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Deleted Imperial Edition/Early Access Items

  • greatsaski
    Soul Shriven
    Been a few days now. It'd be nice to if something was being done. I didn't buy the Imperial Edition for nothing. I'd at least like to know if they're working on it. I hope my ticket didn't get lost in the pile of others...
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Stayte
    Best bet to completely correct this problem, would be to make all bonus items (Pets, maps and such) character bound, and should be available for every new character made there after. Simply solution in my opinion.
  • imrebroce
    I have been ignored by ZoS since day one of early access. I got one email asking for account info, I replied to it, and have heard nothing since. I see people getting their issues resolved, yet I have been waiting since literally 10 minutes after the earliest early access launched. I didn't pay 80+ dollars to be ignored. This has been utterly frustrating and even a bit insulting.
  • imrebroce
    Edited by imrebroce on April 6, 2014 4:49PM
  • imrebroce
    Edited by imrebroce on April 6, 2014 4:20PM
  • ZOS_JasonI
    Greetings, @imrebroce‌. Your request has been escalated and will be addressed as soon as possible by our Support Team.

    Rest assured, if you deleted your bonus items, our team will be able to restore them. Thank you for your patience.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Social Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Sazara
    Is support not live Sunday (today)? Is there any way someone will get back to me about my missing Explorer's Pack and other pre-purchase entitlements?

    I've sent 4 tickets already, and had a pretty good response during the second one, but then all of a sudden, it stopped, and I haven't heard anything about my issues.
  • imrebroce
    ZOS_JasonL wrote: »
    Greetings, @imrebroce‌. Your request has been escalated and will be addressed as soon as possible by our Support Team.

    Rest assured, if you deleted your bonus items, our team will be able to restore them. Thank you for your patience.

    Will I be emailed or contacted in game? Or will the items just be sent to my in-game mail?

    And forgive me for being skeptical, but this isn't the first time I've been told it was being taken care of, or "sent forward to our team"
    I love the game, it's just such a shame that the customer service experience has been this terrible.
    Edited by imrebroce on April 6, 2014 4:48PM
  • j.cruickshankb16_ESO
    Just writing to confirm that I got my items back. Thank you kindly.
    ALU ULA. Justice for the 96.
  • Avie
    Still have not received imperial items back and at this point have very little faith that I will. A week I am still..........being ignored.

    I have posted here and sent in support tickets since March 31st and have virtually been ignored by Support. I have not received one response email from the Support Team that addressed the problem appropriately (no I don't need to enter in a key, I bought the download imperial edition from the online store) nor even got to the point in which they ask for any account information. I deleted my imperial perk items just a few minutes after starting a character in the wrong faction, therefore I already received the vanity pets, ring of mara, and treasure maps in game at one point. In my opinion, I just threw $80 for the imperial edition out the window for nothing!
  • ZOS_JasonI
    @imrebroce‌, you will be contact via email by our Support Team to confirm that your items have been restored.

    Hey there, @Sazara M. Your ticket has also been escalated. In the future, you'll only need to submit one help ticket. Our Support Team will be happy to assist you!
    The Elder Scrolls Online Social Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube | ESO Knowledge Base
    Staff Post
  • Sazara
    ZOS_JasonL wrote: »
    Hey there, @Sazara M. Your ticket has also been escalated. In the future, you'll only need to submit one help ticket. Our Support Team will be happy to assist you!

    Thank you, but my question is: Is their support on Sundays? I made sure to pay for this game before 4/4/14 and did not receive my Explorer's Pack, which I was expecting to enjoy this weekend, but this weekend has been nothing but me waiting and waiting for short responses, and 0% help by any means.

    I am very displeased by this.
  • JSeymour421b14a_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Still have not recieved my Items that were deleted put my ticket in day 1 of 5 day early access. I love the game I just hate that I payed 80 dollars to not show it off. Can we please hurry up and restore my items?
  • valentino1966
    Still havnt received any items yet in post hope fully tomorrow thanks
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • userwins
    Still have not recieved a response or my items back. Any idea whats going on?
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • orobferb16_ESO
    Do we have any news about this ?. I have a ticket opened from the first hour of the early access 7 days ago. I have seen some people already had their items restored but there is no information for the rest of us.
    Please can you provide the status for our tickets ?
  • Deddicus
    My stuff is deleted also.
  • Mujuro
    Any update for those of us with our bank space/gold reset after putting in subscription info?
  • Avie
    Avie wrote: »
    Still have not received imperial items back and at this point have very little faith that I will. A week I am still..........being ignored.

    I have posted here and sent in support tickets since March 31st and have virtually been ignored by Support. I have not received one response email from the Support Team that addressed the problem appropriately (no I don't need to enter in a key, I bought the download imperial edition from the online store) nor even got to the point in which they ask for any account information. I deleted my imperial perk items just a few minutes after starting a character in the wrong faction, therefore I already received the vanity pets, ring of mara, and treasure maps in game at one point. In my opinion, I just threw $80 for the imperial edition out the window for nothing!


  • thilog
    Yenu wrote: »
    Uh Michelle,

    the treasure maps are bound to character and can't be deposited in the bank.

    How do we pass them to the other alliances?

    I can't mail them to other characters either as the mailing system won't allow sending to other characters on the same account.

    Sucks to be you. As you said, once used, they are bound. I've actually found treasure maps during play and have the same issue. I'd say, you either don't delete or you do and accept the lost map.
  • thilog
    Hexslinger wrote: »
    We will return the items to the players that accidentally deleted them and contacted us by replying to this thread, or by submitting a ticket from the support page.

    Add me to the list please. I lost my items.

    Tbh.. I think this is a joke.. people are getting thier items back having deleted them on purpose.. yet the rest of us who haven't even had their full 5 days early access, who have paid the most amount of money are unable to play.. due in many cases like myself, to have paid for the imperial version. Which.. the boxed items are actually pretty rubbish. The plastic statue.. I thought would be bronze/metal/pewter at least and the book is nice.. but not worth the expense of the amount of money we paid. If you don't have the sense to bank your items on a char you intend to delete.. your own fault i say!
  • liper
    i lost my items.
  • Audigy
    I have received an email (within 2 hours) that they will look into it now. ;) That said, I never received my items in first place, so maybe this is a "easier" fix than helping those who did delete them.

    Once I got my items I will let you know, so don't give up hope guys they are still in their office working to help us :D
  • Shaitarn
    please submit a ticket for me. I'm an idiot
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Elunthir
    I have issued a ticket about explorer treasure map. I deleted my char with them in my inventory. I thought that all the bonus item was bound to account instead of characters, which ZOS should have done it. Anyway we paid a lot for them. I wish I could get my maps soon.
  • Rierdon
    thilog wrote: »
    Hexslinger wrote: »
    We will return the items to the players that accidentally deleted them and contacted us by replying to this thread, or by submitting a ticket from the support page.

    Add me to the list please. I lost my items.

    Tbh.. I think this is a joke.. people are getting thier items back having deleted them on purpose.. yet the rest of us who haven't even had their full 5 days early access, who have paid the most amount of money are unable to play.. due in many cases like myself, to have paid for the imperial version. Which.. the boxed items are actually pretty rubbish. The plastic statue.. I thought would be bronze/metal/pewter at least and the book is nice.. but not worth the expense of the amount of money we paid. If you don't have the sense to bank your items on a char you intend to delete.. your own fault i say!

    If you had read most people's issue, it's that we made a mistake during character creation, took the items from the mail, and then deleted the character due to the mistake - not realizing that the items were granted to the account rather than per character.

    tl;dr - we didn't delete anything on purpose, and service is typically first-come, first-served.
  • LordGrizzly
    My items were also accidentally deleted and I sent in a ticket in game the first day of early access. My items haven't been restored yet and I haven't heard anything from support. Please escalate my issue! Thanks
  • MoistDwarf
    I have the same problem. I accidentally deleted all my Imperial edition contents, explorers pack content and the monkey vanity pet, this has been really frustrating for me. I sent inn a ticket on friday but still no response, so I ask if my request can be escalated.

    Thank you.
    Edited by MoistDwarf on April 6, 2014 8:06PM
  • Skylinee
    Soul Shriven
    I contacted the support team last sunday (Incident: 140330-003207 and Incident: 140330-003369)

    Still waiting for them to resolve it after much back and forth.
  • Gwahiir
    I have also deleted the items by accident, would appreciate them restored.

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