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Official Feedback Thread For ESO 2022 Global Reveal- High Isle

  • Demo_22
    I haven’t played in over a month because I’d gotten bored of combat. I was excited and optimistic about the global reveal — thinking of how the necromancer class kept me engaged for many months following the elsweyr chapter. I was aghast when the new system was revealed to be a card game. Seriously? Thanks, but no thanks.

    Same but lost ark is releasing in two weeks so I am excited about that
  • guarstompemoji
    Not excited about features being locked behind a card game. Will rare but required cards drop from bosses? End up in crown crates? Will scrying leads be locked behind these?

    Not excited about any of that. I am concerned for too much to "keep up with" and systems let fall by the wayside, left underdeveloped, etc. If I enjoy something, will it be added to? Will it be maintained and developed?

    Am glad companions being expanded.

    Love, love, love the account-wide achieves.
    Edited by guarstompemoji on January 27, 2022 11:48PM
  • stargazer69
    Time to move away from the two (minority engagement) dungeon DLC model, or at least make it available to everyone's preferred playstyle (solo, story, group).

    Having 2 DLC drops a year that are not (to me) playable is not ideal (yes, I know I could group up and do it, and no, I don't want to, just to have the full "year long story") - bit of a joke when your showcase is "Play the way you want*"

    *except when you can't, and it removes some of the story if you don't.

    Edited to say

    If you had a Netflix sub and wanted to watch a film (movie), and it goes like this:

    1st quarter:
    Netflix - you have to group up with 3 other Netflix users to watch this part
    2nd quarter:
    Netflix - you have to pay an additinal £40 to watch this part
    3rd quater:
    Netflix - you have to group up with 3 other Netflix users to watch this part
    4th quater:
    Netflix - OK, you can watch this without restrictions

    Is this acceptable?
  • Ksariyu
    Once again it follows the trend of adding to the list of things to grind for while ignoring all the half-baked systems that have been dying for an update for the past 7 years. Crafting is still the most underutilized system in the game. BGs are still purely casual content. Overland is still underwhelming for the vast majority of players who have played a video game before. Class identity is still nonexistent. Combat is still one of if not the most polarizing system in any major MMO right now, because to many players it's just flat out bad.

    We're also now looking at a second year of casual-only "major features." Companions were pretty much exclusively for solo/casual players. The new card game follows suit as another addition that completely misses the end-game population. And it wasn't even Legends like 90% of the card-game-enthusiasts wanted (Don't @ me on the statistic, we know it's hyperbole). Once again it's another out-of-left-field decision that seems to have angered the playerbase more than anything.

    At this point I really just don't know. I'm sure you have spreadsheets and tables of data that show what makes the most money, but I would just like to see some updates that favor goodwill over income, and indicate you guys have even remotely listened to the players. For myself, it's now the fourth year of updates I won't be bothering to purchase.
  • FeedbackOnly
    Horse combat would of been more fun then dolmen 4.0
  • Toxic_Hemlock
    My take is this:

    I won't be buying the pre-order even though I was looking forward to the next chapter and was planning to...
    I was looking forward to <insert any> skill line, weapon, class, and RPG centric abilities...
    I was disappointed by the reveal in that a card game was not what I was expecting...

    My final though is that they had better NAIL the card game because if that is the main selling point for this chapter it won't bode well for sales if it don't!
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    - New zone... yey, there will be something to do (questing & story).

    - Zone location - I guess it is ok, but it is a "new island" and not a main land. I think I am not the only one who would prefer the gaps in the existing map to be filled 1st.
    - It kinda looks... "vanilla". Like a generic, default fantasy setting (Knights in shiny armours in medieval castles). Those were at least my 1st impressions.
    - New companions... yey, I think that is ok. I would have pick different races though, but it is a matter of taste I guess.

    - Account wide achievements - it looks good at first, but if one would think about implications & consequences of adding something like this into the game... oh boy, it is gonna go bad. I am very worried about class balance as it may suffer greatly. There will be lack of incentive for Devs to improve X class because it is weak at something. Instead we will be forced to roll new class & do certain activity & get X achievement on that class instead of our main. It would have been way better to add class change token instead, or beside.
    - New Card game... new activity is always welcome, but again - implications & consequences of adding system like this:

    1st concern is that is going to be quickly monetised. P2W cards or RNG boxes with cards in a Crown Store. No player would want it.

    2nd concern is that it is also a new PvP activity. At this point, if I were a hardcore PvP-er - I would felt like some one is kinda um... from a lack of better term "spitting" at me. PvP needs fixes, but what PvP-ers got ? A card game. I mean new content is nice, but it is not a "PvP" game players want. It is like giving some one who plays CoD a CoD Chess or other board game...
    At least PvP card game should be made into something that is of a lesser priority (like no rewards of achievements for PvP card game, so that players would feel like the "main" course in ESO PvP is still Cyrodill & AvA war).

    I will write again in this thread when I will have new thoughts - those were just my 1st impressions, I will need a day or two to think of something more.
  • Ishtarknows
    New zone, new story
    New trial

    more companions
    Card game as major selling point
  • wolfie1.0.
    Xandreia_ wrote: »
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    I don't understand how the Alliance War is constantly discussed as a central theme of the ESO universe while the war itself and its zone is the most neglected part of the game.


    I am not even a pvper and I hate anything that tells me I need to pvp more. But I honestly have to agree with you.
  • wolfie1.0.
    I’ve been thinking about it and I guess I’ll be okay with this card game thing if it is separate and nothing I want is gated behind it. Honestly, that would make me resent the system. It doesn’t fit IN an MMORPG IMHO. But if, like companions, it’s optional and nothing gated behind it (I do like companions but wish they had more varied and specific dialogue), then it’s okay, I guess.

    I don’t want to focus on the negative though and other aspects in the reveal appeal to me, including political intrigue and the locations and dungeon design. :)

    They asked in stream that there will be content that requires you to participate to get furnishings and achievements. And probably crown related things down the road
  • Tandor
    <snip> Time to move away from the two (minority engagement) dungeon DLC model, or at least make it available to everyone's preferred playstyle (solo, story, group).

    Having 2 DLC drops a year that are not (to me) playable is not ideal (yes, I know I could group up and do it, and no, I don't want to, just to have the full "year long story") - bit of a joke when your showcase is "Play the way you want*"

    *except when you can't, and it removes some of the story if you don't. <snip>

    I agree, and have been arguing for years that if they added a delve or two to each dungeon DLC it would broaden the appeal (and commercial sales) of those DLCs which are otherwise of no interest to those who don't do dungeons. One option would then be to retain the year-long story but put the dungeon DLC storylines in the delves instead so that those interested in the dungeons would still do them but they and everyone else could pursue the storyline in the delves.
  • Sylvermynx
    wolfie1.0. wrote: »
    I’ve been thinking about it and I guess I’ll be okay with this card game thing if it is separate and nothing I want is gated behind it. Honestly, that would make me resent the system. It doesn’t fit IN an MMORPG IMHO. But if, like companions, it’s optional and nothing gated behind it (I do like companions but wish they had more varied and specific dialogue), then it’s okay, I guess.

    I don’t want to focus on the negative though and other aspects in the reveal appeal to me, including political intrigue and the locations and dungeon design. :)

    They asked in stream that there will be content that requires you to participate to get furnishings and achievements. And probably crown related things down the road

    Huh. Well, it won't be anything I can't do without I'm sure - always some other furnishings, and I'm not into achievements.
  • esogamer2021
    I was actually disappointed with what I was seeing , a new area That’s pretty standard because it’s money making for zenimax that was to be expected really but no new class 😢 no new skill line 😢 ,seriously the last new class we had was necromancer that was released June 4th, 2019 and I can assure that the PVP community are hardly jumping at the chance to play cards ,I think that was just thrown in the mix to say they have included something that they can say “ well i we did include some PVP stuff “ ! I’ve bought every chapter they have realised previously and I’ll give this a Miss until it goes on sale like all previous one have , with the state of the game how it is at the moment I think they would have done better , so sorry Kevin I’ll not be rushing to buy it , it doesn’t seem exciting or beneficial enough to want to rush to buy it
  • Vecro
    I'm looking forwarded to High isle!

    I voted mixed feelings cause I was REALLY hoping for a new Skill Line or Class at least and don't particularly care for companions myself.

    However, in recent years, I have came to love a number of card games; so a big pro to me is seeing how ESO's turns out. Besides the card game being added, let me COMMEND ya'll for taking the extra step in making sure the game is playable in taverns! This one aspect is HUGE and so many MMO's skipped over little details like that, that will have a huge impact on liveliness of taverns and the RP community. Things like playing a card game in game certainly will add to ESO's already vibrant world.

    PS. I LOVED how lively High Isle looks! Please consider adding some of that (npc) liveliness to other areas of the game. A area I can name now is Leyawiin. Very big city with little life unfortunately.

  • Sarannah
    Players should stop taking their existing problems about the game as a gripe about a new expansion(difficulty, etc). This expansion is exactly what one would expect from a new ESO expansion! And seems like a solid ESO expansion to me. Will pre-order!

    Two new companions!! This is one of the things I am mostly excited about, as I was not even expecting one new companion. I do hope ZOS will improve companions somewhat, so they do not have terrible downsides for rapport decreases anymore. Which would make them even better to play. (maybe even a function to autosummon them/not take the merchant/banker slot)
    Edited by Sarannah on January 27, 2022 11:59PM
  • GetAgrippa
    Sarannah wrote: »
    This expansion is exactly what one would expect from a new ESO expansion!

    Speak for yourself, I most certainly did not expect Elder Scrolls Gwent to be a centerpiece of the new chapter.
  • wolfie1.0.
    Are these cards/card decks tradeable? or collectibles? and can they be changed in any way? Can i sell them to other players? Are there craftable or customizable cards? Will players get banned if they decide to play the same person 5000x times in a row? Can players throw a game? Is there a wager system/gambling involved? Is ZOS going to ban players for making wagers on games?

    I need to know what options i have for making gold off of this.
  • Blacknight841
    What is the point of a feedback thread if the feedback we have been providing for the past 7 years on the forums has been repeatedly ignored?

    ESO has been pushing mini games and solo gameplay for the past 3 years and completely ignored meaningful gameplay changes.

    The only quality things announced during the stream was a house and an assistant for deconstructing items. Both of which are not even included in the chapter, but rather must be purchased separately.

    (Edit Below)
    Let’s not forget that the “feedback” for the reply to mail function was given back in 2015, but only implemented 6 years later.
    Edited by Blacknight841 on January 28, 2022 12:25AM
  • Mandragora
    I wanted more of players agency as pirates or now as friends of druids (I guess there will be 1 questline and boss events) and different overland content.
    Card game could be cool, and I noticed something about treasures? But I would like new guilds, NPCs I can interact with in other way than just in their story (like being able to join Queen of rats group and experience something with them) and something to work for.
    But maybe it is pointless to write this - the new companions are the same class as the previous ones, because you don't have many usable guilds, right? And... you don't care obviously. So why did I expect a whole overland content to be different?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • ApostateHobo
    Gotta say I'm extremely disappointed. Already not really interested in bretons to begin with, and to top it off the new big thing is a card game. Getting more and more interested in trying other mmo's by the second with the direction eso is heading.
  • Malthorne
    Tandor wrote: »
    <snip> Time to move away from the two (minority engagement) dungeon DLC model, or at least make it available to everyone's preferred playstyle (solo, story, group).

    Having 2 DLC drops a year that are not (to me) playable is not ideal (yes, I know I could group up and do it, and no, I don't want to, just to have the full "year long story") - bit of a joke when your showcase is "Play the way you want*"

    *except when you can't, and it removes some of the story if you don't. <snip>

    I agree, and have been arguing for years that if they added a delve or two to each dungeon DLC it would broaden the appeal (and commercial sales) of those DLCs which are otherwise of no interest to those who don't do dungeons. One option would then be to retain the year-long story but put the dungeon DLC storylines in the delves instead so that those interested in the dungeons would still do them but they and everyone else could pursue the storyline in the delves.

    This is a good idea. I hope for something like that or even a solo/story mode for the new dungeons.
  • Decimus
    The lack of new PvP content is not surprising, but nevertheless disappointing.

    There also seems to be a clear disconnection between the developers and the PvP player base, as new outfit styles (something no PvPer is asking for) tied to killing PvE mobs were mentioned as "something for PvP players".

    You've found time to add a ranked system to a card game, how about adding a proper one for battlegrounds & improving the structure of them? How about adding new types of PvP content (arenas etc)?

    Nope; a card game. Not even a new class or skill line to shake things up in PvP, but we'll be stuck with the stagnant Cyrodiil & BGs with the same stagnant playstyle meta for the foreseeable future.

    This chapter gets a big nope from me.
  • kanczuzn_ESO
    I am just very disappointed in you ZOS that your time, our money, and your effort has gone into creating a CCG that will have content locked behind it.

    I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed. :/
  • Noerra
    I wish the new reveal was:

    Bretons are hella cool cause they have bloodlines that go back to man and mer.... and with Legacy of Bretons we are introducing the new One Hand and Magic Skill Line!

    Also - Did you see all the Arenas and Games in the trailer? Well.. We are excited to tell you we are introducing a pvp mode in which you fight to impress the nobles, earn fame in our new ranking system to become a "local favorite" among the people of High Isle. You will hear them whisper to each other about you as you walk by... and... you may even have an "adoring fan" that will follow you around the main city.

    There is also a Mysterious dungeon on the High Isles... It scales in difficulty the more people you have in your party... The dungeon is a rogue-like game mode that gets harder and harder with each level.... Can you Uncover the mysteries behind ___(insert cool dungeon name here)____

    Along with all of that, we have listened to our players and have created a Furnishings Bag so you no longer have houses operating as warehouses when you really wish you could decorate them.

    And... Last but not Least.... Have you ever wanted to customize the look of your spell abilities? Now you can "dye" your abilities at the outfit station! Become a Shadow Templar and Jab your opponent with a dark spear or dye your Dragon Knight flames Purple and call yourself the "Azure Dragon of Tamriel".

    This is ESO, Play the way you want and Adventure Today!
    Edited by Noerra on January 28, 2022 12:51AM
  • N00BxV1
    If account-wide achievements and titles won't be optional, then make the achievements and titles gilded for the characters that have earned them:

    - Character_A: "World's Best Player" (earned on another character, not gilded)
    - Character_B: "*World's Best Player*" (earned on this character, gilded)

    "Card Games"
    Edited by N00BxV1 on January 28, 2022 12:23AM
  • Jaavaa
    Worldwide event…something special…never seen…

    … high isle 🙈

    Edit: and a card game!!!! 🙈😅

    They kidding us. Tomorrow we get new informations about things what we all want to have in eso. Believe me… not 🙈😂
    Edited by Jaavaa on January 28, 2022 12:24AM
  • wolfie1.0.
    Noerra wrote: »
    I wish the new reveal was:

    Bretons are hella cool cause they have bloodlines that go back to man and mer.... and with Legacy of Bretons we are introducing the new One Hand and Magic Skill Line!

    Also - Did you see all the Arenas and Games in the trailer? Well.. We are excited to tell you we are introducing a 2v2 pvp mode in which you fight to impress the nobles, earn fame in our new ranking system to become a "local favorite" among the people of High Isle. You will hear them whisper to each other about you as you walk by... and... you may even have an "adoring fan" that will follow you around the main city.

    There is also a Mysterious dungeon on the High Isles... It scales in difficulty the more people you have in your party... The dungeon is a rogue-like game mode that gets harder and harder with each level.... Can you Uncover the mysteries behind ___(insert cool dungeon name here)____

    Along with all of that, we have listened to our players and have created a Furnishings Bag so you no longer have houses operating as warehouses when you really wish you could decorate them.

    And... Last but not Least.... Have you ever wanted to customize the look of your spell abilities? Now you can "dye" your abilities at the outfit station! Become a Shadow Templar and Jab your opponent with a dark spear or dye your Dragon Knight flames Purple and call yourself the "Azure Dragon of Tamriel".

    This is ESO, Play the way you want and Adventure Today!

    I expected tournament jousting or a dueling 1v 1 ranking system at the least.
  • kanczuzn_ESO
    wolfie1.0. wrote: »

    I expected tournament jousting or a dueling 1v 1 ranking system at the least.

    Well... I mean, you'll get your ranking system with the CCG they said!
  • baratron
    I feel that this year's Chapter is very geared towards solo players, and trying to entice the Elder Scrolls players who still haven't touched ESO to join in. Which - as a staff member at UESP - I am 100% in favour of. ESO is an Elder Scrolls game first and foremost, and I find it disappointing how many people still whine about it instead of actually playing. With Antiquities, Companions, the Tales of Tribute card game, Housing, and all of the existing Overland content, there is now so much for solo players to do.

    Of course, trying to entice solo players into the game does come at the expense of players who prefer group content. Though PvE players have the 2 x Dungeon DLC packs to look forward to, as well as the Dreadsail Reef Trial (I'm very excited about the Trial, personally), I don't see anything new for PvP players apart from some gear sets and styles. For example, I know a lot of people were hoping that there would be some kind of naval combat added.

    I'm also a little concerned how the Account-wide Achievements will be done, since there are certain Achievements which are useful to track the progress of the character you're playing. For example, Level 50 Hero - I'd like to be able to see the date when I started a character and the date when I reached certain progress points. I don't care if the various Slayer Achievements or Fishing goes account-wide (though I feel very sorry for @MyNameIsElias at this point!). I'm actually in two minds about whether Dungeon and Trial Achievements "should" be Account-wide or not, because I see them as an Achievement on THAT character with THAT class and build.

    I definitely want to see a very comprehensive article about Account-wide Achievements.
    Guildmaster of the UESP Guild on the North American PC/Mac Server 2200+ CP & also found on the European PC/Mac Server 1700+ CP

    These characters are on both servers:
    Alix de Feu - Breton Templar Healer level 50
    Brings-His-Own-Forest - Argonian Warden Healer level 50
    Hrodulf Bearpaw - Nord Warden Bear Friend & identical twin of Bjornolfr level 50
    Jadisa al-Belkarth - Redguard Arcanist looking for a role

    NA-only characters:
    Martin Draconis - Imperial Sorceror Healer (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Arzhela Petit - Breton Dragonknight Healer (Daggerfall Covenant) level 50
    Bjornolfr Steel-Shaper - Nord Dragonknight Crafter & Not-Much-Damage Dealer (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
    Verandis Bloodraven - Altmer Nightblade Healer & clone of Count Verandis Ravenwatch (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Gethin Oakrun - Bosmer Nightblade Thief & terrible Tank (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
  • Jaavaa
    It‘s a MmO first. Not an Elder Scrolls first 😉
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