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Feb 15 Cyrodiil Test Details

  • VaranisArano
    Ilbirs wrote: »
    Please crate a separate Cyrodiil campaign for the tests and let those, who like to play without proc sets, have all the joy and fun in this campaign.

    That's part of the work we're currently doing for U31. We'll make it so certain campaigns can allow proc sets or not (including IC and BGs) and we can also better fine tune the existing item sets. At this time, proc sets are an all-or-nothing deal for all Cyrodiil campaigns.

    As for those asking about console, we don't have a date yet when this will be implemented but you can expect to see what PC currently has, including the current list of item sets that are not affected (listed on page 1 of this thread).

    While this is good to know, I am befuddled by the decision to go ahead with the all-or-nothing approach now, when you already know you plan on adding proc sets back into certain campaigns.

    I appreciate that it sounds like the possibility for proc/no-proc wasn't something that was made toggleable for different campaign rulesets the way CP and faction lock was.

    However, is there a good reason why we're jumping ship to a fully no-proc Cyrodiil now instead of waiting until you've got the no-proc campaigns ready to roll out?

    Was the player feedback in favor of no-proc gameplay really that overwhelming?

    I'd considered whether or not this was ZOS trying to address the ability of ball grouos to stack proc sets, but if we're bringing back proc campaigns, it can't be that.

    All I can say is that it's going to be really interesting seeing whether the proc or no-proc campaign really is the most popular!
  • techyeshic
    Ilbirs wrote: »
    Please crate a separate Cyrodiil campaign for the tests and let those, who like to play without proc sets, have all the joy and fun in this campaign.

    That's part of the work we're currently doing for U31. We'll make it so certain campaigns can allow proc sets or not (including IC and BGs) and we can also better fine tune the existing item sets. At this time, proc sets are an all-or-nothing deal for all Cyrodiil campaigns.

    As for those asking about console, we don't have a date yet when this will be implemented but you can expect to see what PC currently has, including the current list of item sets that are not affected (listed on page 1 of this thread).

    I feel like this is a lot of work that will ultimately just force the community to pick a lesser of 2 evils until maybe one wins out being more populated than the other when all you really have to do is balance some of the proc sets and mechanics.
  • Kingsman1995
    Ilbirs wrote: »
    Please crate a separate Cyrodiil campaign for the tests and let those, who like to play without proc sets, have all the joy and fun in this campaign.

    That's part of the work we're currently doing for U31. We'll make it so certain campaigns can allow proc sets or not (including IC and BGs) and we can also better fine tune the existing item sets. At this time, proc sets are an all-or-nothing deal for all Cyrodiil campaigns.

    As for those asking about console, we don't have a date yet when this will be implemented but you can expect to see what PC currently has, including the current list of item sets that are not affected (listed on page 1 of this thread).

    Based on this forum's replies and the poll that's been done after the Fridays announcement. I think evidence suggests ZOS has made the incorrect decision to turn off procs till Q3. This has angered so many people. All the effort player's who mostly PVP like myself, put into the game has been basically wasted. Testing sets to fit our play styles, hours upon hours of grinding sets and money we spend to get the sets has been thrown back in our faces.

    ZOS has known some people don't like procs for while now. Why hasn't ZOS added a no proc campaign already? It can be done and easily by the looks of it.Not only have you angered so many player's your going to lose thousands of pounds/dollars in money. [snip] Why not keep the status quo instead of going back? Cyrodiil is more laggy and the fights are so predictable and boring.

    This decision is forcing players to look for alternative games. Solo players and PVP guilds are disbanding "Apparently" so sort this mess out before you lose players for good.

    I've never commented on a eso forum in my life but I cared enough to do so twice on this forum. Please do not go ahead with this No Proc decision it's making people leave the game. We should be going forwards not backwards.

    Also like to note this was only suppose to be a a 3 week test and not 6 months. Many people in the eso community also feel lied to.

    [Edited to remove Bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 7, 2021 6:35PM
  • Lantivirus
    Very frustrating to have specifically paid for Greymoor to get the stupid snow treaders (which were obvi implemented for cyro play xD) just to now be told we can't use them for six months. Do better ZOS. Seriously, what are you doing?
  • cyclonus11
    So when will you be updating all of those "PVP" AP sets in Cyro so that they actually work in the intended area?
  • Siuansong
    Ilbirs wrote: »
    Please crate a separate Cyrodiil campaign for the tests and let those, who like to play without proc sets, have all the joy and fun in this campaign.

    That's part of the work we're currently doing for U31. We'll make it so certain campaigns can allow proc sets or not (including IC and BGs) and we can also better fine tune the existing item sets. At this time, proc sets are an all-or-nothing deal for all Cyrodiil campaigns.

    As for those asking about console, we don't have a date yet when this will be implemented but you can expect to see what PC currently has, including the current list of item sets that are not affected (listed on page 1 of this thread).


    Hope creating 2 more pvp "styles" will help the balance team guys with the balancing when they are already struggling with the existing 2 (CP, NO-CP). Im sorry but i dont feel diversifying the pvp more would be a good choice.

    Hopefully you guys actually mean to get rid of no-cp campaigns with the rework of cp system (they are dead everywhere besides EU anyway) and then try to balance the game just around CP, CP no-proc.

    As part of a noncp cyro guild, have to disagree with you on the statement about noncp being dead. Additionally, with the cp rework that raises cp cap substantially, think it would be unwise to close the campaign that allows those who are newer to the game to play before hitting the needed cp for the cp campaign.
  • Kingsman1995
    Ringod123 wrote: »
    [Quoted post was removed]

    I don't think it's cool call out deltia like that mate. He gives and gave so much to the eso community with his guides and streams/videos. His guides have certainly helped me over the years.

    But and a very big BUT if that was the case then ZOS has to recognize he doesn't represent the millions of players that play the game and listen to the community as a hole not popular individuals.
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 7, 2021 7:00PM
  • xaraan
    Waiting most of the year for fixes that should be in before 'no proc' becomes a thing is unacceptable IMO.

    Aside from wildly out of balance gameplay because classes are not well balanced (some have burst to simulate what a proc would do, some don't. And some have abilities to choose when to fight and leave combat at will.) there are countless sets that should be working and are not procs that don't. It was ok to let that fly for a test, but not as an ongoing thing with plans to fix it eventually.

    So you are going to make 90%+ of the sets worthless in the game for most of the year (that includes pve, jumps to 95%+ if we are just talking pvp), which crashes that part of the economy, forces people to craft and upgrade sets that may be temporarily useful, destroys all the sets and builds anyone recently put together from before the test, all for a broken test?

    You've also, once again, destroyed trust with players as we've learned the "Just Tests" that we shouldn't worry about were all lies and you guys could roll out some half thought out concept you were "just testing" at any moment.

    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • The Uninvited
    The Uninvited
    Ilbirs wrote: »
    Please crate a separate Cyrodiil campaign for the tests and let those, who like to play without proc sets, have all the joy and fun in this campaign.

    That's part of the work we're currently doing for U31. We'll make it so certain campaigns can allow proc sets or not (including IC and BGs) and we can also better fine tune the existing item sets. At this time, proc sets are an all-or-nothing deal for all Cyrodiil campaigns.

    As for those asking about console, we don't have a date yet when this will be implemented but you can expect to see what PC currently has, including the current list of item sets that are not affected (listed on page 1 of this thread).

    Then why not go the other way around? Enable proc-sets again for 6 months and then introduce a no-proc campaign?
    Pandora's Promise (rip) | LND | Pactriotic | IKnowWhatUDidLastWinter's | The Uninvited |

    Ride the paranoia | All life is pain | Only the grave is real
  • Faded
    All I can say is that it's going to be really interesting seeing whether the proc or no-proc campaign really is the most popular!

    Easy. It'll be proc, for the same reason it's CP: lowest effort* = highest population. It also seems like a significant chunk of players in Cyro at any moment are only there to farm their monthly 50. Highest population is quickest AP, and who cares what the ruleset is.

    I doubt even this move, which is promising in a theoretical sense, will draw back much of the PVP population they've lost over years. Performance is still the real problem.

    * Not necessarily an insult. CP and proc sets are baseline for PVE; a different baseline for PVP adds an extra layer of effort.
  • orion_1981usub17_ESO
    Get out those tin hats folks, we're moving into conspiracy territories now.

    You know it's not hard to find many different videos beyond just one guy that also said no proc was the most fun they had. Because no proc is more fun for everyone in a more evenly distributed manner. And the pro proc community only went into panic mode when they realized their crutch sets got taken away for the good of everyone else's fun.
  • Gilvoth
    Edited by Gilvoth on March 10, 2021 7:32PM
  • Capsaica
    Ilbirs wrote: »
    Please crate a separate Cyrodiil campaign for the tests and let those, who like to play without proc sets, have all the joy and fun in this campaign.

    That's part of the work we're currently doing for U31. We'll make it so certain campaigns can allow proc sets or not (including IC and BGs) and we can also better fine tune the existing item sets. At this time, proc sets are an all-or-nothing deal for all Cyrodiil campaigns.

    As for those asking about console, we don't have a date yet when this will be implemented but you can expect to see what PC currently has, including the current list of item sets that are not affected (listed on page 1 of this thread).

    A warning of some sort that you were going to completely and deliberately destroy the value of the content that we purchase and have purchased for 7 years would have only been polite. I can't even think of a situation with any other business to compare this to.

    I don't like the proc set meta. That being said, that is poor game design, not a fault of your players. Instead of listening to feedback on the PTS (the place where testing is voluntary and actually supposed to happen), you roll out sets that are considered cancerous in PvP. Instead of sticking to the parameters of your test (PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS), you decide yet again to implement a change that deprives PvP players of 95% of the gear sets in the game for which we have paid a lot of money over many years for access through DLCs and chapters.

    I like PvE content. I spend perhaps 5-10% of my time doing it. PvP in Cyrodiil is my preferred end-game content. You propose a sleep-inducing meta of never changing group comp and gear, where I cannot even use the content I have paid for.

    I am sincerely regretting my pre-purchase of Blackwood and feel that this action being taken is blatant false advertising. This is the first time in 7 years that I am considering dropping my subscription, requesting a refund of my pre-purchase and going somewhere else that actually values it's customers.

    If proc sets being disabled made a positive improvement on performance, I'd be right there with you. It did not. In some cases, it was worse. Please don't implement yet another sweeping change that will devastate your PvP population even more. You lost so many healers with the group size and healing outside of group changes - even after rolling back the healing change - you can't afford to lose the rest of us. Or perhaps you can and you'd just rather kill off the PvP population - I think you'll find that your most avid players are found there and losing them will lose you a lot of money - but perhaps you'll have the casual player base that you prefer then.
  • PetrKerosinOlej
    Soul Shriven
    Siuansong wrote: »
    Ilbirs wrote: »
    Please crate a separate Cyrodiil campaign for the tests and let those, who like to play without proc sets, have all the joy and fun in this campaign.

    That's part of the work we're currently doing for U31. We'll make it so certain campaigns can allow proc sets or not (including IC and BGs) and we can also better fine tune the existing item sets. At this time, proc sets are an all-or-nothing deal for all Cyrodiil campaigns.

    As for those asking about console, we don't have a date yet when this will be implemented but you can expect to see what PC currently has, including the current list of item sets that are not affected (listed on page 1 of this thread).


    Hope creating 2 more pvp "styles" will help the balance team guys with the balancing when they are already struggling with the existing 2 (CP, NO-CP). Im sorry but i dont feel diversifying the pvp more would be a good choice.

    Hopefully you guys actually mean to get rid of no-cp campaigns with the rework of cp system (they are dead everywhere besides EU anyway) and then try to balance the game just around CP, CP no-proc.

    As part of a noncp cyro guild, have to disagree with you on the statement about noncp being dead. Additionally, with the cp rework that raises cp cap substantially, think it would be unwise to close the campaign that allows those who are newer to the game to play before hitting the needed cp for the cp campaign.

    Well im part of no-cp guild on EU and funny enough i dont play anything else beside no-cp really but to my understanding the no-cp is pretty much dead on all other platforms and PC servers besides EU.

    I would have nothing against it if it was the other way around (disabling the cp in pvp and have pvp purely no cp), but if we consider the other platforms then the no-cp pvp players are just small minority + now the new cp rework that has been awaited for years. So i dont really see it the otherway around atleast not at the moment.

    If you look how some other MMOS take on this problem they just scale up the low lvl players so they are on even playing ground with the rest. In this case it can be done for example just from top of my head by scalling all the player to same CP cap.
    Edited by PetrKerosinOlej on March 7, 2021 6:10PM
  • Aquatorch
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Bring back the proc sets in Cyrodiil! I've paid good money and spent hundreds of hours running all that stupid hard-mode PvE content just to get the gear! Bring back what I've worked for!
  • MrTtheDK
    Ilbirs wrote: »
    Please crate a separate Cyrodiil campaign for the tests and let those, who like to play without proc sets, have all the joy and fun in this campaign.

    That's part of the work we're currently doing for U31. We'll make it so certain campaigns can allow proc sets or not (including IC and BGs) and we can also better fine tune the existing item sets. At this time, proc sets are an all-or-nothing deal for all Cyrodiil campaigns.

    As for those asking about console, we don't have a date yet when this will be implemented but you can expect to see what PC currently has, including the current list of item sets that are not affected (listed on page 1 of this thread).

    Hey Gina. For what it is worth, I do not find the changes to be very fun in terms of how limiting it is for build creation. Just my thoughts, but if the change was the normal "proc" sets like things like unfathomable or Overwhelming that would be one thing but as it sits it includes conditional sets like alteration or new moon; there just isnt enough there for diversity. I also think calling those conditional sets "Proc sets" was an incredibly confusing way of calling out sets. Conditional sets is a lot easier way to explain it since most players dont think of conditional non-damage sets to be "proc" sets. It feels like Cyro has gone five years back in terms of content and build creation for next few months. On a side note I hope you have a great day/weekend.
    DC- Diablo Azul , Mr T

    Alts: Nerf Something or Another

    Guild: - Imperial City Police
    RIP Guilds: Purple, WKB, Eight Divines, Rage, What Mechanics, Entropy Rising
    Game: @TalosSeptim
  • Gilvoth
    Ringod123 wrote: »

    I don't think it's cool call out deltia like that mate. He gives and gave so much to the eso community with his guides and streams/videos. His guides have certainly helped me over the years.

    But and a very big BUT if that was the case then ZOS has to recognize he doesn't represent the millions of players that play the game and listen to the community as a hole not popular individuals.

    Oh i'm not calling Deltia out at all, everyone is welcome to their own opinion and I didn't really disagree with anything he had to say, but when it's so obvious the dev's used this one video to make one of the biggest sweeping changes to the game and keep it in place for 6 months, that's what i'm calling out.

    well said.
    i agree with you, it does seem to be the truth.
    i believe this decision was in haste and not completely thought out
    by the dev team.
    Edited by Gilvoth on March 7, 2021 7:15PM
  • Aquatorch
    @ZOS_GinaBruno This is what you've done by enforcing the "No Proc Set" in Cyrodiil.

    Everyone is just either an unkillable stamina toon or a shield stacking magicka Sorc. There is zero diversity and there are no other magicka toons running anymore.

    This is not a "one-off" fight either. Every single fight out there is just like this unless it's a zerg.
  • Demonhunter
    I still believe this all started when ball groups were or is unstoppable, lately i haven't seen any like in 2018-2019. Ball groups shouldn't be GODS and immortal, this has to do with proc sets for sure. So yes, please review proc sets but don't eliminate them from the game altogether , as for separate campaigns with procs or not , i hope it won't be there permanently either but for now i guess have fun with it.
    Edited by Demonhunter on March 7, 2021 7:26PM
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Ilbirs wrote: »
    Please crate a separate Cyrodiil campaign for the tests and let those, who like to play without proc sets, have all the joy and fun in this campaign.

    That's part of the work we're currently doing for U31. We'll make it so certain campaigns can allow proc sets or not (including IC and BGs) and we can also better fine tune the existing item sets. At this time, proc sets are an all-or-nothing deal for all Cyrodiil campaigns.

    As for those asking about console, we don't have a date yet when this will be implemented but you can expect to see what PC currently has, including the current list of item sets that are not affected (listed on page 1 of this thread).

    With respect, this is not an acceptable solution.

    It would take only modest effort to simply copy-paste the current rule-set (e.g. banned "procs") into two new campaigns while leaving the main campaigns as you found them. Then you could work on refactoring the various flavors of "proc" sets in the new campaigns at your leisure and everyone else could carry on as before. Everybody wins in that scenario and nobody loses anything.

    Failing that, it must be pointed out that you have conducted what amounts to nearly definitional bait-and-switch upon the PvP player base, as you sold the "proc test" very explicitly as a performance test and not as a referendum on its gameplay.

    I, and nearly everyone that I know in the PvP community, did not even leave feedback because that would have been answering a question that had not actually been posed to us. It was self-evident that performance was not materially improved during the test, so what was there to be said by way of feedback? Had anyone actually known the truth, that the future of Cyrodiil was, horrifyingly, on the table, you can be certain that your received feedback would have been scathing.

    Further, this is an astoundingly unsound business decision. You, as a company, are in the business of selling content - new DLCs, new Chapters, Crown Store items - yet, with this single odd fiat, you are literally instructing your PvP customers not to buy your products because they will not work in the content that they play.

    So, there we have it. Please reconsider this flawed approach. There is a better way forward you have but to take it.
  • techyeshic
    Aquatorch wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno This is what you've done by enforcing the "No Proc Set" in Cyrodiil.

    Everyone is just either an unkillable stamina toon or a shield stacking magicka Sorc. There is zero diversity and there are no other magicka toons running anymore.

    This is not a "one-off" fight either. Every single fight out there is just like this unless it's a zerg.

    If you are stacking near 40k health, you really shouldn't be doing that much damage. Thats the problem with procs. You all got used to running like that and letting the sets do the damage. Maybe its just me, but I dont see Rally get a timer. Are you hitting it? Its a substantial weapon damage buff. Are you just using dizzy for an off balance and stun and heavy attacking in between?
    Edited by techyeshic on March 7, 2021 7:41PM
  • Aquatorch
    techyeshic wrote: »
    Aquatorch wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno This is what you've done by enforcing the "No Proc Set" in Cyrodiil.

    Everyone is just either an unkillable stamina toon or a shield stacking magicka Sorc. There is zero diversity and there are no other magicka toons running anymore.

    This is not a "one-off" fight either. Every single fight out there is just like this unless it's a zerg.

    If you are stacking near 40k health, you really shouldn't be doing that much damage. Thats the problem with procs. You all got used to running like that and letting the sets do the damage. Maybe its just me, but I dont see Rally get a timer. Are you hitting it? Its a substantial weapon damage buff. Are you just using dizzy for an off balance and stun and heavy attacking in between?

    So your [snip] solution to the no proc stupidness is that we should all just willingly wear 7 light divines armor and walk around with 20k health? 95% of the few remaining folks still fighting in Cyrodiil now are straight unkillable stamina tanks with 35k+ health and your statement doesn't change that fact.

    [Edited for Baiting]
    Edited by Psiion on March 7, 2021 10:14PM
  • Siuansong
    Siuansong wrote: »
    Ilbirs wrote: »
    Please crate a separate Cyrodiil campaign for the tests and let those, who like to play without proc sets, have all the joy and fun in this campaign.

    That's part of the work we're currently doing for U31. We'll make it so certain campaigns can allow proc sets or not (including IC and BGs) and we can also better fine tune the existing item sets. At this time, proc sets are an all-or-nothing deal for all Cyrodiil campaigns.

    As for those asking about console, we don't have a date yet when this will be implemented but you can expect to see what PC currently has, including the current list of item sets that are not affected (listed on page 1 of this thread).


    Hope creating 2 more pvp "styles" will help the balance team guys with the balancing when they are already struggling with the existing 2 (CP, NO-CP). Im sorry but i dont feel diversifying the pvp more would be a good choice.

    Hopefully you guys actually mean to get rid of no-cp campaigns with the rework of cp system (they are dead everywhere besides EU anyway) and then try to balance the game just around CP, CP no-proc.

    As part of a noncp cyro guild, have to disagree with you on the statement about noncp being dead. Additionally, with the cp rework that raises cp cap substantially, think it would be unwise to close the campaign that allows those who are newer to the game to play before hitting the needed cp for the cp campaign.

    Well im part of no-cp guild on EU and funny enough i dont play anything else beside no-cp really but to my understanding the no-cp is pretty much dead on all other platforms and PC servers besides EU.

    I would have nothing against it if it was the other way around (disabling the cp in pvp and have pvp purely no cp), but if we consider the other platforms then the no-cp pvp players are just small minority + now the new cp rework that has been awaited for years. So i dont really see it the otherway around atleast not at the moment.

    If you look how some other MMOS take on this problem they just scale up the low lvl players so they are on even playing ground with the rest. In this case it can be done for example just from top of my head by scalling all the player to same CP cap.

    I failed to clarify. I play pc NA noncp :) Especially as lag increases in cp... we are seeing more and more people in noncp adding to our already active population.
  • techyeshic
    Aquatorch wrote: »
    techyeshic wrote: »
    Aquatorch wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno This is what you've done by enforcing the "No Proc Set" in Cyrodiil.

    Everyone is just either an unkillable stamina toon or a shield stacking magicka Sorc. There is zero diversity and there are no other magicka toons running anymore.

    This is not a "one-off" fight either. Every single fight out there is just like this unless it's a zerg.

    If you are stacking near 40k health, you really shouldn't be doing that much damage. Thats the problem with procs. You all got used to running like that and letting the sets do the damage. Maybe its just me, but I dont see Rally get a timer. Are you hitting it? Its a substantial weapon damage buff. Are you just using dizzy for an off balance and stun and heavy attacking in between?

    So your [snip] solution to the no proc stupidness is that we should all just willingly wear 7 light divines armor and walk around with 20k health? 95% of the few remaining folks still fighting in Cyrodiil now are straight unkillable stamina tanks with 35k+ health and your statement doesn't change that fact.

    [Edited for Baiting]

    That's a big leap. I kill all kinds of people and I run 26-27k health. Near armor cap and all impen. I survive very well. I'm saying, maybe less health, more stam/mag and weapon/spell damage and use your abilities. That's all. We did it for years here
    Edited by Psiion on March 7, 2021 10:14PM
  • J18696
    Ilbirs wrote: »
    Please crate a separate Cyrodiil campaign for the tests and let those, who like to play without proc sets, have all the joy and fun in this campaign.

    That's part of the work we're currently doing for U31. We'll make it so certain campaigns can allow proc sets or not (including IC and BGs) and we can also better fine tune the existing item sets. At this time, proc sets are an all-or-nothing deal for all Cyrodiil campaigns.

    As for those asking about console, we don't have a date yet when this will be implemented but you can expect to see what PC currently has, including the current list of item sets that are not affected (listed on page 1 of this thread).

    If the procs are a all or nothing deal currently i think its a safe bet that majority of the community would rather have you allow all sets till Q3 then after you have the code in place for it make properly done no proc campaigns not allow a more laggy 18 set only cyro for 6 months that everyone has no option but to play in
    PC NA Server
    Pridē - Dragonknight
    Vanıty - Arcanist
  • Aerenthir
    @ZOS_GinaBruno I have a quesiton, which probably will be ignored but still feel the need to ask.

    Enjoyment and theory crafting aside, have you considered other aspects when taking this decision?

    I am talking about how Golden Vendor will become completely useless for the next 6 months, since almost no one will bother to spend their AP to buy jewelry and unusable monster sets.

    Other issue i see is how this will impact economy. A lot of people buy the jewelry from the Golden Vendor and sell them for a good amount of gold. With this decision, i hope you realize that you are taking this away from people for the next 6 months, cutting a significant amount of gold income. Also the Rewards of the worthy sometimes give items from sets that can be sold. That will also be gone.

    And finally transmutation crystalls. Unfortunately in PvE there's not enough diversity to have the need to use a lot of those unlike PvP where people tried different sets, combinations etc. and those things were used quite a lot. Now that will also be gone and crystalls will pile up unused.
    Edited by Aerenthir on March 7, 2021 8:46PM
  • Gilvoth
    techyeshic wrote: »
    Aquatorch wrote: »
    techyeshic wrote: »
    Aquatorch wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno This is what you've done by enforcing the "No Proc Set" in Cyrodiil.

    Everyone is just either an unkillable stamina toon or a shield stacking magicka Sorc. There is zero diversity and there are no other magicka toons running anymore.

    This is not a "one-off" fight either. Every single fight out there is just like this unless it's a zerg.

    If you are stacking near 40k health, you really shouldn't be doing that much damage. Thats the problem with procs. You all got used to running like that and letting the sets do the damage. Maybe its just me, but I dont see Rally get a timer. Are you hitting it? Its a substantial weapon damage buff. Are you just using dizzy for an off balance and stun and heavy attacking in between?

    So your [snip] solution to the no proc stupidness is that we should all just willingly wear 7 light divines armor and walk around with 20k health? 95% of the few remaining folks still fighting in Cyrodiil now are straight unkillable stamina tanks with 35k+ health and your statement doesn't change that fact.

    [Edited for Baiting]

    That's a big leap. I kill all kinds of people and I run 26-27k health. Near armor cap and all impen. I survive very well. I'm saying, maybe less health, more stam/mag and weapon/spell damage and use your abilities. That's all. We did it for years here

    thats not from proc sets, and it is also not from skill.
    what you are describing is a failure in class balances.
    Edited by Psiion on March 7, 2021 10:14PM
  • techyeshic
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    techyeshic wrote: »
    Aquatorch wrote: »
    techyeshic wrote: »
    Aquatorch wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno This is what you've done by enforcing the "No Proc Set" in Cyrodiil.

    Everyone is just either an unkillable stamina toon or a shield stacking magicka Sorc. There is zero diversity and there are no other magicka toons running anymore.

    This is not a "one-off" fight either. Every single fight out there is just like this unless it's a zerg.

    If you are stacking near 40k health, you really shouldn't be doing that much damage. Thats the problem with procs. You all got used to running like that and letting the sets do the damage. Maybe its just me, but I dont see Rally get a timer. Are you hitting it? Its a substantial weapon damage buff. Are you just using dizzy for an off balance and stun and heavy attacking in between?

    So your [snip] solution to the no proc stupidness is that we should all just willingly wear 7 light divines armor and walk around with 20k health? 95% of the few remaining folks still fighting in Cyrodiil now are straight unkillable stamina tanks with 35k+ health and your statement doesn't change that fact.

    [Edited for Baiting]

    That's a big leap. I kill all kinds of people and I run 26-27k health. Near armor cap and all impen. I survive very well. I'm saying, maybe less health, more stam/mag and weapon/spell damage and use your abilities. That's all. We did it for years here

    thats not from proc sets, and it is also not from skill.
    what you are describing is a failure in class balances.

    Sorry. Not sure I follow what you mean.
    Edited by Psiion on March 7, 2021 10:15PM
  • Australien
    Please allow us to use proc sets, the current list of 'approved' sets is far too narrow.
  • UntouchableHunter
    Ilbirs wrote: »
    Please crate a separate Cyrodiil campaign for the tests and let those, who like to play without proc sets, have all the joy and fun in this campaign.

    That's part of the work we're currently doing for U31. We'll make it so certain campaigns can allow proc sets or not (including IC and BGs) and we can also better fine tune the existing item sets. At this time, proc sets are an all-or-nothing deal for all Cyrodiil campaigns.

    As for those asking about console, we don't have a date yet when this will be implemented but you can expect to see what PC currently has, including the current list of item sets that are not affected (listed on page 1 of this thread).

    You just saw how upset the community is after this decision.

    And you guys decide to just ignore us?


    You can make everybody happy just put a campagn with proc sets and another without proc sets.

    You can do this really easy.

    How much do you guys wana pay for keep this disastrous decision?.

    Do you wana wait us cancel our plus?
    We have two big new mmorpg coming this year. Do you will wait we run to them and don't turn back?

    A really small and bad decision will cost millions of dollars. Can't you see that?

    I really don't understand how you guys can keep a decision that is making the community unhappy and will make the company loss money.

    You still have time, I didn't bought the dlc yet, and if you keep this decision I won't buy and I will cancel my plus and 90% of my friends are going to do the same.
    Edited by UntouchableHunter on March 7, 2021 9:14PM
This discussion has been closed.