Though it's been a while, I've done respects with on going research. The counter counts down, but I believe the system tracks days of research total. So say you have 29 days researching a 9th trait when the update drops. Two days later you reapply the points to cap to 30 days. With 31 days researched, it should complete right then and there.Possibly dumb question, but if this full respec sets us all back to zero (which I can't quite tell if that is what's going to happen), what's that going to ongoing research if the various research passives get set back to zero?
When you push the patch, can you make it so that Chapter tutorials dont give a skillpoint? It has been since Morrowind (2017) that characters created prior to owning a chapter have reported missing a skillpoint, since chapter tutorials give out a skillpoint, and characters created after owning a chapter can also do the original Soul Shrivren in Coldharbour tutorial for another skillpoint. That option isn't available for pre-chapter characters. Remove the skillpoint from the Chapter tutorials, or give all pre-chapter characters that skillpoint.
Possibly dumb question, but if this full respec sets us all back to zero (which I can't quite tell if that is what's going to happen), what's that going to ongoing research if the various research passives get set back to zero?
When you push the patch, can you make it so that Chapter tutorials dont give a skillpoint? It has been since Morrowind (2017) that characters created prior to owning a chapter have reported missing a skillpoint, since chapter tutorials give out a skillpoint, and characters created after owning a chapter can also do the original Soul Shrivren in Coldharbour tutorial for another skillpoint. That option isn't available for pre-chapter characters. Remove the skillpoint from the Chapter tutorials, or give all pre-chapter characters that skillpoint.
LuxanQualta wrote: »For months half of my 35 characters on two accounts have been broken because they were WW and lost all their morphs as well as all the skill points. Now the fix is to take away more points, force me to spend the better part of a year earning the skill points back on broken characters, go through an arduous process of documenting and reallocating 200 to 300 skill points per character, and still have to re-earn the morphs on my WW characters. This is simply too much for me.
So far as I know, I never got unearned SP - I tracked my own progress. If I am to lose SP that I am pretty sure I earned, that seems like a penalty to players because the dev team made mistakes along the way. In such a case the right answer would be to start off every when a base of 25 SP to put everyone on the same footing and then adjust the system so that nobody ends up getting seriously hurt by this attempted fix.
If it turns out that I am supposed to spend weeks rebuilding my characters and months earning SP that I thought I had legitimately earned, then how would I have time to enjoy the next year's new content? Or any events? Or even the game itself? Seriously, this is a real game-breaker!!
As to the pet - I don't need another pet and it in no way comes remotely close to being a reward for putting up with this kind of nonsense.
I started playing with the Beta and have been a steadfast and loyal customer for all those years. This is my reward? Having to rebuild every character and re-earn skill points while playing with broken builds and missing the new fun stuff because I am paying for developer mistakes?
Please give this a rethink folks.
DewiMorgan wrote: »
Good question.
I assume the timers will switch to max time until we re-spend the points... but for the extra training slots, do they cancel (so we need to find another training item?), or just freeze until re-unlocked again?
If it's the former, if the training items in those slots are "forgotten", then that could be VERY pricey for people like my wife, who's currently training all her alts on nirnhoned and triune!
Definitely something for us to test on PTS, if there's a way to test it, there.
TheImperfect wrote: »I'm not looking forward to all that skill training again.
TheImperfect wrote: »I'm not looking forward to all that skill training again.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
You don’t lose skill progress that you’ve already done, @TheImperfect.
Skill points will simply be refunded for free when Update 29 drops ... same as if you were at a respec shrine.
When you reallocate the skill points, progress will be re-instated (same as during respec).
TheImperfect wrote: »
OK thank you, I'm much relieved, some of them take an incredibly long time.
driosketch wrote: »
You say that, but as you're going through putting points you decide on the unstable wall morph instead, and now you have to level it...
I can't speak to whether this applies to console, but consoles definitely are on Update 28. Each major patch since launch has been given both a version number and an "Update #" number.For clarity's sake, @ZOS_GinaBruno - is this a PC/Mac only issue? We console players are not on something called "Update 28" (our versions are named differently) so I do not want to assume that any of this applies to us.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
It is possible to do your own "audit" of skill points on Live for tracking purposes, @Pyr0xyrecuprotite.
Head to the respec shrine and see how much gold it costs ... then divide the total by 50 (the amount of gold per skill point).
Then compare that total to the Ulrich's skill point add-on (or whatever add-on you use to keep track).
I don't think Ulrich's has been updated for Markarth yet. Just an FYI when doing a comparison.
Is this exact value?
I checked Ulrich's am supposed to have 428 Skill Points. Donation screen shows 21400/50 = 428.
But the skill points I get back on manual clearing or pressing 'X' to clear all is 427. My Soul Trap skill was reset.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
Excellent, @kirgeo.
My best suggestion is to keep a screenshot of this data handy for late February when the patch drops for Update 29.
If you don’t get back 428 skill points after the patch update, you have the screenshot for an Online Support ticket for ZOS.
Well.... I am both relieved and terrifiedI am cp1600+ and I feel like a likely candidate for having extra skillpoints. I hope after months of fighting to get 4 skill points back I dont end up losing 10
Still, glad you got it figured. Hope the refunding/removal goes well and everyone ends up with what they are supposed yo have.
The way it looks to me, if you didn't unlock any of the zone skillpoints from the crown store, you shouldn't have any extra points.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The amount of extraneous skill points we remove will range from 0 all the way up to 25, depending on skill allocation when these refunds were performed.
SirBedevere wrote: »
Hi @ZOS_GinaBruno. Is there any way for us to know ahead of time how many points will be removed? I am seeing a 31 point discrepancy between the skill point total calculated by taking the respec cost divided by 50g (80) vs. the value indicated in the respec screen when doing a full respec (111).
Edit: Never mind about the discrepancy. I'm an idiot. I forgot that I had 31 points unassigned on this character still.
In any case, my original question still stands.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
ZOS found the root cause for the skill points issue and has a solution ... which will help every single affected player and put everyone on even ground.
Why on earth would this need a "rethink"?
the1andonlyskwex wrote: »
The original post talks about "Champion skills" and "Champion Points", and doesn't say anything about the crown store.
Based on that, it seems like this issue is more likely to affect players who have been high CP for a long time, regardless of any crown store purchases.
What's confusing for me is how she says champion points purchased, which is why I think it's crown store related. Since champion points are earned and not purchased.