Deleted Imperial Edition/Early Access Items

  • alexrule44
    I got stuck in the weapons room and had to delete my character after I got all my mail :P please add me to the list :)
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Erikah
    Please add me. I lost all of my items including monkey, 2 crab and a raptor pet, mara's ring and my treasure maps. Thanks
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Krace
    Add me to the list as well... i had no idea that they can get deleted.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • rjsgjkpreub18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Same for me deleted main character to create new one and lost everything. Opened a ticket with support on Monday morning, but haven't gotten a response back.
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  • david.eguizabalub17_ESO
    I accidentally deleted my Character(My first) and completely forgot he had all my things, please help.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Kryden
    Same here.
    I got stuck in the cell and deleted my lvl 1 char on the 30th march, 1.30pm.

    I would like to get my items back without restoring that Level 1 Char, since my new one is much higher now and i heard, that treasure maps are soulbound to that character.

    Ticket Number:140403-042913
  • Benjo
    I deleted my explorer pack bonus by mistake on the first day of early access, and also submitted my ticket, but the response I received today was to ask me to enter retail code but my game was not from retail. Please Add me to your list, thank you.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • D00fD1ll4
    Greetings Elder Scrolls fan!

    For purchases from certain retailers, some digital perks and bonus items will not be available until a game key has been applied to the customer's account. This means customers may have received some of the digital perks and bonus items, such as the ability to play any race in any alliance, but not all of the expected items.

    Items Affected:
    o Mubcrab Vanity Pet
    o Scuttler Vanity Pet
    o Bonus Treasure Maps

    The remaining pre-order bonus items will be received when customers enter the game key provided by your retailer starting on April 3rd.

    1. Locate the game code, not the early access code, in the retail box (or sent in an email in the case of a "download only" purchase)
    2. Log into
    3. Click Account Summary
    4. Click Redeem Code
    5. Enter the Game Code
    6. Apply the game key
    7. Log into the game and check the in-game mail to verify the pre-order bonus items

    If this process does not resolve the problem with missing items, please contact Customer Support at so we can resolve the issue.

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    Question Reference # 140330-009660

    Date Created: 03/30/2014 09:19 AM
    Date Last Updated: 04/03/2014 06:17 PM
    Status: Solved

    Is this a sick joke? After waiting since Sunday, this is the response i get? No Monkey back but this? .....

    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Rootz
    5 days later, 3 times a response we are working on it and 1 time a response i had to add my retail key.... owkeee. .

    Still do not have my items back and this is really taking a ***. Yes i get a reply back in about a day or 2 but nobody seems to be doing anything than putting standard replies in it.

    When are you going to sort my items out, they supposed to be for pre-order and are part of the deluxe version. I do not have them so i assume you compensate my 5 days without them.

    Question Reference # 140330-011169
  • Xaltotun
    Question Reference # 140330-010177
    Response By Email (Kenzie) (04/03/2014 06:16 PM)
    Greetings Elder Scrolls fan!

    For purchases from certain retailers, some digital perks and bonus items will not be available until a game key has been applied to the customer's account. This means customers may have received some of the digital perks and bonus items, such as the ability to play any race in any alliance, but not all of the expected items.

    Items Affected:
    o Mubcrab Vanity Pet
    o Scuttler Vanity Pet
    o Bonus Treasure Maps

    The remaining pre-order bonus items will be received when customers enter the game key provided by your retailer starting on April 3rd.

    1. Locate the game code, not the early access code, in the retail box (or sent in an email in the case of a "download only" purchase)
    2. Log into
    3. Click Account Summary
    4. Click Redeem Code
    5. Enter the Game Code
    6. Apply the game key
    7. Log into the game and check the in-game mail to verify the pre-order bonus items

    Do you people even read the tickets? I went into great detail about the fact that I had deleted my character because he was put into the wrong alliance, and I get THIS after 4 days and multiple emails? And now it says it's resolved? This is just getting ridiculous. what? Open up ANOTHER ticket and wait another 4 days (from submitting in the early hours of 3/30) for someone to not bother reading the ticket and close it?
    Edited by Xaltotun on April 3, 2014 11:42PM
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • jmonson007rwb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Please add me, I'm in the same boat as Rootz.

    Raised a ticket on the 30th Incident: 140403-042955 and just got a reply to add my retail game key but i purchased from the ESO store.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Adeona
    Greetings Elder Scrolls fan!

    For purchases from certain retailers, some digital perks and bonus items will not be available until a game key has been applied to the customer's account. This means customers may have received some of the digital perks and bonus items, such as the ability to play any race in any alliance, but not all of the expected items.

    Items Affected:
    o Mubcrab Vanity Pet
    o Scuttler Vanity Pet
    o Bonus Treasure Maps

    The remaining pre-order bonus items will be received when customers enter the game key provided by your retailer starting on April 3rd.

    1. Locate the game code, not the early access code, in the retail box (or sent in an email in the case of a "download only" purchase)
    2. Log into
    3. Click Account Summary
    4. Click Redeem Code
    5. Enter the Game Code
    6. Apply the game key
    7. Log into the game and check the in-game mail to verify the pre-order bonus items

    If this process does not resolve the problem with missing items, please contact Customer Support at so we can resolve the issue.

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    I just received almost the same exact response and I am baffled as to why, because I bought the digital copy, not a physical one. I also clearly explained in the ticket that I had claimed the items (Imperial Edition, Digital pre-order, Explorer's Pack and Beta extras) from my mail but mistakenly deleted them when I deleted my first character because of the 'zoom' bug that occurred during the first few hours of the early access on the 30th. I am trying to stay positive about this situation even after waiting so long, I really want my items back. Was wondering if perhaps they plan on sending out the items in the mail to everyone again tomorrow at official launch. Hopefully this gets resolved soon.

    *EDIT: Please add me to the list, I was on page 3 of this thread asking for assistance days ago and now I get this generic reply after sending 2 tickets and requesting phone assistance that never came. I really would appreciate some proper help. Thank you.

    Edited by Adeona on April 4, 2014 5:44AM
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • caseycurtis89_ESO
    I ticketed the 1st day of early access and still haven't gotten anything other than an email...Also now I'm trying to download the patch and its going slower than molasses.
  • Korereactor
    My ticket to support (Incident: 140330-011355):

    I created a character and couldn't zoom in on the face in character creation (due to a bug), so it wasn't exactly what I wanted. I accepted all the preorder items at the time because I didn't know how to work around the bug so I was going to settle. I then read about the bug, deleted my old character (because it had the name I wanted), and created the character I wanted. Now, no preorder items at all. Is there any way you can send those back to me?

    Response from support today at 5:19PM CDT via email:
    Greetings Elder Scrolls fan!

    For purchases from certain retailers, some digital perks and bonus items will not be available until a game key has been applied to the customer's account. This means customers may have received some of the digital perks and bonus items, such as the ability to play any race in any alliance, but not all of the expected items.

    Items Affected:
    o Mubcrab Vanity Pet
    o Scuttler Vanity Pet
    o Bonus Treasure Maps

    The remaining pre-order bonus items will be received when customers enter the game key provided by your retailer starting on April 3rd.

    1. Locate the game code, not the early access code, in the retail box (or sent in an email in the case of a "download only" purchase)
    2. Log into
    3. Click Account Summary
    4. Click Redeem Code
    5. Enter the Game Code
    6. Apply the game key
    7. Log into the game and check the in-game mail to verify the pre-order bonus items

    Obviously my ticket wasn't even read? I've been extremely patient on this, but come on, at least read the ticket! Can someone please help? I ordered from ZeniMax Online and it was the 5-day early access items (everything).
    Edited by Korereactor on April 3, 2014 11:29PM
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • D00fD1ll4
    Xaltotun wrote: »
    ...... what? Open up ANOTHER ticket and wait another 4 days for someone to not bother reading the ticket and close it?

    This is exactly how i feel, and i bet like everyone else who got this email. [EDIT: was to harsh :), but hey, come on, its human to get upset if you have been rather patient and then get the feeling of being ignored :)]
    Edited by D00fD1ll4 on April 3, 2014 11:27PM
  • Star_Illusion
    This happened to me as well. Deleted my character with items, and got the same message you guys are getting. I pre-ordered from the ESO store, soooo what? Are we supposed to submit another ticket?
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Intergalactical
    Just got my physical copy so I put my Imperial access code in, and still no bonus items even with a code. Put in a third ticket about my missing imperial/beta/early access items, lets play some more of the waiting game.
  • GrozaV91
    I deleted my Explorer pack items.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Rabinson
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team do the same as WoW and LotRO, send emails to each character created on the account. Not paid U $ 79,00 (BRL159, 00) to be worried about putting these items in my bag when I create another character. And my alternate char, will run out??
    A biiiiig to start this game.
  • Asuna_Meow
    I just got spammed with 4 of those emails... it's clear they just stock piled them and had that ready to send out those emails when it hit time...
  • Deddicus
    Hi there,

    Happened to me day one (March 30). I submitted a ticket 140330 - 053989.

    I have sent an e-mail in game and out of game each day since then asking for a status. No luck.

    Today I tried for a call back... again... no response...

    Any chance that someone will restore my stuff before I have completely out-leveled all the treasure maps?

    Thanks in advance.
  • Kortak
    what a horrible system. Just make it so the items are put in your bank and not mailed or something..or make them account bound and you cant delete your characters with that sort of on it
  • Xaltotun
    D00fD1ll4 wrote: »
    Xaltotun wrote: »
    ...... what? Open up ANOTHER ticket and wait another 4 days for someone to not bother reading the ticket and close it?

    This is exactly how i feel, and i bet like everyone else who got this email. [EDIT: was to harsh :), but hey, come on, its human to get upset if you have been rather patient and then get the feeling of being ignored :)]

    I realize it was harsh, but damn. I don't mind being patient. What I DO mind is someone not even taking the time to READ the ticket before sending out some form letter response and then closing the ticket. I don't care if it takes them some time to fix it - I was planning to alt anyways so the alt can use those treasure maps. But it's the amazingly brazen lack of giving a damn that was shown by not even reading the problem before sending out the email. That made react a little harshly. ;)
  • D00fD1ll4
    OMG, i just cannot belive it but:

    I just got the same answer to my newly opened ticket! Do you want me to play "close / open" tickets with me or what?

    Edited by D00fD1ll4 on April 4, 2014 12:11AM
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • calendor
    I deleted my imperial edition items too stupidly, and have had 2 jobs just shut down with no resolution. Opened up a third one, one the hopes a real life person reads it.

    Thanks for submitting your question. Your reference code is: 140403-048372.
  • psilocyber
    Hi there i deleted my character and my imgakin has been deleted too :( please help
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • ciscotrakerub17_ESO
    OMG, what the hell! After waiting since last Sunday, 3 different cases explaining my problem, waiting patiently for a response they send me an email RESOLVING my case with some automatic message about redeeming SOME of the items. Are they even reading the tickets we are opening?!?!?! Now they've pissed the hell out of me and probably half of the people waiting patiently for some resolution since last Sunday! ... Don't even have words to describe how god damn pissed I am...

  • mattctodd
    Incident: 140330-014225

    I just received the same stock email thats been sent out and doesn't help me receive my deleted items. Can we get some offical annoucement about when we are likely to receive them please.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Warfield
    "Helping you is our passion!

    We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 120 days.

    If your issue has not been resolved, you can respond directly to this email. We look forward to working with you again should you need us!
    I pre-ordered and all the extra items I got I put on my first character, the zoo...

    Response By Email (Kenzie) (04/03/2014 06:16 PM)
    Greetings Elder Scrolls fan!

    For purchases from certain retailers, some digital perks and bonus items will not be available until a game key has been applied to the customer's account. This means customers may have received some of the digital perks and bonus items, such as the ability to play any race in any alliance, but not all of the expected items.

    Items Affected:
    o Mubcrab Vanity Pet
    o Scuttler Vanity Pet
    o Bonus Treasure Maps

    The remaining pre-order bonus items will be received when customers enter the game key provided by your retailer starting on April 3rd.

    1. Locate the game code, not the early access code, in the retail box (or sent in an email in the case of a "download only" purchase)
    2. Log into
    3. Click Account Summary
    4. Click Redeem Code
    5. Enter the Game Code
    6. Apply the game key
    7. Log into the game and check the in-game mail to verify the pre-order bonus items

    If this process does not resolve the problem with missing items, please contact Customer Support at so we can resolve the issue."


    This is the response I get? This doesn't help me at all... Your passion is failing~!
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • spyritwind
    I just purchased the Imperial upgrade. I received a letter with the mudcrab and the ring of mara, but no horse at all :(

    Also; my treasure maps were deleted with my first character :( I still have the letter for that, but it's empty (no maps). I'd like to get my maps too please.

    Thank you
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