as long as there’s some way to get rid of the horrid permaglow and still use the skill, I would be happy (but not paying Crowns for it; the class wasn’t irradiated when I started playing it and I already paid Crowns for weapon styles I’m using but which get obliterated by grim focus radiation).
  • joseayalac
    ZOS pls fix.

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