FlamingBeard wrote: »
From the new patchnotes in the spoiler tab for Crystal Weapon:
- Crystal Weapon (morph): This morph now splits its damage into two separate hits - the first hit deals damage equal to a ranged spammable, while the second hit deals damage equal to 30% of that.
Developer Comment:
- This retains the same overall damage as PTS v8.1.0 but is far less punitive if you only get 1 charge of the ability off. Keep in mind this does unfortunately introduce a situation where combat logs will report each damage event as separate abilities. Everything has a price.
Suggestion: Do not go overboard on their attempts at humor. I just ignore them, like they probably ignore mine.
Besides, this feels like a Gina thing, not a development team thing. Sometimes her jokes miss. I can relate.
FlamingBeard wrote: »
From the new patchnotes in the spoiler tab for Crystal Weapon:
- Crystal Weapon (morph): This morph now splits its damage into two separate hits - the first hit deals damage equal to a ranged spammable, while the second hit deals damage equal to 30% of that.
Developer Comment:
- This retains the same overall damage as PTS v8.1.0 but is far less punitive if you only get 1 charge of the ability off. Keep in mind this does unfortunately introduce a situation where combat logs will report each damage event as separate abilities. Everything has a price.
Suggestion: Do not go overboard on their attempts at humor. I just ignore them, like they probably ignore mine.
Besides, this feels like a Gina thing, not a development team thing. Sometimes her jokes miss. I can relate.
I dunno if I took anything personally from the quote in question, I was just responding to FlamingBeard.
Matthew_Galvanus wrote: »
Matthew_Galvanus wrote: »
Well, nothing I can do to stop them from doing so. It's more important that they see how their behavior is being taken from a customer IMO though than just my comment existing forever. So I'd be happy to know I was heard at least. And I'm not the only one with these concerns. So it's definitely a customer service/public perception issue zos should be aware of.
I've played since beta. I actually have two accounts because during my hiatus they "lost" my first account, so I re-purchased much of the game a second time (I now have access to both accounts, but had already invested so much in my second account I just took the hit on my beta monkey and play on my second account).
<Omitted for space>
The entire reason I (and most) people still play this game after all these years is because it stands alone for the fast-paced, reactive gameplay. By dumbing it down to be more in line with other games just means I'll now compare it to those other games, realize those other games put out way more/way better content and care about their players, and go play one of those games instead.
I've played since beta. I actually have two accounts because during my hiatus they "lost" my first account, so I re-purchased much of the game a second time (I now have access to both accounts, but had already invested so much in my second account I just took the hit on my beta monkey and play on my second account).
I played this game when it was a subscription model. I've been ESO+ ever since that model went away. I'm that loser that actually buys the overpriced crown houses and have even bought crown crates. I know these are bad decisions, but I always justified it as "I enjoy it, I can afford it, and I spend so much time on this game I can support it."
So yeah, absolutely cancelled ESO+ over this. If it goes live, I'll quit. When they undo these [snip] changes (whether that be before the go-live or at a later patch), I will AT THAT TIME decide if I trust them enough to turn my sub back on.
Let me repeat that because I want to be clear. They have lost the financial portion of my business indefinitely. From where I sit, I will NEVER turn the finances back on if this goes live, and I MIGHT turn it on if they change. These changes are such a gut-punch to those of us that have been around for all the previous iterations of "we hate our players" that ZOS has put out over the years, and it is SO CLEAR to me that they are more interested in hoping to get a quick buck from whatever small number of players out there have not tried ESO yet that might than rewarding those of us who have invest 8+ years in this game, that I see no reason to apply my financial loyalty to their lack of loyalty to me.
The entire reason I (and most) people still play this game after all these years is because it stands alone for the fast-paced, reactive gameplay. By dumbing it down to be more in line with other games just means I'll now compare it to those other games, realize those other games put out way more/way better content and care about their players, and go play one of those games instead.
shadyjane62 wrote: »
Deleting chars, giving away gold, just like me.
Today I got rid of three alts. Would have been more but only had three deletes. Now if they sold deletes in the crown store it would be good.
I liquidated entire EU account.
Cannot tell you how good it felt to actually do something rather than just come to forums.
Not implementing or agreeing with feedback doesn't mean it isn't listened to or valued.
The problem is, there are so many voices on the forums, and opinions of players who provide feedback, that is not consensus. So, to listen to feedback and implement it all, as some seem to think is reasonable, the game would be a conflicting mess.
Some feedback doesn't fit into the vision of the game. Like requesting Skyrim combat mechanics, or even guild trader changes that migrate to a central auction house. Some feedback is just not good, or at least, not informed enough. Some feedback is great, but might still fit into that first category of not fitting the vision the devs have, or may step on the toes of some future patch feature.
The point being, not all feedback is equal, and not all feedback is valuable.
VaranisArano wrote: »shadyjane62 wrote: »
Deleting chars, giving away gold, just like me.
Today I got rid of three alts. Would have been more but only had three deletes. Now if they sold deletes in the crown store it would be good.
I liquidated entire EU account.
Cannot tell you how good it felt to actually do something rather than just come to forums.
Just wait 24 hours and you'll get a delete back. It's an old anti-bot feature from when players used to make trains in Riften to get gold from a simple quest there.