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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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Winged Twilight Rant

  • Jarl_Ironheart
    Give me a strong heal then

    Vigor is your friend. Even for mag builds
    Push Posh Applesauce, Pocket Full of Marmalade.
  • SpiritKitten
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    I have actually walked away from the game a couple of times because I get so frustrated with other ppl's matriarch blocking my camera view. At the wayshrine, at the bank, at the crafting area, at the merchants, at the guild vendors, at the door of my house, at any door, at the world boss, inside dungeons, inside delves, inside public dungeons, at trials, inside cities, inside towns, while just exploring!!!!!! Enough!!!

    I honestly think at this point in the game's life, the fact that this monstrosity has not been changed just shows that the devs do not play their own game and they do not care about our quality of life. It's obvious.

    I don’t understand. Do you just want to stay and look at a wayshrine? Just click on it chose a location and go. Once the map comes up, the matriarch does not matter.

    Same thing at crafting stations etc.

    To me this is so much of a non issue.

    And tbh I like seeing them in the world, it makes everything seem fuller with more movement.

    Maybe it’s not the matriarch, maybe it’s the crowds? Just do your writs in a smaller town?
    I sometimes do mine in malabol tor. It’s quiet if you need a respite.

    I want to be able to see the object I am interacting with. I want to be able to see my own character. You conveniently left off all the other instances of how the matriarch annoys me and focused on wayshrines and writs. To you, it's a non-issue but to me, it's very close to a deal-breaker. No, I do not want to have less crowded areas...I play an MMO to see and interact with other players...NOT their monstrous pet.
  • fizzylu
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    fizzylu wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    I have been playing this game since beta, I play a pet-less class as a main. How is it that I have never been bothered by other peoples pets?

    Patience? Maybe your brain doesn't get bothered by their oversized repetitive movements? Everyone is different and have little quirks/tweaks that can bother them. I mean, seriously haha my own pets even bother me; more than others even since they're always right there, bigger than my character, flapping about obnoxiously....

    I dunno.

    They don’t bother me at all. Crafting stations, wayshrines… I have just never had a problem.

    There are things that players do that DO bother me, but player pets would not crack the top five.

    That's cool for you, but sadly for other people they definitely are top five in ESO annoyances. I'd even say they're #1 for me.
  • BlueRaven
    I dunno still seems like an odd complaint to me.

    Maybe it’s because I came here from WoW, where hunters had dinosaur pets, people rode around on giant mounts, and warlocks had demon pets everywhere.

    All pets, companions, etc, it makes the world more alive to me. It breathes, gives it character, a pulse.

    Alright if you want to complain about it, whatever go ahead, but just know your complaints are not shared by the entire community. And if you propose a solution, I would be mindful that other players enjoy the status quo, so try to think of something that pleases both camps.
  • Turtle_Bot
    Most sorc mains don't like running them either, but the class lacks a proper burst heal so we have to make do with what we got.

    Tell Zos to finally give sorc a proper 1 bar instant cast burst heal that every other class already has access to and watch most of the pets vanish overnight.
  • BretonMage
    I've mentioned this before: since no one seems to mind the Soulfire Dragon pet, I suggest they reduce the size of the twilights to match those. Pet skins with translucent options would be good too.

    Alternatively, or additionally, they should make pets disappear from entire crafting areas as well as banks.
    Edited by BretonMage on January 22, 2023 6:19AM
  • Clyde_BlueSnake
    I have a terrible thought about Winged Twilights. Let's say, spellcrafting is the new feature for this year, now imagine one of the spells that can be found is a variant winged twilight conjuration spell, a sorc has 2 summoned, wing flapping Winged Twilights out now.
    : )

    If any ZOS devs read this, if spellcrafting is gonna be a thing, do sorcs & non-sorcs a favor? No variant Winged Twilight conjuration spell please.
    Edited by Clyde_BlueSnake on January 22, 2023 6:22AM
    Main is Blue-Thuxis, a Argonian stamSorc, whose also is a werewolf! 2nd main, Cobalt-Thuxis, a Argonian stamArc, an identical twin sister to Blue-Thuxis, even is a werewolf as well! some alts:
    Nirn-Scale Rajthux (Argonian, Templar), Ros-Ei Nature-Thuxis (Argonian, Warden), Crimson-Thuxis (Argonian, DK), Bone-Thuxis Tharn (Argonian, Necro) Why Bone-Thuxis has Tharn as a last name:
    The siblings were separated at a young age due to a Dres slaver raid, Blue, Cobalt, Ros-Ei & their mother were able to escape, Crimson & Bone weren't that lucky. Crimson was later "rescued" by some Orcs that later ambushed the House Dres Dunmers, unfortunately one Dunmer remained & sadly successfully brought the young Bone-Thuxis to the Dres plantation. Later an Imperial, a Tharn, bought Bone at a auction & later told he was free, the young Argonian sadly had no idea where to go & doesn't know if his family was still alive, so the Tharn adopted him into House Tharn. This family of Argonians finally reunited years later.
    , Kenneth Clyde (Nord, Sorc), Selene Gray-Thuxis (Argonian, Nightblade), Urmanda (Orc, Warden)
    Some ESO history: I originally started from PS4 NA during June 10, 2015, I did reached CP 810+ on there. I eventually kinda got tired of paying PS+, so during February 4, 2019 I started moving to PC NA. Also CP: 810+. Nowadays I play ESO PC mostly, while PS4 is dust.
  • DinoZavr
    Those flap flap flaps keep me on the verge of quitting the game, because these are extremely annoying.
    @ZOS_Kevin could Zeni, please, make some pests repellent and spray it in the appropriate areas to keep those flapping pets far from NPC bankers and traders? Pretty please?
    PC EU
  • fizzylu
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    I dunno still seems like an odd complaint to me.

    Maybe it’s because I came here from WoW, where hunters had dinosaur pets, people rode around on giant mounts, and warlocks had demon pets everywhere.

    All pets, companions, etc, it makes the world more alive to me. It breathes, gives it character, a pulse.

    Alright if you want to complain about it, whatever go ahead, but just know your complaints are not shared by the entire community. And if you propose a solution, I would be mindful that other players enjoy the status quo, so try to think of something that pleases both camps.

    Nobody is saying it is shared by the entire community, but trying to brush off the part of the community that doesn't like the pets as they are now is not fair either. Again; it's cool that they don't bother you, but they do in fact bother some.
    I also play WoW and this is not a good comparison. The camera view in WoW is entirely different than the camera positioning in ESO. WoW allows you to zoom way farther out than ESO's camera. Hunter pets also vary in range and size, but a select few are near or around the size of the largest player character models (not counting dwarves, gnomes, goblins, and vulpera). Same with warlock pets; only one is bigger than player models. The other that is bigger is a limited use ability on a long cooldown (this also applies to the deathknight and shaman summoned pets). Also, none of these have intrusive wings constantly flapping. You can even control your pets in WoW and have them sit away from you when you are out of combat, this is something I use often in WoW. Oh, and there's these things called "glyphs" that allow most classes with pets to choose to make their pets even smaller (again, most aren't bigger than the character models like ESO's matriarch to begin with). I use these on my hunter pets and my mages elemental.
    It's obviously okay if you are not bothered by the current pets, but be mindful that your attitude replying here could come off as dismissive to those that do find them to be troubling despite their opinions and thoughts being just as valid.
    Edited by fizzylu on January 22, 2023 7:09AM
  • rpa
    I don't enjoy the flappy flapping but that's what one sort of sorc build requires for decent damage. Nerf sorc?
  • SilverBride
    BretonMage wrote: »
    ...since no one seems to mind the Soulfire Dragon pet, I suggest they reduce the size of the twilights to match those.

    I mind them. I don't want anything flying around in my way no matter the size.

    Think about flies. They are small but annoying if they are buzzing around you.
  • vsrs_au
    I was fishing on the Artaeum coast today, enjoying the tranquil view, when someone else joined me at the fishing spot, and so did that someone's pet, a Tormenting Flappy. Its flapping wings right in my field of view completely ruined the scene for me, and I left. I really wish there was an option to hide others' pets in all locations.

    No, it *wouldn't* kill the marketing of these pets, instead it would go some way to convincing people who paid for this game that the game's vendor listens to their feedback. We could still toggle on the visibility of others' pets whenever we wished.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Northwold
    Trying to steal things from cabinets when all you can see is a bear's bum because it's parked itself over the furniture, and the owner has gone away from keyboard, is pretty dispiriting, too...
  • Northwold
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    I dunno still seems like an odd complaint to me.

    Maybe it’s because I came here from WoW, where hunters had dinosaur pets, people rode around on giant mounts, and warlocks had demon pets everywhere.

    All pets, companions, etc, it makes the world more alive to me. It breathes, gives it character, a pulse.

    Alright if you want to complain about it, whatever go ahead, but just know your complaints are not shared by the entire community. And if you propose a solution, I would be mindful that other players enjoy the status quo, so try to think of something that pleases both camps.

    At certain times of day in banks in major cities it used to be that you couldn't see anything because your field of view was literally completely obscured by flapping pets. Not sure that still happens as I don't use banks often, but it sounds like it does. It is / was ridiculous.

    I had assumed that the new option to not see pets and companions had fixed this. It sounds like it hasn't.
    Edited by Northwold on January 22, 2023 2:58PM
  • Rex-Umbra
    I was so disappointed when they didn't remove combat pets in cities few updates ago when they were supposed too. Should be same as companions so freaking annoying
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • berunhieyes
    Twilights don't bother me too much as they fly by, but I really don't like them flapping in place for extended periods of time while the player is crafting or banking or AFK. I think just having them land and fold their wing would go a long way to easing the hate they inspire. The basic animation already exists. It would be even better if they also scaled the morphed pets down to the size of the base winged twilight and made the base pet even smaller.

    I'd still like to be able to turn off seeing other people's followers in cities (not just near crafting stations), including non-combat pets.
  • BaalMelqartu
    I am also a sorc that finds sorc pets really obnoxious. I do not use them. I wish there were more viable builds without them but at least I CAN get by without them I suppose. Maybe they would be slightly less annoying if they were translucent and/or during combat they hung out like ten feet above the foes, attacking downwards?
  • MafiaCat115
    Twilights in TES3 could land and walk on the ground, so I feel like having the Twilights in ESO do that could help solve the issue. Just have it be that they fly if the owner gets above a certain speed.
    Still hoping that one day hair dyeing will be an option. We know it's canon in universe already thanks to a book in the Manor of Masques! (House of Reveries: The Troupe)
    Proud owner of a Morrowind Banner of the 6th House (back when it actually meant something)
  • CGPsaint
    The Matriarch could be the size of a Nixad and it would be just fine.
    "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs—horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
  • TaSheen
    I don't personally mind others' pets. I only ever have my own out in combat though. I think resizing the huger ones would help a lot - I wouldn't be bothered if they made the big ones much smaller.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Hyperdeathstalker
    I totally agree they are a real pain as someone who mains a sorc. But other classes such as warden bear are a tad bit annoying too. What sets it apart is the flying bit which is very intrusive camera wise. Though i dont want it removed why not simply make it transparent or half size ? That cant be much of a hardship.
  • BretonMage
    BretonMage wrote: »
    ...since no one seems to mind the Soulfire Dragon pet, I suggest they reduce the size of the twilights to match those.

    I mind them. I don't want anything flying around in my way no matter the size.

    Think about flies. They are small but annoying if they are buzzing around you.

    Now that you mentioned it, the smallest ones are the ones I find the most annoying. Like nixads. Can. Not. Stand. Them.
  • Alinhbo_Tyaka
    I play a pet sorc and find the pets annoying when I'm not in combat. As a result I will dismiss them whenever I start doing something other than fighting. However I find them as nothing more than a symptom with ESOs whole implementation of NPC followers. I have always hated ESOs escort type of quests as the NPC is always right on top of you. This is the same reason I've never had any interest in companions as they are always right on top of you or getting in the way. I'm sure they all use the same code for movement and I've always thought it needs to be modified to allow more distance between the player and NPC follower. While some like the matriarch tend to have additional annoying habits such as the flapping the real problem is the ZOS implementation of NPC followers.
  • blue_peaceful_Manticore
    Evilspock wrote: »

    Solutions ZOS could implement:
    1. Get rid of pet sorc skills completely and replace with something that isn't lame and disrupting, like cool wizard fireball skills. (Best solution)
    2. Ability to hide or at least change the opacity of other's summoned pets, always
    3. Make the winged twilights not so huge
    4. Make twilights not so tanky, used as crutches that are always summoned
    5. Have a timer or other mechanic that doesn't keep pets summoned forever

    1-Option: I 100% agree with you.
    2-Option: All they have to do.

    all ather options: If ZoS change pets for any of other options like you say, at the end you will have same problem... Pets every where!

    Edited by blue_peaceful_Manticore on January 22, 2023 7:17PM
  • Amottica
    Evilspock wrote: »
    What can be done about Winged Twilights? Does playing ESO mean I have to be innundated with Winged Twilights flapping in my face all the time?

    All the time? It is extremely rare for me even in occasions I have been in a group with multiple pet sorc builds. I expect it is extremely rare across the board that someone experiences this often, let alone all the time. That was before we had the option to disable seeing combat pets in town.

    Below is a link to a video explaining how to disble seeing pets of other players in town which solves 99% of the issue someone might have with sorc pets.

    When in combat this is not an issue at all since it is easy to move a couple of steps away from the twilight. For anyone really sensitive to twilight being around they can choose to not group with sorc.

  • SpiritKitten
    Amottica wrote: »
    Evilspock wrote: »
    What can be done about Winged Twilights? Does playing ESO mean I have to be innundated with Winged Twilights flapping in my face all the time?

    All the time? It is extremely rare for me even in occasions I have been in a group with multiple pet sorc builds. I expect it is extremely rare across the board that someone experiences this often, let alone all the time. That was before we had the option to disable seeing combat pets in town.

    Below is a link to a video explaining how to disble seeing pets of other players in town which solves 99% of the issue someone might have with sorc pets.

    When in combat this is not an issue at all since it is easy to move a couple of steps away from the twilight. For anyone really sensitive to twilight being around they can choose to not group with sorc.

    This 'option' DOES NOT WORK. It is not what you think it is.
  • Quackery
    Amottica wrote: »
    Evilspock wrote: »
    What can be done about Winged Twilights? Does playing ESO mean I have to be innundated with Winged Twilights flapping in my face all the time?

    All the time? It is extremely rare for me even in occasions I have been in a group with multiple pet sorc builds. I expect it is extremely rare across the board that someone experiences this often, let alone all the time. That was before we had the option to disable seeing combat pets in town.

    Below is a link to a video explaining how to disble seeing pets of other players in town which solves 99% of the issue someone might have with sorc pets.

    When in combat this is not an issue at all since it is easy to move a couple of steps away from the twilight. For anyone really sensitive to twilight being around they can choose to not group with sorc.

    It doesn't work. IT DOESN'T WORK! I still see the damn nuisances everywhere I go in each town, ESPECIALLY in banks!
  • TaSheen
    Yeah, that "option" is basically borked. I had it on for a day or so, and still saw bears parked on the writ turn in. So I set it back off. You can get the reticles even with a bear on the boxes, so *shrug*.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Dr_Con
    have you seen my twilight appreciation thread?

    maybe if everyone starts posting this image with every post they'll start to realize how amazing twilight matriarchs are in normal gameplay i9r9dsg0ywza.png


    re:. 1- sorcs use physical and lightning damage in eso, fireballs are more of a DK/mage's guild thing, and magic dmg can be considered universal or class-specific depending on the theme
    4. pets and other summons are not targeted in trials and dungeons as a rule
    5. would be nice if they lowered summon cast time and implemented that.
    Edited by Dr_Con on January 22, 2023 11:08PM
  • Syldras
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
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