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Overland Content Feedback Thread

  • SilverBride
    Ok a moderator closed my thread down with feedback regarding overland being too easy and the suggestion to point it out in this thread. So here we go again:

    Overland content is so easy that it makes me fall asleep. Even Super Mario is easier than ESO overland. Seriously ZOS, consider going for a change. Didn't even know there are already 122 pages of people asking for a difficulty raise for overland content. This clearly speaks for itself.

    As @TaSheen pointed out most of the posts in this thread are by the same handful of players.

    Not every post in this thread is asking for a more difficult overland. Many of the posters are against a separate veteran overland, or a mandatory increase in difficulty. And many of the posters in this thread are happy with overland just as it is.
    Edited by SilverBride on June 13, 2022 1:08AM
  • DagenHawk
    /This is going to ramble a bit so forgive me.

    As has been demonstrated time and time again skill level isn't a tangible thing. I have seen people struggle with current overland, and no they aren't going to "Get Gud" they don't have the hand eye coordination that some do yet they still love playing the game, there are teachers Soccer moms, every walk of life from Cook to attorneys that play and for many of them it's their first MMO or even video game...I don't think they need to step aside because the same nine people make the same thread every couple weeks days.

    You have your answer, the vast majority of people are happy with overland content. Back in the day you pretty much had to group for areas like Eastmarch...no one but old EQ players found that fun...the forums exploded with complaints.

    Exploded...from tons of different people
    Not the same nine dudes .

    ZoS made the changes and the player population went up. Why would they want to change that?

    In EQ I was a hard core raider part of Darkwind and CIH for many years, I then ran my own guild in WoW where we had several server first...don't talk to me about hardcore...been there done that, bought the T-shirt and wore it out.

    What I found out was I was surrounded by a lot of mean spirited people, that really loved other peoples pain and misery....so I stopped and never have been happier. My wife and I run a small guild to make sure everyone no matter what skill level can experience whatever content they wish to try, but most people only want to see Normal and maybe a Vet Dungeons ...maybe. Overland and the MSQ is the big draw to ESO, that is what the vast majority participates in.

    And honestly every other MMO out there is pretty much developed, ran and populated by sociopaths (except Maybe FFXIV and even that is changing) but not ESO here everyone can participate and you don't need 25 of your best friends to do it.

    In short ESO is a Equitable MMO. So few things in this world are these days.

    I know that drives some people crazy...because "They don't earn it" lol honestly when I hear that it sounds like some aging Dad who is Poed because his teenage son won't get a job...

    It would be incredibly short sighted for ZoS to up the overland difficulty level...even the screams for difficulty sliders, most anyone that has ever programed AI knows that if someone is on a regular difficulty and another player entered on high difficulty one of them would have to fight at the others difficulty....we have that problem now with one Tamriel it would only get worse with sliders. The real hope that folks who want sliders have is to be able to drive high level trains into Bads.

    You can hear them dreaming about it in Zone Chat every so often.

    Like I said... mean spirited.

    There are literally dozens of MMO's that more or less give the finger to casual players after leveling...we have one that is different. If ESO changed what works I can pretty much predict finical catastrophe.

    I mean you guys can keep asking for it...and hey Raph Koster once listened to a small vocal Forum group...the result was NGE.

    But Fight the power I guess...
    Edited by DagenHawk on June 11, 2022 4:07PM
  • Parasaurolophus
    DagenHawk wrote: »
    You have your answer, the vast majority of people are happy with overland content. Back in the day you pretty much had to group for areas like Eastmarch...
    Amm... never.
    Edited by Parasaurolophus on June 11, 2022 4:10PM
  • HonestLoverr
    Daraklus wrote: »
    Ok a moderator closed my thread down with feedback regarding overland being too easy and the suggestion to point it out in this thread. So here we go again:

    Overland content is so easy that it makes me fall asleep. Even Super Mario is easier than ESO overland. Seriously ZOS, consider going for a change. Didn't even know there are already 122 pages of people asking for a difficulty raise for overland content. This clearly speaks for itself.


    Yes I meant it the other way around haha.

    Some challenge would be awesome. I'm really struggling with getting quests done or delving into stories, because the difficulty is so easy that the whole "danger" aspect some quests try to deliver just don't get through to me at all. There is simply no danger to it, if I can onehit nearly everything in overland quests. Which is a real shame.

    I was honestly hyped for High Isle story for its medieval theme just to find out its not just mind-numbingly easy, there is also completely out of place things like volcanos placed in the middle of a sunflower field. Or some firelizards walking around a green landscape with butterflies on the way. Another aspect hindering any dangerous atmosphere from even coming up. High Isle more of a weird "magma paradise" kind of thing. Something more dark, with undead and graveyards would have fit much better. Knightly orders fighting undead roaming the lands terrorizing all the living beings? To me that would have been a no brainer. Obviously the devs had a different vision on things.
    Ok a moderator closed my thread down with feedback regarding overland being too easy and the suggestion to point it out in this thread. So here we go again:

    Overland content is so easy that it makes me fall asleep. Even Super Mario is easier than ESO overland. Seriously ZOS, consider going for a change. Didn't even know there are already 122 pages of people asking for a difficulty raise for overland content. This clearly speaks for itself.

    As @TaSheen pointed out most of the posts in this thread are by the same handful of players.

    I'd like to add that all of the posts aren't in favor of a more difficult overland. Many of the posts are against a separate veteran overland that some had asked for.


    Would love to see such an option being implemented into ESO. This would give me a reason to not only sub monthly whenever I need DLC dungeon stuff as a PvPer. I would pay a sub for a year straight for both me and my wife, to finally being able to actually delve into all the stories of all the DLC's which we could never manage to going any further than a quest or two max. before giving up on it because of all their trivialized difficulty.

    This kind of feature makes everyone happy. Those who like it as it is can let it stay how it is. Those who prefer it hard can get it hard. A win/win situation. Add some achievements, titels and mounts for completing the different diffiulties on top of it, and there you go: A motivating, challenging and rewarding PvE overland experience all at the same time.

    [edited for off-topic comment & to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on June 12, 2022 4:33PM
  • spartaxoxo
    DagenHawk wrote: »
    It would be incredibly short sighted for ZoS to up the overland difficulty level...even the screams for difficulty sliders, most anyone that has ever programed AI knows that if someone is on a regular difficulty and another player entered on high difficulty one of them would have to fight at the others difficulty....we have that problem now with one Tamriel it would only get worse with sliders. The real hope that folks who want sliders have is to be able to drive high level trains into Bads.

    DagenHawk wrote: »
    What I found out was I was surrounded by a lot of mean spirited people, that really loved other peoples pain and misery....so I stopped and never have been happier.

    We are not your raid group. What is actually mean-spirited is judging others based off some superficial trait. Wanting an optional raise to difficulty doesn't mean someone is mean-spirited. Just because you had a bad experience with that game doesn't mean anyone who wants to increase their difficulty option is bad.

    [edited for off-topic comment]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on June 12, 2022 4:17PM
  • spartaxoxo
    High Isle more of a weird "magma paradise" kind of thing. Something more dark, with undead and graveyards would have fit much better. Knightly orders fighting undead roaming the lands terrorizing all the living beings? To me that would have been a no brainer. Obviously the devs had a different vision on things.

    That makes no sense. High Isle was a nobility island paradise vacation getaway that gets disturbed by the machinations of the big bad. It should definitely have a paradise theme. And some of these popular island getaways are volcanic. It sounds like you were looking for the standard fantasy knights cliche, moreso than there being anything out of place with High Isle. But, I haven't gotten to play it yet as I'm on console. Regardless, Knights having to fight hordes of the undead terrorizing the masses doesn't fit the theme of nobility enjoying an island paradise while they do their politics.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on June 11, 2022 4:43PM
  • HonestLoverr
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    High Isle more of a weird "magma paradise" kind of thing. Something more dark, with undead and graveyards would have fit much better. Knightly orders fighting undead roaming the lands terrorizing all the living beings? To me that would have been a no brainer. Obviously the devs had a different vision on things.

    That makes no sense. High Isle was a nobility island paradise vacation getaway that gets disturbed by the machinations of the big bad. It should definitely have a paradise theme. And some of these popular island getaways are volcanic. It sounds like you were looking for the standard fantasy knights cliche, moreso than there being anything out of place with High Isle. But, I haven't gotten to play it yet as I'm on console. Regardless, Knights having to fight hordes of the undead terrorizing the masses doesn't fit the theme of nobility enjoying an island paradise while they do their politics.

    Well I could care less about lore friendly attempts at building the world or zones, since ZOS already went that route with so many things in ESO. Also in terms of that paradise feeling, nothing beats Summerset in regard of atmosphere anyways. They could have still went for implemented a dark atmosphere to High Isle by inventing a story backing up the corruption of lands and dead raising from their graves. The zones from daggerfall covenant for example deliver way better on this aspect than High Isle. I expected the expac to top this, but I was wrong.

    But yea, I am not an Elder Scrolls lore expert. At the end I only care what makes fun. A nobles paradise that is also dangerous? Its too easy and too many things seem out of place everywhere. It that just doesn't get through to me. If it does for you, then good for you. It doesn't for me though. Not at all. But to each their own.

    We enjoy the new oakensoul ring though haha :)
  • spartaxoxo
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    High Isle more of a weird "magma paradise" kind of thing. Something more dark, with undead and graveyards would have fit much better. Knightly orders fighting undead roaming the lands terrorizing all the living beings? To me that would have been a no brainer. Obviously the devs had a different vision on things.

    That makes no sense. High Isle was a nobility island paradise vacation getaway that gets disturbed by the machinations of the big bad. It should definitely have a paradise theme. And some of these popular island getaways are volcanic. It sounds like you were looking for the standard fantasy knights cliche, moreso than there being anything out of place with High Isle. But, I haven't gotten to play it yet as I'm on console. Regardless, Knights having to fight hordes of the undead terrorizing the masses doesn't fit the theme of nobility enjoying an island paradise while they do their politics.

    Well I could care less about lore friendly attempts at building the world or zones, since ZOS already went that route with so many things in ESO. Also in terms of that paradise feeling, nothing beats Summerset in regard of atmosphere anyways. They could have still went for implemented a dark atmosphere to High Isle by inventing a story backing up the corruption of lands and dead raising from their graves. The zones from daggerfall covenant for example deliver way better on this aspect than High Isle. I expected the expac to top this, but I was wrong.

    But yea, I am not an Elder Scrolls lore expert. At the end I only care what makes fun. A nobles paradise that is also dangerous? Its too easy and too many things seem out of place everywhere. It that just doesn't get through to me. If it does for you, then good for you. It doesn't for me though. Not at all. But to each their own.

    We enjoy the new oakensoul ring though haha :)

    As I said, I'm on console. So I haven't experienced it yet. I am just saying that High Isles are a place for nobility politics and so your theme doesn't really fit. They were specifically trying to move away from Rivenspire 2.0 so you get an idea of nobility politics of Bretons and their culture function when there aren't undead after them.

    I'm also not sure how easy to kill vampires would be any better than easy to kill cultists in terms of immersion. I just really glad we're not getting yet another chapter themed around undead or daedra. I've had enough of them for a little while. This one was marketed to be closer to Wrothgar than the past few expansions we've had, but dunno how well it succeeds at that.
  • HonestLoverr
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    As I said, I'm on console. So I haven't experienced it yet. I am just saying that High Isles are a place for nobility politics and so your theme doesn't really fit. They were specifically trying to move away from Rivenspire 2.0 so you get an idea of nobility politics of Bretons and their culture function when there aren't undead after them.

    I'm also not sure how easy to kill vampires would be any better than easy to kill cultists in terms of immersion. I just really glad we're not getting yet another chapter themed around undead or daedra. I've had enough of them for a little while. This one was marketed to be closer to Wrothgar than the past few expansions we've had, but dunno how well it succeeds at that.

    Hm well, I'm different then. You can throw undead at me without anything else and I am happy. Demons are cool too. Or daedra. But don't forget the undead haha. I'm paladin fan. I love to swing a hammer around crushing bones into bits and send those denying to rest back to their ancestors in their graves lol. But that might just be me.

    On the other side, this whole Deadlands expac was too much lava and fire everywhere for my taste. More skeletons, castle ruins, and zombies, and fog. This is what I like. Cultists? Yes they are ok, if accompanied from hordes of skeletons. And maybe undead knights or something.

    You are right btw. I am more of a knight cliche fan, like you call it. Add a small pinch of orcs here, and a pinch of elves there, maybe even a pinch of dwarves and you can serve it to me. As long as it feels like medieval fantasy without leaning to far out the window I am fine with it.
  • Aardappelboom
    There's no case to be made wether hard or easy is the better option, ever since the first games came out there have been options to alter difficulty, ever since ESO put more and more focus on content and story (which I love) it would definitely fit ESO and be in line with the other traditional Elder Scrolls game.

    The "challenges" that go with this in an MMORPG have been discussed extensively, I really think personal debuffs could be the way to go, after trying it out myself by equiping lvl 5 weapons and removing everything else, I had a lot of fun, and no one was bothered by my way of playing.

    The real challenge is to not overthink this tbh and just do what other games have been doing succesfuly. 😅
  • spartaxoxo
    There's no case to be made wether hard or easy is the better option, ever since the first games came out there have been options to alter difficulty, ever since ESO put more and more focus on content and story (which I love) it would definitely fit ESO and be in line with the other traditional Elder Scrolls game.

    The "challenges" that go with this in an MMORPG have been discussed extensively, I really think personal debuffs could be the way to go, after trying it out myself by equiping lvl 5 weapons and removing everything else, I had a lot of fun, and no one was bothered by my way of playing.

    The real challenge is to not overthink this tbh and just do what other games have been doing succesfuly. 😅

    Yes. I agree. Difficulty options makes games better. Not only because different people prefer different levels of difficulty, but because the same person might want different difficulty options sometimes too. I've played games on easy and hard in the past, for example. Just because I could. Different save file but still.
  • spartaxoxo
    This game (and the franchise in general) aren't known for their difficulty level, but it doesn't stop anyone from requesting a difficulty option here. Doesn't stop anyone from saying "since players don't have a choice but to play this game easy" it should have a difficulty option.

    But when it comes to the difficulty changing the other way around, suddenly those things go out the window. Bet.

    Most games already have difficulty settings. This is not some insane feature that it's somehow unthinkable to think companies ought to have, and only possible in an idealized world. Holding game companies responsible for improving game design is not some unthinkable ask.

    Asking for that game to get difficulty options is no different to this one. Saying that basic features should be witheld from console players of big budget games from large studios because PC players can add those options in themselves is ridiculous. Nobody buys a console under the expectation that games won't come with difficulty options. The vast majority of games already do. It's an extremely basic feature.

    Some games choose to forgo it because they design their game with the core design idea of it being garbage to play for a segment of gamers. That's not a consumer friendly design decision. And that doesn't only apply to this game. They should be free to do that, but it remains a consumer unfriendly design decision that should not be excused just because a small portion of players enjoy modding.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on June 12, 2022 11:12AM
  • Parasaurolophus
    Right now, High Island is empty. There are almost no players at the location. Nobody kills world bosses.
  • SilverBride
    Right now, High Island is empty. There are almost no players at the location. Nobody kills world bosses.

    This is not the case on PCNA. I run into other players everywhere I go. Zone chat is alive with players forming groups for World Bosses and Vents. Our guild has had twice the number of players online and when I look at the roster the majority of them are in High Isle. I've heard a lot of feedback in zone and guild chat about how pretty the new land is and how much people are enjoying it.

    This thread was originally about feedback.

    This thread was created because "The increase in weekly threads around this issue has caused some users to have a negative experience on the forum overall..."
    Edited by SilverBride on June 12, 2022 3:40PM
  • ZOS_Icy

    While we understand that you may have interest in other games, this forum was created to talk about ESO. For further posts, we ask that you keep things more ESO related.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • Grandma
    just to recap so we're all on the same page:

    1) overland is mind numbingly boring and unrewarding to engage in for most players who have learned how to dps effectively [a lot of the people who are staying in the game and have played for a while]

    2) splitting overland by players is a bad idea, but THERE ARE ALTERNATIVES! toggling things to the player specifically bypasses this issue [the issue which im sure zos will bring up 100 times if this ever became a question on the stream- "we can't split the playerbase!!" ok well the other half isn't even engaging in the overworld cos its so boring and you dont even need to split them]

    that's all for now
    GH / 3/04/2021 / Elemental Catalyst Necromancer
  • SilverBride
    Grandma wrote: »
    just to recap so we're all on the same page:

    1) overland is mind numbingly boring and unrewarding to engage in for most players who have learned how to dps effectively [a lot of the people who are staying in the game and have played for a while]

    We are not on the same page about that. I know how to dps effectively and I don't find overland the least bit boring.
  • spartaxoxo
    I do think the better your dps gets, the less likely you are to be having fun and the less actiony this game becomes. I personally DO like walking sims so, I can sometimes find enjoyment in Overland but I don't think I'm the norm of vet players. Most players aren't hitting even 15k DPS, those are players are mostly satisfied. But someone hitting even 35k+ is gonna have a worse experience, and that experience only gets less likely to engage from there.
  • SilverBride
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I do think the better your dps gets, the less likely you are to be having fun and the less actiony this game becomes.

    I do not agree. I am not a bad player with bad dps. I just happen to not want difficulty in the story.
  • NanoTechnicianHQ
    Just to add to the plethora of comments, I wonder if group synergies have been though of in a way to make group content more enjoyable.
    Another thing I find it a pain to play in quests that I have already done, going invisible. A prompt or something that say "Would you like to revisit this memory" could be used so that I could help players though that content.
    My Twitch settings and ESO addons list: https://nanohq.wordpress.com/eso-addons/ better yet, follow me on BlueSky: NanoTechHQ
  • spartaxoxo
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I do think the better your dps gets, the less likely you are to be having fun and the less actiony this game becomes.

    I do not agree. I am not a bad player with bad dps. I just happen to not want difficulty in the story.

    You are just 1 player. The devs have indicated that this is common feedback from vet players.

    They say things like "what our day one players forget is..." Etc. Casuals make up the majority of the playerbase. And they find Overland fine the way it is. Vet players are a minority, and as a group have the common complaint (that devs get a lot) that Overland is dull.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on June 13, 2022 11:35AM
  • eKsDee
    Just want to throw my own $0.02 in to say that I've been taking a pretty long hiatus from the game (going on about two years now) due to multiple reasons, one of the main ones being how unenjoyable the current state of overland is for me. If they were to add a difficulty slider that allowed me to tweak my own personal experience in overland content, I'd come back in a heartbeat, because there's so much overland content that I want to do, but I just can't do because of the current state of it. Especially since they've also seemingly improved one of the other main reasons for my hiatus: abysmal PvP performance.
  • SilverBride
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I do think the better your dps gets, the less likely you are to be having fun and the less actiony this game becomes.

    I do not agree. I am not a bad player with bad dps. I just happen to not want difficulty in the story.

    You are just 1 player. The devs have indicated that this is common feedback from vet players.

    They say things like "what our day one players forget is..." Etc. Casuals make up the majority of the playerbase. And they find Overland fine the way it is. Vet players are a minority, and as a group have the common complaint (that devs get a lot) that Overland is dull.

    I am not the only veteran player who doesn't want a difficult overland. And I am a veteran player. I started playing in beta and was veteran rank and played completely through both Silver and Gold and even some Craglorn, and developed my characters who have become much more powerful. I just enjoy the relaxing experience I get when questing in overland.
    Edited by SilverBride on June 13, 2022 4:04PM
  • spartaxoxo
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I do think the better your dps gets, the less likely you are to be having fun and the less actiony this game becomes.

    I do not agree. I am not a bad player with bad dps. I just happen to not want difficulty in the story.

    You are just 1 player. The devs have indicated that this is common feedback from vet players.

    They say things like "what our day one players forget is..." Etc. Casuals make up the majority of the playerbase. And they find Overland fine the way it is. Vet players are a minority, and as a group have the common complaint (that devs get a lot) that Overland is dull.

    Where have they said that all players with good dps don't enjoy overland as it is? Or that all players with good dps don't desire a relaxing experience while questing? Or that all players with a lot of time and experience can't also enjoy a casual playstyle?

    I am not the only veteran player who doesn't want a difficult overland. And I am a veteran player. I started playing in beta and was veteran rank and played completely through both Silver and Gold and even some Craglorn, and developed my characters who have become much more powerful. And I enjoy the relaxing experience I get when questing in overland.

    I don't think it's all vet players or that you have to be unskilled to enjoy Overland. I also enjoy Overland sometimes (sometimes not, as it can also be boring for me sometimes) and I know that my dps is better than average by a wide margin based off their explanation of companions. I just think that the veteran players as a whole are more likely to dislike Overland that not, based off prior dev commentary. I personally suspect that's due to the game being less action oriented when you have higher dps (like when I killed that troll I didn't get to take much action). But that doesn't meant that someone who likes Overland is unskilled. Lots of people enjoy more relaxed games.
  • summ0004
    The problem is also that many vet players will slowly move on from the game or have a hiatus, so less and less vet players will be around in overland over time.

    unless of course the game gives something new and exciting for this player base to do. This section of players do not enjoy overland due to the forced easy difficult, and as a result are not going to be buying chapters and overland DLC. Many players are not interested in trials or quickly get bored after they have done the same trial multiple times, so this also prices them out for purchasing chapters or subscribing beyond a certain period of time.

    So it seems the chapters and overland are mostly targeted at new players, who will buy the chapters and DLCs and play for a few months and then move on.

    This is a perfectly good business model from ZOS perspective as long as the new temporary players keep coming in, but the game will get stale after its had its 10th year long story chapter and eventually even newer players will lose interest as soon as the next viable alternative comes along.

  • Lysette
    One can play several games at a time, there is no reason to "move on" in this case, because there will always be more than enough content to play in ESO for someone not putting all eggs into the same basket. I think that a lot are doing it like this, for them ESO is not the only game they are playing - but as well not the game they are focusing on. A lot might have high CP, but not really that amount of power, like you describe veterans to have. I think ZOS should conduct an actual survey to get the opinion of their customers - forum posts are not representative - it would take a real survey to get these data.
    Edited by Lysette on June 14, 2022 1:23PM
  • TaSheen
    Lysette wrote: »
    One can play several games at a time, there is no reason to "move on" in this case, because there will always be more than enough content to play in ESO for someone not putting all eggs into the same basket. I think that a lot are doing it like this, for them ESO is not the only game they are playing - but as well not the game they are focusing on. A lot might have high CP, but not really that amount of power, like you describe veterans to have. I think ZOS should conduct an actual survey to get the opinion of their customers - forum posts are not representative - it would take a real survey to get these data.

    I'm an outlier there - I really can't play more than one game at a time (well, with ESO, I CAN also play other TES games) because if movement etc isn't the same which it usually won't be, I'm not really happy about changing processes. And in any case, there's nothing else out there right now I'd give room on my machine - my tastes are pretty set in stone, and the stuff out there currently doesn't fit me at all.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • LashanW
    So I actually started questing again on my questing guy, picking up where I left off in the Rift (after this and Craglorn I'd have done all the quests in base game).
    But this time I have a lot of my stats nerfed. This way I'm able to use a wide variety of offensive and defensive skills I like and my enemies are not dropping like flies in a second. I'm actually having fun. I never had major problems with story writing in base game zones, combat was the only thing stopping me from having fun. I actually really like some of the stories and NPCs I've met so far.

    Here's the nerfs I have chosen,
    • Blue CP tree completely removed. Green CP tree not changed. Red tree, only sustain stars slotted. No damage reduction stuff.
    • Attribute points removed.
    • No buff food and potions.
    • All passives that increases my damage or healing, removed (including weapon, armor and racial passives)
    • Steed mundus (as it does not increase my damage in any way, and I like to travel without my mount when I'm questing/exploring)
    • Non-optimal traits for weapons and armor (I mostly use "Invigorating" and "Decisive")
    • Mostly blue quality gear that are not very strong.
    • Critical attacks nullified (I'll explain how this was achieved)

    One thing I will not budge on is sustain. I really dislike heavy attacking in ESO and sustain issues in general. So I kept passives, CP and max quality enchantments that increase my magicka recovery. (magicka is my main resource)

    Nullifying crits
    Afaik it's impossible to reduce crit chance to zero (all characters have a base crit rate of 10%). But, it IS possible to reduce crit damage modifier to zero. All characters have a base crit damage modifier of 50%. So if you don't use any gear, passives, skills or CP stars that increase crit damage, that base amount of 50% is all you have. Now if you equip Malacath's ring ( https://eso-sets.com/set/malacaths-band-of-brutality ), your crit damage will drop to zero.
    This is pretty nice as it means it doesn't matter how high your crit rate becomes, there won't be extra damage. So you can use sets that has crit chance stats without issues. It also means you can use sets/skills that proc from crits. Because technically you still crit, they just do same damage as regular attacks.

    Skills, gear and CP I'm currently using,

    I chose Worm and Ebon sets mostly for cosmetic reasons. I LOVE the little blue and red balls floating around me. My guy's outfit is also red and blueish so I think it matches nicely. Also these 2 sets barely increases my damage output.

    With all this my dps is most of the time below 10k and I think have like 8-9k armor without major resolve.

    I actually came pretty close to dying in 2 occasions while questing in the Rift. Once was during a side quest near Ragged Hills wayshrine. Was going to stop a worm cult portal and it was spawning some nasty stuff. Exploding skeletons and a Bone Colossus that could do a lot of damage. And Mr. Big Bones here had more than 250k health.

    The other case was when I was fighting Thalik WormDaddy (leader of the worm cult in the Rift). He was doing a lot of damage with his basic attacks but luckily my 3 healing abilities were able to keep me alive.
    Here's a video of it,

    I really think customizable debuff sliders can solve many of the immersion problems of players like me and it shouldn't be costly at all to implement them like battlespirit. If this feature was available in the game I'd have bought High Isle chapter in a heartbeat. I hope ZoS will do something about this sooner than later.
    Edited by LashanW on June 14, 2022 3:39PM
    ---No longer active in ESO---
    Platform: PC-EU
    CP: 2500+
    Trial Achievements
    Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, vMoL no death

    Arena Achievements
    vMA Flawless, vVH Spirit Slayer

    DLC Dungeon Trifectas
    Scalecaller Peak, Fang Lair, Depths of Malatar, Icereach
  • Lysette
    LashanW wrote: »
    So I actually started questing again on my questing guy, picking up where I left off in the Rift (after this and Craglorn I'd have done all the quests in base game).
    But this time I have a lot of my stats nerfed. This way I'm able to use a wide variety of offensive and defensive skills I like and my enemies are not dropping like flies in a second. I'm actually having fun. I never had major problems with story writing in base game zones, combat was the only thing stopping me from having fun. I actually really like some of the stories and NPCs I've met so far.

    Here's the nerfs I have chosen,
    • Blue CP tree completely removed. Green CP tree not changed. Red tree, only sustain stars slotted. No damage reduction stuff.
    • Attribute points removed.
    • No buff food and potions.
    • All passives that increases my damage or healing, removed (including weapon, armor and racial passives)
    • Steed mundus (as it does not increase my damage in any way, and I like to travel without my mount when I'm questing/exploring)
    • Non-optimal traits for weapons and armor (I mostly use "Invigorating" and "Decisive")
    • Mostly blue quality gear that are not very strong.
    • Critical attacks nullified (I'll explain how this was achieved)

    One thing I will not budge on is sustain. I really dislike heavy attacking in ESO and sustain issues in general. So I kept passives, CP and max quality enchantments that increase my magicka recovery. (magicka is my main resource)

    Nullifying crits
    Afaik it's impossible to reduce crit chance to zero (all characters have a base crit rate of 10%). But, it IS possible to reduce crit damage modifier to zero. All characters have a base crit damage modifier of 50%. So if you don't use any gear, passives, skills or CP stars that increase crit damage, that base amount of 50% is all you have. Now if you equip Malacath's ring ( https://eso-sets.com/set/malacaths-band-of-brutality ), your crit damage will drop to zero.
    This is pretty nice as it means it doesn't matter how high your crit rate becomes, there won't be extra damage. So you can use sets that has crit chance stats without issues. It also means you can use sets/skills that proc from crits. Because technically you still crit, they just do same damage as regular attacks.

    Skills, gear and CP I'm currently using,

    I chose Worm and Ebon sets mostly for cosmetic reasons. I LOVE the little blue and red balls floating around me. My guy's outfit is also red and blueish so I think it matches nicely. Also these 2 sets barely increases my damage output.

    With all this my dps is most of the time below 10k and I think have like 8-9k armor without major resolve.

    I actually came pretty close to dying in 2 occasions while questing in the Rift. Once was during a side quest near Ragged Hills wayshrine. Was going to stop a worm cult portal and it was spawning some nasty stuff. Exploding skeletons and a Bone Colossus that could do a lot of damage. And Mr. Big Bones here had more than 250k health.

    The other case was when I was fighting Thalik WormDaddy (leader of the worm cult in the Rift). He was doing a lot of damage with his basic attacks but luckily my 3 healing abilities were able to keep me alive.
    Here's a video of it,

    I really think customizable debuff sliders can solve many of the immersion problems of players like me and it shouldn't be costly at all to implement them like battlespirit. If this feature was available in the game I'd have bought High Isle chapter in a heartbeat. I hope ZoS will do something about this sooner than later.

    That is awesome, @LashanW , I'm happy that you found something, which helps you enjoy the game again - in a way you got yourself on an ability-level which suits overland much better. I haven't seen the video yet, but I will watch it later. For now I just want to say, I appreciate that you put in the effort to find something what let's you enjoy the game whilst not being awkward (hm, that sounds misleading, I don't mean you as being awkward, but that your gameplay is likely not looking out of place, that I mean with not being awkward).
    Edited by Lysette on June 14, 2022 5:09PM
  • WiseSky
    LashanW wrote: »
    So I actually started questing again on my questing guy, picking up where I left off in the Rift (after this and Craglorn I'd have done all the quests in base game).
    But this time I have a lot of my stats nerfed. This way I'm able to use a wide variety of offensive and defensive skills I like and my enemies are not dropping like flies in a second. I'm actually having fun. I never had major problems with story writing in base game zones, combat was the only thing stopping me from having fun. I actually really like some of the stories and NPCs I've met so far.

    Here's the nerfs I have chosen,
    • Blue CP tree completely removed. Green CP tree not changed. Red tree, only sustain stars slotted. No damage reduction stuff.
    • Attribute points removed.
    • No buff food and potions.
    • All passives that increases my damage or healing, removed (including weapon, armor and racial passives)
    • Steed mundus (as it does not increase my damage in any way, and I like to travel without my mount when I'm questing/exploring)
    • Non-optimal traits for weapons and armor (I mostly use "Invigorating" and "Decisive")
    • Mostly blue quality gear that are not very strong.
    • Critical attacks nullified (I'll explain how this was achieved)

    One thing I will not budge on is sustain. I really dislike heavy attacking in ESO and sustain issues in general. So I kept passives, CP and max quality enchantments that increase my magicka recovery. (magicka is my main resource)

    Nullifying crits
    Afaik it's impossible to reduce crit chance to zero (all characters have a base crit rate of 10%). But, it IS possible to reduce crit damage modifier to zero. All characters have a base crit damage modifier of 50%. So if you don't use any gear, passives, skills or CP stars that increase crit damage, that base amount of 50% is all you have. Now if you equip Malacath's ring ( https://eso-sets.com/set/malacaths-band-of-brutality ), your crit damage will drop to zero.
    This is pretty nice as it means it doesn't matter how high your crit rate becomes, there won't be extra damage. So you can use sets that has crit chance stats without issues. It also means you can use sets/skills that proc from crits. Because technically you still crit, they just do same damage as regular attacks.

    Skills, gear and CP I'm currently using,

    I chose Worm and Ebon sets mostly for cosmetic reasons. I LOVE the little blue and red balls floating around me. My guy's outfit is also red and blueish so I think it matches nicely. Also these 2 sets barely increases my damage output.

    With all this my dps is most of the time below 10k and I think have like 8-9k armor without major resolve.

    I actually came pretty close to dying in 2 occasions while questing in the Rift. Once was during a side quest near Ragged Hills wayshrine. Was going to stop a worm cult portal and it was spawning some nasty stuff. Exploding skeletons and a Bone Colossus that could do a lot of damage. And Mr. Big Bones here had more than 250k health.

    The other case was when I was fighting Thalik WormDaddy (leader of the worm cult in the Rift). He was doing a lot of damage with his basic attacks but luckily my 3 healing abilities were able to keep me alive.
    Here's a video of it,

    I really think customizable debuff sliders can solve many of the immersion problems of players like me and it shouldn't be costly at all to implement them like battlespirit. If this feature was available in the game I'd have bought High Isle chapter in a heartbeat. I hope ZoS will do something about this sooner than later.

    Loved reading your reply, I posted it on the self-imposed-gameplay-conditions-the-rp-addon-in-your-head forum thread in Role playing section/p1
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
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