PrincessOfThieves wrote: »
There is one important thing about ESO that cannot be calculated with spreadsheets. It's the game's community. ESO has one of the best mmo communities, and for many people (myself included) it's one of its biggest selling points.This patch is incredibly destructive for this community. I'm not sure if ESO community can recover if this patch goes live, we're already losing a lot of experienced players.
@ZOS_Kevin ... I hesitate to ask this, but any chance that there will be another update with thoughts from the Combat Team before we exit PTS?
I don't really have time to read through all of this. Can someone give a short explanation of what existing problem these changes will fix?
(before you ask why live UI looks different, I use pixel perfect to make is more readable to my half-blind self)
Same character, same gear, same CP, same Stats
So eaither something has gone very, very wrong with the PTS calculations on tooltips and skills or Zos has lost the plot
Yes, you might look at the live stats and think "that's op af" and you'd be right, it is, so one of the nerfs (hit count or damage) would be fine, but it's also the only piece of the toolkit stamplar has to do damage with, hence why I pushed it about as far as possible
AwA was significantly less onesided in reception than U35.
iPeriphery wrote: »*This post is not meant to be taken with hostility or harassment towards ZoS. This is just the cold hard truth.
I've been playing since beta and have seen this happen TIME and TIME AGAIN.
You can only continue alienating and berating your player base for so long before they leave. Nobody asked for ANY of these HORRIBLE changes.
Unless you completely scrap U35, you won't have a game left to make money from.
WAKE UP ZOS! Before it's too late, and honestly it might already be. If update 35 goes live this game will be just as dead as New World.
What about GUTTING every single class, and their class identity is fun? We play this game to have FUN, not be stressed by having the rug pulled from underneath us every 3-6 months.
Stop trying to balance the game around the top 1% of Raiders and start balancing PVE and PVP seperately.
Who cares if the TOP 1% are so good at the game that they are pulling huge DPS? Obviously they put the time and effort into gaining that skill, and that is deserved and should be rewarded. It literally effects NOBODY else.
If you are trying to make the game more ACCESSIBLE then why in the bloodyhell are you NERFING EVERYONE ACROSS THE BOARD? Especially INCREDIBLY SHORTSIGHTED changes like Nerfing the whole Sorcerer class because of 1 busted set like Savage WWOR an even better example, nerfing twisted path for NB's because you have this obsession with making EVERYTHING standardized and homogenized.
Making every class the same except for maybe 2 or 3 abilities is SO SO SO BORING. Stop ruining what was unique about the game. The original combat team was on the right path and had an actual vision that was fun. This game has turned into a bastardization of it's former glory.
Stop trying to come at this with a spreadsheet and math mentality.... Spreadsheets and data CANNOT DETERMINE WHAT IS FUN OR ENJOYABLE FOR YOUR PLAYERBASE, and sure as hell will NOT keep your customers happy. How about you actually play the game yourself instead? Because it's pretty obvious that you don't. It's kind of sad how fast the player base can see the glaring issues in what you guy propose every single time there is a patch like this, yet you guys can't after 8 years of repeated failure.
ZoS, I love you guys for making my favorite game of all time, but it's seriously time for you to get a reality check; because if this patch goes through you won't have a job for much longer.
Mark my words, Update 35 will be the beginning of the end for ESO; and it will be a worse disaster than Warlords of Drenor for WoW, or the dumpster fire that was New World.
More importantly, a lot of people actively welcomed, not only tolerated, AwA. Opinions clashed there, hard.
Some actively welcomed the principle, but most of those who did so and provided feedback on the PTS didn't like the way it was implemented, the assumption having been that it would be either an additional system or a purely optional one, not one that would remove totally the character-based approach of the last 8 years. In the event, the jumbled mess that was implemented on the PTS was overwhelmingly criticised, as was the way that ZOS simply wouldn't engage over it.
Nightblade feels less cool without the Consealed Weapon flank stun. That was many-a-nightblade's bread and butter cc. The removal of that stun option is also one step closer to getting pigeonholed to one play style.
Sandman929 wrote: »You've created a set that steal my gold used to buy potions and my resources used to craft them because it strips potions sourced buffs.
I could point to a few hundred people's worth of ESO communities that are still overwhelmingly positive towards AwA. Sorry, but it had a lot more people supporting it than you think.
ZOS_Gilliam wrote: »Greetings, everyone. We’d like to update you all on where we are at with the PTS feedback we have seen and our plans of action. Firstly, we would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to go through the changes and hop onto the PTS to get hands-on experience before submitting their feedback. The sheer amount of data and in-game application has helped us tremendously to hone in on the problem spaces that the larger sentiments have pointed out, and has also given us a better idea of how to isolate and tackle those problems. Let’s quickly go over the main themes we would like to improve on.
There are three main issues we would like to address with some targeted adjustments in next week’s PTS patch. These mainly pertain to Damage and Healing over Time effects, as we’ve found those have been the focus of the majority of conversations between all types of players. The first is the loss of reactive gameplay with ticking Area of Effect-based abilities, where delayed tick rates make them feel far less reactive to their surroundings and further punish their lack of mobility as such. The second is how the extension of durations on Area of Effect-based abilities actively harms their effectiveness since their power has been stretched out over a longer period, further increasing their risk of targets not staying in the area. The final is how ESO has always been a game about choice, and how global standards can over-define the reality of ability portrayal and can actively harm that idea. Now, let us go over what you are probably really here for – what we are doing to address these points.
We have taken considerable time to go through and better differentiate standards for Damage and Healing over Time effects based on the type of ability it is. In next week’s patch, abilities that stick to a target (such as Fiery Breath or Lightning Form) will retain their longer duration effects, where they take longer to deal damage at an increased rate per cast, but less per second than what’s currently on the Live servers (i.e., all public servers that are not the PTS). Meanwhile, abilities that are bound to a static area, such as Wall of Elements or Spear Shards, will have shorter durations (closer or identical to their current versions on the Live servers) and less Damage per Cast, but more Damage per Second than their “sticky” counterparts. We have also adjusted the cost to be higher than those “sticky” abilities but will still cost less than they currently do on the Live servers. The standard details are as follows:It is our hope these new standards better differentiate the gameplay realities these skills have, reinforcing their strengths and weaknesses, while making them easier to engage with in some ways than compared to what’s currently on Live (easier to manage “sticky” effects, and overall, significantly less cost per second drains).
- “Sticky” over Time effects will retain their initial PTS iteration of 20+ second durations, 2 second frequencies, with .105 coefficient potency per second (their scaling modifier divided by time), and a baseline cost of 135 per second (2700+)
- Static over Time effects will return to their original duration of 10-15 second durations, 1 second frequencies, with .14 coefficient potency per second (U35 PTS Combat Feedback & Upcoming Changesdown from .1575 on Live, but up from .105 on PTS), and a baseline cost of 270 per second (2700+)
We have also spent more time looking at durations of where certain skills are sourced and are going to give them base line timers that follow a common denominator. For example, Stampede will remain a 15 second effect as Carve’s final duration is 30 seconds, making it easier to create a rotation where you align a ratio of casts to one another. We hope these differing standards allow you to better decide what type of pacing your build utilizes. If you prefer a higher risk and reward playstyle that is more challenging to keep up and manage, you can opt to take Static over Time abilities. Alternatively, if you want easier to utilize and safer skills with less risk, you can choose to use more Sticky over Time abilities, or a blend of both depending on the encounter or build you’re playing against.
After these changes go in next week, we will continue to monitor feedback and act accordingly where deemed necessary, so please continue to provide constructive takes and discussions. Note that we are already planning some additional changes for the Sorcerer and Warden, based on your feedback, that will go on the PTS before Update 35 launches. A friendly reminder that providing data always helps us far more than anecdotal feedback, though both are still welcome. Finally, thank you all for your patience and time in helping up improve upon these areas. May your roads lead to warm sands.
At this point, even if I had time to test on PTS and give feedback I would have no idea where to start. And I have zero idea how to begin rebuilding my characters from this patch if it goes live. The sheer amount of proposed changes is overwhelming.
I do all roles and have all classes but I try to prioritize how things will affect the healing role and... this whole thing just makes me want to never launch the game again. I have a full time job already; ESO cannot require that much time from me to understand combat changes from a single patch.
I could point to a few hundred people's worth of ESO communities that are still overwhelmingly positive towards AwA. Sorry, but it had a lot more people supporting it than you think.
My advice to anyone in that position - and it's advice I follow myself - is not to read the patch notes but to continue playing the game the same way as usual and see what the outcome is. Thus far with all the combat and balancing changes there have been over the years I simply haven't noticed them in any game-changing or game-breaking way and have just adapted where necessary as I've gone along. Clearly that is hugely dependent on playstyle, but for those who don't have the time or inclination to follow these things in too fine a detail it's the only practical option and is better than simply abandoning the game without trying it after all this goes live.