Deleted Imperial Edition/Early Access Items

  • KogaIX
    ZOS_JasonL wrote: »
    Greetings, @imrebroce‌. Your request has been escalated and will be addressed as soon as possible by our Support Team.

    Rest assured, if you deleted your bonus items, our team will be able to restore them. Thank you for your patience.

    I know it was my mistake but I honestly have little faith as its been 5 days with 0 response. I only find an issue with being told our stuff will be replaced & it not being done. If you simply said you are all doomed you messed up then I wouldn't care.

    Items I deleted by mistake
    - the explorer pack
    - pledge of Mara

    I will be away for a few days I would appreciate seeing even a "hey we are looking into it"
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Halofan240
    Soul Shriven
    Tks. I got my items back. Tks for the help. :D
  • LinkDragon512
    It's been 3 days since I posted and a week now since I first tried getting help getting my items back...I'm starting to lose hope on getting them back and feel like I wasted the extra 20$ getting the imperial edition.....
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • muumumueb17_ESO
    I created a support request, but they did not help and I did not get my stuff back.
    Incident: 140401-029927
    Help me please!
    Edited by muumumueb17_ESO on April 6, 2014 8:25PM
  • jbrels76b14_ESO

    I lost my items. Created a character and redeemed all of the items.. I then deleted him wanting to make something else. I wasn't aware of needing to put the items in the bank.

    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • josephirothb16_ESO
    I also deleted My first Character and lost the items :(
    The man who is really serious, with the urge to find out what truth is, has no style at all. He lives only in what is.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Luthor
    I have not received the treasure maps!

    I have not submitted a ticket.
  • alexhumphries11888preub18_ESO
    My items were deleted and I have submitted a ticket. What is the process for this? Has anyone gotten their items back so far?
    Edited by alexhumphries11888preub18_ESO on April 6, 2014 9:50PM
  • Alice
    Soul Shriven
    I deleted my character and lost the pledge of mara and imgakin pet.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Mulkiath
    I have raised this with support twice, incident numbers below and all I get back are generic emails that are not helpful. Given the responses thus far I am not even sure if they are reading what I am sending.


    Can someone please help?
    The object of PvP is not to die for your faction but to make the other guy die for his.
  • Vorien
    Lost the RIngs of Mara and the Beta Monkey during early access on a since deleted character first reply said there was nothing they could do, second reply seemed like some auto response about activating my code.

  • Praotectrekkie
    I also deleted my monkey from the beta with the first character I created as I believed all my characters would receive it. However it is not so and I wasn't able to retrieve it.
    Neither did I get the treasure maps and the Scuttler, although the Explorer's Pack seems to be active as I can create a character of any race in any faction. I pre-ordered a digital copy from a local retailer and now (6 April) I redeemed my game key code to continue playing after the end of early access, but there is no new mail.
  • mortemythos
    Yup accidentally deleted character not knowing the items were not unlimited like they should have been.

    Please create a ticket for me. I had Imperial and the adventures pre purchase pack
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • SomeNinjaDude
    Soul Shriven
    Have not received the Scuttler vanity pet or treasure map from the explorer pack, although I can create a character in any faction. Any chance I could get some help?
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • SaraG
    A week ago i send a ticket about my maps and thing i delete by mistakte, after awhile i send anotehr and still got no respond, i even wrote here and got no respond.

    Today i got a survey about your customer service, i feelt like a really bad April joke.
  • Rubinato
    They sent me that same customer service survey before they even bothered to send the canned response to my support request. What's even more annoying is that I no longer have access to check whether or not they actually resurrect my monkey, because the game is still "preparing for shipment" from Amazon.
  • giantsuperguyub17_ESO
    I accidently deleted my mudcrab vanity pet because i thought i had taken it off of my character before i deleted him.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Intergalactical
    It has been a week now since I deleted my character and lost my imperial/beta items, and countless tickets, all with different responses, none of which have actually resolved my issue or given me any indication of when my items will be returned. My items are still gone, and its getting to that point where its just not worth the effort in dealing with crap customer service.

    My friend, who had put in a ticket the day after me, has gotten her items reimbursed 3 days ago, like seriously what's the go? Is this just a lucky dip of who gets proper support and the others just have to deal with the same bs email responses?
  • Rierdon
    It has been a week now since I deleted my character and lost my imperial/beta items, and countless tickets, all with different responses, none of which have actually resolved my issue or given me any indication of when my items will be returned. My items are still gone, and its getting to that point where its just not worth the effort in dealing with crap customer service.

    My friend, who had put in a ticket the day after me, has gotten her items reimbursed 3 days ago, like seriously what's the go? Is this just a lucky dip of who gets proper support and the others just have to deal with the same bs email responses?

    I think most of us are feeling the same way... I know I do - put my first ticket in on the first day of early access, and 3 more since without a relevant response.
  • Joel531997
    I lost my monkey from participating in the beta, I didn't know it wouldn't show up on my other characters. :(
  • n0x
    I lost my rings of mara. also, haven't got my maps.
  • thecheezgod
    I accidently deleted the treasure maps, didn't know it was only on 1 character.
  • Krekko

    I deleted my character Krekko, in order to remake them. On them was the items. I posted a few pages back and my situation has not been addressed nor solved. Can you add me to the list of fixing it, please?
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Tempest13rwb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I created an alt after launch, and deleted is straight away, however I don't think I got the Explorer Pack stuff on that one as it was a few days after launch. I have submitted a ticket however I have heard nothing back and it's been a few days, so I thought I'd post here just in case. Question Reference is # 140403-045186 if that helps.

  • jcvaughn86b14_ESO
    I have created a ticket but still do not have my items back yet. Please add me to the list.
    Incident: 140331-009401
    Edited by jcvaughn86b14_ESO on April 7, 2014 4:37AM
  • Runhent
    I created ticket three days ago, and there's still no answer.

    I understand that it was a weekend, but I received two answers about goldselling reports yesterday. I would prefer to get my pre-order bonuses instead, actually.

    Reference code is: 140404-011395, if this information is required.
    Edited by Runhent on April 7, 2014 8:43AM
    Gilryne Telvanni, at your service.
    EU | Ebonheart Pact | ElderScrolls.Net & RuESO
  • Jerre
    Accidently missed the mail on my first character which I remade and was unable to collect my explorer pack bonuses
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • WolfHeart
    Add me to the list please. I am missing most of my CE treasure maps. Can't seem to find my pet either.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • ravus
    Soul Shriven
    I received the game mail with my Explorer's Pack attached. I attempted to take just one of the treasure map bundles on the character I was logged onto at the time. I instead ended up with all the map bundles and pet in the characters inventory. Not a problem in theory, but when I attempted to move it all to my shared bank I discovered the maps were all bound to that one character. So, I put in a ticket asking for the maps to be moved the character I am actually going to level (I was still deciding when the original problem occurred).

    The response I received from customer service while prompt just seems odd. I put in the ticket via the ingame interface. The response was via email and only email to the best I'm able to tell even though I was online at the time. The email asks for me to provide information that to be honest looks so much like a plishing attempt and what's worse seem to want me to send it via email. Is this really the system? I made my request ingame, I did not ask for these maps to be moved or sent to a character on another account. How does giving credit card, paypal, secret question response, or game code information better facilitate this?
  • Vaire
    Continuing to be ignored via email, and ignored here, yet I received a customer service survey that tells me someone cares about my experience. Still, it's been 8 days, my Explorer Pack and Imgakin have not been restored, and I've been ignored since I received a form letter four days ago that did not apply to my issue. Why won't anyone help?
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
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