Grim Focus Permaglow

  • NoticeMeArkay
    Drammanoth wrote: »

    Yes, PLEASE! Aaaaand thank you ZOS! (no, this is not irony, I do like it) :)

    Did you also read about the additional issues that come with the glitched out weapon effect apart from being red and permanent? I can't possibly imagine anybody would like a glitch that conflicts with the ui and more.
  • NoticeMeArkay
    I will no joke pay the price of an arms pack to turn off the permanent glow if they make a ''no permaglow'' arms pack.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert @whoever has contact with the crown store team

    You see, bending down like this is why the consumer tends to get the short end of the stick for the past decade in turns of digital goods. Why demanding a fix for a broken section of the game, when you can offer them money instead.

    What. The. Hell.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    I will no joke pay the price of an arms pack to turn off the permanent glow if they make a ''no permaglow'' arms pack.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert @whoever has contact with the crown store team

    You see, bending down like this is why the consumer tends to get the short end of the stick for the past decade in turns of digital goods. Why demanding a fix for a broken section of the game, when you can offer them money instead.

    What. The. Hell.

    ZOS has said it's intended, broken or not, and it's very obvious after they doubled down based the PTS updates to weapon cosmetics like gloambound.

    So, if perma visible weapon effects are the standard now, I'd like an arms pack to hide weapon effects. I'm not ''bending down'' to anything.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher

    BLACK HAIR FOR ALTMER PLEASE (hair color cosmetic pack)
  • Reasonchill

    I don’t like the glow.

    1. It clashes with my carefully created character identity. Just like there is a class identity, you create a char and make it work. The glow completely ruins it.

    2. Playing my Nightblade has gone from “really enjoyable” to “completely unenjoyable” upon a log-in.
    (when the change took place).

    3. It destroys the subtle style I had created for this character. Put a lot of effort into it. It used to work extremely well. Now it doesn’t.

    4. It just doesn’t look good. It may work for some, but that’s niche. My character went from cool-looking to lame-looking.

    5. It is an invasive retroactive change.

    6. The kinds of look I can get for my weapon are very limited, dictated by the glow almost entirely. I could make my weapon look the way I wanted to, now I can’t.

    I think the animation of this ability can be done this way:
    you start light/heavy attacking, once the count reaches 5, the rune appears under the character and the weapon starts glowing. The rune from the animation we used to get upon casting the ability (together with the red energy/rays going up), arguably one of the most beautiful animation elements in ESO.
    As for the glow, my slight preference goes to the basic one (before 5 attacks, without the extra “smoke”).
    This way you could bring back a beautiful and important (core) animation and make it all work.

    I think this glow is objectively bad. And that it needs to be removed ASAP.
    This is a core combat skill – not a cosmetic.
  • Jaraal
    The worst part of it all is that they refuse to even say why they are forcing people to have to look at something on their characters that wasn't there in this manner for the previous 10 years. Did they think everybody would welcome this permanent effect with open arms? Is it just an unintended side effect of a combat change that they don't know how to or aren't able to separate the visual aspect from the combat mechanic? Or are they just trolling the player base? With no actual information, speculation is all that is left.

    A little insight into why they chose this path would be helpful, whereas continuing to ignore player concerns is only harmful to their reputation and customer relations.

    Edited by Jaraal on October 18, 2023 9:25PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Vaqual
    Morvan wrote: »
    I guess another ignored feedback? They even added on the description of the new sheath to hide weapon that it doesn't hide some effects, probably in reflection of everyone complaining about this skill


    Wow, that is actually insane. And that even before engaging with the feedback here. That is low. I hope I don't need a lawyer to play games in the future. Knitting doesn't look so bad now.
    What a [snip] hill to die on.

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 20, 2023 5:13PM
    The new description for that arms pack is useless.
    What combat effects will show? (Appart from grim focus).
    It doesn't say, do we have to slot every single skill on every class then inspect it in the crown store?
    If this is the way forward then I still want my money back on previous purchases.
  • Jazraena
    Vaqual wrote: »
    Morvan wrote: »
    I guess another ignored feedback? They even added on the description of the new sheath to hide weapon that it doesn't hide some effects, probably in reflection of everyone complaining about this skill


    Wow, that is actually insane. And that even before engaging with the feedback here. That is low. I hope I don't need a lawyer to play games in the future. Knitting doesn't look so bad now.
    What a [snip] hill to die on.

    It's the thing I don't get most.

    It feels outright spiteful, even if it's not meant to be. Even an explanation as to the why that we wouldn't agree with would be better than this in terms of communication.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 20, 2023 5:14PM
  • ApoAlaia
    The new description for that arms pack is useless.
    What combat effects will show? (Appart from grim focus).
    It doesn't say, do we have to slot every single skill on every class then inspect it in the crown store?
    If this is the way forward then I still want my money back on previous purchases.

    Arcanist's 'Tome Bearer's Inspiration' (and morphs) visual effect for instance, but that's just 30s duration not permanent.

    I'm all for "in combat" affects. If I get a red glow or any other colour I know that skill is ready to fire.
    It is the out of combat effect i dislike.
    I would have had no idea the skills you mentioned would be affected.
    Thankyou for sharing that info.
    If ever I make an arcanist at least I have some info.
  • Anifaas
    it's extra cool when you're using the gloambound arms pack B) Really excited to have to remove grim focus off my bar every time I want to take a screenshot now /s


    Oh gosh, that's really bad. Thanks for saving me from buying the gloambound arms pack which I was only going to buy to hide the persistent red glow. :/
  • Jazraena
    Anifaas wrote: »
    it's extra cool when you're using the gloambound arms pack B) Really excited to have to remove grim focus off my bar every time I want to take a screenshot now /s


    Oh gosh, that's really bad. Thanks for saving me from buying the gloambound arms pack which I was only going to buy to hide the persistent red glow. :/

    This here, Kevin? This is an example of the lost revenue we said would happen. Silence on this topic will cause nothing but angry customers and loss of money.
    They are still invisible, they just glow red now.
    Same with my black and white guar mount, it's still black and white, but with a red glow.
    I feel if all players could see the glow then there would be a lot more complaints.
  • polaris86
    The glow does not bother me as much as the removal of the counter. I now have to keep track in my head how many light attacks til the bow.
  • Jaraal
    Jazraena wrote: »
    Vaqual wrote: »
    Morvan wrote: »
    I guess another ignored feedback? They even added on the description of the new sheath to hide weapon that it doesn't hide some effects, probably in reflection of everyone complaining about this skill


    Wow, that is actually insane. And that even before engaging with the feedback here. That is low. I hope I don't need a lawyer to play games in the future. Knitting doesn't look so bad now.
    What a [snip] hill to die on.

    It's the thing I don't get most.

    It feels outright spiteful, even if it's not meant to be.

    Especially the vagueness of it. Like, go ahead and buy those arm packs and hope they work like they do in the Crown Store preview. But make sure you preview it on all 18 of your characters with every possible combination of combat effects, because we're not refunding your money if it turns out to not work on every single one of them.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 20, 2023 5:15PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    In a couple days it'll be two months since ZOS Kevin said they're monitoring feedback about this. Any update on that? How long should we expect this to be in the feedback monitoring phase?
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher

    BLACK HAIR FOR ALTMER PLEASE (hair color cosmetic pack)
  • KlauthWarthog
    In a couple days it'll be two months since ZOS Kevin said they're monitoring feedback about this. Any update on that? How long should we expect this to be in the feedback monitoring phase?

    Oh, there is an update on that.
    They added a line to the weapon pack styles saying they might not get fully hidden due to combat effects, AKA this thing that is getting discussed here.
    It is another of those ideas that they have no reasonable explanation for, so they are not going to come here and explain or discuss anything. They are just waiting for the discussion to die out, like they did with templar jabs and rapid strikes.
  • Araneae6537
    In a couple days it'll be two months since ZOS Kevin said they're monitoring feedback about this. Any update on that? How long should we expect this to be in the feedback monitoring phase?

    Oh, there is an update on that.
    They added a line to the weapon pack styles saying they might not get fully hidden due to combat effects, AKA this thing that is getting discussed here.
    It is another of those ideas that they have no reasonable explanation for, so they are not going to come here and explain or discuss anything. They are just waiting for the discussion to die out, like they did with templar jabs and rapid strikes.

    The difference is that those were intentional changes. I did not like them, still don’t, but could only state so and move on. Pushing this obvious bug live and then neither acknowledging or fixing it is unacceptable.

    It is useless as it doesn’t indicate stacks and is just there, and it is horrid ugly and constant, not just when you use the skill. A temporary skill I am not fond of is different, and even then I may choose a different class where the aesthetics best match my idea for a character. That is the primary reason why I have more nightblades than other classes; the visuals of other classes are more limiting so I usually end up with two characters of a class. Nightblade had been the mot subtle with cool moves but not a lot of glowy visual clutter.

    I am not amused.
  • ecru
    In a genre where cosmetics are so important, and where cosmetics are the bread and butter of ZOS's crown store revenue, forcing a cosmetic change on players rather than giving them the option to toggle it on and off is puzzling. These kinds of "design decisions", based on the opinion of probably like two or three people, have no place in a game as large as ESO. This is very selfish, very amateur stuff.

    Another great example of this is the amount of time it took for us to be able to hide shoulders. I'm positive the decision not to implement a cosmetic choice was based on the opinion of a few people, rather than what players actually wanted, since people had been asking for it as long I can remember. Obviously hiding a cosmetic is a very easy thing to implement, and could have been done at any time, but we were beholden to the opinion of one or two developers, just like we probably are with this permaglow nonsense.
    Edited by ecru on October 22, 2023 2:27PM
    Gryphon Heart
  • YetAnotherLinuxUser
    THis entire thread is just so much brainwashing i cant stand it. People justifying their skills being given away by a tell. No one needs to know what armor or skills you are using. They should be required to ask if they wish to know. zos shouldnt be giving it away without your consent. don't consent.
  • NoticeMeArkay
    THis entire thread is just so much brainwashing i cant stand it. People justifying their skills being given away by a tell. No one needs to know what armor or skills you are using. They should be required to ask if they wish to know. zos shouldnt be giving it away without your consent. don't consent.

    The permanent glow caused by the glitch is only visible to the player who equips the skill. Nobody else.
    It got reported in this thread somewhere.

    Also visual indicators for the spell-in-use of your opponent in f.e. PvP is a very prominent method. But not the topic of this thread. We're adressing the issues provided by glitched out weapon effect that indicates nothing anymore.
  • Jazraena
    In some circumstances it's visible to others. That much I've seen myself already.

    Someone recently suggested that this is when someone slots the skill while being next to you, but I haven't been able to confirm.

    Either way, it's still botched, and a permanently active glow just for slotting provides exactly zero information to you or to anyone else regardless of visibility.
  • Jaraal
    ecru wrote: »
    In a genre where cosmetics are so important, and where cosmetics are the bread and butter of ZOS's crown store revenue, forcing a cosmetic change on players rather than giving them the option to toggle it on and off is puzzling. These kinds of "design decisions", based on the opinion of probably like two or three people, have no place in a game as large as ESO. This is very selfish, very amateur stuff.

    Another great example of this is the amount of time it took for us to be able to hide shoulders. I'm positive the decision not to implement a cosmetic choice was based on the opinion of a few people, rather than what players actually wanted, since people had been asking for it as long I can remember. Obviously hiding a cosmetic is a very easy thing to implement, and could have been done at any time, but we were beholden to the opinion of one or two developers, just like we probably are with this permaglow nonsense.

    Yes, one need only go back to February of 2019 and revisit the Bosmer stealth lore revocation that somebody thought would be good for the game. They decided that wood elves would become the anti-stealth, rather than the sneaky characters they had been since the beginning of the Elder Scrolls universe. And they didn't even bother to rewrite the associated quests and dialogues that no longer made sense. Many threads of protest were shut down and redirected to a 90 page thread that was eventually also closed.

    So now we have another combat modification that has rippling repercussions, only this time it's not a change of lore, but rather a change of how cosmetics that were paid for out of pocket have now been made irrelevant and become wasted money to some players. And yes, there's ultimately one person who takes responsibility for signing off on it and authorized pushing it to Live.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • LesserCircle
    I'm not going to allow this ZOS, if you change the description of the gloambound weapons that I bought and change how they work I will contact support for some kind of compensation, this is outrageous.
  • AlterBlika
    AstroST wrote: »
    I think the animation of this ability can be done this way:
    you start light/heavy attacking, once the count reaches 5, the rune appears under the character and the weapon starts glowing. The rune from the animation we used to get upon casting the ability (together with the red energy/rays going up), arguably one of the most beautiful animation elements in ESO.

    So you will never see this effect, because you really should go proc it at 4 stacks. Can just get rid of it then
  • emilyhyoyeon
    AlterBlika wrote: »
    AstroST wrote: »
    I think the animation of this ability can be done this way:
    you start light/heavy attacking, once the count reaches 5, the rune appears under the character and the weapon starts glowing. The rune from the animation we used to get upon casting the ability (together with the red energy/rays going up), arguably one of the most beautiful animation elements in ESO.

    So you will never see this effect, because you really should go proc it at 4 stacks. Can just get rid of it then

    I mean, if they go with the 5 stack glow approach then it'll serve as a visual indicator that you can proc it and even when you're good enough with the rotation you'd still see it for a second.

    In PVP you might hold onto it for the moment you can properly line up your burst and in PVE you hold onto 5 stacks during execute, unless that's changed since I was last doing a lot of endgame.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher

    BLACK HAIR FOR ALTMER PLEASE (hair color cosmetic pack)
  • dacore
    I created the account here just for this.

    First of all, "The Grim Focus glow is working as intended currently." ?
    What? Okay, so its intended that there are visual Effects on special Weapon Packs that a clearly a bug ?
    Floating red glow on sheathed weapons that are invisible, like the bound weapons ?

    Okay, i saw you added a note on these weapon packs, to justify this bug, instead of fixing it. Yep, Consistency also means taking the road to ruin to the end.

    Btw. in generell a permanent visual effect, that cant be seen by other players is a bad development decision and equivalent to a player installing mods in a multiplayer game. I dont want my character to look different for others. I spend hours and money to get a nice outfit and i do care how others see this character. But in this case i appreciate that this effect is not shown to others, because its related to the strongest ability ingame and so there is no real choice in using or hiding it. In the end, every NB is forced to have it and then everyone looks the same...

    Iam not a fan of the red glow, because its ruin my character fantasy and its look ugly on my character. So i unslottet the strongest burst ability in the entire game for everything not related to vet content or pvp. I know there are a lot ppl who might like this change. So removing it would made the other half mad.

    The only way to give both sides its peace, is to add a option to toggle the red light, equivalent to hiding mount equipment.

    And when you do care about your game, remove the red glow from this ability completly and add a slot for weapon glow in your outfit station and sell nice glows in your shop or ingame like many others MMO nowdays. So everyone has a real choice on every character. It would improve player experience.

    And when we take this road - you did a nice job with the arcanist. Would be nice to give older classes a bit love with their visuals and sound. Nothing crazy, but they feel old and unexciting compared to the arcanist.

    Psst: Skin to hide Vampire. Ty. :)

    Have Fun!
  • SandandStars
    TaSheen wrote: »
    If it wasn't red I'd like it better. I'm not into red - nor yellow either.

    Yep, I don’t like red either, but I also don’t like nightblades, sneaking around nuking the crap out of ppl with overtuned skills.

    So maybe there’s some absurd completely unintended karmic justice at work here.
  • TaSheen
    TaSheen wrote: »
    If it wasn't red I'd like it better. I'm not into red - nor yellow either.

    Yep, I don’t like red either, but I also don’t like nightblades, sneaking around nuking the crap out of ppl with overtuned skills.

    So maybe there’s some absurd completely unintended karmic justice at work here.

    Oh, I'm not very fond of NBs either - I wanted a stealth archer like I play in Skyrim, but it's just not the same....

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Araneae6537
    I don’t care what color it is as long as it’s a permanent blob. It needs to be fixed to indicate stacks in combat or just removed entirely. Or the skill needs to be reverted to how it was before.

    Then if they also wanted to make the visual look good (matching the weapon shape, for a start), that would be a nice bonus, but not necessary for a temporary in-combat effect.

    Clearly there is some demand for more weapon effects, so ZOS should make more of these available in different colors and styles for people to use regardless of class. Speaking of, once this ugly permaglow is fixed, I’d love to buy daggers in a style similar to Chokethorn — I was disappointed they weren’t part of the original weapons pack as a thorn-style dagger seems obvious to me! :)
    Edited by Araneae6537 on October 28, 2023 12:33AM
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