Those transfers were done to EMPTY console databases. Messing with full, in-service databases is a totally different beast.
You are absolutely correct. Zenimax did copy accounts from PC to console before consoles went live. That is an entirely different ballgame than moving accounts between live servers. It is a significantly more involved process and no reasonable IT professional would transfer data into a live server willy nillly.
Further, in my comment you quoted, I noted that there is a reason why Zenimax has been firm in not creating a tool to facilitate transfers. This is likely contractual as that is all that would make sense. If this is the case then Zenimax does not seem very interested in renegotiating such a clause. Without actually knowing why Zenimax has refused to budge on this issue we are really spinningning our wheels. That reason is the core of any real discussion to bring about change.
Also, Zenimax does not care what other MMOs do as they are not managing those MMORPGs.
SerafinaWaterstar wrote: »Console economy would be annihilated.
End game & pvp console players would also be affected due to certain add-ons.
Even farming mats would be difficult.
Twohothardware wrote: »Crossplay opens up guild traders to a much larger trading base making far more things worth farming for than they are now.
SilverBride wrote: »
Crossplay would bring more trading guilds but there wouldn't be more traders for them to bid on. More competition for prime trader locations would really increase the cost which is already high.
boi_anachronism_ wrote: »I would also like to point this out- for pve a lot of console player would simply not be accepted into higher level groups just by virtue of not being able to run add ons for runs. It would make the teams have to do manual call out specifically for them. When you get to the highest level definitely not. These groups actually write team specific add ons that are required.
boi_anachronism_ wrote: »I would also like to point this out- for pve a lot of console player would simply not be accepted into higher level groups just by virtue of not being able to run add ons for runs. It would make the teams have to do manual call out specifically for them. When you get to the highest level definitely not. These groups actually write team specific add ons that are required.
boi_anachronism_ wrote: »I would also like to point this out- for pve a lot of console player would simply not be accepted into higher level groups just by virtue of not being able to run add ons for runs. It would make the teams have to do manual call out specifically for them. When you get to the highest level definitely not. These groups actually write team specific add ons that are required.
Thanks for posting this!
ZOS, please take this into consideration. I enjoy doing trials with guilds on PS/NA. I would not want cross-play enabled with PC, and be excluded from trials guilds because consoles cannot have add-ons.
Easily solved by adding platform as a grouping filter
Twohothardware wrote: »
That is only for veteran trials and I'm sure there are still PC guilds that are less elitist. If not you still have all of the Playstation and Xbox players to run Trials with.
Some of those addons though need to be more evaluated by Zenimax to see if they should even be allowed in the game.
If console players right now have to do call-outs as a team for mechanics in Trials and PC players are able to use add-ons that just reveal all the mechanics to you and tell you what to do, that's pretty much cheating.
Twohothardware wrote: »
The most likely answer is there isn’t a monetary reason to create such a tool and only a small percentage of the player base would be looking to change platforms. Right now when you migrate from console to PC you’re going to spend more money rebuying the dlc and crown store items.
Yes its players who would be willing to pay to move servers.
Oh no. Monetization for server transfers is extremely obvious and clear as players will pay to transfer. Many threads asking for the ability to transfer have said they will pay.
Other games, top games, charge to move which demonstrates players are willing to pay.
I say its not only addons, its also discord who is pretty required for organized groups on PC.boi_anachronism_ wrote: »
That really doesnt address this issue as they would still not be able to take advantage of crossplay expanding the current raid scene. In which case there really is no benefit at all, just a leaderboard completely dominated by pc players... which is not great. If anything i think, at least for the raid community it would create animosity more then anything.
They do. Its extremely common and for teams outside of pugs, anything above vet its uncommon not to run add ons. its just another thing that would take focus away from the actual raid to most players. You get ones that allow you to track everyones ultimates so that you can super easily coordinate where console you have to manually organize and do callouts. I mean you got codes combat alerts, raid notifier which tells you when a player is targeted with a specific mechanic for example, it will countdown to when an effect ends onscreen so you never really have to deal with keeping track of anything on your buff bar. Some give you countdowns to mechanics. The infamous closet that allows you to instantly change setups between pulls for optomization throughout the entire trial. Console has armor which cannot be used in a "timed event" aka trials.
Again i would absolutely encourage crossplay with consoles but pc is its own thing and it really needs to remain like that.
I say its not only addons, its also discord who is pretty required for organized groups on PC.
Even if PC get an in game group chat it could not replace discord as discord let you have none group members on voice.
Very nice in Cyrodil after we got the 12 player group limit.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »I can see how cross-play would make the game feel even more packed due to a higher number of players, there are a significant number of problems however..
1. Keyboard vs Controller
2. Addon's vs No Addons
3. The Economy
Out of all of them the third one would be the hardest to see working, on PC things are massively more expensive then console, Crown rates are 10x that so what would happen if they were merged? would things become slightly cheaper for PC players but vastly more expensive for console players? would the economy meet somewhere in the middle in favor of which side has the most players? imagine the reaction of "Joe Console" when he finds out he cannot afford crown items for gold anymore because everything is 10x as expensive.
The only way I could see cross-play working is either an extreme form of compensation for console players or a full reset of the economy, everyone would lose their gold and all materials however this is unrealistic and would probably kill the game.
Twohothardware wrote: »Yes its players who would be willing to pay to move servers.
Question is if its better used of developer resources than other in game features or optimization.
While we don't have any news to share about cross-play or cross-save functionality at this time, we want to acknowledge that we do see this request often. We'd like to hear your thoughts on the reasons why you would like to see this functionality in ESO. What pain points are you running into that this would help solve? The feedback here is helpful for us to share with the team.
dk_dunkirk wrote: »
I've played both. Started PC, switched to console, went back to PC. Like you, I think the economy is the biggest obstacle to overcome.
1) I use a controller for combat in dungeons and trials, and keyboard/mouse for writs and inventory management. I don't consider this an issue. I think controller has the advantage over keyboard for the combat in this game, unlike an FPS. You may disagree, but it's certainly not enough of a difference to make merging the player base in PVP an impossibly unfair deal. Heck, BF2042 mixes console and PC, even on an FPS. I don't know why, but they do.
Your 2) and 3) a related, but few people seem to understand why. The economy on PC is inflated due to add-ons. They make it stupid easy to run writs across a dozen (or a few score) toons, and this injects a ton of money and high-value materials into the world all the time. It's just not worth it to do this on console. Same with running treasure maps. Dead simple on PC with mods; absolutely not worth the hassle on console without. I feel that surveys are still worth it on console, but they take longer, and some people won't do them either.
I'm doing writs on 7 toons now, and I've created 3 more to level. I don't WANT to spend a half hour of every play session doing this, but I have to as a "defensive" posture because I'd never be able to afford the upgrade mats if I had to buy them. Before I left PC for console, and I had to sell Crowns to get enough gold to upgrade my jewelry. I'm not going to be in that position again.
A lot of people like to say the economy is inflated on PC because of player counts, but that's nonsense. Inflation is due to an increase in money supply. It's Econ 101. Also, from what I can gather from sales data, there are about as many players on PS as there on on PC and Xbox combined. So, no. It's about mods.
A lot of people will also say, "You don't 'understand' the economy." Sure I do. Yes, you can sell stuff -- at these inflated prices -- to get the money to buy the things you need, but to get the stuff that sells for enough to buy the other things, you have to spend HOURS farming something interesting, like certain motifs or furnishings or -- divines forbid -- doing the most-boring mini-game in the history of video games by fishing for perfect roe.
Bethesday (I know, NOT Zenimax) has made mods a thing on console versions of Skyrim and Fallout 4. I don't see why they couldn't do the same on ESO. If they DID make mods available on console, the economies would probably become somewhat aligned, and make merging peoples' "stuff" fair. However, it would take a long time for this to even out.
Twohothardware wrote: »@ZOS_Kevin
The falling PvP population is my reason for wanting to see Crossplay on ESO. On PlayStation N.A., we have three campaigns now that are basically dead at the moment, and the main campaign, Gray Host, is only fully populated during prime time. The rest of the day-one alliance will typically have double or triple the players.
I remember the days when the main campaign was faction-locked almost around the clock, the secondary 30-day campaign was full during prime time, and even the under-Lvl 50 campaign called Blackwater at the time was quite popular.
The only thing that can bring the active PvP experience back to what it used to be is crossplay between the three platforms.
Bl4ckR3alm93 wrote: »At the very least I feel like we should have Cross Save for the sole reason that Zenimax is owned by Microsoft now and future Bethesda titles could still be exclusives on Xbox and PC. PlayStation players ( such as myself ) want to move to the Xbox Family.
dk_dunkirk wrote: »
Bleh. It makes me sick to think that Bethesda could close down the Playstation servers to make ESO an exclusive, but after watching Microsoft for 30 years, I don't believe it's beyond the realm of possibility, despite all the fanboys who might pile on and say how ridiculous that would be. I have about 2000 hours on the PC, and about 300 on the Playstation. I thought I was going to make PS my "home" for the foreseeable future, so I bought the assistants and the "catch up" packs from the Crown store, and got a lot of things I didn't even have on PC. IRL friends pulled me back to PC, and now I wish I could transfer those Crown store items over from PS to PC and just "close out" the PS account. Despite the in-game economies being very different, the Crown store items cost exactly the same on every platform, so it wouldn't "break" anything. I would gladly lose the characters and items to just consolidate the Crown store items. And, hey, make any duplicate items re-giftable, as long as I'm dreaming. Anyway, if they were to close the PS server(s) -- or even just start treating it like a second-class citizen with delayed updates or some such -- it would seem that they would need provide a migration path, and give people an "out." And even if they swear to the divines and sign a contract in blood that they would never do this, I still think there should be an option to do something like I'm suggesting. A ONE TIME "merge" of AT LEAST Crown store items, and to archive the account.
As part of the antitrust approval process for Microsoft's acquisition of ZeniMax Media, Microsoft promised that it would "not make any existing ZeniMax games exclusive to Xbox." It is only forthcoming products (e.g. Starfield, Elder Scrolls VI, etc.) that will be exclusives.
SilverBride wrote: »
I play on PCNA and I have never had performance issues.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
also never really had performance issues
the only time its even remotely noticeable is large fights in cyro with multiple ball groups present, ball groups are the only thing that really causes severe performance problems
I've never had any performance problems either, but then I don't do PvP or competitive PvE or any formally grouped content, nor do I use any add-ons or belong to any guilds - i.e. my database requirements are as minimal as they can be. Are you seriously suggesting that no-one else has had performance issues, and that the server infrastructure always expands to cope with whatever demand is thrown at it? You don't think that importing console players onto PC won't create any performance issues? If so, I admire your optimism!
Tyrant_Tim wrote: »
Why are you assuming that console players would be ported to PC? If you’ve ever been in a separate instance as your friend, you know very well how easily the mega-server handles overflow, especially in Overland.
It’s a non-issue in Cyrodiil and instanced PvE regardless, as they have caps.
dk_dunkirk wrote: »
You say, hey, wait, why would they kill something that could make them money? Except that they could have made a lot MORE money if they'd have released Starfield on PS, so they're already proving that they're willing to forego revenue to make a point, as many other companies do, including Sony.