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Winged Twilight Rant

  • TheImperfect
    I really don't like them flapping near me. I love the design of them and like them in combat but if in town etc I go as far away from them as needed to avoid flapping and turn my screen so I cannot see them but can be harder when there's a lot of them. Being able to set them invisible in town would be cool and to not hear the flapping.
  • Pelanora
    Evilspock wrote: »
    What can be done about Winged Twilights?

    Solutions ZOS could implement:
    1. Get rid of pet sorc skills completely and replace with something that isn't lame and disrupting, like cool wizard fireball skills. (Best solution)
    2. Ability to hide or at least change the opacity of other's summoned pets, always
    3. Make the winged twilights not so huge
    4. Make twilights not so tanky, used as crutches that are always summoned
    5. Have a timer or other mechanic that doesn't keep pets summoned forever

    Please dear god of Zos make it be the first one. But lightning balls, as sorcs are lightning. Maybe with knockback, given the tanky ness of the pets. Or if not make the pets etherial, misty, updated. The design is so dated looking. Really just looks cheap now.
    Edited by Pelanora on January 23, 2023 4:24AM
  • katanagirl1
    Dr_Con wrote: »
    have you seen my twilight appreciation thread?

    maybe if everyone starts posting this image with every post they'll start to realize how amazing twilight matriarchs are in normal gameplay i9r9dsg0ywza.png


    re:. 1- sorcs use physical and lightning damage in eso, fireballs are more of a DK/mage's guild thing, and magic dmg can be considered universal or class-specific depending on the theme
    4. pets and other summons are not targeted in trials and dungeons as a rule
    5. would be nice if they lowered summon cast time and implemented that.

    No. They don’t bother you because they are not completely blocking your camera view, but they do other players.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • BretonMage
    Evilspock wrote: »
    [*] Get rid of pet sorc skills completely and replace with something that isn't lame and disrupting, like cool wizard fireball skills. (Best solution)

    As a petsorc who sees a lot of utility in them, I'm sorry, but no.

    They should just implement the no visible pets in town option properly.
  • Faulgor
    It's just a shame that out of all the possible Daedra to summon, they chose a flying one that always gets in your face.

    By contrast, very few people complain about the Scamp. The Clannfear is getting a bit big for my taste, but even that is miles better than the Twilight. It also sucks that we can't use the Scamp and Clannfear together.

    So the least obtrusive ones are the ones smaller than players - Scamp, Banekin, Herne, Hunger, Vermai, etc. - or the humanoid ones that could pass for a companion, like Dremora, Dark Seducer, Golden Saint, Nocturnal Shrike, Xivilai, Skaafin, etc.

    I'm sure many would jump at the chance for a Dark Seducer "pet". Summoning could be randomized whether you get a male or female one.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Amottica
    Amottica wrote: »
    Evilspock wrote: »
    What can be done about Winged Twilights? Does playing ESO mean I have to be innundated with Winged Twilights flapping in my face all the time?

    All the time? It is extremely rare for me even in occasions I have been in a group with multiple pet sorc builds. I expect it is extremely rare across the board that someone experiences this often, let alone all the time. That was before we had the option to disable seeing combat pets in town.

    Below is a link to a video explaining how to disble seeing pets of other players in town which solves 99% of the issue someone might have with sorc pets.

    When in combat this is not an issue at all since it is easy to move a couple of steps away from the twilight. For anyone really sensitive to twilight being around they can choose to not group with sorc.

    This 'option' DOES NOT WORK. It is not what you think it is.

    Interesting as someone else pointed out the change. I have never used it since it is so rare they get in the way.
  • TheImperfect
    What about making it land just in towns and put its wings down a bit instead of flapping?
  • KilianDermoth
    For all those in this thread who like the Pets here is a 6 Pet Sorc build:

    It summons some of the biggest possible Pets. The sad thing is that one of those pets (the sword hurling aegies) is usually not seen by teammates (if they have turned off the visual effects from teammates, which is the standard setting).

    It also has an absolute easy rotation (still by far not as easy as oakensoul one bar, because literally nothing can beat this low bar). And it does about 80-90k dps. Also it has plenty of self healing (allows for some errors or even tanking some stuff). It works very well in most vet dungeons (HMs included) but keep in mind that its mostly a melee build (so there are situations that get a bit difficult). Also the build has already proven that it works decently in vet trials.

    Further, runs with 3 people using this or similar builds (I also have a 6 pet healer) are really fun in 4 player dungeons and the tanks get really happy 😁! A trial with 12 people using this build would be really funny!

    Btw. I hope spell crafting is the next big feature, this probably would unlock more pets. Maybe a 8+ Pet Sorc? And while all of the pets in this build are daedric, a flame atronach as seen in the 2014 reveal video for spell crafting would fit very well into the Zoo!

    ^ Dont take that post to serious 😁 (but the build still works and is fun to play).

    But my pets are usually not that annoying for myself, except in some (zoomed in) menus if the wing swipes over the whole screen.

    Also I literally dont care about the pets of others, often even dont recognize them. And as tank, flappy birds arent annoying, you barely see them. Clanfears / imps often are also to small to be annoying. Just the daedroth can sometimes be annoying but only if the cam is in such a angle that the breath is screen filling (happens only if I am standing close to a wall), otherwise the cam is zoomed out far enough and positioned in an angle that even the daedroth is an absolute non issue when tanking.

    Just as healer - and only as healer - flappy can be annoying because flappy is often exactly where the healer is 🤣. Especially if there are more than just 1 flappy.

    As damage dealer there is literally only a single pet that really annoys me and its not a Sorcerer pet, its the skeleton (mage or archer) of the necromancer, because it looks like a player (especially if the necro(s) looks like this damn skeleton). Because that skeleton literally dies every few seconds and it looks like a player died and should be rezzed, it already disturbed my rotation several times and even made me to ignore all skeleton looking players and dont rez them, because I always think that they are their pets...
    Edited by KilianDermoth on January 23, 2023 10:37AM
  • Fenris_Arainai
    I wish they just let us morph it to something smaller. MUCH smaller. Or something walking on the ground. Hiding in towns is not enough. I hate having my vision obscured by 3 or 4 of those flapy flaps during a trial in a middle of combat. And I refuse to use her on my sorcs, because due to my camera positioning, the wing ALWAYS flaps in my field of view.
    Glory to you and your Dunmer House!
  • Hurbster
    Yes, just make 'em nixad-sized. AND give people the option to turn them, off.

    Just think of all the computational powah you could save, ZoS! Do that and we could have groups bigger than a handful in Cyro, maybe.
    Edited by Hurbster on January 23, 2023 11:48AM
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • HazierBlue
    I have a sorc character and I would personally like to see all pets removed and replaced with other skills.
  • xilfxlegion
    Syldras wrote: »
    There's a option in the settings to disable visibility of other player's pets in towns.

    i dont think it works --- i still see everyone's familiars
  • fizl101
    Syldras wrote: »
    There's a option in the settings to disable visibility of other player's pets in towns.

    i dont think it works --- i still see everyone's familiars

    Its only set to work near to crafting stations and i think the hand in points, not everywhere in town
    Soupy twist
  • Mesite
    They don't bother me. I was quite impressed that they could be summoned at quite a low level. I'm sure in previous games the twilights were quite scary and you didn't meet them straight away.

    Town people should be very afraid that so many of these creatures are flying around.

    I agree they should become illegal in towns like necromancer skills.
  • Lugaldu
    What can I say, without my winged twilight I wouldn't survive in the wilderness of Tamriel... :D
    I don't usually like to double post something, but it fits here so well (by the way, that's how the picture looks complete)...


  • SilverBride
    If these pets are here to help the Sorcerer in combat they should only appear when the Sorcerer is in combat then disappear after combat stops. Similar to how the Necromancer minion does.
  • Ragnarok0130
    Juju_beans wrote: »
    maybe they could morph into butterflies when not in combat...much easier on the eyes especially at the crafting tables when doing daily writs.

    This still wouldn't address the far larger problem of aerial pets in trials flapping in my face while pixel or normal stacked on the boss preventing me from seeing the boss or what's going on around the boss while group healing. I was really hoping the "hide pets" option was going to work in dungeons and trials TBH.
  • Evilspock
    Just another day in Vvardenfell. This is WITH "Limit Followers in Towns" on.
    🖖 @EvilSpock |PC/NA| ✦ Guildmaster: Vulcan Commandos |AD| ✦
  • SpacemanSpiff1
    i need pets to do writs in town.
  • Cendrillion21
    I had such high hopes for "limit followers in town" but alas it sucks.
    Campos de oro
  • Destai
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    I have been playing this game since beta, I play a pet-less class as a main. How is it that I have never been bothered by other peoples pets?

    I wish I wasn't bothered by it, but everyone's different. Personally I find anything super repetitive and attention-grabbing a bit annoying - NPC dialogues, big sorcerer pets. Sometimes things just get overstimulating. There's times where I can ignore it, other times where it's too much. Stimulation can translate into anxiety for some people.
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    I have actually walked away from the game a couple of times because I get so frustrated with other ppl's matriarch blocking my camera view. At the wayshrine, at the bank, at the crafting area, at the merchants, at the guild vendors, at the door of my house, at any door, at the world boss, inside dungeons, inside delves, inside public dungeons, at trials, inside cities, inside towns, while just exploring!!!!!! Enough!!!

    I honestly think at this point in the game's life, the fact that this monstrosity has not been changed just shows that the devs do not play their own game and they do not care about our quality of life. It's obvious.

    I don’t understand. Do you just want to stay and look at a wayshrine? Just click on it chose a location and go. Once the map comes up, the matriarch does not matter.

    Same thing at crafting stations etc.

    To me this is so much of a non issue.

    And tbh I like seeing them in the world, it makes everything seem fuller with more movement.

    Maybe it’s not the matriarch, maybe it’s the crowds? Just do your writs in a smaller town?
    I sometimes do mine in malabol tor. It’s quiet if you need a respite.

    Crowds are part of it for sure. It's like your own chewing - if you hear yourself chewing, it's fine, others is intrusive.

    Overall, I wouldn't want pets to be completely removed, but I can see where after a while it's a bit much. Having options is helpful.
    fizzylu wrote: »
    Quackery wrote: »
    I use the Matriarch for healing, and the flapping wings drive me insane! We need a completely new skin for it where the wings don't cause seizures.

    Seriously, I'm shocked that some people can't understand how jarring the visuals of the matriarch can be for some people. Sometimes even just the sound of the wings flapping can bother me haha especially since she NEVER STOPS; not even for a few seconds. I have veryyyy mild misophonia and I always have to unsummon her when I'm not in combat or moving constantly because if she's just next to me always flap flap flapping away, it can make me irritable and just negatively impact my mood in general.

    Misophonia is tough. I have it, and it's mild for me as well, I do find it's valuable when games try to accommodate people's preferences. I like how we can turn-off in-game dialogue, I wish there were more additional options to curtail the more pestering features of the game.
    Edited by Destai on January 23, 2023 6:11PM
  • SpiritKitten
    Evilspock wrote: »
    Just another day in Vvardenfell. This is WITH "Limit Followers in Towns" on.

    This is evidence for the people trying to downplay our concerns. How is this acceptable gameplay?? It is not. To those posting pro-twilight comments in this thread, now can you stop trying to downplay our concerns over this menace?
  • zaria
    Now if they landed if you was not running and not in combat like flying non combat pets tend to do they would be so much cuter, more realistic and less annoying,

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • TaSheen
    If these pets are here to help the Sorcerer in combat they should only appear when the Sorcerer is in combat then disappear after combat stops. Similar to how the Necromancer minion does.

    That would be fine with me, as that's what I do anyway - with both warden and sorc pets, I summon if heading into combat, and when done, unsummon. Lots of times now, if a character is "ambushed" by a mob, I won't even summon - my characters can mostly take on 3 or 4 mobs without needing the pets really.

    I keep considering not using them; just haven't done it yet.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Durnik
    It won't bother everyone it does bother many. I agree, these are too much in your face. It seems I move a bit to get away from one while I'm doing my own thing and then another one pops in my face. While they fixed the bear blocking returns (a couple of patches away) and they allow for pets to be somewhat hidden, they missed the mark with a lot of us. There really should be an option to hide all pets for those who simply don't want to see it. I can hide grass but I can't hide a giant floppy thing that does nothing for me.
    Edited by Durnik on January 23, 2023 11:16PM
  • BlueRaven
    Evilspock wrote: »
    Just another day in Vvardenfell. This is WITH "Limit Followers in Towns" on.

    That actually made me smile. Look how crowded and full that looks, in a chapter that is a few years old no less.
  • SpiritKitten
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Evilspock wrote: »
    Just another day in Vvardenfell. This is WITH "Limit Followers in Towns" on.

    That actually made me smile. Look how crowded and full that looks, in a chapter that is a few years old no less.

    That's an illusion...all those pets are only FIVE ppl.
  • deejayvee
    I want more pets! And bigger pets!

    But seriously, I do like my pets. It would be nice if they could be summoned in random colours, like the WW Pack Leader wolves turn up in random colours.
    PC - NA
  • BlueRaven
    deejayvee wrote: »
    I want more pets! And bigger pets!

    But seriously, I do like my pets. It would be nice if they could be summoned in random colours, like the WW Pack Leader wolves turn up in random colours.


    Themed to various deadric planes would be awesome!

    (I would also like to see different warden pets, not stat changes, just make them look like wolves or lions, etc)
  • KaosWarMonk
    My main is a also a Sorcerer and I too have come to strongly dislike the constant flapping of leathery wings. These days I only use her when I really need a heal and pretty much always un-summon when not in use as a courtesy to everyone else.
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