Okay, so no offense whatsoever, but these changes and the uproar isnt about players at your level or who wish to play the game like you do.
They will also not affect the roleplayers in the Evermore Inn, for example.
These changes affect a large number of population that is at the middle of their progression. Mid tier. Forget endgame or people going for world records as well.
We are talking of people progging newer hardmode trials, thinking of trifectas after months of practice. Its those players who are pushed back with a sorry excuse of making that content more accessible to them.
So yes, you really are not the target audience here. Again, I mean it in as polite tone as possible, I understand written word's underlying tone can sound different than what is intended.
MindOfTheSwarm wrote: »
No they aren't. They are underpowered. Ground DoT's needed a buff not a nerf. Sticky DoT's should have been left alone.
Remember the DoT meta? This was a problem due to sticky DoTs and people stacking them in PvP. But no-one was complaining about ground DoT's as you could simply move out of them. So the solution ZoS implemented was a flat 60% nerf on ALL DoT's. It should have been a 40% nerf for sticky DoT's but ground DOT''s should have been left alone.
If that was done, the DoT meta would have disappeared but with dedicated DoT builds still being good in PvP. On live they are barely effective. On PTS they are useless.
@ZOS_Gilliam will end game content like xalvakka HM, rockgrove trifecta, vss trifecta, vdsr trifecta be adjusted accordingly to compensate for the across the board nerfs to damage? If not, can you explain how these changes line up with the development teams stated intention which is to increase accessibility to this content?
Cominfordatoothbrush wrote: »So if I'm reading this right: and I'm hope I'm reading this right, ground HoTs will be back to 1 sec ticks? Well, that was my biggest concern and I'm glad to see it changing if so. As for sticky dots retaining their extended duration I guess we'll have to see how it works out. But two things about that stand out to me... 1, will this create a meta where filling your bars with ground dots is a priority over sticky ones? I guess it depends how you've adjusted the actual damage ticks. and 2, it doesn't sound like this at all addresses the concerns of PvPers with regards to how little sticky dots were hurting.
Aside from that... honestly can we just revert all combat back to Deadlands DLC. You want to nerf damage, we want dynamic gameplay and class identity, that will achieve it better than anything in U36 so far.
Halcyon_Kismet wrote: »Please for the love of divines just scrap all combat changes and just release the dungeons.
The combat on live is in a good spot and just needs a few tweaks to some overperformers... not a complete slaughter of the game so many of us love and invested untold hours into...
vivisectvib16_ESO wrote: »
This. No one asked for this. Especially this late into the game's life-cycle. I'm sick and tired of being exhausted by the mental gymnastics being played by the dev/design teams in order to justify constantly putting their players through the ringer and then acting like we're out of line when we're upset/react.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Gilliam @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_RichLambert
GreatGildersleeve wrote: »
I’ll bet you a dozen sweet rolls that it won’t be adjusted. It never has been in the past when they’ve done this and there’s no reason to start now.
ZOS_Gilliam wrote: »A friendly reminder that providing data always helps us far more than anecdotal feedback, though both are still welcome.
I don't, I've chimed in on that as well in other threads. I was very close to not being here at all this year. If it were not for it being Breton content I wouldn't have been. All I'm saying is that if someone cares as little as I do about how you look to others then these changes don't amount to a hill of beans compared to some of the other changes that have been made over the years (I've went over a year without playing before because I was unhappy with ZOS's direction). I've tried this update (before this next set of changes hit) and it made very little difference in how I play this game,,, if at all.
I will admit that all of this uproar is what made me decide to try it for myself to see if it would affect me as much as every says it will, and it didn't. When I stated so I was challenged to try something harder so I picked one of the harder things I had done solo and tried it and that didn't change much either, so for now I'm happy with how it plays (at least for myself).
As for how I play (I've given up on chasing all of these changes) next years content will decide whether I play it or not and as for now how it plays still has no affect on me, at least not yet.
Edit: So just to keep my comments in context I Believe the game would run better if players were forced to focus on Mechanics and not using DPS as a means of skipping them.
[edited to remove quote]
MindOfTheSwarm wrote: »
This is why I suggested that long sticky Dot's increase in damage each tick over their duration. This way they have a function that differs and would be appealing for some players.
Cool. Irrespective of that, 'stop using DPS to skip mechanics' is not going to be useful advice to the people affected, least of all when the mechanic is 'You need X DPS'.
PingTheAwesome wrote: »It is clear y'all are not ready. You also are not truly listening, despite claims to the contrary. Your combat team has taken zero accountability for the chilling effect this has had on progress within your game and the communities found within it. You may want data...but that comes in multiple different formats and from a variety of sources -- including all the monies that are leaving with each player you drive off or each player who wavers in re-upping their longheld subscriptions to your services. These players may be but mere numbers to you, but they have names, they have faces, and they have all spoken to you repeatedly as to why this is bad news bears.
Scrap this or significantly delay these changes.
Please don't give them any ideas. I already have theories behind the 2-person mount roll-out that I am watching like a hawk.Wouldn't it be sad to learn this one of a long line of nerfs (P35) was conceived and executed from behind closed doors, just to lessen the blow of OP PvP builds some PvErs might have to endure during the Midyear Mayhem Event, that is right around the corner?
Wouldn't it be sad to learn this one of a long line of nerfs (P35) was conceived and executed from behind closed doors, just to lessen the blow of OP PvP builds some PvErs might have to endure during the Midyear Mayhem Event, that is right around the corner?
Sure hope marketing didn't have any influence in gameplay decision making, that would suck.
Cool. Irrespective of that, 'stop using DPS to skip mechanics' is not going to be useful advice to the people affected, least of all when the mechanic is 'You need X DPS'.
It's good to see that at least some feedback was listened to, but I don't think that ZOS as a company understands what these patch notes meant to a lot of players.
These patch notes:
1. Made many endgame players feel unwelcomed
2. Showed a clear lack of direction for ESO's combat
3. Caused players to lose confidence in the dev team
4. Made the devs seem completely out of touch with the game and all types of players
At this point, I don't want to play the game while this current team is making decisions. When every update makes the game worse for many people rather than better, there's a big problem. It feels like it won't get better with the current team.
MidniteOwl1913 wrote: »
The main reason for the nerfs is "damage bloat". The devs want these changes, not the players. In this case what players want doesn't matter it's a dev driven change.