This is exactly what we expected. They still don't get it.
You need to listen to vastly more anecdotal data and stop staring at the spreadsheets. Stop making every sticky dot in this game exactly the same, and every static dot exactly the same, and every spammable exactly the same.
We needed some indication that the combat team understood why we were upset. We got the opposite.
As far as their statistics go, I'd like to see the median DPS in vet dungeons and vet trials. Mean average isn't a very useful figure and neither are outliers like the top 200 players.SkaraMinoc wrote: »ZOS is too data-driven. Sometimes intuition is better.
GreatGildersleeve wrote: »Everyone is missing the point and ZoS isn’t telling…
They WANT damage to go down. That’s why this is happening. They can muse about floors and ceilings all they want but facts are what they are.
End game, the tippitey top .01%, will be able to manage with the new norm. They will find ways to claw back a portion of what’s being lost but will still manage to complete stuff, perhaps just a little bit slower.
Mid game, the 25k to maybe 75k folks, might still manage to complete but it’s iffy. They might manage to claw something back but it’ll take work. And they could also find themselves shut out of a lot of the content that’s supposed to be more ‘accessible’ with this patch. (I wish they’d stop using that term, use ‘available’ instead since ‘accessible’ has connotations of actual physical accessibility which isn’t this).
The average casual, of which I am part of, has no hope of seeing the inside of a HM trial let alone anything resembling a newer DLC HM.
SkaraMinoc wrote: »ZOS is too data-driven. Sometimes intuition is better.
DMuehlhausen wrote: »
No, and it shouldn't be. Trying to balance PvP and PvE in a game like this is mathematically impossible. [snip]
Not surprised zos is doubling down on their stance.
ZOS love to use live servers for actual "testing" instead of listening to PTS feedback. What even is the point of PTS when they always double down on their week 1 updates and ignore what PTS testers say about updates?
Just revert those changes guys, it will be much easier in the long run, people aren't mad just because they don't like changes, they're mad because it was tested and proven that hurting our DPS like that will make the game way LESS accessible to everyone, ESPECIALLY new players.
Your content was made with endgame DPS in mind, what you guys should do is to not let DPS increase every patch, make some sort of limit by not releasing stronger sets every patch, make new sets unique and varied, not just stronger. Those changes to dots, hots and weaving are just uncalled for.
The game has a lot of balance issues that really deserve your attention and instead of focusing on adressing that, those changes will only create more problems to solve, it's just tiresome and difficult to digest this at this point.
ZOS: hey folks how's the concept - we are gonna screw with LA damage and DoT durations
Players: again? You already tested that before and didn't release because it was widely unpopular.
ZOS: ye ye change is scary, but hear me out, how about we also nerf class staples to the ground, and oh oakensoul too. And destroy HoTs tick rate. And introduce set that dispells buffs. And oh everyone loses 30% DPS. *whispers between themselves* did we annoy all the target audiences?
Players: my god what is this, please just cancel all these changes, they are horrible.
ZOS: ye look we hear your feedback, how about we just revert AoE dots (still nerf their damage) and call it a day?
StabbityDoom wrote: »Small sidenote: For you folks who say "devs need to play the game" did you not see that Slashlurk @ZOS_RichLambert did that on stream for months? Would love to see it again to help prove this.
Wikter_Bravo wrote: »But why do changes no one has asked for?
wolfie1.0. wrote: »@ZOS_Gilliam
I agree with others here that we want to see the dev team (and only dev team) complete trifectas with these changes. Especially in the hardest dungeons and trials out there.
If you can do it then awesome the nay sayers are wrong and this update is great.
If you can't then maybe you should reconsider the whole thing.
Parsing on dummies is one thing. Being able to apply that to content is another.
You should probably clarify here that you'd like to see it done without it being on an internal build with dev commands; one-shots / buffed ability damage (like the damage from the last quest against Molag Bal), AI disabled, or god mode.wolfie1.0. wrote: »@ZOS_Gilliam
I agree with others here that we want to see the dev team (and only dev team) complete trifectas with these changes. Especially in the hardest dungeons and trials out there.
If you can do it then awesome the nay sayers are wrong and this update is great.
If you can't then maybe you should reconsider the whole thing.
Parsing on dummies is one thing. Being able to apply that to content is another.