ThirdEye_PULSE wrote: »
I'm impressed, really. Not a single class is happy with the patch. Bad players, mid-tier, end gamers all upset with the patch... even when the whole purpose was helping bottom players tier players. You've even managed to alienate PVP and PVE players at the same time.
You've finally done it... a patch so despised by everyone that you've united the entire ESO community against U35.
Flangdoodle wrote: »
There's an old expression in negotiating (contracts, divorces, etc.) that if everyone's pissed off and thinks they got a raw deal - you must've done it right.
(I'll see myself out...)
Flangdoodle wrote: »
There's an old expression in negotiating (contracts, divorces, etc.) that if everyone's pissed off and thinks they got a raw deal - you must've done it right.
(I'll see myself out...)
ZOS, regarding the new changes to warden (Aug. 8, 2022):
1) The proposed changes to winter's revenge directly conflict the "play how you want" vision that was conveyed in the hybridization patch. By making the winter's revenge skill do more damage with a destro staff, not only are you starting down a slippery slope by including specific weapons in class skills, but you're also forcing the player to use a destro staff to get the most out of the skill.
2) There is now a very large gap between stamina and magicka warden. All of the magicka warden skills/morphs got buffed, while stam falls behind. Please note the "Piercing Cold" passive from the ice skill line. It re-introduces the gap that used to make the wild guardian morph useless. It buffs the mag shalks and lends itself to the heavy/medium attack meta that has been introduced with the changes to heavy attacks/empower. Please address this.
3) PLEASE for the love of the divines reconsider the change to the advanced species passive from the animal skill line. It is redundant to the magicka wardens you're trying so hard to buff since most of the time they're wearing mostly light armor, which also gives pen. It does nothing but hurt the class overall.
I don't know what warden did to deserve getting nerfed into oblivion, but with this upcoming patch the class in a damage dealer role is so far behind others that it's just sad to watch.
Complete failure of the dev team to do anything meaningful to warden.
The notes this patch prove two things for me:
1. This forum is entirely pointless. No one at ZOS reads this forum and it's entirely for PR. ZOS will do whatever they want with no regard for their respective communities and how proposed changes will affect them.
2. ZOS's words mean nothing. This patch week was promised to make major changes to magicka sorcerer, nightblade, and warden. What we got were some changes to magblade and worthless changes to magden. Magicka Sorcerers literally weren't even mentioned besides a minor tweak.
How are we to ever trust anything you say?
@ZOS_RichLambert asked for trust at the beginning of this patch cycle. A cycle, might I add, that was foreshadowed previously by ZOS as only being "minor tweaks".
That one point set the stage for this tragedy of Shakesperian proportions. You've directly attacked nearly every micro community present in your game, except maybe the housing community.
You've asked for feedback, and then directly ignored or worse, implemented the exact opposite of what those communities asked for.
My wife and I have been huge ESO proponents for the last 3 years, both PvP Magdens. We buy annual subs. We buy big crown packs. We buy the new chapters.
Our wallet is now closed. Good luck to you.
Flangdoodle wrote: »
There's an old expression in negotiating (contracts, divorces, etc.) that if everyone's pissed off and thinks they got a raw deal - you must've done it right.
francesinhalover wrote: »
I mean, they can just wear some medium pieces.
I use 5 med 2 light on my necro stam, and sorcerer, not sure why mages refuse to do it.
francesinhalover wrote: »
I mean, they can just wear some medium pieces.
I use 5 med 2 light on my necro stam, and sorcerer, not sure why mages refuse to do it.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Great job standardizing skill durations for an easy and accessible rotation. My Sorcerer has abilities that line up so well:
Crystal Weapon - 2s
Bound Armaments - 4s, 40s
Daedric Prey - 6s
Lightning Flood - 10s
Stampede - 15s
Hurricane - 20s
Carve - 12s, 22s, 29s (to keep duration)
Quick Cloak - 30s
It's actually difficult to come up with that many different numbers without accidentally repeating any, and the fact that so few share common multiples is truly impressive. Raise the floor, right?
Unfortunately other classes have it even worse, since the duration-modifying passives on Nightblade, Templar and Dragonknight were apparently forgotten. Mage's Guild skills have a similar issue. Mixing any ground and "sticky" DoTs gets messy fast. Warden is also in an awkward spot with Shalks no longer defining a rhythm of 3, and instead being extended to (the only?) 8s skill.
Necro still has the clunky Blastbones as a baseline, the only skill that gets to decide its own duration (3 or 4s). I guess it doesn't matter much now that neither of these options align with Siphon, Arcanist/Archer or Boneyard. We can just keep our eyes glues to chaotic timers at all times.
Greeed2025 wrote: »Wait are you saying that ZOS managed to waste 5 weeks of PTS, precious countless testing time, constructive feedback and analysis of the community to achieve at least one of their mentioned goals partially. There is literally no way devs can fq up such a thing right? And not even only that also spooking of even the most loyal endgame players and popular streamers. And imagine beeing able to sort of most of the issues by just rollingback only the combat changes and thats literally it since the dungeons of U35 is straight up awesome. But yeah I think we are all wrong since "change is scary. At the same time though, a little trust would be much appreciated. At least experience the actual changes before guessing and going off the deep end..."
You might be jerking that knee here. Not unexpected and very tiring.
Greeed2025 wrote: »Wait are you saying that ZOS managed to waste 5 weeks of PTS, precious countless testing time, constructive feedback and analysis of the community to achieve at least one of their mentioned goals partially. There is literally no way devs can fq up such a thing right? And not even only that also spooking of even the most loyal endgame players and popular streamers. And imagine beeing able to sort of most of the issues by just rollingback only the combat changes and thats literally it since the dungeons of U35 is straight up awesome. But yeah I think we are all wrong since "change is scary. At the same time though, a little trust would be much appreciated. At least experience the actual changes before guessing and going off the deep end..."
Greeed2025 wrote: »@ZOS_RichLambert
Knee jerk reactions... while not unexpected, they are still tiresome and disappointing.
I get it, change is scary. At the same time though, a little trust would be much appreciated. At least experience the actual changes before guessing and going off the deep end...
This is incredibly insulting.
He ignores the fact that they have tested it, and ignores the fact that these players are smart and not just being 'emotional' 'going off the deep end'.
He consigns people who are rightfully concerned about U35 to that convenient, easily dismissed bucket of 'people afraid of change' when the majority are so very far from that - content creators that know this game better than he does and know the impact these changes will have at every level of gameplay.
I am disappointed in the 'leadership' being shown here.