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Overland Content Feedback Thread

  • Belyar
    While I agree it is subjective, if you look at it objectively with an outsider's point of view, overland content is way too easy.
    It would be hard if the target audience of the game were people below the age of 10 or above 60 who have never played a similar game in their life before. But that's clearly not the case. The majority of their players are in their 20's and 30's, so I find it hard to believe millions of those ppl find it challanging.
    Edited by Belyar on August 1, 2022 9:51PM
  • spartaxoxo
    Belyar wrote: »
    While I agree it is subjective, if you look at it objectively with an outsider's point of view, overland content is way too easy.
    It would be hard if the target audience of the game were people below the age of 10 or above 60 who have never played a similar game in their life before. But that's clearly not the case. The majority of their players are in their 20's and 30's, so I find it hard to believe millions of those ppl find it challanging.

    If you look at it objectively, the only source we have to answer that question is the authority on the matter, Rich Lambert. And he said that a lot of them do find it challenging and engaging. If you base it off your own experience, that's subjective. I find I have to be in the mood for something akin to a walking sim personally to get anything out of it, but I'm also clearly in the minority in terms of player power. They had to make the companions power limited to 5-10k so they didn't out damage players. I remember the game being more enjoyable when I was that power level because it was, indeed, more engaging. Although, I never found overland hard.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on August 1, 2022 11:01PM
  • kind_hero
    Wow... 129 pages!

    The overland content is easy, true, but I can't say this bothers me.

    As an advanced player, I do all sorts of activities. More difficult mobs would mean much more grinding and useless fighting, time wasted while farming, fishing, questing, digging, exploring.

    The game offers a lot of content for those who want harder fights. Do Craglorn delves, group quests, or do arenas, public dungeons and so on, if you want more challenging fights. I wouldn't like to play Dark Souls every time I want to pick up herbs, or complete a survey.

    This issue is not so much a problem in ESO as it is in games where there are leveled zones and mobs. In many of these games, if you are high level, you can go in an area 10-20 levels below you, and one shot everything with a stick. On the other hand, if you go to a high level area, you will be crushed by a simple spider. I am glad they did One Tamriel, and gave up on leveled content (I leveled my main before 1T, so I know how it was).

    There is so much work in enhancing the difficulty of the overland content that I would prefer to leave the weak mobs as they are and use that time for improving combat, balancing, fixing performance issues, and adding new quality content.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • jad11mumbler
    129 Pages asking for changes to overland content, with most of us finding it too easy and asking for a togglable otpion for harder content.

    That's a lot more players than the few who asked for a card game, or companions to be added to the game. And yet.

    I guess the Devs enjoy the majority of the game being mind numbingly boring?
    174 characters and counting over 13 accounts.

    120 writ certified. 73 at CP rank.
  • jad11mumbler
    and adding new quality content.

    Yeah I'd be happy if the Devs spent less of their valuable time on companions and card games to instead add Quality Content

    If the next chapter is like the last two, I certainly won't be buying it.
    Edited by jad11mumbler on August 5, 2022 3:54AM
    174 characters and counting over 13 accounts.

    120 writ certified. 73 at CP rank.
  • Prof_Bawbag
    Herteby wrote: »
    I don't believe for a second making overland a lot more difficult would benefit the game long term.

    The reason why I started playing ESO is that I'm a big Elder Scrolls fan, and enjoy open world questing etc. I doubt I'm alone in this. The regular games actually have challenging enemies though, and multiple difficulty levels. ESO already has a pretty good combat system, if they could just make it similarily challenging to Skyrim I think more people would find it fun.
    CP5 wrote: »
    many enemies waste their own time on pointless fluff attacks

    I think the animation time by itself is fine, if they dealt an appropriate amount of damage. Slow attacks that are easy to dodge should have a higher DPS than fast attacks. The slowest attacks could maybe take off slightly over 50% of the health on a light armor user, so that it's never a one hit kill but you'll have to fall back and heal.

    What are these challenging enemies? I must have missed them. No TES game has challenging enemies come later levels unless you gimp yourself. Take your CP2000 toon and your lvl 50 Skyrim toon and compare them. There is zero difference. I can one shot legendary dragons with a lvl 50 Skyrim build. I can one shot most things in Oblivion too. If anything, ESO has considerably more challenging enemies. I can't ever recall one shotting any world boss in ESO. So I strongly disagree with your comment. I mean, if you want to to see what i'm getting at, try out an illusion and dagger build in Skyrim. It's massively OP. It one shots every single thing even on legendary. That's even without using smithing or alchemy. It's just insane.

    Don't confuse the first few levels of TES games for the overall difficulty. There is no difficulty to be had once builds come together. Even when adjusting the sliders. It's as if we have played 2 different series, but both going under the same name.

    As i said, you can gimp your character in TES games, but there's absolutely nothing stopping you from doing the same in ESO.

    Edited by Prof_Bawbag on August 5, 2022 10:08AM
  • Herteby
    No TES game has challenging enemies come later levels unless you gimp yourself. Take your CP2000 toon and your lvl 50 Skyrim toon and compare them. There is zero difference.

    Skyrim might become easy once you have a super powerful character, but ESO is easy right from the start. To say they there's zero difference in difficulty between Skyrim and ESO is ridiculous. ESO is like playing Skyrim on the lowest setting.

    I don't have a 2000CP character. As I said I'm a fairly new player, just recently hit CP160, and I don't have high end gear either. I just started an alt which is lvl 15 now and it's equally easy. The only challenging fights are soloing world bosses.
    Edited by Herteby on August 6, 2022 5:42PM
  • Arrodisia
    kind_hero wrote: »
    Wow... 129 pages!

    The overland content is easy, true, but I can't say this bothers me.

    As an advanced player, I do all sorts of activities. More difficult mobs would mean much more grinding and useless fighting, time wasted while farming, fishing, questing, digging, exploring.

    The game offers a lot of content for those who want harder fights. Do Craglorn delves, group quests, or do arenas, public dungeons and so on, if you want more challenging fights. I wouldn't like to play Dark Souls every time I want to pick up herbs, or complete a survey.

    This issue is not so much a problem in ESO as it is in games where there are leveled zones and mobs. In many of these games, if you are high level, you can go in an area 10-20 levels below you, and one shot everything with a stick. On the other hand, if you go to a high level area, you will be crushed by a simple spider. I am glad they did One Tamriel, and gave up on leveled content (I leveled my main before 1T, so I know how it was).

    There is so much work in enhancing the difficulty of the overland content that I would prefer to leave the weak mobs as they are and use that time for improving combat, balancing, fixing performance issues, and adding new quality content.

    This exactly. It's a waste of time for those who play multiple types of daily content.

    Harder overland content was asked for by a few players, besides the tons of dungeons, arenas, trials and dlc world bosses,... which are already there for them.

    Then the devs start hatchet nerfing everything and balancing in that direction, and what happened as soon as the nerfs and rebalancing were announced? Exactly what always happens. Many of the players who asked for it ran off and left the game. Many didn't even bother to test it out, saying it's no fun anymore and they don't want to waste time with longer TTK on old mobs they killed a thousand times already.

    Asking for the changes then running off when they're here.
    Who's going to play this and pay the price now? The level 1-4 in the start zone getting mauled by enemies with no food, no abilities, no gear, no companion, no champ points, no understanding of which buttons to use yet....

    If it takes some of the new players 40 minutes to figure out how to use a provisioning station on the most basic recipe, how long would it take them to learn how to fight with no dps training simulation? and how long to master it until they reach high enough dps to be allowed to play with the more experienced players? The gap is still there and the rotations will have to be done even better now.

    For anyone playing that new set of nerfs as a 1st mmo, it'll probably be their last. It's a good thing I keep tissues in my purse. ;)

    Imho, the game doesn't need general willy nilly nerfs. It needs more precise balancing, dps tutorial, and possibly a more interactive bolster sytem. So as new players gain skills, stats, gear, and power they lose bolster. For example, the current bolster system gives new players extra health, magicka and stamina but many skills scale from weapon and spell damage and not from those stats.

    If we need to look at ESO's power creep, let's 1st look at the biggest offenders, the overpowered companions very little players wanted and overpowered sets added to the game every now and again. Now many players are running around soloing content which was meant for groups. Plenty of players were online to play with each other already. If companions were needed, it wasn't for combat. Maybe they were wanted for some flavorful conversations but not combat and certainly not to this extent.
    Edited by Arrodisia on August 8, 2022 7:30AM
  • cptscotty
    Just finished my test run going from level 1 to level 50 naked, no cp, no companion, no food, no potions, no mundus. Not one issue. At every single point I felt over powered. Even at one point I was just punching with no weapon and still taking on mobs of 5+ without a problem. I actually did more damage punching naked than with clothes on in some of my tests.

    Npcs died before they could finish talking.

    Bosses died before they even did their main abilities.

    The majority of the time was spent just being talked to about some important thing that really was never all that important because it died so fast. Literally fell asleep twice because I was just so bored and it was so mindless.

    Kept getting told once I hit 50 then it would all change....that was a lie. Nothing changed. It was the exact same. Which made me wonder again...what was the point of gear? CP? All the things that are supposed to make you want to work for and continue playing the game...made no sense why I would want to work for it.

    So at the end I was faced with the same question everyone I know personally that has tried this game...why keep playing?

    Never played an MMO that actually made me miss WoW questing. Say what you want about the game, but at least it didnt put me to sleep like ESO did...and I hate WoW.

    Who is the target audience of this game? Its not gamers. Its not people into lore because you cant sit there and hype someone up and then have them killed within seconds before they finish talking. Its not for new players.

    It honestly feels like the game is made for older existing players who dont like the content and just want to breeze through it...makes every new player feel like they wasted money. You can sit there and brag about all the end game content all you want but what they see for days/weeks with their own eyes is not that.

    Just a reminder...this is the MAJORITY of the content for this game. When you buy new chapters and xpacs...you are mostly paying for this content. Sure its pretty. But with the amount of bugs and the broken overland feel...doesnt seem worth it.
  • colossalvoids
    cptscotty wrote: »

    Just a reminder...this is the MAJORITY of the content for this game. When you buy new chapters and xpacs...you are mostly paying for this content. Sure its pretty. But with the amount of bugs and the broken overland feel...doesnt seem worth it.

    Yeah that's the reason I stopped with chapter, it's not even an issue looked at and there's no point of purchasing a chapter for just a trial access anymore at this game's state. I'd even consider it if the stories were payed attention to again like in Wrothgar or DB/TG, but we're getting same formulated garbage with exact amount of poorly done quests and narratives, it's got too far from anything elder scrolls related.
  • notyuu
    Make the overland content harder, simple as that
    Right now overland/deleves are at a -2/10 in terms of diffcuilty, buffer them up to a 1/10 (for referance craglorn would be like a 2.5)

    why? simple, to give new and casual players enough resistance to push them to improve oh so slightly, so that when they meet more challanging content the improvement required is less an intimidating wall to them and more a steady incline.
    which inturn means ZoS wouldn't have to overhaul the combat for the 27th time to try and close the gap between the ceiling and floor
  • Shardan4968
    I remember times when I was still using gear without even full sets and had no clue about which proper skills to use and was completing craglorn overland quests with my friend where we were dying to some quest boss over and over and we had to plan our strategies. It was so much fun, like dungeons, but overland, with challenges all over the zone with entire long questline. It was satisfying and fun. Now I look at the over the top cinematic trailer of big Dagon being a "threat" and think to myself "Wow, I sure can't wait to feel underwhelmed yet another year in a row when I face him".

    I already stopped buying the expansions for this very reason as I don't feel like going back to progression with guilds, but I still want some fulfilling experience as a solo player, so I only really log in for PvP once every couple months when I get the itch for ESO.

    Please make the overland harder. Make it the main feature of the next expansion for all I care.
    Edited by Shardan4968 on August 11, 2022 2:24PM
  • TaSheen
    Harder overland needs to be optional though.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • cptscotty
    TaSheen wrote: »
    Harder overland needs to be optional though.

  • Malthorne
    cptscotty wrote: »
    TaSheen wrote: »
    Harder overland needs to be optional though.


    Because change is scary
  • TaSheen
    Because overland is plenty hard enough for me as it is - I'm in my 70s, my reflexes aren't good any more, and I'm dealing with 999+ ping all the time.

    I'm perfectly happy for all of you who want overland to be harder to have that - as long as it's optional. You know, you guys would opt in, and I wouldn't.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • TaSheen
    Because with high ping and bad reflexes it's hard to be better than I am right now. Abilities don't fire, light attack weaving fails. I live a long way from "real broadband" - satellite is all I have. Well, there's a couple dialup providers.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • spartaxoxo
    [Quoted Post Removed]

    [snip] The easy game is the default state of the game, an intentional design decision, and will be what happens if no change occurs.

    I want the change, but I agree it should be optional. This game has marketed itself as a casual game that you can play how you want. It's cultivated a huge audience of casual players. There's no real reason they need to change the game for those players to give us some better difficulty options. Many ideas on implementing an optional change that doesn't delete the experience others enjoy have been suggested. The devs can do more than they are doing without ruining the game for people who enjoy it's current difficulty.

    [Removed Response to removed content]
    Edited by Psiion on August 11, 2022 7:16PM
  • miguelcura
    Solo content is boringly easy and also doesn't give rewards that improve my character, it's something optional that I end up not doing.
    But on the other hand, so incongruously, veteran arenas even with the best gear seem to be very difficult.

    Edited by miguelcura on August 12, 2022 2:17PM
  • ottobot
    I played at launch, I have the Striped Senche to prove it, played till 2018 and took 4 years off, and I have just come back about a month ago. I am enjoying myself.

    The overland content is a joke, I barely have to think or try, my build doesn't matter, my gear can be 30 levels behind me and that's just fine, and it just so happens that this is the only time that my cool new companion really comes into play, to help me out with the easiest stuff possible.

    The only thing that is a threat, are some world bosses. They have the capacity to completely humble you. Dolmens, not so much. Delve bosses, Public Dungeon bosses, all easy stuff. Do Group Dungeons count as overland content? Even if they don't the Normal ones are a cakewalk and take zero effort, require no group structure, and can be facerolled by mostly every group with no problem (excluding a handful of more complex fights).

    None of this makes for a bad experience though. It is cool to feel powerful, and it is cool to face enemies that you simply need help with in an MMO.

    The overland content that is super easy, could be a little harder, and still maintain that feeling of power. Currently the enemies seem to have a health level and a reaction/cooldown time that is tuned for the content of my time 4 years ago. There has been a substantial level of power creep - despite ESO's unique way of handling scaling, which I still love - and it doesn't seem like the world has been updated to counter this. With the litany of available sets, larger pool of retuned and slightly more powerful champion points, Companions to take what little dull edge remained off, these all serve to devalue almost everything Tamriel has to offer.

    We deserve to be fighting powerful enemies with our powerful characters, even if they are level 12. I want to feel like the build I'm working on is good, and that's why I'm stomping everything, not because everything is just super-stompable even if I had built a totally bassackwards character. I want my companion to be impactful, not some ancillary function that doesn't follow me to the content I could actually use it for, and provides little to no benefit (inventory space? [snip]) where it does.

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 21, 2022 4:50PM
  • Biro123
    Just checking in to see if they'd done anything about this yet..

    Seems like it's not worth re-installing.. Honestly, an overland difficulty option so I can enjoy new content, or fixing pvp performance (given up on that one!) are the only things that would convince me to play again.
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • nb_rich
    I didn’t get a chance to read through the whole thread so sorry if anyone mentioned/talked about anything im going to mention or my idea(s) for overland content.

    I think we need Veteran overland content. It should allow us to replay all the zone stories on vet also. People like myself just skip through all the dialogue in all the zone stories so I have no clue of the story behind the game. This would give people like myself a chance to replay it without having to make a new character (which i will probably never do again). At least this way I can focus more on the story instead of skipping everything because im more focused on leveling up. Just make it so we don’t get skill points we already collected from the zone story unless your nice enough to give us more skill points.

    I know some might say it would split the community up but if they keep it to where when you talk in zone chat it reaches everyone in that zone regardless of if your in the same server or not then it should be fine since the game is already like this.

    Also this can then allow for perfected overland gear since pretty much no overland gear is meta anymore (speaking only of PvE) and has been overtaken by crafting gear which is more accessible and easy to obtain as you can just ask someone to craft the gear for you. Any “meta” PvP overland sets does not really matter since people that do PvP mainly want to stay in Cyrodill anyways.

    I know people might disagree with my take on overland gear but because most of us refer to youtube for build videos the only sets we know worth using for end game PvE are relequen, coral riptide, pillar, kinras, tzogvin, bahsei and whorl of debts. There may be a couple sets like deadly that is good for a specific class but keep in mind this is a PvP set id rather use over any overland set on my templar.

    Since vet overland content is probably unlikely since I seen people bring it up since I started playing 3 years ago, we should at least get more overland bosses as strong as dragons in Elsweyr that require a lot of people to defeat. Besides dragons I have not found any overland content that can not be done solo especially with the addition of companions and having access to the pale order ring.
  • redlink1979
    nb_rich wrote: »
    (...) I think we need Veteran overland content. (...)
    Just wait 2 weeks until U35 goes live on consoles.
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother [PS5][EU] 2165 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest [PS5][NA] 1910 CP
    • SweetTrolls [PC][EU] 1950 CP
    • Bacon Rats [PC][NA] 1850 CP
  • WiseSky
    "How do you have fun questing?" as a topic has been turned into "Making overland Harder feedback "

    If you ask people who don't play ESO, why they dont play, the majority of them says it's because of the Combat feels like it has no impact. Other then that the Game is near perfection, minus the loot crates.

    So it may seam that the true underlaying factor for overland is that the ESO combat just "sucks".

    But as a "veteran" of this game I know ESO combat shines when it's complexities are involved, usually being only found in vet content as you have to pay attention not to die while doing your rotation and such. Even light attack weaving becomes enjoyable as you need it and it adds to your DPs and you feel great accomplishing it.

    So the issued becomes : We want "better" overland

    The solution on the surface becomes it's because the mobs are "too easy & not challenging ", I have "no fear of death" and it's "not fun".

    Problem 1 - no fear of death

    The problem with this is when a "True" MMO player comes and says they have played games like Everquest, Tibia, Asheron's Call or Runescape, where if you died in some of those games you lost Experience, Levels, Skills points, Equipment, gold, your inventory & had to travel back to the area where you died.

    How can a game be exciting or channeling, if when the mob kills you, you lose nothing at all. They will argue that just that alone makes every Overland Content Tedious and too easy and not fun at all, as you fear nothing.
    Even if the overland mobs had Trial level Mechanics it's truly a snooze fest, as you can die as many times as you like and it does not matter at all.

    So we first have to agree that just that alone is the first premise we are not tackling here at all. Over 100 pages of discussion and no one is talking about that.

    Do we truly want to feel "alive" and "excited" in ESO with overland mobs being challenging, as to die in game has consequences ? Here is a Poll of what people voted for ESO, it's not science but a glimpse into the perception of the idea

    This is a topic on it's own, but it directly ties into the "Overland feedback"

    I wonder if it's going to be closed as it's relevant to this post, As I really don't like "How do have fun Questing" posts being fundamentally about

    I think the community does not what that at all, So Problem 1 is not being tackled at all. Nothing in ESO will make us Fearful or fight for our lives as older MMOs could, it's something only a minority has experienced in the first MMO days or currently plays full loot pvp mmos. ESO is not going that route, it's clear. So any arguments how it feels amazing in Everquest and fearing for your lives is null and void as ESO is not that type of game at all.

    I will continue my this post one day, on the next two "Problems" as this topic is not going anywhere soon.

    Problem 2 - Too easy and not Challenging

    Problem 3 - Overland Not Fun
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • Ragnarok0130
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    [Quoted Post Removed]

    [snip] The easy game is the default state of the game, an intentional design decision, and will be what happens if no change occurs.

    I want the change, but I agree it should be optional. This game has marketed itself as a casual game that you can play how you want. It's cultivated a huge audience of casual players. There's no real reason they need to change the game for those players to give us some better difficulty options. Many ideas on implementing an optional change that doesn't delete the experience others enjoy have been suggested. The devs can do more than they are doing without ruining the game for people who enjoy it's current difficulty.

    [Removed Response to removed content]

    The default state of the game that you talk about was an intentional design change not choice. At launch the game was a lot harder, and Doshia who is a pushover now required multiple players to take her down in Beta and at launch (which was nerfed from beta). I think players who want an optional (and optional is the key word here) overland difficulty are probably long time players who not only remember when the game was much more difficult but who know how to play the game and find it visual novel level difficult nowadays which doesn't hold their attention.

    From your post you and I agree on the optional difficulty route and in this scenario everyone would win because nobody loses anything and those who want additional challenge gain (actually regain is most accurate term) something. There is a required tangential discussion about veteran overland and that is of rewards. Would there be better rewards gear wise and even titles/cosmetics wise for veteran overland? I certainly hope so but then we're back at the whole "I want something that I don't want to work for" from the casual side of the player base and I don't think ZoS has the intestinal fortitude to tell them "no" and would probably forgo better rewards.

    I don't mind the current overland difficulty as I play the chapters for story and when I want difficulty I go into veteran dungeon and trials or PVP, but can't see a down side to optional difficulty levels in overland for those who want them. I think I would actually do veteran overland in new chapters if given the opportunity to do so but it's not high on my request list compared with other things I'd like to see.
  • spartaxoxo
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    [Quoted Post Removed]

    [snip] The easy game is the default state of the game, an intentional design decision, and will be what happens if no change occurs.

    I want the change, but I agree it should be optional. This game has marketed itself as a casual game that you can play how you want. It's cultivated a huge audience of casual players. There's no real reason they need to change the game for those players to give us some better difficulty options. Many ideas on implementing an optional change that doesn't delete the experience others enjoy have been suggested. The devs can do more than they are doing without ruining the game for people who enjoy it's current difficulty.

    [Removed Response to removed content]

    The default state of the game that you talk about was an intentional design change not choice.

    It was a deliberate choice to change the game to what it is now, and they have defined it as their critical path moving forward. They said they didn't have a solid vision of what they wanted to game to be like when it first launched and now they do.

    "We try to balance so that the average player can have a good experience, especially with the main story content. That's our critical path. If they want to challenge themselves, they can go and do Public Dungeons, or Trials with 12 of their friends. We do make that conscious choice with the crit path to make it playable for as many people as possible."

    Different Interview where they speak not about balance but discuss how they had to change the game because they lacked vision before.
    That was one of the lessons we had to learn really early on when we first launched in 2014. We didn’t really feel or have a clear understanding of what game we were trying to make. We tried to walk that line between Elder Scrolls and MMO, and we didn’t really hit either of those out of the park.

    And so, we went back, and we listened to the community, and we listened to the team, and we focused on making it an Elder Scrolls game, first and foremost. And once we did that, the game just blew up and turned into what it is today.

    One Tamriel marked not just a difference in leveling, but a difference in game director's vision for the game. All of the changes they made then were a deliberate choice to not only address pain points in the game, but to meet their decision to make this game an Elder Scrolls game first and foremost (rather than an MMO). Ever since then they have also been cagey about even calling it one.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on September 4, 2022 10:28PM
  • Arrodisia
    Well. Let 's see here.

    The devs announced and released changes in an attempt to make combat harder from the players side by reducing damage, heals, and such. Then what happened. Players quit because they couldn't cheese everything at the speed of lightning anymore and the hardest vet hm content became annoying to do. Let's add to that. New players are now leveling slower and leaving because they don't see enough progression. They usually don't bother with forums. At best some complain in guild chat before they leave. They don't have champ points, food, gear, legendaries, cost reduction, buffs, companions, etc. right away.

    We have plenty of dynamic combat and vet content in DLC areas and of course in dungeons, trials and PvP. Plus, that content grows nearly every 3 months. The dolmen like events were made harder and the public dungeons were made harder. Players saying combat is uninteresting makes me question if they're even playing this game anymore. The overland "base" game rarely expands. Leave something for the new and casual players to do.

    Nerfing players impacts all content, not just overland and slows down combat in other areas. We end up at a point where players begin feeling like their damage has little impact. The game becomes stale and flavorless when players don't feel more powerful while already at or building towards endgame.

    Most players can't one shot the majority of mobs anymore. So I don't see the point of complaining anymore about easy combat except for one thing, which would be to make the AI mobs a slight bit more intelligent during combat. I don't believe any general nerfs are needed.

    In fact, this is just a humble opinion, but it might be better to spread a few buffs of love to raise up underperforming classes(due to certain changes) in PvP and trials. So players have equal footing in those types of content.

    The most important things which the devs can works towards in this game at this time from my point of view is increasing population. So ESO servers remain healthy. Maybe some steps similar to these could be taken to raise the bar for gaming.

    1. fix game and server performance (more bug fixes especially for main stories, PvP, dungeons and trials, reduce LAG, update GPU profiles regularly, ... )

    2. widen the scope of jewelry and woodworking crafting

    3. balancing incrementally (raise up underperforming skills, gear, certain champ points, ... without OPing them, reduce companion combat impact, improve AI )

    4. make lesser used enchanting and alchemy materials more useful

    5. add new classes, weapon types, combat types (brawler with his chromium multi effect charm in his pocket to fill their weapon slot, chromium relic and spell wielding battle mages, wooden pole/spear wielding power warriors,... )

    6. raise housing slots even if it's just 50 or a 100 slots.

    7. lower the time it takes to complete ToT match dailies done. 40-45 mins and more to get a daily done should give better rewards and xp. A suggestion would be to create a second mode. For example, short mode = 20-25 prestige to win and the dynamic mode would remain at 40 prestige to win.

    8. add new, more attractive motifs to the AP and telvar vendors

    9. add more guild tools and more information to the rosters natively for admins and add more guild function for all players (for example small% xp gains for all content done with guild members or something similar which stacks with all xp boosting sources)

    10. create a safe in game exchange method for crowns vs. gold

    11. Add a more encompassing combat training instance for new players to learn how to dps and such or
    add an ingame hub which directs players to the official site where they can view builds and combat styles from content creators

    The point here is this. Changes like these would bring more to the player base and most are more feasible.

    This is probably enough for now. Have fun in game everyone ;)

    Edited by Arrodisia on September 6, 2022 12:40AM
  • CP5
    Cutting off your own legs doesn't make a race more enjoyable. Overland content is so simplistic it fails to engage many players who are used to more engaging and attention demanding encounters, and fails to engage and prepare many newer players for anything aside from overland. Allowing the world to organically teach players things that can be built upon is important, something most games can do, but when the entire world is built to one standard that doesn't happen.

    Overland grows with every other quarter, yet only in size and little in depth, and as many have previously stated 'nerfing our own damage and capabilities doesn't make boring fights better,' and that is what has been shown to have happened, despite some claiming that 'nothing needs to be changed since you can just limit yourself if you want challenge.'
  • Parasaurolophus
    @Arrodisia Jesus, no one left. Just a little "I canceled the subcribe thread" period than usual.
  • Arrodisia
    "Overland grows with every other quarter, yet only in size and little in depth..." I'll have to agree to disagree on that. I wouldn't call reworking dolmen type events, world bosses and public dungeons to make them harder and adding new features as adding little depth.
    Edited by Arrodisia on September 5, 2022 2:54PM
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