Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Wednesday at 4:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC).

Do You Feel Your Feedback as an ESO Customer is Valued?

  • coop500
    Nope, not one bit.
    Hoping for more playable races
  • Rimskjegg
    Answered this in week 2 or 3. Week 4 feels a little better but still no.
    However, I'll feel differently if they shelve this for the next PTS cycle and keep working on improving their changes based on feedback in there. Will still depend on what hits live in the end.
  • JanTanhide
    I have played since beta, paid the subs religiously and then ESO+ in the same vain ever since.

    These changes will make me cancel payments. My only question (seeing as I have never done it and ZOS clearly want to be data driven 100%) is when I cancel do I get to enter/select a reason why and if so can "Update 35 Combat changes" be added to the drop down list of possible answers please so they can measure the business impact of these decisions?

    No. Nothing pops up at all. Just that you canceled. You will get an email saying your sub is canceled. That's about it. Welcome to the club!
  • JanTanhide
    ninjagank wrote: »
    To be fair, how many people in this thread alone have logged into the pts and tested the changes for their play style?

    It's kind of hard for them to analyze feedback when any suggestion of changes inspires a laundry list of "I'll quit" posts from people who are just reading the notes and assuming the worst.

    They clearly do listen to feedback. They just walked back several things with 8.1.3.

    I have. Spent many hours on the PTS as I do every PTS cycle. Combat is so dull, boring and slow. Not dealing with these radical changes every 3 months.
  • Ragnarok0130
    Not at all. If our feedback was valued the devs would have seen the immense amount of pushback from many different areas of the community (a huge sign of the controversial nature of the proposed changes) and said you know maybe should cease work on update 35 and go back to the drawing board.
  • Pevey
    There needs to be an "LOL" option.
  • Enundr
    Not at all. If our feedback was valued the devs would have seen the immense amount of pushback from many different areas of the community (a huge sign of the controversial nature of the proposed changes) and said you know maybe should cease work on update 35 and go back to the drawing board.

    as ive suggested in another thread , at this point its more optimal to just push out the content update and postpone the combat / balance changes for now when your looking at alot of negative feedback on this that its getting alot of attention even outside of these forums , i see it pop up when i open google chrome for example......its not like ive even visited the website often enough for that to be a suggestion (and trust me ive seen 2 or 3 different articles pop up over this issue being a nail in the coffin kind of thing being written). Thats.....kinda bad......its a serious flag to stop going through with the combat changes for the time being and looking for a better design since at its current form its far from optimal and if its not seperated from the content update itll get forced out no matter what state it ends up in to meet the deadline for the yearly plan. I do hope they listen to this and cancel the changes for now , itll only drive people away , i myself cancelled my ESO+ stating the combat changes were the reason why and wont renew it if they go through....shame really , but its not the only option out there either when talking about mmos.
  • Trundik
    I can add that game become unpredictable. I can't think over my builds and upgrade equipment, knowing in close future everything will change (at least it should), because after dots nerf must come large rebalance of many sets. What i suppose to do in game now untill that doesn't come? :)
  • Ragnarok0130
    Enundr wrote: »
    Not at all. If our feedback was valued the devs would have seen the immense amount of pushback from many different areas of the community (a huge sign of the controversial nature of the proposed changes) and said you know maybe should cease work on update 35 and go back to the drawing board.

    as ive suggested in another thread , at this point its more optimal to just push out the content update and postpone the combat / balance changes for now when your looking at alot of negative feedback on this that its getting alot of attention even outside of these forums , i see it pop up when i open google chrome for example......its not like ive even visited the website often enough for that to be a suggestion (and trust me ive seen 2 or 3 different articles pop up over this issue being a nail in the coffin kind of thing being written). Thats.....kinda bad......its a serious flag to stop going through with the combat changes for the time being and looking for a better design since at its current form its far from optimal and if its not seperated from the content update itll get forced out no matter what state it ends up in to meet the deadline for the yearly plan. I do hope they listen to this and cancel the changes for now , itll only drive people away , i myself cancelled my ESO+ stating the combat changes were the reason why and wont renew it if they go through....shame really , but its not the only option out there either when talking about mmos.
    @Enundr releasing the content and not the combat changes would be the perfect course of action, but the devs seem so hellbent on the combat changes I personally doubt this would ever happen.
  • Lebkuchen
    No, i do not feel like my feedback is valued. I would very much like to help make this game playable with my feedback, and interacting with employees, but nobody is interested in anything i have to say. It seems like i am way too stupid to follow the forum rules, so i guess i will just have to give up trying, just be quiet and maybe go away. Like most of the friends i made in this game.
  • renne
    ninjagank wrote: »
    To be fair, how many people in this thread alone have logged into the pts and tested the changes for their play style?

    It's kind of hard for them to analyze feedback when any suggestion of changes inspires a laundry list of "I'll quit" posts from people who are just reading the notes and assuming the worst.

    They clearly do listen to feedback. They just walked back several things with 8.1.3.

    I will.

    The moment you explain how I can do it on console.

    Also we're all able to read patch notes, read other people's comments, watch videos from the PTS and extrapolate how it will affect our particular playstyle, it's not just """reading the notes and assuming the worst""".
  • shadyjane62
    ninjagank wrote: »
    To be fair, how many people in this thread alone have logged into the pts and tested the changes for their play style?

    It's kind of hard for them to analyze feedback when any suggestion of changes inspires a laundry list of "I'll quit" posts from people who are just reading the notes and assuming the worst.

    They clearly do listen to feedback. They just walked back several things with 8.1.3.

    I did not see the word Templar in the last two sets of patch notes. I did not need to waste my time nor the space on the hard drive for this steaming hot pile of gigabytes. Less damage, less healing, lightning staff nerfed and my jabs, oh my poor jabs...

    All I've ever been in this game is a Templar. I wouldn't know where to start. At Legate in pvp and 1915 cps why would I want to start over, especially as I am really happy in the place I am now.

    I have a year sub 250 days will be wasted. I have written them off as a bad investment.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Given the final week of PTS notes, it's shockingly apparent that customer feedback wasn't valued this PTS cycle.
  • Hoolielulu
    My LOL response from earlier is now updated to ROFLOL. U35 isn't a slap to the face, it's running us over and tossing our twitching bodies into the river.
  • neferpitou73
    ZOS needs to get some people on the combat team that actually play the game. This is not meant to be a personal attack. It is abundantly clear to almost everyone that's even looked at these changes that they have no idea what's going on.
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Absolutely not.

    So much good community feedback and all of it gets sent into the Void along with Sithis.
  • Arjuna1696
    No updates to empower? No meaningful updates or reverts for warden or templar? Nothing to address the long-lasting dots that do little more than tickle? No, we are not being heard.
    Edited by Arjuna1696 on August 8, 2022 7:54PM
  • Jazraena
    DoT Durations still tragically all over the bloody place. Worse than live, worse than the first PTS Patch.
  • StarOfElyon
    Never learning and repeating the same mistakes is tangible proof that they don't listen or value the player's opinions.
  • Foxtrot39

    Individual feedback? Totaly ignored (not enough to justify any action if not a bug report)

    Group feedback for a class? Sometime yes sometime no, but usualy never done as per feedback (Deep fissure, Dark Cloak, magsorc,magden)

    Major outrage by a large portion of the playerbase on a specific aspect? Yes (Flatening of LA/HA damage, cast time on damage shield)
    Edited by Foxtrot39 on August 8, 2022 6:13PM
  • Melivar
    Sadly this might be the highest vote total I have noticed on the forums in a very long time and I have to agree with the 500+ No they don't value the feedback provided in the majority of cases.

    What's more sad is that there are only 500+ votes and that's precisely why they won't nor have a ton of reason to value the feedback no matter how sound it is.

    Even if everyone who isn't happy decides enough is enough its not a big enough drop in the overall bucket for ZOS to sweat taking the game in the direction they want.

    I'll still be around as the combat portion is only a small part of why I play ESO but the majority of my alter egos will be taking an extended break and I will be grinding much less for anything that requires a ton of combat as I totally dislike what they have done to many of them. Still a month left on the sub so should be able to see how bad it really is on live before renewing or not.
  • Tandor
    I used to think ZOS valued its players' views and listened seriously to feedback, but the manner of their initial announcement and subsequent disinclination to engage with the PTS community over the introduction of AwA earlier in the year put paid to that. Then again, I've lost track of the number of times they've acknowledged the need to increase their communication but have then done nothing about it.
  • Elsonso
    Tandor wrote: »
    I used to think ZOS valued its players' views and listened seriously to feedback, but the manner of their initial announcement and subsequent disinclination to engage with the PTS community over the introduction of AwA earlier in the year put paid to that. Then again, I've lost track of the number of times they've acknowledged the need to increase their communication but have then done nothing about it.

    I stopped counting. Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results...
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • usmcjdking
    Yes and no.

    Yes. The developers and combat team are doing the best they can with the vision that is pushed onto them by the director, Matt Firor. Matt has this vision that there's basically 4 tiers of players. Top 1% (trifectas), top 5% (all raids cleared), top 20% (raid progression) and everyone else. What he's aiming for, is forcing that 75% to all be similar in regards to performance, and to strengthen the performance of the 20%. All of these changes coincide with the very basic principle that the game wants to move in a direction of a tighter performance spread utilizing specifically combat ergonomics as the balance metric. And that will certainly happen.

    And then the no. What Matt cannot seemingly grasp is that the 75% spread is ENORMOUS in terms of performance. Someone, let's say in the 25th percentile, is easily going to triple or quadruple the damage of someone in the 90th percentile. Meanwhile, someone in the top 1 might see something more akin to 30-50% increase over the 25th percentile performers. He refuses to understand that the game engine has design limitations, and one of those limitations is that players who are bad at the game are bad at the game by virtue of being bad at the game. I don't play Street Fighter online because - you guessed it, I'm bad at the game.

    What he also fails to grasp is that the obvious way forward is implementing cooldowns. This would dramatically change how the game would play and how content would be beaten, but it's the answer he's looking for. Cooldowns limit the scope of the scale of combat efficiency dramatically. Cooldowns institute a hard cap and limit variance in performance to the point where the top 1% starts looking more like the top 10%, which would provide the DPS spread he desires.

    In addition he cannot, for the life of me I can't figure out why, understand that this is a multiplayer game. Group compositions matter. Good supports matter. Good tanks matter. Good DPS matter. They all interact with eachother in a manner where a bad tank, bad support or bad DPS = dumpster tier performance output no matter how good the individual players are. This is readily verifiable in any group content. Just run max stam DPS in hundings/agil and see how well they do. The top 1% won't make it much further than the 25th percentile.

    So, in Matt's eyes, the problem of accessibility isn't in player performance, it's in game design. Not only is it in game design, but it's also only a balance issue in game design.

    Bad lead.
  • KrawatteKamm961
    Not at all. But we will just have to get used to it or quit the game. The same happened with Warframes Devs a few years ago. They removed the raids and promised to put them in soon after they were done fixing them. It never happened and I lost my trust for them. I quit the game and never came back.
  • Foxtrot39
    Not at all. But we will just have to get used to it or quit the game. The same happened with Warframes Devs a few years ago. They removed the raids and promised to put them in soon after they were done fixing them. It never happened and I lost my trust for them. I quit the game and never came back.

    The game changed quite a lot since, raid are still gone but you have Hardcore difficulty (Steel Path where all missions are set around lvl 100+) and a whole slew of new content, from open world + roaming boss/boss bounty, space ship combat, mech, nemesis system, story arc missions and soon to be roguelike expansion

    The lead also steped down to work on a new game within the company

    The raid where removed at update 10, its at update 31 now, shouldn't discard the whole game over that

    If ZoS could make up their minds on a direction with clear objectives and engage with its playerbase more often it can recover even from this turdstorm
  • Ishtarknows

    The decrease of at least 20% in dps vs a decrease in boss health of only 10% + nerfs to heals with some only healing every 2 seconds while boss damage ticks still happen every 0.5 or 1 second shows they neither listen to our concerns nor respect us enough to explain why it won't be as bad as we expect.

    My eso+ renews in September and it's looking more likely that I won't renew. My trifecta goals are looking even further away now and I don't feel that there's much to look forward to in this new patch.
  • DarcyMardin
    Speaking from long experience (8+ years), no.
  • peacenote
    I used to feel like ZOS did generally listen.

    U35 on top of U33 has made me feel as if they no longer do.

    Slow down the rate of change. Don't overhaul combat this drastically. Take the time to thoughtfully implement changes that are inclusive to the broadest amount of players possible. We are here as a community because we LIKE THIS GAME. Stop changing everything we like about it in pursuit of some vision.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • Pyvos
    Played since the November 2013 Cyrodiil testing.

    The answer is just No.
This discussion has been closed.