Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Can't get Past 'Requesting Character Load' Screen

  • Gythral
    19min login queue

    Yer right, that 19mins before the endless inactivity screen starts!
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • ClericPro
    Why even start the anniversary event immediately after the previous event, if the problems with the loginning are not resolved?
    What is the point here? Shouldn't we have started to fix the problems, and only then trigger a new event?
    Edited by ClericPro on April 7, 2022 4:51PM
  • S2RDK
    Mine just keep swapping from 1 sec to 10/15 mins then back again - never gettting anywhere….
  • Snowfaerie
    My login queue keeps bouncing from 20 mins to 1 sec to 17 mins to 1 sec to 14 mins to 1 sec to 17 mins to 1 sec... I'm not sure what is going on anymore. Same as yesterday, couldn't get in at all. :/ Sadness for missing tickets.
  • dmnqwk
    I just switched to my NB to go look into buying the spider, only to be disconnected for 'spamming' without sending a single message. Error 310... when I didn't send a message! Then I got the 30 minute wait time...

    We need to ensure the VP responsible for this fiasco gets identified for this mess.
  • Parrot1986
    ClericPro wrote: »
    Why even start the anniversary event immediately after the previous event, if the problems with the loginning are not resolved?
    What is the point here? Shouldn't we have started to fix the problems, and only then trigger a new event?

    exactly this. putting fixes in during times when theres low populations and little time to actually test they've worked like last night then putting on an event which encourages mass log out/ins on the busiest concurrent server just seems like madness.

  • Thretion
    I bet they're just waiting until people get bored and leave the game on their own. Then they will say that "everything is fixed."
  • Shagreth
    This is still ongoing? I think the ESO servers finally imploded.
  • shadyjane62
    Refund for the last 8 years would be appropriate, between the AWA catastrophe and the current and ongoing server problem.
  • Paske
    Decided to come back to game today.

    Payed my sub fee, as you do.

    Loged in .... Loged in .... Loged in ....

    Oh yeah, thats why I left in first place.

    Horrible server performance and complete lack of funding for actual infrastructure.

    Good to see loot box money well spent.
  • AnduinTryggva
    OK, now trying to log in with second char. Works now normally
  • gummifrog
    If there are any players that read this, and also are streamers or content creators then create a live stream or video showing these problems. The bad publicity might actually kick their asses in gear.

    Come on, if blizzard can maintain a high demand MMO im sure ZOS can manage considering the player base is far smaller on eso.

    Also its not like your doing bad on the financial front, so im not buying into any excuses about how preventing a future occurence of these issues would negatively affect profits. I thought that ZOS would actually spend more money to make a more stable experience considering they are wanting to make big money, which can be done for an established IP like the elder scrolls. Yeah ESO is being beaten by star citizen........that sh*t aint even a game, its an interactive train wreck.

    Heres some interesting stats:

    Lost Ark 1.36M 17.94M 1
    FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn 717.94K 37.79M 2
    World of Warcraft 1.12M 117.96M 3
    Old School RuneScape 655.96K 34.52M 4
    Destiny 2 378.69K 39.86M 5
    Path of Exile 245.79K 25.87M 6
    Guild Wars 2 307.43K 16.18M 7
    RuneScape 154.45K 16.26M 8
    Warframe 285.49K 30.05M 9
    World of Warcraft Classic 242.59K 25.54M 10
    Star Citizen 146.59K 15.43M 11
    The Elder Scrolls Online 193.87K 20.41M 12
  • doesurmindglow
    The worst part about all this is that we've been having the same issues on NA for weeks now, that they haven't even been fully resolved, and that cold storage has moved ahead now on EU before these problems have been addressed, which has resulted in the introduction of the same problems there too.

    It seems to me the more logical course would've been to delay the push to cold storage on EU until the issues with it were first fully resolved on NA, which to clear, is still not the case.
    Guildmaster : The Wild Hunt (formerly Aka Baka) : AD PC/NA
  • Mofasa
  • Synaptic
    gummifrog wrote: »
    If there are any players that read this, and also are streamers or content creators then create a live stream or video showing these problems. The bad publicity might actually kick their asses in gear.

    Come on, if blizzard can maintain a high demand MMO im sure ZOS can manage considering the player base is far smaller on eso.

    Also its not like your doing bad on the financial front, so im not buying into any excuses about how preventing a future occurence of these issues would negatively affect profits. I thought that ZOS would actually spend more money to make a more stable experience considering they are wanting to make big money, which can be done for an established IP like the elder scrolls. Yeah ESO is being beaten by star citizen........that sh*t aint even a game, its an interactive train wreck.

    Heres some interesting stats:

    Lost Ark 1.36M 17.94M 1
    FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn 717.94K 37.79M 2
    World of Warcraft 1.12M 117.96M 3
    Old School RuneScape 655.96K 34.52M 4
    Destiny 2 378.69K 39.86M 5
    Path of Exile 245.79K 25.87M 6
    Guild Wars 2 307.43K 16.18M 7
    RuneScape 154.45K 16.26M 8
    Warframe 285.49K 30.05M 9
    World of Warcraft Classic 242.59K 25.54M 10
    Star Citizen 146.59K 15.43M 11
    The Elder Scrolls Online 193.87K 20.41M 12

    Multiple ESO content creators, especially those that focused on PvP moved on to greener pastures after Update 33 (in which they implemented changes that they were told in the PTS thread would be detrimental) which speaks volumes I think.
  • gummifrog
    I was a long time subscriber of star wars galaxies. I had a lot of love for that universe and the elder scrolls, cant believe im seeing another world die for greed and stupidity again...fml.
  • vesselwiththepestle

    3 minutes later it went to:


    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • Dovahkiin02191973
    I got a wait Queue of 45 minutes on the EU server so I was like no whatever is going on is still ongoing. Will try again later or when I see the message here that they have resolved the issues.
  • AnduinTryggva
    I have to correct me. I could log in 3 chars without any issues and now with my 4th same issue with being stuck in char loading screen.
  • AnduinTryggva
    I have to correct me. I could log in 3 chars without any issues and now with my 4th same issue with being stuck in char loading screen.

    Forgot to add: I had an issue where I could not port to a wayshrine in carglorn with one of my chars
  • AWinterWolf
    Seriously? Again? Extend events and apologise, properly, this level of incompetence is staggering.
    @AWinterWolf, PC EU.

    Main character: Healer, CP 1300+,
    vSS (Ice & Fire HM)
    vMoL Trifecta
    vKA HMs
    All Dungeon Trifectas.

    Favourite quote:

    History is a story written by the victors, who often paint themselves the best of lights.
  • Daimonion82
    C'mon, I really want that 1200 seals of endaevors for weekly...:D How to get anything if we can't log in?
    Just shut the game for a month and repair it.
  • Hisuiko
    Having same problem here.
  • Jack-0
    ClericPro wrote: »
    Why even start the anniversary event immediately after the previous event, if the problems with the loginning are not resolved?
    What is the point here? Shouldn't we have started to fix the problems, and only then trigger a new event?

    It beggars belief. The sensible thing to do would be to either not force the cold storage thing onto the busiest server during *** events that draw an increase in population, or delay the event until after the cold storage debacle was fully resolved.

    I would really love someone from ZOS to come and frankly, with no ***, explain their logic, the reasons for their decision making, and then to be receptive to our criticism and actually make beneficial changes going forward. I wonder if this will all be attributed to a dodgy network port for PC EU, that'd just be an amazing coincidence, wouldn't it?

  • SantieClaws
    Well downtime incoming. Two to three hours. Cannot wait up so late on a day with work tommorow.

    Bye bye 14 x 6 lovely boxes (I got 4 lots done before it all went wrong).

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here - https://youtube.com/user/wenxue2222

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Woozywyvern
    Seriously? 2 - 3 hours maintenance again at prime time. Way to crap on your EU customers AGAIN!

    How about you deal with these issues outside of prime time? Or better yet, stop breaking the damn servers all the time.
    'What we do in life, echoes through Eternity.'
  • Razorruk
    absolutely useless. You should be embarrassed to work for this organisation.
  • Shagreth
    Another one of my evenings gone. This is so frigging depressing.
  • Katheriah
    I wonder if we're getting more free chapters than the one we already had.
  • Varana
    And the solution is...

    ... to throw everyone out of the game until late evening, in the hopes that there's less traffic then, and the problem gets plastered over.
    Same procedure as every time.
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