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Winged Twilight Rant

  • CrashTest
    It's annoying when the flapping wings block you from using wayshrines.

    The wayshrine interaction prompt just keeps flickering on and off so you either have to time your key presses between each flap animation or spam your key hoping it'll go though the incessant flapping.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    I thought sorcs were a dying breed?


    Waiting for a dolmen in Alik'r... there's a line of six ranged sorcs with their matrons. Got a bit messy in the middle when all the clanfear deployed as well.
    Edited by I_killed_Vivec on January 29, 2023 3:13PM
  • Pelanora
    People are right to ask for change here.

    Suggesting moving round the whole map hiding from flappy is nuts.

    Avoiding things because you don't want to ask for what you are entitled- peaceful enjoyment of an amenity- is no way to live.

    Edited by Pelanora on January 29, 2023 8:36PM
  • xXBobXx132
    Hello dear community,

    In the meantime, is there actually any update from ZOS on this topic?
    I am currently playing a sorcerer and really like the permanently summoned pets. I only play solo and like as many companions/pets as possible to accompany me on my journey. That said, the twilight matriarch is SO freaking annoying. She's flapping PERMANENTLY all over my screen and it's just annoying and causes headaches.
    I really like the Pets, but this doesn't work for me. What is ZOS going to do about this? It spoils the fun extremely and I have so no desire to play the whole story including all side quests, I also have no desire to do without the matriarch but so it also does not work.

    I read through the thread and it seems like ZOS is absolutely not interested in solving this, which would be really sad. I hope I'm wrong and there is some kind of answer to this in the meantime...

    Edited by xXBobXx132 on April 23, 2023 1:13PM
  • vsrs_au
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Umbro100 wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »

    If I went to a movie theater where through their constant talking and cell phone use, the other movie theater goers annoyed me, I COULD complain to a worker there and hope the issue will be addressed. In the meantime, getting more and more aggravated.


    I could find a movie theater where those annoyances happen far less frequently.

    I am just offering a version of the second option.

    There are places I don’t do my writs, not necessarily because of other players, but because I don’t like how the workstations are arranged.
    I can continue doing my writs there I suppose, getting aggravated each day, asking zos to rearrange them. Or I can find a place I like better. I found (many) places I like better. And I feel happier playing.

    I think I have done writs in every town in the game where they are offered. I was just sharing my experience to try to help.

    It is not the same, not even close. There is only 1 wayshrine to port to in Vivec city, Grahtwood etc. When I do, there are flapping wings there, in my face, immediately triggering a nervous twitch, so I close my eyes and run a few steps blind just to avoid that constant irritating annoying flapping. Some of those people just standing there, with their pets, for age. It is totally ok if you like it, enjoy it - but accept that other people just find it terrible and would like an option to make them disappear completely - when out of combat. Zos even tried to do something about it and failed miserably. Obviously there was/is a huge demand for it. Maybe you should instead compare it with another game - if I hate it that much, I might move to another game that does not try to trigger epilepsy for me. Probably should ...

    I have mentioned it earlier, perhaps you missed it, malabol Tor is great because it is really empty.
    The crafting stations are not too bad (the cooking area is kinda annoying but still very accessible once you know where it is), it has an easily accessed banker (usually devoid of other players). And the turn ins for the writs is close by.
    It also has a convenient thieves den.
    And the wayshrine is not too far away to boot!
    I haven't tried that one, I'll give it a go. I'm trying to learn where all the crafting areas are, and having no wings flapping in my face all the time is a major bonus.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • isadoraisacat
    Evilspock wrote: »
    What can be done about Winged Twilights? Does playing ESO mean I have to be innundated with Winged Twilights flapping in my face all the time?

    I would like to keep playing, but am sick of seeing winged twilights constantly. They are huge, annoying, always flapping in your face everywhere you go. It really makes cities look like garbage and places you don't want to be. I can't be the only one that feels this way.

    In the early years of the game, sorc pets would die so it wasn't a problem. Now they are practically invunerable once spawned, so players keep them summoned perpetually for all eternity. They are all over the place everywhere you go.

    Solutions ZOS could implement:
    1. Get rid of pet sorc skills completely and replace with something that isn't lame and disrupting, like cool wizard fireball skills. (Best solution)
    2. Ability to hide or at least change the opacity of other's summoned pets, always
    3. Make the winged twilights not so huge
    4. Make twilights not so tanky, used as crutches that are always summoned
    5. Have a timer or other mechanic that doesn't keep pets summoned forever

    “Cool wizard fireballs”
    Doesn’t heal me in battle when I’m solo.

    I disable my pets when I’m in town and activate them only when I’m doing combat.

    A simple solution would be a toggle that only displays your pets only.

    The rest you mentioned pushes along the that’s just your opinion gatekeeper side of things.

    Of course I’d rather straight up full on Skyrim combat with 2 spells
    In each hand casted by the hand, and more interactive and more in the moment hack and slash style. But Zos gave us what they gave us and pets are very useful unfortunately I find them annoying but I’ve gotten the best results with pets as a sorcerer.
    Edited by isadoraisacat on April 23, 2023 1:53PM
  • Ragnarok0130
    aipex8_ESO wrote: »
    I sure wish combat pet skins weren't just a one time, gray bear thing. Think of all the noncombat scamps we have. I personally don't use permanent pets though. Much prefer a pet that just comes out for combat and has a timer. One of my sorcs uses Shadowrend and it's perfect as long as you're in combat you have a clanfear as up time is 100%.

    I agree; when the warden came out and we had the slate gray bear skin I hoped that the bear skin would be the first of many pet customization skins earnable in game and purchasable in the Crown Store. However much like hybridization pet skins are an unfinished idea that was quickly shelved for other pressing projects like nerfing the life out of several classes while buffing DK and NB.
  • PrimeSeptim
    Just phase them out while in towns I guess? Or when at wayshrines, etc. Specific or high traffic places. They would phase back in when the player moves out these no fly zones. I'm not sure how easy that would be since I'm not in game development.

    Also isn't summoning Daedra frowned upon in the lore? I'm not sure. Maybe not so much in Altmer lands. But I doubt the local populace would be comfortable with Daedra around. Maybe give bounties to players that enter a town with their Daedric summons? Or to be more fair, they can be warned and have 60 seconds to desummon them? Or maybe that would be too annoying.

    As for out in the wilderness, I'm not so sure.
    I think someone mentioned making them transparent... Or they could just phase out again when near fishing holes.

    P.S. My sorcerer uses both of the summons. He loves his scaly, little babies! It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Whatever happens, I think it's entirely possible to please both crowds with regards to this particular issue.

    I would actually like more summonable stuff like a Dremora/Orgrim (conjuration), flame (fire mage) or frost atronach/Ice Wraith (frost mage), etc. Maybe a new ultimate that summons a Daedric Titan that swoops down breathing cold fire flames! For necromancer I would like to see some cool permanent summons. I love variety/diversity and customisation as long as it fits with the lore. That's why a lot of us mod the hell out of our games. Variety is the spice of life. :)
  • Yazrz
    Or just hide them for other player altogether!

    There is really no need for me to see other peoples summons when not in a PvP situation!
  • SilverBride
    I don't know why they aren't just summoned for a short time like the Necromancer minion. Their whole purpose is to help with combat so what purpose do they serve when the player is in town? And this thing is so big and constantly flapping, it's nothing but a huge annoyance. My own Sorcerer refuses to use them because of these reasons.
  • Liguar
    If people insist on having them out in towns, they should at least have an idle mode where they cease flapping. That way I don't have to deal with strobe-like flapping everywhere and no one one gets upset that their beloved scaly darlings are hidden.

    Getting hidden at crafting stations doesn't even work, they get hidden when the owner is interacting with the table, so instead of constant flapping you get flapping twilights rapidly popping in and out of existence. It's not exactly better?

    But I guess the bigger question is why every sorc and their mother (barring a few resistant folk) feel like they have to use them. There should be other viable skills. And then we'd be able to tell who really love them enough to keep using them.
  • BaalMelqartu
    Liguar wrote: »
    If people insist on having them out in towns, they should at least have an idle mode where they cease flapping. That way I don't have to deal with strobe-like flapping everywhere and no one one gets upset that their beloved scaly darlings are hidden.

    Getting hidden at crafting stations doesn't even work, they get hidden when the owner is interacting with the table, so instead of constant flapping you get flapping twilights rapidly popping in and out of existence. It's not exactly better?

    But I guess the bigger question is why every sorc and their mother (barring a few resistant folk) feel like they have to use them. There should be other viable skills. And then we'd be able to tell who really love them enough to keep using them.

    The reason "every sorc and their mother" use them is that they permit a sorc to do maximum damage. You can do decent damage without them but in pve, a pet sorc will out damage a non pet sorc. That being said, I can't stand flappy and I always dismiss pets when I go to town but I clearly see this behavior isn't isn't the norm for other sorcs and flappy annoys the heck out of me too.
    I LIKE that sorcs are different and their pets stay around even when not in combat though. It's part of what makes a sorc feel unique. I would like them changed though to be less annoying and to look less outdated.

    *By the way, you're wrong. My mother doesn't use sorc pets. She has a few pitbulls instead and thankfully, they don't flap incessantly in the air.
  • Pelanora
    But flappy is a nightmare in dungeons as well, theyre in the way and ones always moving to get them out of line of sight. They are just too big, too at eye height. The clannfer is at least not in your face.
  • Bekkael
    I can't STAND the matriarch...AT ALL. My sorc only uses the Clannfear, and only during active combat, if I'm doing anything else or going to a city or turning in a quest, I dismiss that sucker. I feel the same way about non-combat larger flying pets too. Anything that takes up that much of your view and is constantly in your face is maddening. Honestly, the bear sucks too, so my Wardens are petless. I would prefer classes with pets are the same as the Necro...and if you have them out in cities, you get a bounty. That seems only fair. >:)
    ~~ Lady Gamer ~~ ♥ ~~ Xbox NA ~~
  • BaalMelqartu
    Pelanora wrote: »
    But flappy is a nightmare in dungeons as well, theyre in the way and ones always moving to get them out of line of sight. They are just too big, too at eye height. The clannfer is at least not in your face.

    Yeah, completely agree. That's why I would love them to be updated/changed.
    Edited by BaalMelqartu on April 23, 2023 7:53PM
  • I_killed_Vivec
    Pelanora wrote: »
    But flappy is a nightmare in dungeons as well, theyre in the way and ones always moving to get them out of line of sight. They are just too big, too at eye height. The clannfer is at least not in your face.

    If they aren't battle they should stack directly over the owner's head. Let them deal with their own flappy.

    Yesterday I was waiting for a WB to spawn, a sorc stood near me and of course their flappy was in my face. I had to move to get a clear sight. The owner... completely oblivious to the nuisance.

    I suppose sorcs are "just that sort of person"...
  • SilverBride
    I suppose sorcs are "just that sort of person"...

    My Sorcerer doesn't use pets because I don't want to deal with the nuisance.
    Edited by SilverBride on April 23, 2023 8:13PM
  • SalamanNZ
    I think Sorcs should be able to morph into the pet. Then I could fly and cast lighting and heal my team mates. Or run about and stun people
  • Pelanora
    They could be small, like a small raven or something and they land on your shoulder unless they triggered, and then they just above your head. Or something. But that's a big task for zos.

    Easiest way to deal with the pbm is give sorcs a decent heal and fix the passives. There'd be no incentive to use the bird.
  • Supreme_Atromancer
    I love my twilight. Its one of the best things about the class, imv. Its given me joy since 2014.

    I don't want it to be shrunk down or turned into a dot.

    Ideally you'd want to get rid of what annoys some people, without taking away something others clearly love. I would love it if the Twilight stayed earth-bound- much like she was in TES3- taking to the air only when her master was sprinting, or in combat. That would address, at least, people being annoyed by it flapping in your peripheral vision while you're trying to do your banking. I'd love this outcome, but it would depend on ZOS wanting to change animations; that might be too much work.

    Alternatively, fixing the "hide pet" option. Finally, I wouldn't be against pets being automatically unsummoned in towns- Tamriel has just been wracked by the Planemeld, people are gonna be every bit as jumpy with daedra as they appear to be with undead.
    Bat wrote: »
    I doubt anyone actually enjoys seeing them and hearing them. I would even imagine that the people who claim they do, only pretend, like sour grapes and sunk cost from having made the choice some time ago to follow one of those "easiest build in ESO" guides on the internet and then not having a heart to retire their main.

    I chose a Twilight sorcerer because its pretty much exactly the sort of character I'd like to play so I guess if you want to attack the integrity of other's hearts, you might want to do that from a position of having looked first at your own.
  • SilverBride
    There is no logical reason a player needs their huge pets in town. The toggle doesn't work because they are still present right on top of the crafting stations. Please let us toggle them off completely.
    Edited by SilverBride on April 23, 2023 11:53PM
  • Pelanora
    They're annoying everywhere, dungeon and town, and i daresay they annoy the majority of players, who aren't sorcs, and many sorcs as well.
    Edited by Pelanora on April 24, 2023 12:03AM
  • vsrs_au
    @ZOS_Kevin , @ZOS_GinaBruno : I don't know how representative us forum members are of the wider ESO player population, but there seem to be a lot of players who would like to see the "hide other players pets" feature extended, to do some more hiding. My suggestion would be to extend it to do the following:

    Hide other players combat *and* non-combat pets (perhaps a separate option for each type?) within a certain distance (e.g. 15m ?) of
    - wayshrines,
    - crafting stations, and
    - merchants (*including* bankers).

    Is there any chance of this being included in one of this year's updates? Many of us would appreciate this so much! :)
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • katanagirl1
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    @ZOS_Kevin , @ZOS_GinaBruno : I don't know how representative us forum members are of the wider ESO player population, but there seem to be a lot of players who would like to see the "hide other players pets" feature extended, to do some more hiding. My suggestion would be to extend it to do the following:

    Hide other players combat *and* non-combat pets (perhaps a separate option for each type?) within a certain distance (e.g. 15m ?) of
    - wayshrines,
    - crafting stations, and
    - merchants (*including* bankers).

    Is there any chance of this being included in one of this year's updates? Many of us would appreciate this so much! :)

    They are a problem in dungeons and trials as well. If they are in line of sight between me and the boss I can’t use my skills. Same with the Atronach ult.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • isadoraisacat
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    @ZOS_Kevin , @ZOS_GinaBruno : I don't know how representative us forum members are of the wider ESO player population, but there seem to be a lot of players who would like to see the "hide other players pets" feature extended, to do some more hiding. My suggestion would be to extend it to do the following:

    Hide other players combat *and* non-combat pets (perhaps a separate option for each type?) within a certain distance (e.g. 15m ?) of
    - wayshrines,
    - crafting stations, and
    - merchants (*including* bankers).

    Is there any chance of this being included in one of this year's updates? Many of us would appreciate this so much! :)

    They are a problem in dungeons and trials as well. If they are in line of sight between me and the boss I can’t use my skills. Same with the Atronach ult.

    Should also include companions too totally immersion breaking to see another ember next to my ember.
  • DreamyLu
    I find the hiding followers option a good concept: Those who like to be surrounded by followers keep seeing them while followers turn invisible for those who don't like them. Everybody should be happy.

    However, it's not the case, because for now, the radius of effect of the feature is a bit too short. Players standing a bit away from table can still talk to NPC while the "hiding followers" option has stopped working already. If ZOS could fix that, it would be perfect.
    Edited by DreamyLu on April 25, 2023 3:41AM
    I'm out of my mind, feel free to leave a message... PC/NA
  • BlueRaven
    There is no logical reason a player needs their huge pets in town. The toggle doesn't work because they are still present right on top of the crafting stations. Please let us toggle them off completely.

    There are several reason why combat pets are needed in towns.

    • There are quests involving combat in towns.

    • Players may need their pets to “distract” guards while fleeing a crime.

    • Dueling by wayshrines happens frequently.

    Also just a reminder to all deadric pets are not unlawful at this point in the Elder Scrolls timeline. There are several quests involving deadric creatures in towns in the vanilla areas. There is even at least one vendor who is a deadric entity located inside a town as well.

    I have said this earlier in this thread, but there are many players who enjoy playing pet classes. One of the biggest complaints with the necromancer, when it was introduced, was that it lacked a permanent pet. And even though my main’s class is a nightblade, I enjoy seeing other peoples pets both in combat situations and just in general. I have been playing since beta and they really don’t bother me.
    Any solution brought up here should be able to appease both sides.
    Edited by BlueRaven on April 24, 2023 6:17AM
  • Auldwulfe
    Give me a strong heal then

    Vigor is your friend. Even for mag builds

    If you are selfish --- Resolving Vigor is self only.... so unlike the Matron, I can't toss it to help my comrades, in a pinch.

    Echoing vigor is not a burst heal...... it's too slow......

    I'd love it if the flappy was either smaller, or only visible to myself.... I'd like that, but it isn't what we have.

  • Pelanora
    Sorc healer using flappy..... is not who id be relying on. I don't think friends should ask that of friends. Friends don't make friends flappy.
  • AlienSlof
    Honestly, how difficult could it be just to add a toggle so other players can turn off combat pets? A toggle doesn't interfere with those who like seeing them, and gives those who don't some measure of control over the flappy screen spam.

    I hate the flappy things with a passion, both combat and non-combat ones. It's just endless, and a jaunt through town is becoming truly horrendous. I hate the things in dungeons and trials too. I often play healer and more often than not I have to just hope my heals are actually hitting the group, as all I can see in my view is a half-dozen flapping flaps.

    And whatever happened to the 'special' category for pets? One bear recolour only. There's an untapped opportunity to make some cash if ever there was one.
    Edited by AlienSlof on April 24, 2023 7:54AM
    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
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