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Oakensoul nerf

  • DairyCat
    Yep. An older gentleman in my guild with significant mobility issues has been looking forward to finally getting his ring and going on world boss tours with his wife.
    Now he gets a nerf, all because zos is INCAPABLE of balancing their stuff sensibly.

    People were running one bar builds before Oakensoul, they will continue to do so after the nerf with Oakensoul lol.
  • James-Wayne
    This is what what was needed for PvP but its junk for PvE now.

    I also think they need to get rid of PvP No CP content, it makes balancing even more challenging when you need to balance for two different PvP systems.

    Edited by James-Wayne on July 12, 2022 1:51AM
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

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  • WinterHeart626
    Werewolves will certainly enjoy the ring even more now. I’m annoyed that it’s been nerfed for PVE on the major buffs, so I guess I’ll be running werewolf Ult more often now. I won’t say no to major and minor buffs while howling a storm.

    As for the PVP side of it. Fun fact, I went in to cyro, guess how my K2D ratio went.
    This was equipped with the “broken” ring.
    0 kills. 10 deaths (and a teabagging, thanks random teabag dude).

    So. Yay.
  • Stx
    The main reason I hate this nerf is because so many classes already have easy access to many of those minor buffs.

    Like on my templar.. not only am I losing major prot, major courage, major berserk, and major force... but all I am getting back is minor courage. Templar already has minor mending and minor protection... and minor force is so easy to get, I guess now I'll have a free set bonus. Minor berserk is literally everywhere.

    I wish they had added slayer and aegis buffs of some kind at least... it wouldn't effect pvp.
  • Arthtur
    Tra_Lalan wrote: »
    I don't understand it.

    All those radical changes are beeing done in the name of closing the gap, and making the game more easy for less skilled players. And in the same time - oaken soul ring - the item that all those players loved, and felt like it helps them with playing harder content, (thus made the harder content more accesible) - this item is beeing nerfed to a trash.
    Where is logic in that? Can someone explain it to me?

    Logic? U want logic? U are in wrong place my friend.
    PC/EU @Arthtur

    Toxic Tank for the win :x
  • Norith_Gilheart_Flail
    This ring shouldn't have ever been usable in PVP.

    I do not find it acceptable that I bought an expansion with the premise of a mythic ring's tweaks being finalised Before release, to have been bait and switched so soon afterwards.

    While there's no recourse, my sub is ceased and I would remind moderation that feedback around dissatisfaction is not bashing, defamatory or insulting.

    Time to do other things with my life anyway.
  • TechMaybeHic
    Werewolves will certainly enjoy the ring even more now. I’m annoyed that it’s been nerfed for PVE on the major buffs, so I guess I’ll be running werewolf Ult more often now. I won’t say no to major and minor buffs while howling a storm.

    As for the PVP side of it. Fun fact, I went in to cyro, guess how my K2D ratio went.
    This was equipped with the “broken” ring.
    0 kills. 10 deaths (and a teabagging, thanks random teabag dude).

    So. Yay.

    Really? I had like 60 kills 3 deaths and at least one of those was to get out of combat to go somewhere while using the ring.
    Doesn't really mean much without context.

    I think maybe, it could have done with just major heroism and Force removed still, but at least it gets to where someone perfectly capable of playing 2 bars like me doesn't feel compelled to run 1 bar.
    Edited by TechMaybeHic on July 12, 2022 3:34AM
  • IZZEFlameLash
    Yeah, this ring is definitely not worth giving up the second bar anymore, lol. Time to play 2 bar RNG roulette again where it might swap or not swap.
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
  • IronWooshu
    Minor buffs are harder to come by than major ones in my opinion. For PVE situations this is still good for players while the other party members spam major buffs. It's less powerful in solo play for PVE now but overland content is already easy enough.

    For PVP it's dead which is good.

    Great adjustment to this ring, not a nerf.
  • UndeadBlood
    I came back to the game for the ease of gameplay this ring was providing, and with it essentially gone, I‘ll be gone, too.

    Apply the nerf to PvP and leave PvE alone please!
  • Aces-High-82
    It just shouldn't exist in pvp. If you try to make him balanced for pvp, then this will destroy him in pve.

    They could have swap in major slayer/aegis for berserk/protection, while turning heroism and force into minor.
  • Bokila
    Can i get a refund? 🤷
  • DizzyMac
    if we are talking balance then the DKs need to be nerfed into the ground now, just to match the ring
  • Medicate
    Fine for pvp (never played any in the last year) but now trash tier in pve.
    Again a proof that they cant balance sh*t
  • Remathilis
    DizzyMac wrote: »
    if we are talking balance then the DKs need to be nerfed into the ground now, just to match the ring

    Did you read the Dk patch notes?
  • Hayblinkin
    SiAScORCH wrote: »
    The problem is ZOS has never ever in the history of existence been able to balance PvE and PvP. If something is OP in PvP, it's nerfed and the PvE crowd gets the shaft, and vice versa.

    Oakensoul was completely fine the way it was for PvE.

    Literally, the one thinng ZOS needed to do to balance it for PvE and PvP was to make it so when battle spirit is active, those same major buffs, now are instead minor. That's it, the one simple thing. They failed to do it.

    Let's be clear, anything is fine for PvE balance because in PvE you are fighting a computer not another person. It is impossible to tilt the computer because your build is too strong. The computer doesn't feel bad when you defeat it 10 seconds faster than the last time. The computer won't rage quit when you incap or leap desync it. Everything should be balanced in consideration of endgame, that is PvP and Housing. Trials can then be balanced around the adjustments made for PvP.
  • iaminc
    Hayblinkin wrote: »
    Everything should be balanced in consideration of endgame, that is PvP and Housing.

    PVP is endgame huh? If that were true where’s all the expansions and dlc for pvp? Oh that’s right it doesn’t exist because PvP is a tiny minority of the players.

    Housing and HM trifecta trails are the Endgame , balancing things around PvP is what causes all the mess in the first instance.

    They need to split PvE and PvP into separate instances I’d there is to be true balance.
    Edited by iaminc on July 12, 2022 2:50PM
  • Hayblinkin
    Let me clarify.

    Step 1: balance sets according to PvP.

    Step 2: see what kind of damage, stats, resistances, etc. are coming from those balance changes in PvE content.

    Step 3: make PvE content easier or more difficult based on where that shakes out.

    Fighting the computer should be downstream from dynamic battles and player created scenarios because those are what have the most potential for abuse. The Mage in AA isn't going to all of a sudden slap on a one shot meta build and wipe your 12-man. The content in PvE is designed, scripted, and can be changed; the content in PvP cannot be changed by devs because it is player created.

    I understand that saying PvE is not endgame is perhaps insulting. However, long after content gets made for games PvP always becomes endgame. PvE requires a constant updating of new content to keep it fresh. Thus it has an end. If it has an end and cannot continue in perpetuity, it is not end-game. PvP players will always create ways to have fun with each other because of the infinite possibilities inherit to player driven scenarios and dynamic battles.

    Ultimately, people shouldn't worry about their parse number so much. It doesn't mean you have no value if it is too low. It is the condescension of top tier PvE-ers that creates a toxic environment and drives parse envy.
  • Quethrosar
    needs to remove the bar swap thing now that is nerfed.
    i used it so i wouldn't need buffs on second bar and could focus on content, not the ability bar swapping to keep short time frame buffs up. now it will be useless for 1 bar builds because to get the major buffs you will need to remove damage skills from the usable bar lol.

    the nerf itself isn't bad, but the 1 bar limitation with the nerf is bad. make some other limitation on it if you need a limit.
  • Wuuffyy
    divnyi wrote: »
    They had to remove Heroism and leave the rest. It's now dead for PvP.

    Crazy balancing. I’m requesting a refund.
    ESO player since 2014
    -PM for questions
  • Einar_Hrafnarsson
    I wish i could still get a refund but i guess that ship has sailed.
  • FlopsyPrince
    It just shouldn't exist in pvp. If you try to make him balanced for pvp, then this will destroy him in pve.

    We need more easily gankable players! Right?
  • Holycannoli
    jcaceresw wrote: »
    I suppose I am glad I haven't done the lead hunting now that they are going to nerf it very hard. I was thinking on getting it to do Maelstrom runs. Guess I will never know how is to feel overpowered. Too bad ZOS do not bother to make PVE and PVP versions of each skill. They choose to punish PVE people instead.

    It's not nerfed very hard. I think the most impactful nerf is 20% critical down to 10% critical and 1 ultimate per second instead of 3.

    It's not all that bad.

    I do agree though that the 1 bar limit isn't really justified with the nerf.
    Edited by Holycannoli on July 12, 2022 7:52PM
  • Stx
    jcaceresw wrote: »
    I suppose I am glad I haven't done the lead hunting now that they are going to nerf it very hard. I was thinking on getting it to do Maelstrom runs. Guess I will never know how is to feel overpowered. Too bad ZOS do not bother to make PVE and PVP versions of each skill. They choose to punish PVE people instead.

    It's not nerfed very hard. I think the most impactful nerf is 20% critical down to 10% critical and 1 ultimate per second instead of 3.

    It's not all that bad.

    I do agree though that the 1 bar limit isn't really justified with the nerf.

    So of the one bar limit isn't justified now, then how was it not nerfed very hard?

    This wasnt just a nerf from major abilities to minor... for any class that has access to minor buffs already like templar, this nerf essentially just removes the major buffs.
  • DrSlaughtr
    The drops to minor buffs will only hurt the elites that don't need it.
    I drink and I stream things.
  • Mr_Stach
    Altoholic, Frost Warden Sympathizer and Main

    Glacial Guardian - Main - Frost Warden Zealot
    The Frost Man Cometh - PC Frost Backup
  • mielyn
    Personally, I think they over-nerfed it. But the main thing I'd like to see come back is Major Heroism. If they left everything else as-is, but put Major Heroism back in, I think it would still be a fun/usable set. As it is, I think what we will see is most people just not bothering with it and finding different setups, which seems silly to me to negate a brand new item so quickly.
  • Weisstag
    For everyone who feels like this nerf isn't justified - this ring is supposed to be an accessibility tool for people with disabilities, older players who can't play as effectively and casual players who don't aim to be competitive.
    These group of players will still be able to complete same content as they were participating in up until now.
    This item isn't supposed to be an easy mode for both pve and pvp. If you can't understand this, your opinion isn't valid.
    Oakensoul will still let players do 70-80% of the dps you get when playing with 2 bars.
    This item is supposed to let groups of previously mentioned people not be left in the dust, it's not supposed to let you compete with high end sweatty player parses. It's not supposed to let you one shot players with molten whip in pvp. It's not supposed to make you stronger than everyone who is not using it.
    This was never supposed to be a "one ring to rule them all"... it's an accessibility tool.
    Edited by Weisstag on July 12, 2022 11:04PM
    Iam an EU Iam pretty used to suffering
  • Toxic_Hemlock
    Weisstag wrote: »
    For everyone who feels like this nerf isn't justified - this ring is supposed to be an accessibility tool for people with disabilities, older players who can't play as effectively and casual players who don't aim to be competitive.
    These group of players will still be able to complete same content as they were participating in up until now.
    This item isn't supposed to be an easy mode for both pve and pvp. If you can't understand this, your opinion isn't valid.
    Oakensoul will still let players do 70-80% of the dps you get when playing with 2 bars.
    This item is supposed to let groups of previously mentioned people not be left in the dust, it's not supposed to let you compete with high end sweatty player parses. It's not supposed to let you one shot players with molten whip in pvp. It's not supposed to make you stronger than everyone who is not using it.
    This was never supposed to be a "one ring to rule them all"... it's an accessibility tool.

    I don't agree at all here. As the target audience it wasn't that I could not do the content I was already doing, as it still remains the same. The ring allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and try harder content. Now it just gives me a way to do the stuff I was already doing, so meh, not exactly the direction I wanted to see it go in.
  • Shiggorath
    Soul Shriven
    ZOS. just turn the stupid ring off for pvp. This ring gives solo causal players the opportunity to have fun with all your content. I refuse to waste more money on this game of which I have bought so many 21000 crown packs. I just will not do it and play for free. You’ll make no money and be forced to shut down when your bottom line drops. I have petitioned so many times to buy houses and items using real cash. Now I see the mistake. I wish you luck filling out unemployment papers. I wish you would just turn the ring off or add a warning to remove it to go to pvp like you turn off champion points. Problem solved. Use your heads for once. Otherwise I and many others will find the next mmorpg as there are so many to choose from. Good luck with your seriously flawed business model.
    Edited by Shiggorath on July 12, 2022 11:28PM
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