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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2023 Global Reveal- The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom!

  • Lumenn
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    New class is great, just not this one. Over the years regarding new classes I've heard monk/bard/Necro(and we got that one) monk seemed to be winning out this time. How often did anyone ask for an arcanist? Rune skill line yes but as a class? What happened here? Melee has always been under represented here but wow. D&d tactics now...
  • SerasWhip
    Very excited for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    YES! More Morrowind
  • bachpain
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    What about PVP? I didn't even see Whitestrake's Meyham listed in the coming events. What gives?
  • peacenote
    Somewhat excited for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Hi! Seems like you are reading the feedback (yay) so here is some feedback and questions.

    Excited about: Hermaeus Mora and the setting and getting a new class. I enjoyed one of the little quests we had so much that one of the first times I spent gems was on the eyeball pet. So I'm happy with the whole creepy, unknown knowledge theme and floating books and a class tied to it. I'm not such a purist that I need my class to be tied to a traditional class (I came here for the MMO and stayed for the lore). I do like the lore to make sense and not contradict itself.

    Medium about: The new companions. So far I like the choice and description of them. Just honestly, it feels too soon for two more. I just got Bastian to max level, am working on Ember, haven't touched Isobel yet, and really I have now learned it's best to switch to the "right" companion for the right zone so the dailies help grind the reputation faster. But I'd like to finish Isobel first. Really they are just SUCH a grind. I feel like two more could have waited until next year. Also I keep hoping we'll keep getting QoL enhancements for them and the older ones as you work on them, like better management of their gear. But for what they are, if they're coming, I'm happy with them.

    Concerned and have questions about:
    • Does endless dungeon mean with another player(s) or only NPC/Companion(s)? Lots of assumptions floating around here, like maybe it is duo content, but I'm concerned with the word "buddy." I'd like confirmation ASAP that this isn't solo only content, if it isn't, so I can get more excited about it.
    • Getting a new class combined with additional character slots is the first admission of any kind that ZOS is still supportive of alts, although that's still just by inferring and not an outright statement. However, playing alts are a lot less fun now with the map progress still being broken and no in-game "to do" list to repeat more challenging content in a different class role. The issue with the map thread was stickied here on the forums and then un-stickied without resolution or comment! It's frustrating. Now that we are getting a new class and new slots, could we get any kind of acknowledgement about whether the map progress will be fixed and that you've heard our desire for better character tracking with some kind of log? Playing an arcanist? Fun. Making an arcanist and being able to work through speed modes, hard modes, etc. in dungeons again while learning the new class? Way way more fun (for me).
    • On the flip side, the people who are asking about class changes are making a fair point and I think that should be addressed in the same Q&A/topic/whatever if you choose to acknowledge. AwA + Armory should make it so that mostly people who don't want to level new characters don't need to. Except now, without a class change token, they will to enjoy the class. Which means neither side will be really happy/have needs met. It would be fantastic if you would address both viewpoints with the rollout of the new class. I would be sincerely impressed. Let's see class change tokens, and fixes to the map, and a better character progress log!
    • I am frustrated with the stream giveaways. I work, I'm busy. Twice now I've tried to join but missed out because I was working, remembered last minute, and only watched enough to meet half of the requirement for the drop. I re-watched later, as soon as I could. Yes I have more mounts and emotes and pets than I know what to do with, but it's still frustrating.

    That's all I have but I'll edit if I come up with anything else. :)
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • Nic727
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    I don’t really care about what’s added honestly. Yes it looks all fun, but where is my class change token?
  • bachpain
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    IronWooshu wrote: »
    I love the Dunmer and the location but I was really hoping for new skills lines for all pre existing classes like a new melee weapon and or stave, even spellcrafting or another skill line like the Psijic Skill line. Since I am not an alt player I would be essentially paying full price for a chapter sized zone and new story because I don't want to start a new class; I want to play my main.

    Issues with starting a new class:
    - Mount Learning (180 days) (Or paying you guys more money for books)
    - Trait Crafting Learning (3 months)
    - Having to run thru all old zone story quests for skill points
    - Paying you guys more money to buy crystal shards to get all skill points
    - Paying you guys more money to learn all old guild skill lines

    If you see the theme here, a new class is a cash grab. It's for new players or for those who can't dedicate themselves to a main and or are alt-a-holics in which case will never complete the new class by dedicating it as their main by doing everything anyways.

    I'm not trying to take the fun away from those who enjoy new classes but for those of us who are attached to our mains for the last decade and have most motifs, mount fully upgraded and all traits learned with every skill point and Emperor titles, why can't we get new skill lines to further enhance the old classes?

    This is the problem right here.
  • Arato
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Elsonso wrote: »

    Very disappointing. Not really in what is being released, but with the ritual blackout of information. Nothing on the upcoming DLC that is releasing in just a few weeks. Very little information about the new class. Very little information about the last half of the year.

    It was pretty much a waste of my time.

    Just for context sake, we will have more information on that class over the coming months, in addition to other aspects of Necrom. Friday's livestream is going into more detail on the U37 DLC, so you'll hear more then. This was just focused on Necrom and big picture stuff. We'll also have more info on the last half of the year once we get past Necrom release.

    Also keep an eye out for our roadmap graphic that we'll have coming over the next few weeks.

    Look, okay.
    What we've been told already, is that there is going to be half the new dungeon content for the year, and half the overworld zone content for the year.
    Not long ago we were dropped a bomb that the new content we'd receive would be reduced.
    With the reassurance that "oh but we'll put in a new system of repeatable content that will keep you occupied"
    That Q3 and Q4 update stuff.. we needed a lot more information on, because as it was, you guys told us we're getting half the content we're used to expecting in a year, and barely mentioned anything about what's going to fill out the other half.

    all you can give us is "trust us it'll be cool"
    That's not good enough.

    I severely regret already having paid for a 6 month sub (since it means I can't express dissatisfaction with my wallet), because things like this, when they're this dissatisfying, and when you have been through game End of Service before, you start to recognize the path of a game reaching the end of its lifecycle and going into "maintenance mode" which sure it may persist for years after entering into maintenance mode, but you tend to lose interest in those games maybe even years before they officially close, because the game is a corpse, no new content for years, just recycles with a tiny live team.

    That's what an experienced MMO player sees when there's an announcement of reduced new content.
    We see maintenance mode coming.

    "dude just trust us" does not suffice.

    The last chapter was smaller in scope as it was, focusing on a CCG, this chapter, is even smaller, axing half the dungeon development and overworld content development.

    You gotta do better than that if you want to convince people this game is not in its death spiral.
    especially after an exodus of players in regards to combat changes made a few patches ago.

    Cause from all observation we can do from the outside? This ship is sinking, and there is no trust left for "trust us".

    The goodwill has already been breached, hence the exodus.
    It's more important now than ever before, to be transparent with communication, not acting begrudging to let "slip" 1 sentence.
  • nb_rich
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Im excited for a new class and plan to make a stamarc, but there are a few disappointing parts to adding a new class

    For one its frustrating having to upgrade mount speed, crafting and all the skill lines again and now have to save the crowns I get from paying for eso plus for skyshards and skill lines (whos really trying to level up mages guild again?). This can be the perfect time to implement account wide mount upgrades or even better a class change token (seems like it will never happen) since majority of people that will play the new class will be existing eso players (people won’t start playing eso for the first time just because of a new class). Since class change token is most likely not a option, it should be an option for the first week the class is released to be able to change classes.

    Secondly its going to add more work when it comes to balancing classes which people already complain about. This doesn’t really bother me since I mostly play pve and complete vet trials with people of all classes but people do talk about balancing especially in pvp.

    Even with these small flaws I still like how the class is looking.
  • Ynrael
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    The second "meh" expansion in a row.
    Another class I'll never bother levelling.
    No harder overland content. No story mode. No improvements to fishing. No new crafting features. No reason to buy it until it goes on sale.

    I've been a solid RPG'er for over 30 years and right now I'm more excited about Railway Empire 2 than this expansion.
  • Kirawolfe
    Very excited for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    A new class was absolutely the most requested feature.

    I'm not a massive fan of the dark elf areas, or their intestinal towers, but I am excited for this chapter.

    Most excited for: portal magic and visiting Hermie's domain

    Almost as excited for: that crazy mount with a mouth for a neck, and floating daedra books with bite

    Least excited for: the wait until this is released. %)

    Hopeful for: an actual fix for the lag in pvp land

    Worried about: combat changes that make combat much less exciting.

    Kudos folks, I'm all in.
  • kuma82
    Somewhat excited for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    I am sure people are excited about a new class but it should have just been new skill lines. It could have been tied to choosing one of the new skill lines through an apocrypha book tied with hermaeus mora. The one skill I’m nervous about is the portal. I don’t like the thought of a ball group in pvp using this to possibly bypass sieging to get into keeps. This class will be strong as all paid new classes are, and having a whole group of them portal over defenses would be insanely detrimental to pvp. I obviously don’t know if that can happen or how it works just pointing out something that popped into my head.
  • Zealand
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Very disappointed with this update, I really wanted some pvp improvements to return to eso.

    As much as a new class and area sound cool, the reality is another zone I can one shot all enemies with no difficulty.

    Do we have to wait another year for pvp...
  • Stamicka
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    The new class looks cool. I’m looking forward to it, but I don’t think the reveal was enough of a shake up. Many things in the existing game need to be reworked. I would’ve loved to see a reward system rework, PvP content, set reworks, group duels, or just more things to do in general. If you aren’t a fan of the questing in this game there’s a huge lack of substance.
    PC NA and Xbox NA
  • Uvi_AUT
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    No new Casterweaponry
    No new Skill-Lines for existing classes
    No Difficultyrevamp / no Telegraphrevamp.
    Basically nothing for existing characters.
    So really nothing that would make me play ESO again.

    Oh, and no announcement that you removed predatory monetization (aka Loot Crates) from the game, even though they are one of the biggest controversies in todays gaming. Will you really wait until all countries catch up and ban them?
    Edited by Uvi_AUT on January 26, 2023 6:04AM
    Registered since 2014, Customer Service lost my Forum-Account and can't find it.....
  • colossalvoids
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Guess I'll make a bit broader feedback piece.

    Current reveal was primarily aimed for the new players and ones who are yet not decided if eso worth a try, which is completely fine if we've been told that prior, so can tune in for details of Friday. More of "play for you want" isn't what we're thrilled to hear when there's no clear picture of where's company is heading towards.

    "Trust us, it's gonna be..." isn't the best message to sent currently when for a lot of payers this year is a deciding one, if it's worth a stay basically. We're not getting necessary details and more of commercial piece to advertise to our friends, but it's clearly not the time for that either. Yet again, Friday announcement prior to this event would be most appreciated.

    No PvP mentioned. How many years game would need to deliver on-launch promises from ten years ago almost?

    From what's announced it doesn't seem like the teams are trying something new, just cutting tails yet again to deliver even less and still aimed for those new accounts, wish one year I'd be adbe to tune in to see more things focused on existing users and making their experience worthwhile. Not a class, but skill and weapon lines, not a commercial piece about play how you want but a substantial PvP update. Not cooking show but a experienced player made content just as an example. Something making us think it's made for us and not some potential new bodies for a week or two.
  • RevJJ
    Somewhat excited for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    After watching the reveal, I can say that

    - I like the setting and visuals of Apocrypha and Necrom.
    - I like the look and idea behind the new class
    - I am not excited to grind mount speed on another character
    - I’m not impressed that we’re going back to yet another world(s)-ending threat story
    - Zone map looks quite small, but I don’t know how big Apocrypha will be
    - An endless dungeon sounds like an incredibly boring grind of just combat, but I’ll keep an open mind because it’s still being worked on.
    - I only really use companions because some of the gear sells well, but it will be nice to have an Argonian one, so that’s cool!
  • Hesperax79
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Do not forget: you will nit have new character slot. You can buy not 18 but 20.
  • Syldras
    Very excited for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Hesperax79 wrote: »
    Do not forget: you will nit have new character slot. You can buy not 18 but 20.

    They said that they will gift 1 with every purchase of the new chapter. And you can buy more if needed, up until at most 20 slots in total are available.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • The_Titan_Tim
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    YoWombat wrote: »
    Most requested features: People asked for spellcrafting. People asked for new skill lines. People asked for a new weapon option to cast spells with a rune or book in one hand instead of being stuck with staves.

    What we get: New skill lines... in the form of a new class themed around spellcrafting, with visual spell effects that show spellcasting with runes and a book. Nothing new for current characters who haven't received any new abilities since the Psijic line FIVE years ago.

    Honestly it feels like they ARE listening, they KNOW what players want, but they are playing that corrupt a wish game.

    This 100%, couldn’t put it better myself.
    Edited by The_Titan_Tim on January 26, 2023 8:10AM
  • Syldras
    Very excited for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Is there anyone else who finds the reduction of game content concerning? I've just read in one of the latest articles (already thought I heard it on the stream, wasn't completely sure though, but now it's confirmed) on the main page that this summer's chapter is supposed to have only 30 hours of content. Normally, it were 50 hours and the Q4 story dlc, which is now removed completely, had 30. So this main chapter will only have the scope the smaller winter dlc had before. The price, of course, was not reduced.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • Cersenin
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Nothing exciting for me as a veteran player. No PVP updates and no updates on overland content difficulty, and as someone mentioned above, "All the story content is so easy it's boring now."
  • LukosCreyden
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Despite my selection, I am still excited. The only downside for me is that, instead of a new skill line that everyone can use, we got a (really cool looking) new class. This is disappointing for people who already have mains they are not willing to abandon, due to lack of class change.
    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • Darkstorne
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Syldras wrote: »
    Is there anyone else who finds the reduction of game content concerning? I've just read in one of the latest articles (already thought I heard it on the stream, wasn't completely sure though, but now it's confirmed) on the main page that this summer's chapter is supposed to have only 30 hours of content. Normally, it were 50 hours and the Q4 story dlc, which is now removed completely, had 30. So this main chapter will only have the scope the smaller winter dlc had before. The price, of course, was not reduced.
    This. I'd really like more info on this. And does the Telvanni Peninsula have any environmental variety or new art assets outside of Necrom itself? Or is it genuinely just copy pasting Vvardenfell's Telvanni region assets across the entire zone as the trailers suggested? At least Galen had amazing variety with environment design.

    Currently I'm leaning towards skipping this Chapter, and maybe picking it up on sale in Q4 if that content shapes up to be interesting.

    This time next year I'd like to find out the reason for the Necrom Chapter being so much copy/paste of existing assets, and no Q4 zone, was because the art team wanted a whole extra year to work on an amazing 2024 Chapter for ESO's 10th anniversary. If 2024 is just as anaemic... Well, time to move on I suppose. Certainly not worth the sub cost when so much content has been removed from the cycle.
  • tomfant
    Somewhat excited for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Honestly haven't seen enough to build an opinion. So I just have a couple of random comment:

    New class is for sure a big thing. I like it.
    New zone looks same-ish to Vvardenfell.
    More companions, meh.
    Super-crafting stations are awesome.
    Endless dungeon, not sure what that means. Could be a kind of story mode?
    No word about EU hardware replacement.

    So, Nokron will be better that High Isle. By how much is still to be seen...
  • Seraphayel
    Somewhat excited for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Cireous wrote: »

    Now that the reveal is over, could you possibly explain what this (below) was in reference to in Matt's letter? Was it a hint at the Endless Dungeon? Which the statement doesn't seem to fit with, but maybe it will once we learn more about it? Or is there something else coming that hasn't been discussed yet?

    "And, on the other hand, our veteran players consistently tell us that they would like more content that isn't played through just once—they would like more content they can enjoy for years; content that utilizes our already existing zones to add new things to do, and most importantly, introduces some new gameplay."

    Guess it’s just PR talk and nothing that will come to fruition at all. That letter was just a lot of nice words to appease the playerbase until they announce the new class I guess - they thought a new class would cover up all issues and make all of the other problems and requests a thing of the past - oh how wrong they were. Reception towards Arcanist has been pretty mild, I don’t think they expected this.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • FeedbackOnly
    Somewhat excited for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Elsonso wrote: »

    Very disappointing. Not really in what is being released, but with the ritual blackout of information. Nothing on the upcoming DLC that is releasing in just a few weeks. Very little information about the new class. Very little information about the last half of the year.

    It was pretty much a waste of my time. Do better next year, please.

    What we should get: ptn0gugs585k.png

    What we got: p1h0zlv0f575.png

    Because we get class updates and quality of life updates each chapter.

    New sets, housing too
  • Master_Fluff
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    We wanted spellcrafting, not a new class. :/
    Halcyon Black
  • Elsonso
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Elsonso wrote: »

    Very disappointing. Not really in what is being released, but with the ritual blackout of information. Nothing on the upcoming DLC that is releasing in just a few weeks. Very little information about the new class. Very little information about the last half of the year.

    It was pretty much a waste of my time. Do better next year, please.

    What we should get: ptn0gugs585k.png

    What we got: p1h0zlv0f575.png

    Because we get class updates and quality of life updates each chapter.

    New sets, housing too

    Yeah, and I am sure when ZOS reads my comment, they are confused too. The point is that each quarter, LOTRO is getting a list of updates, including events, changes, new features, and all of them are listed out. Sure, not detailed, but it is there. What ESO gets are a couple words that don't say anything at all. This show was a 2023 story reveal, and they did the absolute minimum, then called it a day.

    They wasted everyone's time. They really told us nothing that could not have been done in a tweet, not that I am suggesting that be the course of action. However, it would have been cheaper than assembling that set. It probably took them longer to assemble and disassemble than the time they were actually standing there.

    Now they are promising more information, but that show was when they had their chance to do exactly that, and they didn't. They know what is going on in 3Q and 4Q. They are not still making the big decisions. They are teasing instead of informing.

    People like me, disillusioned by mistakes of the past, bolstered by poor communication from the studio and publisher, were looking for information that would answer questions and concerns. They didn't even follow through on what Firor said last month.

    They wasted my time. I am not amused.
    Edited by Elsonso on January 26, 2023 11:40AM
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • shadyjane62
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Elsonso wrote: »

    Very disappointing. Not really in what is being released, but with the ritual blackout of information. Nothing on the upcoming DLC that is releasing in just a few weeks. Very little information about the new class. Very little information about the last half of the year.

    It was pretty much a waste of my time. Do better next year, please.

    What we should get: ptn0gugs585k.png

    What we got: p1h0zlv0f575.png

    Because we get class updates and quality of life updates each chapter.

    New sets, housing too

    Yeah, and I am sure when ZOS reads my comment, they are confused too. The point is that each quarter, LOTRO is getting a list of updates, including events, changes, new features, and all of them are listed out. Sure, not detailed, but it is there. What ESO gets are a couple words that don't say anything at all. This show was a 2023 story reveal, and they did the absolute minimum, then called it a day.

    They wasted everyone's time. They really told us nothing that could not have been done in a tweet, not that I am suggesting that be the course of action. However, it would have been cheaper than assembling that set. It probably took them longer to assemble and disassemble than the time they were actually standing there.

    Now they are promising more information, but that show was when they had their chance to exactly that, and they didn't. They know what is going on in 3Q and 4Q. They are not still making the big decisions. They are teasing instead of informing.

    People like me, disillusioned by mistakes of the past, bolstered by poor communication from the studio and publisher, were looking for information that would answer questions and concerns. They didn't even follow through on what Firor said last month.

    They wasted my time. I am not amused.

    Don't think they let him tweet anymore after the debacle last year.
  • MreeBiPolar
    Wanted something different for the upcoming Necrom Chapter
    1) The Necrom chapters feels fun. What the presentation has completely failed to make a point of is, whether it will be sized like the previous "chapter AND subsequent DLC" in terms of content, and the impression is, "nope".

    2) The poll asks how we feel about the "upcoming Necrom chapter". With a lot of the pre-reveal focus on the "new system", it totally failed to deliver. First, from the comments here and elsewhere, MOST of the players feel the "new system" refers to the new Arcanist class. It was very easy to miss during the reveal that it is not, that the system is the infinite dungeon, but...
    a) That has nothing to do with the Necrom CHAPTER (at least, from the info we were given);
    b) The theme and the timing feels in some way a rip-off of the recent AC: Valhalla's "The Forgotten Saga", not something original;
    c) There was next to no information on it, including it missing a few crucial parts. Like, if it's infinite, would we have an ability to "save" the progress there, go back overland, then resume from the point we have left? This is especially important for an online-only game.

    3) As many others noted, adding new characters (in this case, the new class) feels a lot like a chore, given the need to quest all over the same content. Add the fact that the Zone Guide feature is pretty botched (not giving you an ability to pick and track quests easily, and missing some quests altogether) and the necessity to grind out quest lines and/or shards for skill points (yes, the shards can be bought for crowns) and it feels more like a down than an up. Again, as many others have noted... Give us the class change tokens, and it'd work.

    4) The QoL/bugfix part. It was barely mentioned in passing. Will there be an actual bugtraq/equivalent? Some of the major bugs have been reported for YEARS, and are not even acknowledged. Others have been even acknowledged, again, for YEARS, but nothing is done -- e.g., the infamous Pale Order lead (see https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/52262/track/APOElQr7Dv8W~ej8Gs8e~yINiRkqVS75Mv9d~zj~PP_U -- it keeps getting "updated" on a pretty regular basis, the latest "update" at this time is 12/16/2022, but nothing has changed there since the very beginning -- I had a ticket opened about being unable to obtain it back in November '20, just days after Markarth dropped) or the Rite of the Scion book that has vanished when vampires were redone, and wasn't fixed since May '20.

    Overall, the feel is that the ball might not have been dropped, but is definitely half-way to the floor with the hands frenetically grabbing it.
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