The sheer amount of data and in-game application has helped us tremendously to hone in on the problem spaces that the larger sentiments have pointed out
Stop. Looking. At. Spreadsheets.
Start. Listening. To. Your. Players.
After review, we have removed a handful of posts that were bashing and/or non-constructive. While we understand that players and members can be upset about the PTS Combat Update 35, we do ask that all posts be kept civil, constructive, and within the guidelines of the rules that we have in place. If there may be any questions in regards to the rules, please feel free to review them here.
Thank you for your understanding.
Halcyon_Kismet wrote: »Please for the love of divines just scrap all combat changes and just release the dungeons.
The combat on live is in a good spot and just needs a few tweaks to some overperformers... not a complete slaughter of the game so many of us love and invested untold hours into...
Sandman929 wrote: »Here we go with the excessive moderation. Classic ZOS when everything is suddenly beneath the constructive comment cutoff. Maybe if the update was being well received this wouldn't be necessary, but as always, the lesson that should be learned will be easier to simply dodge.
Dalsinthus wrote: »I appreciate the communication.
Unfortunately, this really misses the mark. You've had volumes of feedback to filter through and the message from players has been remarkably consistent. Around 80% of players oppose the changes. You are creating giant class disparities (i.e., Nightblade >>>> Sorcerer and Warden). You are lowering the floor and the ceiling. You're nerfing accessible build options like oaken soul and lightning heavy attacks. You're upending the game and not achieving any of your stated goals.
Please slow down, change less. Bring the game to a place of stability. Give us a roadmap of where we're going with all these changes.
MindOfTheSwarm wrote: »One step in the right direction but a couple more needed.
This is what I suggest based on community feedback:
1. Have the sticky DoT’s increase their damage over time if they are going to last this long. So at the very least they feel impactful.
MindOfTheSwarm wrote: »3. Stop with the standardisation nonsense. It’s not wanted.
ZOS_Gilliam wrote: »A friendly reminder that providing data always helps us far more than anecdotal feedback, though both are still welcome.
xxxvodnikxxx wrote: »[snip]
I have a feeling you might enjoy seeing this, A screenshot of my main character just prior to game launch and the Psijic Beta group being released from the NDA. This is what stat numbers looked like at the time.
Could you imagine how little gap manipulation there would be if stat numbers were still in this range?
xxxvodnikxxx wrote: »[snip]
xxxvodnikxxx wrote: »[snip]
These 140k DPS people might get excluded from high end achievements. They'll still complete normal veteran trials.
The people just barely completing veteran trials no longer will.
The people just barely completing veteran DLCs no longer will.
The people just barely soloing normal world bosses no longer will.
This patch does not hurt 140k DPS people, it hurts everyone. And chances are, it will hurt the lower end, off-meta people a lot more, especially those at the verge of getting access to more difficult content. Some by 40-50%.
xxxvodnikxxx wrote: »[snip]
and if you watch my video elsewhere on the forums, where someone challenged me to Solo test this on a Vet Dungeon you can see that mechanics can still be used in place of DPS a lot of times if you take the time to learn them. (I've never chased DPS, at least not more than is required, to complete content).
Don't presume people are complaining because they can't skip stuff through DPS. They're complaining because they can't complete the content. Whether that content is the dungeon / trial / encounter entirely or specific achievements for it is another matter.
Why don't they just present the players with the issues they are seeing. And let the players solve the issues for them. I have more confidence in our players than these devs.
HOW MANY DEVELOPERS WATCHED THE NEW JABS ANIMATION AND THOUGHT IT LOOKED GOOD? how does the jabs animation go through so many developers and everyone just thinks...yeah that'll ship
With all the people deriding standardization here I'd just like to mention that standards aren't bad - it means you get multiple different options to the same end result. Preferably I'd want secondary effects to round out my choices so each has it's niche, but even having visually distinct but mechanically similar options helps maintaining theme and power fantasy for a character.
The crux however is that this Sticky vs Static differentiation is the opposite of standardization. Long duration weak stickies vs strong short duration statics just means everyone will gravitate towards the latter; doubly so considering you need at least one of them for the backbar enchant anyway. People will use strong skills over weak skills.
That's not standardization, that's making one set of skills objectively better than another set of skills unless you actually give those weaker skills their own niche that you would realistically sacrifice damage for.
Pro-Tip: The duration on it's own isn't it.
I don't, I've chimed in on that as well in other threads. I was very close to not being here at all this year. If it were not for it being Breton content I wouldn't have been. All I'm saying is that if someone cares as little as I do about how you look to others then these changes don't amount to a hill of beans compared to some of the other changes that have been made over the years (I've went over a year without playing before because I was unhappy with ZOS's direction). I've tried this update (before this next set of changes hit) and it made very little difference in how I play this game,,, if at all.
I will admit that all of this uproar is what made me decide to try it for myself to see if it would affect me as much as every says it will, and it didn't. When I stated so I was challenged to try something harder so I picked one of the harder things I had done solo and tried it and that didn't change much either, so for now I'm happy with how it plays (at least for myself).
As for how I play (I've given up on chasing all of these changes) next years content will decide whether I play it or not and as for now how it plays still has no affect on me, at least not yet.
Edit: So just to keep my comments in context I Believe the game would run better if players were forced to focus on Mechanics and not using DPS as a means of skipping them.
[edited to remove quote]
I would go the opposite. I think all DoTs should expend half of their damage almost immediately, then parcel out the residual damage over the remainder of the time. This gives the action a bang.
I have been against homogenization from the start. It is a concept that, if they wanted to do it, should have been baked into the design from the start. Once that cake is baked, it is rather silly to try to make it into a pie by squirting filling into the middle, like they are doing here.At best, they should be limiting themselves to swapping out the frosting.
Now I am hungry.
Sigh, i have bad feeling about those adjustments...
Why cant u just leave DoTs alone? Those on live are good...