This is the disconnect I think we have between PC and Console players, we're playing the same game, but are in two wholly different environments. Playing on PC, I've had plenty of dungeon runs where we say nothing until the end and just say the obligatory "gg". Or been in heavily populated areas where there is no zone chat, just people dueling, shopping, and questing away. Between guild chat and discords, there really isn't much reason for zone chat outside of those amazing/scary weekend evening conversations that occur, and if you know, you know.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »Where Xbox NA feels just right, and isn’t overcrowded but populated, PC feels completely lacking a playerbase.
To put it into perspective, I’ll use this as one example… for duelists, there is only one area to duel on PC/NA, and it’s at Stormhaven. On Xbox? You have people dueling in Vulkhel Guard, Davon’s Watch, Daggerfall, Elden Root Undaunted, and Wayrest Undaunted.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
You couldn’t be more wrong.
Voice chat works in area through proximity… the further you get from someone, the more quiet they get. There’s also the ability to mute individuals you find annoying, with the ability to switch between proximity area, or chats that you can hear wherever being group or any of your guild chats.
You can only be in one at a time, and can opt out entirely if you want, it’s extremely well designed.
Respectfully disagree. Where Xbox NA feels just right, and isn’t overcrowded but populated, PC feels completely lacking a playerbase.
To put it into perspective, I’ll use this as one example… for duelists, there is only one area to duel on PC/NA, and it’s at Stormhaven. On Xbox? You have people dueling in Vulkhel Guard, Davon’s Watch, Daggerfall, Elden Root Undaunted, and Wayrest Undaunted.
1 to 5 ratio… and that’s only for dueling.
Dungeon queues take longer on PC, towns have less people, overland feels empty outside of the one or two people you run into every hour, and it’s just a much smaller community.
Now I can make a million assumptions to why this is, be it the cost of PCs, or better competition on that platform, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t know if PC is dying, or if it was always like this, as I’ve only been playing it off-and-on for a month or two now, but it’s so clear to me…
ESO on PC would benefit most from Cross-Play, and therefore should be the least vocal crowd in opposition, despite what we’ve seen on these forums.
This is the disconnect I think we have between PC and Console players, we're playing the same game, but are in two wholly different environments. Playing on PC, I've had plenty of dungeon runs where we say nothing until the end and just say the obligatory "gg". Or been in heavily populated areas where there is no zone chat, just people dueling, shopping, and questing away. Between guild chat and discords, there really isn't much reason for zone chat outside of those amazing/scary weekend evening conversations that occur, and if you know, you know.
Nonetheless the usage of discord or similar out-of-game tools for communication, as well as the corresponding differences in communities, are a reality. I'm sorry you deny that, but it's not my problem in the end.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
We have Discord on Xbox…
So what? Doesn't change the fact, that there are indeed differences between the various communities of eso around the several platforms.
You make think, that the way people on PC are playing the game is inferior and insufficient (at least it comes this way). But that's just your opinion. There are others (this thread gives a fine example for that), which don't share this opinion equally rightful tho.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
No? At what point did I say anyone was playing the game inferior or insufficiently?
My point is people are NOT playing. Period.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »My point is people are NOT playing. Period.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »So everyone on PC owns or is part of a fully stocked guild, never does their writs, and never trains their mounts?
While we don't have any news to share about cross-play or cross-save functionality at this time, we want to acknowledge that we do see this request often. We'd like to hear your thoughts on the reasons why you would like to see this functionality in ESO. What pain points are you running into that this would help solve? The feedback here is helpful for us to share with the team.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
So everyone on PC owns or is part of a fully stocked guild, never does their writs, and never trains their mounts, has maxed out bag space, and don’t use bankers for their guild traders that litter every region?
There are more reasons to enter town other than for social interaction. I’ve played both platforms, if what I’m seeing, you know, with my eyes, is less population, that is exactly what any player would see. Claiming that ESO’s PC population is some abstract thing, does it no service.
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
So everyone on PC owns or is part of a fully stocked guild, never does their writs, and never trains their mounts, has maxed out bag space, and don’t use bankers for their guild traders that litter every region?
[edited for baiting]
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »Playing on PC NA, after my original platform Xbox, I can officially say that PC feels like a ghost town.
When I travel to any of the major cities on my PC account, I would be more than generous in saying that they hold half the population you see on Xbox NA at any given time… and this is during an event, a time when most players are playing.
Now it is twice as confusing whenever I read of people on PC having the perspective that cross-play would benefit console more. Out of all the platforms, PC needs it more than anything. It’s actually so bad, that after spending a few weeks getting to 300cp on the new platform and getting all of my gear set up, I regret having wasted the time investing in an account on a megaserver that hosts less people.
While we don't have any news to share about cross-play or cross-save functionality at this time, we want to acknowledge that we do see this request often. We'd like to hear your thoughts on the reasons why you would like to see this functionality in ESO. What pain points are you running into that this would help solve? The feedback here is helpful for us to share with the team.
aspergalas4 wrote: »
Please can you pass it on to stop developing content for older gen hardware so the game can develop to its fullest potential for PC and current gen, thank you. Provide an account transfer service for old gen peeps to migrate to PC or next gen to alleviate any concerns about losing their progress.
They can't run transfers between platforms, but there's no server transfer involved in players upgrading their console to the next generation machine.
pecheckler wrote: »I want to see Xbox and PlayStation merged so there are enough people to do activities with. The new group finder works but isn’t utilized much and it really shows the decline in population, or at least decline in endgame players doing pickup-group content.
I do not want to see PC merged with console players, due to advantage of addons and the hyper inflated economy.
Twohothardware wrote: »Having Crossplay between at least PlayStation and Xbox would be a huge improvement and provide a larger ecosystem of players to keep the game active.
The two consoles together would likely be a little larger than PC’s current numbers.
Bl4ckR3alm93 wrote: »
I hope we can atleast get this or a 1 way account transfer like ZoS did with PC at console launch and with Stadia before shutdown