Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Deleted Imperial Edition/Early Access Items

  • Xaltotun
    Warfield wrote: »
    Xaltotun wrote: »

    This is the thread I am talking about. It has been unstickied yet pretty much everyone here still hasn't had their problem addressed in any meaningful way - but rather the opposite. They, like I, have been brushed aside with meaningless responses and closed tickets.

    Yeah, why did a mod unsticky this thread when none of the problems have been resolved?

    That's a very good question...and one clearly in need of being addressed.
  • arolsen88
    Please add me to the list. Deleted my mudcrab, monkey, and rings of mara. Been waiting a while now. Thanks.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • RaunchyMonkey
    Soul Shriven
    Hello. My items have been accidentally deleted as well. I was supposed to receive everything from the Explorers Pack as well as The Imperial Edition. I would appreciate a swift response as well as a fix. Thankyou
  • ml_182b16_ESO
    Same boat, deleted Item by mistake. Just got the same useless e-mail. I just about had enough of this game. Also my bank items were deleted 3 days ago and nothing has happend with that either.
  • Warfield
    Xaltotun wrote: »
    Warfield wrote: »
    Xaltotun wrote: »

    This is the thread I am talking about. It has been unstickied yet pretty much everyone here still hasn't had their problem addressed in any meaningful way - but rather the opposite. They, like I, have been brushed aside with meaningless responses and closed tickets.

    Yeah, why did a mod unsticky this thread when none of the problems have been resolved?

    That's a very good question...and one clearly in need of being addressed.

    Instead of responding in the most active thread in the forum and giving information to their paying customers they just unsticky it without a comment.

    Not cool
  • Saera
    SO my ticket i sent in is now over 120 hours, i never could respond about my rings of mara issue to keep my ticket open, so what do I do now?...

    Please ESO just make this as a vendor like the horse so each of your characters can buy it one time each...
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • yes229foo
    Soul Shriven
    I received this same exact response as everyone else that had nothing to do with my problem:

    Response By Email (Kenzie) (04/03/2014 07:15 PM)
    Hail and Well Met Vestige,
    Thank you for brining your lack of reward bonuses to our attention. Rest assured that there is a way for these rewards to reach your inventory. The Prophet has tasked me to inform you how to accomplish this.
    For purchases from certain retailers, some digital perks and bonus items will not be available until a game key has been applied to the customer's account. This means customers may have received some of the digital perks and bonus items, such as the ability to play any race in any alliance, but not all of the expected items.

    Items Affected:
    o Mubcrab Vanity Pet
    o Scuttler Vanity Pet
    o Bonus Treasure Maps

    The remaining pre-order bonus items will be received when customers enter the game key provided by your retailer starting on April 3rd.
    1. Locate the game code, not the early access code, in the retail box (or sent in an email in the case of a "download only" purchase)
    2. Log into
    3. Click Account Summary
    4. Click Redeem Code
    5. Enter the Game Code
    6. Apply the game key
    7. Log into the game and check the in-game mail to verify the pre-order bonus items

    If this process does not resolve your issue please contact us again and we will investigate the matter further.
    Thank you for your continued support. May you break many anchors in quest for the Ruby Throne"

    This did not answer my problem at all. Like everyone else, I deleted my first character which I had used to redeem my monkey and rings of mara. I need both those items back. My incident # is 140330-036626. Please open another ticket for my account.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Dharke
    I have this issue, deleted my first character and items along with it.
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  • WizardKIddo
    Haha everyone got the same reply: ''use the code blah blah blah'' Really? really? we HAVE RECIEVED OUR ITEMS BUT DELETED THEM WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT WOULD HAPPEN. WE NEED THEM BACK, that is all. For god's sake why is it so hard to get them back, I don't get it.
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  • Loqe
    I recieved 3 copy/paste responses like the one above, the person that sent it hasn't even read the ticket or they'd know that this response is crap.

    Incident: 140330-008448
    Incident: 140330-018581
    Incident: 140330-008930
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Betosky9
    I accidentaly deleted my early access items and my beta pet
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  • djk213
    I have deleted my first character that had the bonuses in its inventory. I had put in a ticket explaining the situation that very day. I just received a response and it appears the support person did not even read my message.
    Please resolve this issue for me. I would like the bonuses I was entitled to for pre purchasing your product and participating in your beta.

    Question Reference # 140330-022996 (no it is not "solved")
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Holycannoli
    Everyone pay attention to the email you receive. The original response I received said Status: Solved, which it wasn't. After replying such, two CSRs responded (emails were sent at the exact same time):
    Response By Email (Brasha) (04/03/2014 05:38 AM)
    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    I do apologize for this inconvenience that you are experiencing. I am going to send you to a department that will help you get this issue resolved. Thank you for you patience.

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team
    Response By Email (Lonny) (04/03/2014 05:38 AM)
    Hail and well met,

    I apologize for the oversight, your request is being investigated. You will receive an update either by email or in-game mail. We appreciate your patience in this matter.

    May your last thoughts be of home,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    It's also now Status: Waiting.

    Seems they're having some serious customer service growing pains. It's only the beta monkey vanity pet I deleted so I don't care how long my issue takes but I am concerned overall about what's going on - people getting mistakenly banned for reporting gold spammers, closed support tickets, confusion regarding issues like pending transactions placed on our accounts when we choose a subscription, completely wrong scheduled downtimes, opening the server earlier than they said screwing many of us out of a chance at names, etc.

    Growing pains. Not insurmountable just annoying.
    Edited by Holycannoli on April 4, 2014 5:52AM
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Venom1908
    Me too after 2-3 mails with answers that did not answer my problem I am on the same boat.. Good solution would be like Age of Conan where you could /claim on all chars and take your preordered items on any chracter you played..
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Holycannoli
    Venom1908 wrote: »
    Me too after 2-3 mails with answers that did not answer my problem I am on the same boat.. Good solution would be like Age of Conan where you could /claim on all chars and take your preordered items on any chracter you played..

    or like every other MMO I've played where bonuses like these are given to every character, and even when accidentally deleted can be easily and quickly reclaimed (they're never a "one time claim").

    ESO so far is the only MMO I've played where not only do these preorder bonus items not get mailed to every character, but there's no way to easily reclaim them in game. You delete a character with the items, you're screwed. You go on an inventory purge spree and accidentally destroy a vanity pet? You're screwed. You have 8 characters and regularly switch between them during a gaming session and want to use your preorder pets with each one? Lol you're screwed.

    This doesn't as easily apply to items like the treasure maps where maybe not all characters should get them, but things like vanity pets definitely should.

    My guess is they're working on /claim system, perhaps through a simple /claim command or through an NPC, and that's how we will get our items restored. It does make me wonder though why they didn't implement this from the start. Did they not foresee this issue? And who thought making these items one-time claims that need to be passed around every time we change character was a good idea?

    (btw when it comes to vanity pets I greatly prefer how Rift and I think WoW handle them. In Rift they go in the Companions tab and don't take up an inventory slot. I think WoW has a similar method. Either way it's better than them being an inventory item, especially one that needs to be passed around if you want to change characters.)
    Edited by Holycannoli on April 4, 2014 6:18AM
  • acunninghan
    Funny how they are ignoring this completely, no official comment on this for days
  • Luisen
    New answer from the customer service:
    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    I'm very sorry for what has happened to you. I will forward this to the Mages Guild for you. With all of their unique incantations they possess I'm quite positive they can of great assistance in recovering your lost items! We all make mistakes and there is no need to feel down. I too, know the feeling adventurer. So fear not! Continue on your heroic quest to defeat the Prince of Madness and keep an eye out for a blessed scroll of good fortunes. Patience and diligence Adventurer. It is with this combination that miracles can occur!

  • acunninghan
    New answer from the customer service:
    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.

    I'm very sorry for what has happened to you. I will forward this to the Mages Guild for you. With all of their unique incantations they possess I'm quite positive they can of great assistance in recovering your lost items! We all make mistakes and there is no need to feel down. I too, know the feeling adventurer. So fear not! Continue on your heroic quest to defeat the Prince of Madness and keep an eye out for a blessed scroll of good fortunes. Patience and diligence Adventurer. It is with this combination that miracles can occur!

    Nice response, it looks like he took the time to read and didn't use a template... this is what i expect from customer support, i understand it could take time but it is not acceptable that it takes them 4 days to reply and don't have an official communication about it.

  • Leladrin
    Soul Shriven
    Time to regale you all with my experiences from ESO Customer support.

    I have placed 2 tickets so far regarding this issue, the first through e-mail, which initially i received an appropriate response. Today I got the "Canned response" to that ticket which many have received and posted here. Totally USELESS BTW.

    The other Ticket which was supposed to be "phone support" Yeah Right!
    I received a short,"do not have tools escalate" E-mail. I think that was in error, most likely it was supposed to be a note on the ticket and sent up the line to the next level of customer support. Anyways I still haven't gotten anywhere on getting my stuff back after 5 days.

    I agree that the implementation of these perks should have been for every character created. But considering they chose not to do that my question is:

    Can't you just re-send the in game mails with the items attached?
    It can't be that hard to do.
  • D00fD1ll4
    Still all my tickets have been closed with a generic answer :(
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  • Felinus
    I might have done this too, I deleted the first character without playing it, The Imperial stuff came to my new player via in game mail, but no Explorers mail arrived.
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  • selernab16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    just for knowing, but has anyone yet get there stuff back yet?
    been waiting now for 6 days now and still there is no answer are solution.
    am just curious if atleast someone has there stuff back yet
  • babylon
    Add me to the list as well - have treasure maps stuck on a character I need to delete and remake. Can't move them into bank because they are character bound, and they will not go into the bank.

    Have sent two tickets, waiting for some help.
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  • jonathanatorrensb16_ESO
    I have accidentally lost my monkey vanity pet by deleting/remaking the character that had the monkey in his inventory.
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  • Mithrillax

    Yes i have this problem and i would love to have it fixxed.

    Elder Scrolls Online BE / NL guild Aldmeri Dominion
    V v V
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  • Volotar
    Hello, i didnt get my Reward for the Digital Imperial Edition. I already checked al my Characters. Mybe i deleted them, but i am not sure that i ever got the items. I already wrote a ticket, but even didnt get a response from the support after 5 Days. Ticket ID 140331-099499
    Mybe you can help?
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Xfan
    Just got an answer, after 5 days ... and guess what ... I've been told to redeem the code that I've got from the third party reseller .... wtf I say, I've purchased the game directly from the eso website! Does any one make any effort to read what the customers are writing or really investigate the affected account or they grab a random generic answer?
    Five days, waiting for a solution and I get this thing now .... great. If anyone with at least half functioning brain read this .. help .... I see stupid ppl!
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  • Lifell
    Add me to the list. Already send a ticket but got a response back saying I need to activate my RETAIL ACTIVATION CODE. Like, what the hell, I pre-ordered over bethesda and I already in theory had my items.

    *sigh*, somehow I have the feeling all customer support are suppose to act stupid.
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  • Chik
    Soul Shriven
    I want my imperial itens back. I already make a ticket, but no response. Сharacter was removed March 30th almost immediately after the start.
    Thank you in advance.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • hezha91b16_ESO
    Waited 3-4 days and when I got my answer back from support they seemd to not even read or understood what I meant... :( they answered 140330-025913 :'(
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
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