OsteelbladeO wrote: »When are these changes going into effect?
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Great job standardizing skill durations for an easy and accessible rotation. My Sorcerer has abilities that line up so well:
Crystal Weapon - 2s
Bound Armaments - 4s, 40s
Daedric Prey - 6s
Lightning Flood - 10s
Stampede - 15s
Hurricane - 20s
Carve - 12s, 22s, 29s (to keep duration)
Quick Cloak - 30s
OsteelbladeO wrote: »When are these changes going into effect?
Necrotech_Master wrote: »i also agree that dreadsail is a good example of how the normal and vet differs so much that normal in no way whatsoever prepares you for vet
the first boss channel attack is a wipe on vet, but ignorable on normal, the lightning stacks dont build on normal in the next section, the reef guardian doesnt 1 shot you if you fail a reef heart on normal, the final boss basically has no bridge mechanic on normal
most all of those mechanics are basically insta wipes on vet
mpicklesster wrote: »
This is a good argument for why normal mode isn't accessibility mode. In effect, it's really gear farming mode at best. The difference between normal and vet is especially pronounced in the newer DLC dungeons. So when I see people on the forums saying "ZOS doesn't need to make an accessibility mode. They already have normal mode lol," I interpret what they're saying to really mean "I haven't seriously attempted many vet DLC dungeons. I'm just pouncing on a cheap opportunity to be condescending behind the safety of an anonymous, unaccountable public forum."
Anyway--I'm glad to see another person who recognizes that normal mode =/= accessibility mode. Keep up the good fight!
mpicklesster wrote: »
This is a good argument for why normal mode isn't accessibility mode. In effect, it's really gear farming mode at best. The difference between normal and vet is especially pronounced in the newer DLC dungeons. So when I see people on the forums saying "ZOS doesn't need to make an accessibility mode. They already have normal mode lol," I interpret what they're saying to really mean "I haven't seriously attempted many vet DLC dungeons. I'm just pouncing on a cheap opportunity to be condescending behind the safety of an anonymous, unaccountable public forum."
Anyway--I'm glad to see another person who recognizes that normal mode =/= accessibility mode. Keep up the good fight!
Necrotech_Master wrote: »i believe initially the normal mode was supposed to be like the training mode for the content, essentially removing many of the 1 shots that you deal with on vet (so instead of dealing 100%+ hp in dmg they only do about 80-85% hp in dmg), but in many cases this is not clear, or in some cases like dreadsail first boss channel attack, the dmg difference is so high between normal and vet that one is entirely ignorable (2500 dmg per hit) and the other is a wipe (25000 dmg per hit)
However, accessibility also =/= getting veteran/hardmode content handed to someone without any effort or practice put behind it.
Might as well give dev godmode to everyone and be done with it if getting better at a game is so frowned upon.
Maybe class identity matters to us as much as those spreadsheets do to the devs.
Sandman929 wrote: »Far be it for me to defend anything at all about the development choices, but I remember before standardization there was a lot of complaining about classes having unfair advantages in one aspect or another.
So if we're worried about everything being the same now, we kind of asked for it.
People ask for things, but it is up to ZOS to decide how to implement things. Players cannot be blamed for asking that classes do not have unfair advantages. The decision to embark on the road to homogenization is all on ZOS.
Please no. I loved EQ1, but being forever locked to one role per class was terrible.
Sandman929 wrote: »
I'd be curious to hear about the other ways of making all things equal
That's why you logged on to a different character to play whatever class was needed at the moment. It promoted game longevity, because if you wanted to be good at a different role, you had to actually level that role. ESO is heading to a point where any class is sufficient for any role. So why would you want to spend time (and money) leveling another character when the one you're playing right now is all you need to complete any content?
That's why you logged on to a different character to play whatever class was needed at the moment. It promoted game longevity, because if you wanted to be good at a different role, you had to actually level that role. ESO is heading to a point where any class is sufficient for any role. So why would you want to spend time (and money) leveling another character when the one you're playing right now is all you need to complete any content?
Sandman929 wrote: »
I'd be curious to hear about the other ways of making all things equal
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »Warden still has the awful Scorch timing changes - PLEASE REVERT THIS.
Please, no. I have a 33s buff on my backbar with a 10s AOE next to a 20s sticky DOT, next to a 10s shield. It's a nightmare trying to keep track of the different DOTs, seriously really stressful. They should just revert all DOT changes.francesinhalover wrote: »Just make aoe dots 10 secs and single target 20 secs
and make passives that increase dot duration instead increase dmg 1 sec = 2% dmg for the dot
Yes.or just revert the whole update.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »People are complain simply because they cannot achieve as high DPS as before, wouldn't the solution to fix this to simply make all Fire and Forget abilities stronger?
If Eviscerate, Scythe, Concealed Weapon, Cryystal Frags do 8000 damage on live it could do 12000 damage in U35, that sort of thing.
UntilValhalla13 wrote: »
^ This needs to be stickied somehow.
This forum is meaningless if the dev's are going to totally ignore the player base who keep telling them repeatedly that they are making the biggest mistake ever in its gameplay. I could care less about pvp combat, what I care about is the pve part of the game. You keep changing and nerfing everyone for the sake of combat performance. Separate the two and leave pve alone. AGAIN IF YOU CONTINUE TO IGNNORE US THE PLAYERS THIS FORUM IS POINTLESS.
ZOS_Gilliam wrote: »A friendly reminder that providing data always helps us far more than anecdotal feedback, though both are still welcome. Finally, thank you all for your patience and time in helping up improve upon these areas. May your roads lead to warm sands.
As some others have said, changes based on numbers on a spreadsheet don't equal fun gameplay. It's too analytical. This pertains to a lot of aspects of the game. I imagine all these questions get asked internally like why do some people do dungeons, trials, or PVP and some don't, why do some people buy this and not that (in game and on the store), why do some people do housing and others don't, why do people do or don't do/use or don't use <insert any activity/skill/item/etc. in the game>? You can't get the "why" answers from those numbers alone.
So why do some people do things/run things/wear things/buy things? Maybe it's just fun to that person. Maybe it's for power or speed or looks. Maybe it's for the challenge. Maybe it's relaxing. Why don't people run this, buy this, or do this or that? Maybe it's because to that person, it isn't fun or it's too expensive or it's ugly or they don't enjoy that part of the game for their own personal reasons/too hard/too easy. Maybe they're tired of dealing with RNG. Again, you can't get those answers/reasons from a spreadsheet. You also can't force people into doing any of those things without backlash because at the end of the day, games should be FUN.
I also see mentioned above risk/reward and in the past have seen "players need to make a choice" as to why some changes are made. It's a game. People want to have fun. I keep using that word, but games generally equate with fun. Devs seem to think everyone finds being forced to sacrifice something for another thing fun. I'm sure many people do like that, having to pick one thing over the other, but I'm sure many others don't find that fun and just want to play how they want with skills they enjoy for whatever their personal reason.
I'm trying not to go on and on here, but seriously. Maybe coming up with some questions about various aspects of gameplay and actually polling your players (not on the forums but through emails tied to accounts) would go a long way in finding out what your players actually enjoy and why.
TLDR version (cause I like words):
Players aren't robots to be analyzed through spreadsheets and numbers regardless of what aspect of the game you're getting those numbers from. The "why" part of the equation is missing, and decisions shouldn't be made based on assumptions about numbers.