Vateshran Hollows doesn't have a skill point as far as I know. If you are on PC recommend using the skill point finder addon. It has Reach update in the comments section.
LadyDestiny wrote: »So I was gone during greymore when they had the vamp update. I just came back to the game and noticed all those skill points were reset, but did not get them back. Are you saying update 29 will correct this then and I will get them back?
As far as I understood from the opening post, nobody will be gaining any skillpoints out of this. From what I read, it sounded like if you are still missing any points, its because you had at least that many skillpoints extra from this "bug". So if you remorphed soul trap or werewolf 10 times for whatever reason when it was bugged, and those 10 points were not given back in any of the updates after the bug was found, its because you had at least 10 extra skill points.
It sounds fishy to me, considering I started playing a new character in October right before this all started, and only got her to level 50 around mid-November, with barely 100 skillpoints by the time these skill point bugs made me quit, and I re-morphed once before learning it was a bug (so I'm down 1 from soul trap and 2 from werewolf) and got none back. So apparently, on a month old character with barely any skill points, and spending them the absolute second I get them cause I'm trying to make a legitimate build, I'm being told I somehow just didn't notice magically gaining at least 3 extra skillpoints while leveling up.
As far as I understood from the opening post, nobody will be gaining any skillpoints out of this. From what I read, it sounded like if you are still missing any points, its because you had at least that many skillpoints extra from this "bug". So if you remorphed soul trap or werewolf 10 times for whatever reason when it was bugged, and those 10 points were not given back in any of the updates after the bug was found, its because you had at least 10 extra skill points.
It sounds fishy to me, considering I started playing a new character in October right before this all started, and only got her to level 50 around mid-November, with barely 100 skillpoints by the time these skill point bugs made me quit, and I re-morphed once before learning it was a bug (so I'm down 1 from soul trap and 2 from werewolf) and got none back. So apparently, on a month old character with barely any skill points, and spending them the absolute second I get them cause I'm trying to make a legitimate build, I'm being told I somehow just didn't notice magically gaining at least 3 extra skillpoints while leveling up.
May I request a small skill change: Make the fighters guild and mages guild skills "intimidate" and "persuade" into basic skills which do not need skillpoints. Like the thiefs guild spotting cache's and the dark bortherhood's blade of woe. So they are automatically set/usable when we join the mages/fighters guild. Thank you!
Zodiarkslayer wrote: »
I have to disagree on that. QoL is nice, but intimidation comes with a stamina cost reduction for FG abilities.
There is no sense in having that unlocked right away.
Zodiarkslayer wrote: »
I have to disagree on that. QoL is nice, but intimidation comes with a stamina cost reduction for FG abilities.
There is no sense in having that unlocked right away.
There's a mid-way point here that would be nice to more closely parallel previous TES games - in those, Persuade and Intimidate are based on a Speechcraft skill, and can fail. While there's no direct equivalent here, if there were two or three levels of Persuade and Intimidate, it would be closer to those, as unlocking additional ranks would make those Persuade and Intimidate checks more likely to succeed. The first rank of these can be unlocked right away, while the second rank (where you would need to spend a skill point) would be the first one that provides the cost reduction.
Never knew that gives a stamina cost reduction. Anyways, it would still not be a big deal. But making persuade/intimidate not cost a skillpoint would be a nice QoL from ZOS. Making these older skilllines to match the newer skilllines, and basically giving players two skillpoints back.Zodiarkslayer wrote: »
I have to disagree on that. QoL is nice, but intimidation comes with a stamina cost reduction for FG abilities.
There is no sense in having that unlocked right away.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »After this occurred, we continued to receive complaints that skill points were still not refunded. Upon further investigation, we suspected that some players actually had extra skill points for one reason or another – more than they should, and more than normal play would grant. This means when players lost a skill point, the system did not know to refund that missing point since they had extra points to begin with. To gather more information, we added some logging in an incremental patch to help us identify the players with extra skill points.
This brings us to today where we've identified an issue with the original addition of refunds. Since 2018, it appears that some players were erroneously granted extra skill points based on the number of Champion skills they purchased. Furthermore, our data shows that some players have earned more than 20 extra skill points this way that are unaccounted for by the refund system. The more Champion Points someone had, the more likely they were to encounter this issue. But to be clear, these are skill points that these players should not have been able to earn, and that are not obtainable by players through normal gameplay means.
I have not read this whole thread... just one question: I have also lost the werewolf ulti morph (ultimate has reset to 1) and have written with customer support three times now. After they didnÄt understand the first two times and blamed add ons on my third mail, I googled the issue and stumbled upon this thread.
I have a werewolf character which I started sometimes at the end of 2019 or beginning of 2020. I don't play her very often and have therefore not spent that many skillpoints, as I only wanted to test werewolf. She has reached level 50, though. Is it likely that she also got "too many skillpoints" somehow and therefore I have really lost that morph skillpoint? Or is this an issue that only happened to older characters?
I'm about to give up on writing with support anymore, as it seems quite pointless...
I am now minus one skill point (maybe two) after update, my ww was barely new when you stole one from me in November and I never got one back when it was "corrected". My alt became ww in October...I've already morphed the ult twice since then. I knew you'd mess this up, because Zos cannot fix things correctly.
No, it just means you had skill points you didn't earn.
My character was created in October, I made it ww on Oct 21st, I morphed my ult, the November update came, I lost my morph with the skill point. The "correction" update didn't do anything. I didn't have an extra skill point, there's no way I could have been given one! So this whole issue is a giant lie.
If you think there's a genuine issue then you should submit a ticket.
Pyr0xyrecuprotite wrote: »Weirdly enough, one of my characters (I haven't checked the others) still has more than 10 skill points after the update than USPF addon says he has earned. I'm assuming a couple of those might be from the Mage Guild questline, but... that's quite a discrepancy.
Yes, if you think you are still missing a skill point, then submit a ticket. But, also be aware that while you may have lost a skill point due to WW bug, it's also possible that you also gained an extra skill point at some point prior that you shouldn't have. Maybe it just all evened out for you. You got back the SP you lost, but an "unearned" SP was removed.
Again, support should be able to take a closer look.
Mythreindeer wrote: »Hopefully this works as intended because it sure has the potential for epic disaster. Guess I better take some screenshots now.